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Course: English 3

(AC-S04) Week 04 - Task: Assignment - A trip to the past

Students’ names:

Andrea Gonzáles García Liliana Antuane Farroñan Yucra Geral Camus Culqui

Agusto Polo Campo was a Singer,policy men, teacher music peruvian. He was reconoced for the Ministery of Culture
for Perú how one “Personality meritorious of the Culture”.

He was born in Lima-Puquio on February 25th, 1932. His parents were Rodrigo Polo Alzamora and Flor de María
Campo. He was born in Lima-Puquio on February 25th, 1932. He studies in the school of the Investigation of body
and the vigilancy in the school of the police. He was autodidact, he did not study music and did not play any

He died on January 17th,2018 in Lima, Perú at the age of 86.

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