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Task 1

• Atmosphere: the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth.

• Extinct: a type of plant or animal no longer in existence.
• Global warming: the increase in temperature of the earth’s
atmosphere that is caused by the increase of particular gases,
especially carbon dioxide.
• Carbon dioxide: a gas breathed out by people and animals from
the lungs or produced by burning carbon.
• Fossil fuel: fuel such as coal or oil that was formed over millions of
years from parts of dead animals or plants.
• The greenhouse effect: is a process that occurs when gases in
Earth's atmosphere trap the Sun's heat.
• Climate: he regular pattern of weather conditions of a particular
• Greenhouse gases: a gas that contributes to the greenhouse
effect by absorbing infrared radiation, e.g., carbon dioxide and
• Solar energy: energy given out by the sun in the form of heat and
• Ecosystem: all the plants and living creatures in a particular area
considered in relation to their physical environment.
• Risk factor: Something that increases the chance of developing a
Task 2

1. What causes climate changes?

Because, we burn fossil fuels like coal and gas.

When we use transportation, we use computers and heating our

2. Why climate change a problem?

Temperatures are getting warmer, giant ice sheets are melting

and the ocean are rising.
Flowers are blooming earlier, snow is melting sooner and birds
aren't flying.

3. What can we do to prevent it?

Generating electricity from clean resources like solar and wind

also drive less and use public transportation.
Task 3

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