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Important Notice

This whitepaper is a reference material for detail understanding of World Peace

Coin (WPC), written only for informational purposes. We, WP PROJECT Pte Ltd.
do not guarantee accuracy of whatever on this paper.
Roadmaps for WPC products and services on this whitepaper are current as of t
he date of the current date, but may have undergone changes since then.
All the information here is as of November 1st, 2017.

This document will be updated on March 1, 2018.

The following is what is added.

How to introduce WPC settlement companies, store services and marketing to potentia
l intro-duction companies in various areas

4. Overview of WPC and its own credit score judgment system

Specific calculations and methods for learning how to TSUMUGI

1. Background
2. What is WPC?
3. Market and Industry
4. Abstract
5. Roadmap
6. ICO
7. Our vision after Q2 2018
8. Project Team
9. Conclusion
1. Background
Once we think the standard of living which we take for granted over again, we
will see not a few countries in the world still cannot guarantee the minimum
living standard.
While rapid economic growth is expected to increase the income of developing
countries, we found that ownership rate of mobile terminals were extremely high
inspite of low bank account ownership rate in such countries. We believe debts
and consumption can dynamize the economy. Therefore, we concluded the
spread of a new cryptocurrency with blockchain technology could make debts
and consumption available with the mobile terminals. Based on these
backgrounds, WPC was developed.

2. What is WPC?
WPC is a cryptocurrency that aims to route out the world poverty as well as a
cryptocurrency utilizing blockchain technology.
It enables you the real-time settlement with a low remittance charge.
The maximum amount of WPC is set at 2.5 billion and we will donate 10% of
them which is equivalent to 250 million to developing countries. WPC contributes
to creating opportunities for people, who have neither bank accounts nor access
to financial services, to live their independent lives.
Furthermore, it utilizes its own artificial intelligence (AI) system called “TSUMUGI”
which calculates credit scores of people with no bank account so that it is
capable of providing the revolutionary system, Proof of Lending (PoL), that
enables WPC owners to mine while financing.
That means, WPC provides opportunities for people who need a finance to live
their independent lives by analyzing big data with AI and calculating their credit
3. Market and Industry
According to Statista, the world market for P2P lending in 2015 was $64 billion.
Based on the CAGR given by Statista (56%) and TechNavio (53%), we expect
that at the end of 2017, the potential market for the project will be over
$152 billion (and by 2025, the market is expected to grow to 1 trillion dollars [St
atista]) .
With regard to the market for P2P lending in the Asian region, the Allied Market
Research predicts an annual growth rate of 54%.
There are 4 billion people in the world who have low income in developing countries.
Their annual income is currently under $3,000 on a purchasing power parity basis.
This untapped 4 billion people constitute the market for WPC.
The population of Myanmar, where WPC is the first target of distribution,
is 51,480,000 people, living in 11,956,000 households as of May 29, 2015.
According to JETRO's announcement, 48% of these households are living on a
monthly income of 400 dollars or less, in a household that can only be purchased for
the minimum amount required.
In Myanmar, these 5,738,880 households constitute the market.
In the early stages of the project, a donation of 10,000 households will be 67$ USD x 6
(months) = 4,020$ USD, which is the minimum wage in Myanmar for 20 days of labor.

Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd. announces

am/Deloitte/jp/Documents/consumer-business/cp/ Jp-cp-ci2016mm1207.pdf

Household income in Myanmar per month is roughly;

~ 150-379$ USD
~ 740-1119$ USD
~ 2238$ USD
The average expenditure survey for households: although the ratio of food
expenses in 150 households is slightly higher on average, the distribution of the expen
diture breakdown was almost unchanged in every household, and the ratio
increased by the rise of monthly income was expenditure related to household cleanin
g goods and amusement.
570 million USD will circulate only when the POL transfer is USD to 5,738,880 househo
lds with a monthly income of 400$ USD or less.
When the 570 million dollar is appropriated similar to the above expenditure breakdow
n, the economic ripple effect announced by the Ministry of Economy of Japan will be a
pplied to the calculation formula of 998 million USD.
Applying a 4 billion dollar market into the equation of the economic ripple effect, we
can find that this amounts to 700 billion dollars.
The world's population is about 7.6 billion people, and about one-third
(approximately 2.5 billion) of these people do not have bank accounts.
A lot of them don't have access to a bank account for a variety of reasons in
developing countries.
Because of this, they have no access to financial services, and this results in a
very unfortunate situation where poverty cannot be escaped.
The lack of a financial system is one of the factors that can fix the gap between the
rich and the poor, and about 75% of the poor have no bank accounts.

There is no way to receive money as a means of payment:

There are a lot of people in developing countries who don't even have
a place to put their money safely if they want to make savings.
In these countries and regions, the emergence of sound and stable financial services is
very much needed.
The current situation is a huge problem that must be solved, and at the same time it is
a huge potential market. In Africa, Safari COM has established a means of transferring
money that has been applied to SMS and this system has been used among those
who do not have a bank account. This is a perfect example of the safety and
convenience of education in poor countries. In these places the digital thresholds are
very low and there are few obstacles for us to expand.

In this way, markets that have been untapped so far are opened, and there will now
be a demand for economic cycles to happen. If we try to solve this as a charity, it would
be a enourmous undertaking.
However, through the use of "PoL"(Proof-of-Lending) and some of the
other features of crypto-currency such as mining
(which is financed by the loan), WPC will create a virtuous cycle of donations and
investments by giving investors a reason to donate.

4. abstract
WPC is a public cryptocurrency that employs its own blockchain.
It holds 10% of the total amount in its dedicated wallet and donate it for
supporting the independent lives of the world’s poverty.


Source code
The WPC source code will be published on GitHub in accordance with
the stability of the block chain and the listing to the virtual currency Exchange
scheduled for Q2 2018 - to guarantee the benefit of the ICO participants.

Overview of Blockchain
block generation time: 2.5 min
block size: 1MB

Way of Mining
WPC adopts a hybrid system of Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS)
and plans to move on to a hybrid system of PoW and PoL by Q2 2022.

How to Move the Way of Mining

WPC uses the hybrid of PoW and PoS until Q2 2022. Since then, WPC will
move on to a hybrid of PoW and PoL so that it can realize the world peace as
well as benefits of investors. In case the planned movement from PoS to PoL in
Q2 2022. is behind schedule, it keeps running with PoS, and does not affect the
mining of WPC.
Overview of Mining
- Proof of Work (PoW)
total issue amount: 2.5 billion
mining period: 10 years
minig reward: 1,200/block (for the 1st year. decreases by 100 every year
after that.) We show distribution of 2.5 billion WPC.

- Proof of Stake (PoS)

50% for the 1st year, 45% for the 2nd, and decreases by 5% every year
after that.
- Proof of Lending (PoL)
PoL is WPC’s original way of mining: WPC owners in developed
countryes finance WPC users in developing countries.
Anyone who has WPC can be a miner. This revolutionary way of mining
by financing is able to generate the world’s economic circulation.

TSUMUGI is a system using a cutting-edge AI technology to realize a FinTech

service for “investment in the future” of consumers. It was named after
“tsumugu” in Japanese, which means “spin” in English.
Like spinning a yarn, TSUMUGI creates(tsumugu) chances and realizes(tsumugu)
the world peace with economic circulation.
The followings are two main roles of it:
- original credit scoring without any financial systems such as banks
- “mother wallet” for functioning PoL practically

Original Credit Scoring

To minimize credit default risk of WPC owners in developed countries, TSUMUGI
calculates credit scores of people in developing countries with its own formula.
The credit scores of them had been unclear, because they have no access to
any financial services such as banks. The analyzation is done by deep learning
based on the following four resources:
1. Personal data such as transactions including remittances through mobile
2. terminals, SNS archives, retrieval history, contact data, social status, etc.
2. Algorithm with statistics got by combining various data like resident areas
3. Usage history of donated WPC
4. WPC loan repayment history of PoL
All loans are implemented through a dedicated wallet.However, loan limit and
interest rate of borrowers are restricted by setting with their own credit scores
which are updated by their payment history.
Here is how TSUMUGI calculates the credit score.

Mother Wallet
TSUMUGI is a database to provide credit scores for PoL as well as a mother
wallet managing and distributing loans appropriately collecting learning materials
With PoL, users do not send or receive money directly each other. Instead,
users in developed countries send it to TSUMUGI as a mother wallet
automatically for PoL implementation, and TSUMUGI distributes and sends it to
users in developing countries according to their credit scores and loan
Similarly, all repayments are implemented through the mother wallet and all the
records will be learning materials of deep learning. PoL is calculated according to
the past WPC remittance and recorded information regarding PoL, and all the
remittances should be approved by “node”.
WPC designs dedicated wallets for loaners of PoL (we call them “UA”) and
loanees of PoL (we call them “UB”) respectively.

UA Wallet
Remitting functions for PoL are installed, in addition to common features of
Crypto currency wallets.
No limit for remittance and balance.

UB Wallet
Loan limit is set according the score calculated by TSUMUGI in balance.
Functions to see the loan limit, the current loan amount and apply loans
with PoL.

Flow of PoL

WPC sent from UA wallet to TSUMUGI will be pooled and allocated for the
allowance in case of delayed loan repayments of UB wallet.
Here is the pool rate for remittance.
1st year: 30%
2nd year: 20%
3rd year: 15%
4th year: 10%
5th year or later: 5%
All remitting processes regarding PoL should be approved by “node” and PoW
reward will have been made until 2027. After that, as long as transactions are
generated by PoL, node maintains the stability of the blockchain. Because PoL is
necessary to maintain and stabilize the transactions and the blockchain, PoL
can generate both local economic circulation and donation activities to the poor
areas permanently.

Method of repayment in PoL

From the UB Wallet, 10% of the amount of the loan, including interest, is automatically
transferred to Tsumugi per week. There is an option to repay in bulk.

Donations to Developing Countries

250 million WPC which is equivalent to 10% of total issue amount will be
donated to developing countries that need a financial platform.
The donations will be done in stages in multiple countries and areas and the
infrastructure ground of WPC distribution will be developed to support the poor.
In addition to that, it also plays the role of a marketing to complement big data
for minimizing the risk of investors.
We have chosen Myanmar as the first country to adopt WPC.
How to Donate
First, we choose some countries carefully based on data such as bank account
ownership rate, the penetration rate of Facebook, smartphone ownership rate,
minimum wage. Depending on the tendency and future analysis based on the
data, and marketing, then, we look for participants within the countries.
They will be recruited on Facebook ad and ads at local stores allowing WPC
for 6 months for each and about 1,000 ~ 10,000 people according to the
population ratio and application data will be selected as participants.
Donation amount per person is about 6 months of minimum wage at the time of
October 2018 and it will be sent in installments over about 2 years. Every use
history of the WPC will be sent to TSUMUGI with some local data as an initial

Why Myanmar?
The pace of economic growth of Myanmar is extremely rapid, with economic
growth rate of 7.0% in 2015. Though it decreased slightly to 5.9% in 2016, it is
expected to be 7.7% in 2017 and 8.0% in 2018[3].
The social infrastructure of Myanmar is developed relatively well, but Myanmar is
characterized by a low bank account ownership rate. A survey among people
over 15 years of age reported the bank account ownership rate of Myanmar was
very low, 23%[4].

The so-called "chest deposits" are mainly in the suburbs excluding the center of
the city such as Yangon, where the Crime prevention property is extremely weak. It is
in place like these that the case in which people cannot afford to save stands out.
In addition, most of the time, it is dangerous to make a money transfer, for
example, because you do not have a bank account whatsoever. It is
an example of committing to the person of the same village when returning home,
and entrusting it to an illegitimate remittance trader.
On the other hand, the penetration rate of smartphones in Myanmar is extremely
high with 89% has their own smartphones. However, it had been only 1% until
The background of this rapid growth was that the government aimed to
increase it to 80% by 2016 to promote the communication infrastructure develop
Therefore, Myanmar is expected to continue to develop the communication
infrastructure and has the necessary conditions for spreading WPC. Also, its
legal currency “kyat” is so unstable that people usually pay with the US dollar
and it is hard for multinational enterprises located in Myanmar to exchange kyat
to their domestic currencies. In other words, Myanmar has an environment where
a cryptocurrency is easy to circulate.
However, cryptocurrency market of Myanmar still has not reached a saturation
point. Even the bitcoin nor the Ethereum has not expanded there. We believe
that we can have a corner on the market by introducing WPC as Myanmar’s first
5. Roadmap
6. ICO
Sales Schedule
ICO has become a new way of raising funds for companies trying to launch a
new business and is used around the world. With ICO, it became possible for
companies to offer their own cryptocurrencies to investors and to raise funds for
a new business.
We held presale of WPC in October 2017 and plan to hold pre-ICO on
December 20th, 2017~January 20th,2018.
We set our target amount of pre-ICO to USD 10 million and are going to use it
for development, marketing and the upcoming ICO. ICO is scheduled on March
25th, 2018~May 23th, 2018 (UTC).

Target amount of ICO including pre-ICO is USD 20 million. The sales of them
are going to be handled on Ethereum and bitcoin and the price is as follows.
pre-ICO: 1WPC = USD 0.22
ICO: 1WPC = USD 0.28

March 25 - April 8 : 17%
April 9 - April 23 : 12%
April 24 - May 8 : 8%
May 9 - May 23 : No bonus

WPC will be available for converting into legal currencies and major
cryptocurrencies on cryptocurrency exchanges from Q2 2018.
7. Our vision after Q2 2018
From Q2 2018, major cryptocurrency exchanges will start to handle WPC,
utilizing 5% of the fund obtained from ICO for risk avoidance of investors. Also,
donations to developing countries that need a financial platform will begin while
WPC will be available for converting into major cryptocurrencies and fiat
currencies around the world. We thus will start to create a new mechanism to
generate liquidity of WPC.
250 million WPC, which is equivalent to 10% of total issue amount is planned to
be donated.
We plan to start to donate to Myanmar with WPC from October 2018, and at the
same time WPC will be available at cooperative stores and services located
mainly in Yangon. Donations to Myanmar will be done for 24 months. Very
reliable credit scores can be provided by utilizing scores calculated by TSUMUGI
and WPC use history. TSUMUGI continues deep learning with these data and
will be able to provide more reliable scores. PoL mining will start after clarifying
the credit scores so that we can minimize credit default risk and promote a
smooth circulation.
By targeting the above roadmap, we plan to consume 250 million WPC by
donating it to other areas in a similar scheme. We will decide how much WPC
to donate to each area by living standard of it. In case the total amount of
donation does not reach 250 million WPC, we will ask for second donations in
areas considered to require additional marketing.
To realize a smooth circulation of WPC, we will use 60% of the fund obtained
from ICO for infrastructure development such as exploring partner companies
allowing WPC as a mean of settling and providing devices.
From the time the first donation will be completed, 2025, donations will be
continued for the purpose of PoL from around the world using credit scores
alculated by TSUMUGI, generating the worldwide economic circulation.
8. Project Team
We include realizing independent lives of the poor as our vision to deal with the
Lack of financial services can be given as a factor preventing developing
countries from developing. We always need money to live today.
There are some poor countries where people earn less than USD 30 per month.
Seeing this kind of situations, our project team has been considering how to
deal with the problem with “root out the poverty around the world” as our

1. promote the development of financial services by dismissing our cryptocurr

ency in poor areas.
2. promote the worldwide circulation of WPC with revolutionary way of mining
called PoL generating mining reward by financing, as well as pursue the
mutual gain of both the poor and investors by realizing the growth of
value of WPC

To realize this vision, we organized a team with core members from various
departments: the top management, development department, corporate planning
department, information and communications department, and PR department.
9. Conclusion
WPC is a totally new cryptocurrency having possibility contributing to change the
It had been said that no access to any financial services was the reason why
2.5 billion people without their bank account could not receive educations,
launcha business, nor invest for their asset buildups. Without a bank account,
they cannot get their credit scores based on their asset status and credit
information, and that causes them to depend on money lenders with high
interest rates, resulting in making their situation worse.
However, do they really need banks in this Internet age?
What is necessary for them is to access to a financial service. And if they need
a right with a financial service and an opportunity, FinTech can offer it.
Even though the past results of microfinance prove a very high repayment rate
of it, it has some problems to do in the poor countries because enormous
funding and cooperation of giant banks are required. Under existing conditions,
very few people can get an opportunity of microfinance.
To deal with such problems, people all over the world need to work on together
for future market development, but it is hard for a mere individual perspective of
devoted spirit to take action rather than a country or company. However, mining
can change the situation.It is WPC possible to solve these problems.
WPC is a magnificent project to realize the world peace with mindshift from
volunteer to investment.
Spread of WPC could change the world economy.
Thank you for reading to the very end.
We hope more investors will aim for the world peace as investors together with
The World Bank [April 19, 2012]
The World Bank [April 19, 2012]
Asian Development Bank [September, 2017]
The World Bank [April 22, 2015]
International Telecommunication Union [2017]
Japan International Cooperation Agency [April, 2017]

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