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Was Brutus a betrayer or a patriot?

William Shakespears story of Julius Caesar as the reader has

various lies and betrayals.As some may disagree about Brutus killing Julius that he's a betrayer
but he wasn't he was a patriot his intention was to create a better future for Rome .
Some people believe that Brutus was a betrayer he had stabbed Julius in the back but Julius was
close friends with Brutus.The reason Brutus had stabbed Julius in the back was so he could have
the sake of Rome he wasn't jealous or anything like he wanted to be like that person.But Brutus
was thinking about killing Julius he did not want to do something harsh to Julius because he
didn't deserve that as much Brutus wanted to help the people in Rome so that they can become
slaves for Ceasars.Brutus had thought he was helping Rome but he wasnt Brutus was a betrayer
he had a decision to die than living his life to being captive he was filled of regret of killing
Ceasar and Ceasar was his freind.Brutus should also be a patriot because he had wanted no one
to be defeated of caesars death. He had to make sure that Caesar was the only one that had to be
killed as Brutus had said It'll look like we killed Caesar out of anger and Mark and Anthony out
of envy.As everyone was against Caesar had stand for he had good intentions Cassius wanted to
kill Anthony as Brutus was a patriot he was a good person.Caesar had to die cause he had love
Rome so Brutus killed Caesar so that everyone would be safe from slavery.As the action Brutus
had made he was a betrayer those were the actions he had made but he was strong and he had
good intentions he had passionate feelings for Rome he would do anything for Rome.He
believed that he had made the right decisions for his country that he loved called Rome.

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