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The juices extracted from fresh raw fruits and vegetables form the means of furnishing all the cell in the
body with the elements they need. Fruit juices are the cleanser of the human system, but the fruits should
be ripe. Vegetable juices are the builder and the rejuvenator of the body. They contain amino acids,
minerals, salts, enzymes, and vitamins needed by the human body, provided they are used fresh, raw and
without preservative. Raw vegetable drinks are digested and assimilated.


1 Slice of pawpaw
1 small banana COCONUT MILK
Juices of 1 orange 1 lime
1 slice melon
4 cups of water
1/4 cup of honey 3 cup hot water
Method 1 cup shredded coconut
2 pt. honey CHERRY DRINK
Blend all these together Pinch of salt

Method 24 ripe cherry

Blend until smooth. Then strain well 1 lime
or use as serial unstrained. 3 to 4 cup water
Combined coconut milk with other
nut or soy milk to make a very Method
delicious Blend until smooth then squeeze 1
lime then sweeten to tastes

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