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The elements of art are components or parts work of art that can be isolated and
defined. They are the building blocks used to create an art


Line is a mark with length and direction. It is a continuous mark made by a moving

point. Since it is one-dimensional, it varies in width, direction, and length. Oftentimes,

lines define the edges of a form. Also, a line can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal,
straight or curved, thick or thin, and it shows different meanings, feelings, and

Kinds of Line

1. Horizontal lines suggest a feeling of rest or repose because objects parallel to the
earth are at rest. In this landscape, horizontal lines also help give a sense of space

2. Vertical lines often communicate a sense of height because they are perpendicular
to the earth, extending up and down.
3. Zigzag lines convey action and excitement, as well as restlessness and anxiety.
4. Curve lines convey energy. Soft, shallow curves recall the curves of the human
body and often have a pleasing, sensual quality and a softening effect on the

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