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Capstone Update #3

What have you accomplished this week?

This week, I finished compiling a list of personal exercises that will be required as I move closer
to completing my Videos. Ball work and shooting drills are two examples of drills/exercises.
Upper and lower body routines are also recommended to improve overall body strength. The
drills I have found, have been from the internet & YouTube. I have gathered up drills from Semi-
Professional soccer youtubers such as Matt Sheldon and Michael Cunningham (7mlc in order to
get a better understanding of what players do regular training days. 

What you plan to accomplish by the end of next week

I intend to finish my script for my four videos by the end of the week. This script will include all
of the material you'll need to provide a well-informed presentation. In order to create well-based
and detailed movies, I'll incorporate information like functionality, repetitions, and descriptions
in my audio script.

Obstacles encountered AND solutions

As previously said, time management has been my primary difficulty. Rugby, school, and work
have all been high on my priority list. However, my capstone work has begun in the last few
days, and I am ready to finish this massive assignment.

Work is on the next doc

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