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Asynchronous Homework 4/22/22

Analysis Subject JTC Strategies in JTC Problems in Rating of Intro &

Intro and Intro and Conclusion, plus
Conclusion Conclusion Rationale
Analysis of Frost's -State the topic -Thesis is sort of Intro: 8
"Road Not Taken" -Establish the vague; at first Conc: 6
context glance doesn’t seem
-State your thesis argumentative
-Close w/ a -Conclusion is very
quotation short, doesn’t fully
-Link to your intro encapsulate the
intros main point;
restate the point that
the poem is not
what it seems
Analysis of "Yellow -State the topic -I really don’t see Intro: 10
Wallpaper" -Establish context any issues with the Conc: 9
-State your thesis intro; suggestion:
-Historical account Maybe name one of
-Shocking statement the tactics used by
-Close w/ a story John?
-Link to intro -Switch the
-Reinforces the sentence about
points made in the statistics w/ the
intro; speculate sentence about
about the future other authors and
their stories about
domestic abuse
(flows better)

Analysis of Great -State the topic -Intro and Intro: 8

Gatsby -Establish context Conclusion offer A Conc: 8
-State the thesis LOT of information
-Make a shocking that is easy to get
claim lost in
-Define the problem
-Closes with quotes
-Offers more
-Link to intro

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