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To: Head of Himalayan Climate Initiative (person’s email)

From: Connor Buchanan (my email)

Subject: Using Artificial Ice Towers to Provide Water in Dry Regions

Dear Colleague,

This message is regarding a potential solution to the severe lack of water that is available to
locals living in the arid regions of the Himalayas in months that experience little to no rainfall.
To this point, the research and field work that has been done has resulted in a very positive
impact in many regions. However, many villages in these areas still do not have access to fresh
water as the altitude is high and the mountains prevent rainfall from reaching land. The
progression of global warming is working to melt many of the previously relied upon ice stores
and other water sources that locals need for agriculture. The real glaciers that are remaining in
the region do not experience temperatures high enough to melt until June, so there is a period of
months in which no water reaches these villages. I would like to propose a solution that finds a
way to make it easier for the people in these areas to get to water.
The solution that I am proposing the development and installment of man-made ice towers in
areas that are central to these affected regions. With these structures in place, they can be
allowed to melt in the dry spring seasons, providing nearby villages with enough water to survive
and to care for crops and livestock. These structures will be created in nearby facilities using
runoff water from the fall and winter months, which will be stored and frozen into small
mountain-like shapes. In the spring months, the towers will be placed in convenient locations
and, as they melt, the water will be collected by locals using canals or streams.
. I am hoping for help from you and your team to produce these ice towers and put them into
convenient locations for Himalayan villages. This is an advancement that is very important for
the preservation of life in the villages of high-altitude Himalayan regions and could become
equally important to similar climates around the world if arctic ice sheets continue to melt at the
same rate.
If these terms are agreeable, please respond to this with times in which you and your team are
available to meet to discuss how we should move forward. You can contact me with any
questions through this email or using my phone number.

Best Regards,
Connor Buchanan
Climate Management
Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange
(123) 456 - 7890

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