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Was Brutus a betrayer or a patriot Julius Caesar by Shakespeare he had tried to do anything in

his power to try to protect his country.As he showed that he cared and his bravery as Brutus
was a patriot but he had betrayed his friendship between Caesar.And as brutus had to have a
choice that he should maybe murder Caesar so that he could save the people.Brutus was an
honorable man that would you couldnt sorta trust but as brutus had betrayed and as brutus
wanted to kill caesar to save rome.Brutus was a patriot he had did anything in his power to help
out rome even if their is consequences Brutus had tried to convince rome to the public to see
whats good rome.As some people had seen Brutus that his action were bad and evil he had
made it clear that he couldnt be trusted.

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