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PREFACE / FAQ .................................................................................................................................................. 3
What is this PDF? ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Why are there so many grammar and spelling mistakes? ................................................................... 4
Why is it so Bulky? why so many pages? ............................................................................................... 4
Why is it not as “EXHAUSTIVE”/”COMPREHENSIVE” as other institutes’ CA-PDF files? .... 4
Can I completely rely on this for my current affairs preparation? .................................................... 4
What about previous months’ Monthly PDF?...................................................................................... 4
I want to give Practice FREE Mock Tests?............................................................................................. 5
Economy ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
�Mrunal’s Economy Course for UPSC Prelims & Mains ................................................................................. 5
1A1-MONEY- � and 1A2-Monetary Policy....................................................................................................... 6
1B-BANK CLASSIFICATION & LOANS � ..................................................................................................... 12
1C �SEBI-SHAREMARKET .............................................................................................................................. 13
1D �INSURANCE-PENSION-FIN-INCLUSION ........................................................................................... 15
2-BUDGET-TAXATION �................................................................................................................................ 16
3-INTL-TRADE and Balance of Payment & Intl Org � .................................................................................. 21
4A-AGRO � ......................................................................................................................................................... 23
4B-MFG � ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
4C-GDP/INFLATION �..................................................................................................................................... 28
5-INFRA � .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
6-EDU � ................................................................................................................................................................ 31
6-Health & HUNGER � ..................................................................................................................................... 34
6-POVERTY �...................................................................................................................................................... 34
Polity .................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Judiciary .................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Legislature ............................................................................................................................................................... 38
Federalism............................................................................................................................................................... 40
Election ................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Executive ................................................................................................................................................................. 48
Rights Issues ........................................................................................................................................................... 48
Secularism/Intolerance .......................................................................................................................................... 53
Defence.................................................................................................................................................................... 54
diaspora ................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Pressure Groups ..................................................................................................................................................... 56
International Relations (IR) / Diplomacy ....................................................................................................... 56
China ....................................................................................................................................................................... 56

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Pakistan / Taliban................................................................................................................................................... 59
JAPAN..................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Russia- Ukraine ...................................................................................................................................................... 59
Europe ..................................................................................................................................................................... 62
India’s Neighbours Apart from Pak-China ......................................................................................................... 62
Australia / Quad ..................................................................................................................................................... 62
Middle East ............................................................................................................................................................. 63
Intl. Orgs / Summits............................................................................................................................................... 64
Weapons / Cybersecurity ...................................................................................................................................... 65
Environment- Biodiversity and Pollution....................................................................................................... 65
Science- Corona .................................................................................................................................................. 69
Science- Non-Corona......................................................................................................................................... 69
Science- Space tech ............................................................................................................................................. 70
Ethics for UPSC Mains GSM4 .......................................................................................................................... 71
Ethics- Compassion ............................................................................................................................................... 71
Ethics- WOMEN – Attitude Towards ................................................................................................................. 72
Ethics- Family / Education / Parenting ................................................................................................................ 74
Ethics- Corruption ................................................................................................................................................. 75
Ethics- IAS / Public ORG Dilemmas .................................................................................................................... 76
Ethics- Police & Judiciary ...................................................................................................................................... 79
ETHICS- Leadership.............................................................................................................................................. 83
Ethics- CSR- Corporate social Responsibility ..................................................................................................... 87
Ethics- Social Media / Journalism ........................................................................................................................ 89
Ethics- Sports.......................................................................................................................................................... 89
Ethics- Misc. ........................................................................................................................................................... 89
History- Art and Culture .................................................................................................................................. 92
Places in News- India and World .................................................................................................................... 94
Persons in News .................................................................................................................................................. 95
PIN-Appointments ................................................................................................................................................ 95
PIN-Awards ............................................................................................................................................................ 95
PIN-Sports .............................................................................................................................................................. 96
PIN-Books Authors ............................................................................................................................................... 96
PIN-Death............................................................................................................................................................... 96
GPSC-Gujarat Public Service Commission ......................................................................................................... 97
zz_JUNK � � �................................................................................................................................................ 99


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Compilation of current affairs from the month of DECEMBER 2021 for UPSC services IAS IPS
exam. आज कल सभी को�चगं वाले ये नौटंक� कर� तो म�ने सोचा म� भी कर लेता �ँ ।


I apologize. I type mostly using speech to text facility of Google Docs- which makes errors and due to
lack of time and resources to get it proof read. I hope the UPSC Aspirants (who are reading this) are
intelligent enough to know what is the correct word or grammar. म�ने बोलकर टाइप कर िदया (�ीच-टु-टे�)
िफर व� क� कमी के चलते म� उसको बोहोत �ादा चेक नहीं कर पाता. इसम� जो ग़ल�तयाँ हो तो म� माफ� चाहता �ं, बाक� भगवान मा�लक
है और �वद्याथ� समझदार है।


• Because it is bilingual contains both Hindi and English. िह�ी और अंग्रेज़ी दोनों भाषाओं म� इस�लए इसम�
प�े �ादा है
• + It has images, and Ethics related content for UPSC Mains GS Paper4. इसम� यूपीएससी मे� जीएस
पेपर 4 के �लए �चत्र और नै�तकता से सं बं �धत सामग्री है।
• Font-size is bigger for mobile and laptop editions.


द�ु नया भर के सभी छू टभैये सं �ानों के 25,000 वै��क �रपोट� क� सारांश बनाकर
आपने �ों नहीं छापी?
⇒ I believe that true love and exam-worthy current affairs will come eventually to you. �जदं गी म� स�ा
�ार और परी�ा के �लए काम का करंट अफे र टो�पक िफर ख़ुदबख़ुद आपके पास आ जाता है।
⇒ If you try to proactively chase them, you will not find it. उ�� ढूँ ढने जाओ तो �मलते नहीं।
⇒ So, I do not proactively look up for current affairs Random Global Report, PIB, IDSA, Rajya
Sabha, EPW etc. If something comes to me via Indian Express Ahmedabad edition or some
related search, then I catalogue it. As it is not as big or exhaustive as other sources. इस�लए इं िडयन
ए�प्रेस म� कोई परी�ा के लीए कोई समाचार �मल गया ठीक, वनार् म� कोई करंट अफे र ढू ंढने निह जाता अलग अलग वेबसाइटों पे।


I have recently started this initiative. So I do not have any proof to show that, “look X number of
MCQ/Mains Question could be solved orbiting from my file. So, you can rely on this material” (“मेरे
मटी�रयल के अलावा कु छ भी मत पढ़ो”ऐसा म� सीना ठोककर नहीं बोल सकता �ोंिक म�ने Monthly-CA-PDF काम अभी अभी शु�
िकया है तो मेरे पास ऐसा कोई सुबूत नहीं है िक “देखो िकतने सारे प्र� इस मटी�रयल म� से असली परी�ा म� सो� हो सकते थे।“)

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⇒ Presently it is available in the form of excel file at

⇒ I have not been able to cover some of the months (e.g. September) due to lack of time.
⇒ In future I may try to make some PDF out that those past months, but presently unlike Bhai, I
can’t make a commitment.


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'') Alternatively


🕰🕰Course Timing (कब होगी �ास)

⇒ Live classes @9PM Night

⇒ So, even working professionals &
home makers can attend
⇒ Recording available, if class missed
⇒ Access via Mobile, Tablet, Laptop!
⇒ Weekly Quiz with RANKING

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💬💬Course Medium (मा�म)

⇒ Teaching: English + Hindi

⇒ PPT & PDF: English. With important terminologies in Hindi to save time of
vernacular medium mains-candidates

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� �Budget-2022:- Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) / Digital Rupee to be issued using
Blockchain technology by RBI - to help in cheaper & efficient currency management system.

- EcoPill1A1-Digital Payments: Tulipmania- speculative bubble in the 17th century when Dutch
investors purchased tulips, pushing their prices to unprecedented highs. Average price of a single
flower exceeded the annual income of a skilled worker and cost more than a small houses at the time.
Example of Tulipmania is now used as a parable for other speculative assets, such as
cryptocurrencies. 2022 RBI Governor Das said that investors who invest in cryptocu rencies should
keep in mind that they were doing so at their own risk. Cryptocurrencies do not have any
underlying, not even a tulip, Private cryptocurrencies are a big threat to our macroeconomic and
financial stability (सत्रहवीं सदी म� डच �नवेशकों द्वारा टू �लप फू ल/पु� िक इतनी �ादा ख़रीदारी क� गई िक उसका दाम चढ़कर
मकानों के दाम से भी �ादा बढ़ गया। लेिकन अंत म� ये पूरी प्रणाली �� हो गई, इस घटना को टू �लप-सामूिहक-पागलपन/मे�नया कहा
गया था। �रज़वर् ब�क के गवनर्र ने इसी का उदाहरण देते �ए �बटकॉइन जैसी िक्र�ो मुद्रा के बारे म� भी ऐसा ही जो�खम जताया है।)

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- E-Rupi Pre-paid digital voucher developed by the NPCI was launched in August 2021. 2022-FEB:
RBI Allowed following REFORMs: 1) Maximum amount⏫ from ₹10,000 to ₹1 lakh per E-Rupi
voucher code 2) Before: Single Use → After: Multi-use (until balance exhausted) So, E-rupi vouchers
can be used more than once (until the amount of the voucher is completely redeemed). RBI get such
power from payment and settlement systems Act 2007.

- National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI)’s “National Automated Clearing House (NACH)”
for large size electronic transactions which are repetitive e.g. dividends, interest, salary, pension etc.
(e.g. Reliance company issuing salary of 40,000 Refinery workers every month in their bank
account). This NACH system’s technology also used in Trade Receivables Discounting System

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(TReDS) to give short term loans to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) against unpaid
invoices. 2022-Feb: RBI announced some technical reforms.

- EcoPill1A1-Digital Payments: Nepal will be the first country to adopt India’s UPI system developed
by National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) नेपाल भारतीय UPI टे�ोलॉजी अपनाने वाला पहला देश बना

- EcoPill1A1-Digital Payments: SWIFT Messaging system for send secure financial messages related
among Banks & NBFCs who may not have direct relationship with each other due to international
borders. While SWIFT does not actually move money, it operates as a middleman to verify
information. It’s run by Society for Worldwide Interbank financial telecommunication (SWIFT,
HQ: Belgium’s La Hulpe city (1973). Controversy: � 1) Nirav Modi misused the system for
defrauding Punjab National Bank with the help of a corrupt manager. (HOW? NOTIMP) � 2)
2022- USA has asked this organisation to boycott Russia (due to ongoing Ukraine Crisis). Then
Russian bank NBFC businessmen will not be able to do transactions internationally. Only two
countries have been banned from Swift 1) Iran (Capital Tehran) then its foreign trade decline by 33%
and 2) 2022: Russia after the Ukraine crisis. However Putin retaliated by threatening to launch Nuke
weapons. and separately Russia and China are trying to develop their own financial messaging
system to prevent such bans in future 3) Impact on India- Potash fertiliser import from Russia will
suffer it will increase our reliance on Canada for potash fertiliser. (अंतररा��ीय �व�ीय लेन देन के �लए �ीफट
नामक एक सं देश सं चार प्रणाली का उपयोग होता है जो बे��यम क� एक सं �ा चलाती है। अमे�रका चाहता है िक ये प्रणाली र�शया म� बं द
कर दी जाए तािक वहाँ के ब�क �व�ीय सं �ान और �ापारी �वदेशों के साथ पैसों के लेन देन न कर सके और उस दबाव म� पु�तन ने यूक्रेन-
सरहद से �सी-सेना वापस खींचनी पड़े.. हालाँिक अमे�रका इसम� सफल तो रहा लेिकन �स अब परमाणु बम फोड़ने क� धमक� दे रहा है। साथ

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ही साथ �स और चीन भी अपनी ख़ुद क� �तं त्र �व�ीय सं चार प्रणाली बनाने म� जुटे ह� तािक भ�व� म� उ�� ऐसे डर भी जीना ना पड़े. �सी
ब�कों को अंतररा��ीय �व�ीय प्रणाली से इस तरह से काटा जाए तो भारत म� पोटाश उवर्रक आयात म� भी िद�त� आ सकती है.)

Figure 1: �ा ये काम का है? मुझे तो नहीं लगता!

- EcoPill1A2-Monetary Policy: automated sweep-in and sweep-out (ASISO): bankers are required to
keep 4% CRR with reserve bank however depending on the size of banker’s NDTL deposits, the
actual amount may keep changing. (e.g. 100cr NDTL’s 4%: 4 cr and 120cr NDTL’s 4% is 4.80 cr. ) so
depending on the situation- if banker needs to add more funds in CRR → ASISO facility will take
MSF loan for him B) if banker’s CRR money is unlocked → ASISI facility will park it in reverse repo
for him. This is done in automated manner in RBI e-Kuber platform. Started since 2020. It’s
optional for banker to join ASISO. 2022-Feb: RBI announced some technical reforms. If understood
well and good, otherwise just memorize in one line- that it is related with CRR maintenance.

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Figure 2: �ा ये काम का है? मुझे तो नहीं लगता!

- EcoPill1A2-Monetary Policy: RBI bi-monthly monetary policy (2022-Feb):- Repo unchanged@4%.

Accommodative stance. The marginal standing facility (MSF) rate unchanged@4.25%. reverse repo
rate unchanged@3.35%. 3) variable rate repos (VRRs) and variable rate reverse repos (VRRRs) of
14-day tenor will operate as the main liquidity management tool . 4) 1/3/2022 onwards Fixed Rate
Reverse Repo and the MSF operations will be available only during 5.30PM-23.59PM hours on all
days. (earlier they were available from 9AM onwards). (�रज़वर् ब�क क� मौिद्रक नी�त दरो म� कोई बदलाव नहीं)

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- EcoPill1A2-Monetary Policy: RBI’s on-tap liquidity window for bankers to give loans to Healthcare
(₹50,000 crore) and Contact-intensive Sectors (₹15,000 cr) @loan interest rate: Repo Rate.
@Tenure: upto 3 years. If Banker use this window, he can park his surplus funds in RBI @(Reverse
Repo Rate+40bps%. The scheme was expiring 31/3/2022 So RBI extended deadline.

- EcoPill1A2-Monetary Policy: Voluntary Retention Route (VRR-2019) is a scheme for long-term

bond investment by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) in debt securities issued by the government
and the corporates. What is it how it works:NOTIMP. RBI relaxed some norms in 2022-Feb.


- EcoPill1B1: Banking → IDBI Bank ownership: 49.24% by LIC and 45.48% by Govt of India.
Government aims to sell of this shareholding to private investors.

� �Budget-2022:- 75 Digital Banking Units (DBUs) in 75 districts of the country by Scheduled

Commercial Banks.

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� �Budget-2022:- Anytime – Anywhere Post Office Savings. All 1.5 lakh post offices will come on
the core banking system (CBS)→ net banking, mobile banking, ATMs, and also provide online
transfer of funds between post office accounts and bank accounts. This will greatly help farmers and
senior citizens in rural areas, enabling inter- operability and financial inclusion.

� �Budget-2022:- Centre for Processing Accelerated Corporate Exit (C-PACE)- to facilitate and
speed up the voluntary winding-up of these companies from the currently required 2 years to less
than 6 months.

� �Budget-2022:- Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: we will amend it to facilitate cross border
insolvency resolution.

� �Budget-2022:- National Asset Reconstruction Company /Bad bank started.

- EcoPill1B2:Bad Loans: dangers of “one click instant loan solutions“ linked with Aadhar/PAN:
fraudsters use the Aadharcard-PAN card etc of innocent victims to avail loans in their name and
then run away. This harms the CIBIL credit score of victim. Next time he will actually goes to take
the loan bank in charge extra interest citing his bad history. Multiple cases surfaced in NBFC
company Dhani Loans Services (IndiaBulls). (�व�ीय धोखेबाज़ जालसाजों द्वारा भोले लोगों का आधार/पान का नं बर
चुराकर उनके नाम पर लोन �लया जाता है, बाद म� जालसाज भाग जाता है और लोन न चुकाने पर उस भोले ��� का �स�बल क्रेिडट �ोर
ख़राब होता है �जसके चलते भ�व� म� उसे वा�व म� लोन लेनी हो तो िद�त� आती है।)


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- EcoPill1C: One in three IPOs issued in 2021-22 is trading below its issue price. e.g. Paytm launched
its shares at Rs 2,150 is now quoting at Rs 833.9 (loss of more than 50%) CarTrade Tech IPO at Rs
1,618 per share. This share is now trading at Rs 586 (loss of 63%). Reason 1) Fed Tapering → FPIs
dumping shares from India to return to USA 2) Valuation bubble: company's profitability doesnt not
justify current share price. 2021 म� �जतने IPO जारी िकए उसम� से एक �तहाई तो नुक़सान म� चल रहे ह�. यानी िक �नवेशकों का
पैसा डू बा डू बा है.

- EcoPill1C: Sharemarket LIC’s mega IPO: 100% shareholding is presently with the government →
5% to be sold to public in IPO. LIC will not receive any proceeds from the IPO. The government is
expected to collect Rs 50,000 crore to Rs 1 lakh crore from the IPO. IPO allotment quotes: 1) 5% for
employees 2) 10% for Insurance policy subscribers 3) 35% for retail investors. �Benefits 1)
Government to get money for running its poverty welfare schemes / combating fiscal deficit 2) LIC
becoming a public limited company → independent directors, women directors, more transparent
disclosure of balance sheet, whistleblower protection. Accountability and good governance.

- EcoPill1C: NSE’s NIFTY50 Index track the share price of 50 Indian companies. If the stock is
included in this index, then the local and foreign mutual funds pension funds insurance companies
are more likely to park clients money into that company’s share →⏫demand → ⏫price →
existing investor benefit when they re-sell it in secondary market. Keeps the stock liquid / easy to sell.
National stock exchange (NSE) relax with the technical norms from 3 months listing history to 1
month → so that LIC share can be included in this 50 sample within one month of its listing.
� � �🎙🎙✋ this much complex information not asked in exam. Poor cost:benefit. “Enumerate

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the steps taken by government of India to ensure the success of Lic IPO”- is NOT worth a standalone
question for Mains. (�नफ़्टी म� 50 भारतीय क��नयों के शेयर क़�मतों का मुआयना िकया जाता है ये 50 कं प�नयां कौन सी होगी
उसके �व�वध पैमाने नेशनल �ॉक ए�च�ज ने तय िकए. इन पैमानों म� कु छ सुधार िकए गए तािक LIC का शेयर बाज़ार म� आए उसके एक
महीने बाद तुरंत इस 50 कं प�नयों क� स�पल सूची म� आ जाए इसके बाद भ�व� म� �ूचुअल फं ड इ�ािद ग्राहकों का पैसा इसम� �नवेश कर�गे
LIC के शेयर क� माँग बढ़ती जाएगी उस िहसाब से उसका भाव बढ़ता जाएगा तो उसम� �नवेशकों को बेचते व� मुनाफ़ा हो सके गा। हालाँिक
ये पूरी चीज़ मुझे परी�ा के नज़�रए से काम क� नहीं लगती।)

- EcoPill1C: Stock exchanges BSE and NSE will roll out shorter settlement cycle, or T+1 regime.
� � �🎙🎙✋ This is already covered in past current update videos AND/OR will recap it in
Win22 Series Pillar1C. (T+1: शेयर बाज़ार म� आपने मुझको पैसा िदया उसके एक िदन के भीतर ही मेने आपको शेयर क�
िड�लवरी देनी होगी एसा �नयम। पहले दो िदन क� �ल�मट थी। �वदेशी �नवेशकों को मज़ा नहीं आता �ोंिक टाइम ज़ोन म� फरक के चलते
मु��ल� होती है।)


- EcoPill1D Pension: old pension scheme for government employees (OPS): Government gives
pension to the employee. 2004- National Pension System (NPS): Government employees’ 14% basic
pay cut + govt contributes 14% so total 28% deposited in NPS → invested in shares bonds and
government securities. Based on the profit generated from such investment, govt employee will be
given pension after retirement. �
Profit depends on performance of sharemarket. So critics
demand reverting to the old pension scheme which is not tied to performance of share market. 2022:
Uttar Pradesh election Samajwadi party promises if voted to power they will revert to OPS.
Challange to federalism? �
practically not possible” for the government to go back to the old
structure. Because any state withdrawing from the scheme needs the Centre’s approval. 2) Rs 20,000
crore already invested in the market. If you exit prematurely you will not on the interest on Bonds /

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good return from shares. 3) Union govt already said in Parliament, we’ve no plans to revert to NPS,
because we don’t have enough money, & want to use Public money for poverty welfare. (नयी/रा��ीय प�शन
प्रणाली/NPS: 2004 से नौकरी म� लगे सरकारी कमर्चारी ह� �जनक� तन�ाह का कु छ िह�ा काट �लया जाता है और शेयर बांड म� �नवेश
िकया जाता है - यानी िक सरकारी कमर्चारी का प�शन �नभर्र करता है िक शेयर बाज़ार का प्रदशर्न िकया रहा था जबिक पुरानी प�शन �व�ा
म� उसक� �रटायर होने पर आ�ख़री तन�ाह �ा थी उसका 50 प्र�तशत उसका मा�सक प�शन िदया जाता था। कमर्चारी पुरानी प्रणाली म�
जाना चाहते ह� हालाँिक क� द्र सरकार ने तो लोकसभा म� बयान दे िदया था िक हमारे पास पैसा नहीं है इस�लए हम ऐसा नहीं कर सकते।
हालाँिक उ�र प्रदेश म� राजनी�तक प� ऐसे वादे कर रही है िक हमारी सरकार बनेगी तो नई प�शन योजना क� जगह पुरानी प�शन योजना को
अमल िकया जाएगा । हालाँिक �वशेष�ों का मानना है िक �बना क� द्र सरकार क� अनुम�त के रा� ऐसा नहीं कर सकता और पहले ही 20,
हज़ार करोड़ से �ादा पैसा जो शेयर बाज़ार/बोंड बाज़ार म� �नवेश हो चुका है उसको समय से पहले �नकाला तो नुक़सान हो जाएगा।)

- EcoPill1D-Insurance pension financial inclusion: The Export Credit Guarantee Corporation

(ECGC) has decided to withdraw coverage for shipments to Russia. � � �🎙🎙✋ dynamically
changing technical information not important.

- EcoPill1D-Insurance: LIC IPO: FDI in State owned/public sector Life insurance corporation:
BEFORE: there was no rule. AFTER: up to 20% FDI under automatic route. Just like PSB/ public
sector bank. �Benefit: this will help in the success of LIC-IPO, through ⏫ the participation of
foreign players. (�बना सरकारी अनुम�त के �चा�लत तरीक़े से सरकारी जीवन बीमा कं पनी (यानी क� एलआईसी) म� 20 प्र�तशत तक
�वदेशी प्र�� �नवेश को अनुम�त। LIC IPO क� सफलता के �लए ये िकया जा रहा है।)


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- EcoPill2-Budget Taxation: rationalisation of centrally sponsored schemes (CSS) from 130 → ⏬

65. How? 1) Some schemes are Stopped e.g. Dairying Through Cooperatives, National Dairy Plan-II
and National Dairy Plan. 2) some schemes are merged: I] previously Woman Child development
Ministry was running 19 scheme is now they are compressed into just 3 viz A) Mission Shakti B)
Mission Vatsalya C) Saksham Anganwadi and POSHAN 2.0. ii] Ministry of Agriculture running 20
CSSs have been rationalised into three schemes: A) Krishionati Yojana B) Integrated Scheme on
Agricultural Cooperative C) Rashtriya Krishi Vikash Yojana. �
effective monitoring, duplication of
efforts⏬ → subsidy bill & Deficit ⏬ नए बजट म� ब�त सारी के �ीय प्रायो�जत योजनाओं को या तो बं द कर िदया या �वलेन
कर िदया तािक कु ल �मलाकर 130 �जतनी जो योजनाएं चल रही थी इसक� सं �ा घटाकर 65 क� गई. तािक प्रभावी �प से �नगरानी क�
जाए और एक ही उद्दे� से चलने वाले तीन चार योजनाओं म� प्रय�ों का �थर् दोहराव न हों तािक स��डी और सरकारी घाटे का बोझ कम हो

� �Budget-2022:- bitcoin / virtual digital assets: 30% Tax (including 1% TDS). Losses can’t be
offset (unlike in Capital gains tax). Gift of virtual digital asset is also proposed to be taxed in the
hands of the recipient.

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� �Budget-2022:- Corporation tax: 15% on newly setup domestic manufacturing companies. (if
they start the manufacturing by 2024. Earlier deadline was 2023).

� �Budget-2022:- customs duty on import: 1) ⏬for raw material e.g. diamonds 2) finished
imported items pe ⏫ taxes to promote swadeshi/local industry. e.g. Imported umbrellas pe 20 per

� �Budget-2022:- Customs National Portal. SEZ pe minimal inspection by Customs officials.

� �Budget-2022:- in many cases where undisclosed income or suppression of sales etc. is detected,
payment of tax is avoided by setting off, of losses. This will no longer be allowed.

� �Budget-2022:- Income Tax reforms on NPS contribution of State government employees.

� �Budget-2022:- Income Tax relief on insurance policies bought by PH/their parents

� �Budget-2022:- Litigation management to avoid repetitive appeals by the Income Tax


� �Budget-2022:- new ‘Updated return’: some taxpayers may realize that they have committed
omissions or mistakes in correctly estimating their income for tax payment. This new form to
provide an opportunity to correct such errors, within two years from the end of the relevant
assessment year.

� �Budget-2022:- Reduced Alternate minimum tax rate and Surcharge for Cooperatives

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� �Budget-2022:- some courts have allowed ‘Health and education ‘cess’ as business expenditure.
Finance minister clarified this is wrong.

� �Budget-2022:- Startup tax holiday scheme:- 0% corporation tax and income tax for 3
consecutive years out of ten years from incorporation. This will be applicable on all Startups
registered by 31.03.2023. (earlier it was going to expire in 2022)

� �Budget-2022:- Surcharges reduced on the corporation tax of certain type of foreign companies
and start-ups.

- EcoPill2-Budget Taxation: Fiscal prudence / austerity: Kerala govt’s monthly pension to all
ministerial staff who have completed two years in office. Every minister normally employ around 20
staff members and they are changed every two years. This ensures large number of CPI(M) party
workers get lifelong pensions- putting undue burden on the state exchequer. Kerala governor Arif
Mohammed Khan has demanded to stop this scheme. (के रला म� यमं �त्रयों को 20 �नजी �ाफ़ क�मयों को नौकरी पे
रखने क� छू ट है और ऐसे लोग �सफ़र् दो साल भी नौकरी कर� तो भी उ�� आजीवन प�शन दी जाती है। इस �व�ा के द्वारा CPI पाट� अपने
कायर्कतार्ऑ को ख़ुश रखती है, हर दो साल पर मं त्री �ाफ़ बदलते रहते ह� तािक �ादा से �ादा कायर्कतार्ओ ं को प�शन �मल सके । लेिकन ये
सरकारी पैसों क� बबार्दी है इस�लए रा�पाल गवनर्र इस �नयम को हटाना चाहते ह�।)

- EcoPill2-Budget Taxation: Fiscal-federalism: Article 293 (3) of the Constitution: if a state

government has an outstanding (unpaid) loan from the union government then state government
must take permission of the Union Govt. before taking any future loans from the market. 12th FC:
this condition should be removed. States to be given Independence. �
2) 15th finance commission
observed that state governments unpaid loans to Union are declining. In future some of the state
government become free of unions pending loans. �
3) 2022-Budget: Rs 1 lakh crore in loans to
state governments for capital expenditure (CAPEX). Interest:0%. Tenure 50 Years. Criticism? �
this will keep the state governments indebted to the union under Article 293. So it is debt-trap
Diplomacy similar to China’s. �
2) Union government should have given this money is Grant
rather than loans. (यिद क� द्र सरकार से रा� ने उधारी/क़ज़� म� पैसा �लया है। तो जब तक रा� वो पैसा वापस नहीं करता, तब तक
भ�व� के सभी बाज़ार-लोन लेने से पहले भी रा� ने क� द्र से अनुम�त लेनी होगी। हालाँिक 12 म� �वत् आयोग ने इस �नयम को हटाने क�
�सफ़ा�रश क� थी तािक रा� �तं त्रता से अपना कज़र् �व�ापन कर सके । १५ वे �वत् आयोग ने पाया िक धीरे धीरे कु छ रा�ों को क� द्र के
क़ज़� से मु� हो रही है। लेिकन नए बजट म� रा�ों को पूंजीगत ख़च� के �लए �बना �ाज का 50 साल का लोन देने क� बात है, जो वापस से
एक प्रकार से उन रा�ों को क� द्र का ग़ुलाम बना देगा ऐसा कु छ आलोचकों का मं त�।)

- EcoPill2-Budget Taxation: Rajasthan State government budget: 1) Indira Gandhi Shehri Rozgar
Guarantee Yojana for urban areas, along the lines of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), 2) replacing NPS with old pension scheme for govt
employees ( matter NPS-OPS matter already learned few days back) 3) free electricity of up to 50

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units for poor people. (गाँव म� मनरेगा क� तज़र् पर शहरों म� भी रोज़गार गारंटी के �लए राज�ान म� योजना लाई जाएगी. सरकारी
कमर्चा�रयों को पुरानी प�शन योजना)

� �Budget-2022:- Deficit: 1) revised Fiscal Deficit in the current year is estimated at 6.9 per cent of
GDP as against 6.8 per cent projected in the Budget Estimates. 2) 15th Finance Commission, the
states will be allowed a fiscal deficit of 4 per cent of GSDP of which 0.5 per cent will be tied to power
sector reforms. 3) Fiscal Deficit in 2022-23 is estimated at 6.4 per cent of GDP, which is consistent
with the broad path of fiscal consolidation to reach a fiscal deficit level below 4.5 per cent by 2025-26.

� �Budget-2022:- State governments to be given 1 lakh crore CAPEX loans with 50 year tenure,
0% interest.

- EcoPill2D-countercyclical fiscal policy / Deficit: 1) Capital expenditure in budget 2022- Rs 7.5 lakh
crore. 2) Plus, increase in the state borrowing limit to 4 per cent of the GSDP. CAPEX Loans: States
have also been allowed to borrow up to Rs 1 lakh crore through 50-year interestfree loans to make
capital investments. 3) 2020’s National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) for infrastructure investment
of around Rs 111 lakh crore during FY 2020-2025. � however opposition parties have criticised
that the increased allocation to capital part is done at the expense of reducing grants-in-aid, revenue
deficit grants, subsidies for food, fertiliser, fuel and allocation for MGNREGA . (नए बजट म� पूंजीगत ख़चर्
बु�नयादी अवसं रचना �नमार्ण के �लए ढेर सारा पैसा आवं िटत िकया गया है लेिकन आलोचक ये कह रहे ह� िक यह पैसा बटोरने के �लए असल
म� सरकार ने रा�ों को िदए जाने वाले अनुदान, खाद्य उवर्रक और �धन स��डी म� काफ़� कटौती क� है �जससे गरीबों का नुक़सान होगा)

� �Budget-2022:- disinvestment and privatisation: Air India sold off. LIC IPO to come soon.
NINL (Neelanchal Ispat Nigam Limited) will be privatised

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- EcoPill3A-BoP/Intl-Trade: Hackers are releasing the data of Indian importers/exporters price

details and client details then Chinese importers and exporters may connect with those clients
offering better detals/prices. This is harming our competitive advantage so Budget-2022 proposed
new provision in Customs Act for penalising illegal sharing of export-import data (कभी कभी हैकसर्
भारतीय आयातकतार् और �नयार्तकों का डेटा डाकर् नेट भी बेच देते ह� �जसक� मदद से चीन के �ापारी उन �वदेशी ग्राहकों का सं पकर् कर उ��
भी स�ा बार िदखाकर अपना माल बेच देते ह� तो यह भारत के हक़ म� नहीं है इस�लए नए बजट म� शीमा शु� क़ानून म� सं शोधन: अवैध
तरीक़े से आयात �नयार्त का डेटा साझा करने पर दंड के प्रावधान।)

- EcoPill3A-BoP/Intl-Trade: To reduce trade deficit with China, Latest budget 2022 put more
Customs duties on daily use items such as umbrellas, headphones, earphones, loudspeakers, and
imitation jeweller (नए बजट म� चीन से आयात होने वाले छतरी हेडफ़ोन लाउड�ीकर और नक़ली गहनों पर आयात कर काफ़� बढ़ाया
गया है।)

� �Budget-2022:- defence imports: 68% purchase will be made from India made products (earlier
58% last year).

� �Budget-2022:- Special Economic Zones Act will be replaced with a new law to make them
‘Development of Enterprise and Service Hubs’.

� �Budget-2022:- to promote the domestic capital goods industry- Government will stop giving
the tax benefit/ charge more customs Duty on imported capital goods machineries and project
imports e.g. coal mining projects, power generation, transmission or distribution projects, railway
and metro projects

� �Budget-2022:- Unblended fuel shall attract an additional differential excise duty of Rs. 2/ litre
(To encourage blending of bio-ethanol.)- to reduce import bill of crude oil / clean energy.

EcoPill3A-BoP/Intl-Trade: Commerce Ministry: DG Foreign Trade bans the import of Drone except
for defence and research development. this is aimed at encouraging the use of domestically
manufactured drones. (आया�तत ड�ोन पे प्र�तबं ध)

- EcoPill3A-BoP/Intl-Trade: Pakistan government is considering a proposal to borrow gold biscuits

from the people to increase Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves. �Points to Reflect: When
economy is mismanaged → country's exports will decline and it will create such problems for the
balance of payment and forex management. (पािक�ान क� �वदेशी मुद्रा आर��त �न�ध म� पैसा ब�त कम बचा है इस�लए
जनता का सोना उधारी म� लेने का सोचा जा रहा है)

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- EcoPill3A-BoP/Intl-Trade: Sri Lankan government refinery said it has run out of money to pay for
crude oil imports. Their central bank does not have forex reserve to help in such crisis. (2) earlier we
saw how Pakistan government is thinking of borrowing gold from the citizens to avert the forex
crisis. (श्रीलं का के पास आया�तत क�े तेल का पैसा चुकाने क� भी है�सयत नहीं रही)

- EcoPill3B-Intl-Orgs/Trade: INDIA AND the United Arab Emirates (UAE) a Free Trade
Agreement (FTA) known as Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA). �To
reduce tariffs/customs duty for 80 per cent of goods. � India’s exports to the UAE will be
subjected to 0% tax e.g. electronic goods, chemicals and petrochemicals cement, ceramics and
machinery. � this will benefit India's labour-oriented sectors gems and jewellery, textiles, leather,
footwear, sports goods, engineering goods, and pharmaceuticals. �
agreement covers areas
including goods, services, rules of origin, Customs procedures, government procurement,
intellectual property rights, and e-commerce. (भारत और UAE के बीच मु� �ापार समझौता / वृहद आ�थक
भागीदारी समझौता- एक दू सरे से �नयार्त होने वाली चीज़ों पर करों को कम िकया जाएगा। इससे भारत के श्रम आधा�रत उद्योग जैसे हीरे
जवाहरात कपड़ा चमड़ा जूते इ�ािद म� रोज़गार �नमार्ण म� मदद होगी। इसम� सरकारी ख़रीद, बौ�द्धक सं पदा अ�धकार, और इले��ॉ�नक
वा�ण� के भी प्रावधान िकए गए ह�।)

- EcoPill3B-Intl-Orgs: India-UAE CEPA marks the first time India has included a chapter on digital
trade in an FTA. India has previously refused to enter discussions on e-commerce at (WTO) saying
it could harm domestic trade. (UAE के साथ िकया मु� �ापार समझौता भारत का पहला ऐसा मु� �ापार समझौता है जहाँ
हमने इले��ॉ�नक कॉमसर् क� बात क� वो वधार् �व� �ापार सं गठन म� तो हम ये चचार् ही नहीं चाहते �ोंिक हम� �ा�नक उद्योगों को नुक़सान
होगा ऐसा डर है।)

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- EcoPill3B-Intl-Orgs: India has free trade agreements with Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand,
Singapore, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Mauritius etc. However, After signing free trade agreements,
India’s TRADE DEFICITS WITH S KOREA, INDONESIA, JAPAN has increased, because imports
grow much faster than exports over the last decade. Reason: � lack of innovation and
competitiveness in Indian industry. �
high cost of doing business in India. � Electricity, loan
interest rate and logistics/transport cost very high. 2022 government of India has decided to review
the agreements (भारत ने कई देशों के साथ मु� �ापार समझौते िकए ह� लेिकन उसके बाद वहाँ से भारत म� हो रहे आयात म� काफ़�
वृ�द्ध आयी है लेिकन भारत के �नयार्त भी उतनी वृ�द्ध नहीं देखी गई है. इसके प्रमुख कारणों म� भारतीय उद्योगों म� नवाचार तथा अ�� गुणव�ा
के उ�ाद प्र�त�धार् क� कमी, �बजली लोन और प�रवहन का ख़चर् महँ गा।)


- EcoPil4A-Agro: Sugar Cane Circular economy: Uttar Pradesh’s sugarcane industry -India’s top
sugar producer and the largest ethanol producer. UP is the only state to achieve 10 per cent blending
in petrol in 2020-21, one year ahead of the target for all-India. Argument against sugar cane
promotion: High water requirement — roughly twice that of paddy and four times of wheat.

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Counter arguments: 1) sugarcane is grown over 11-12 months, compared to 4-5 months for the
wheat/rice crops. So it is obvious it will consume more water in totality. 2) However, compare to
wheat and rice, Sugarcane consumes less water per day and less water for every unit of biomass
produced. Its green top leaves provide fodder for animals 3) Sugar mills require no supply of external
power or water, because sugarcane’s baggase fibre used as boiler fuel and the water present in the
cane itself. 3) Baggase co-generation plants can produce electricity. 4) While water-shortage
concerns are valid for sugarcane in Marathwada or Vidarbha, but do not apply to Uttar Pradesh. Due
to availability of river water. 5) make sugarcane part of a “circular economy” → use sugarcane for
producing sugar, fodder, ethanol, and power. residue/leftover biomass material after sugar mfg can
be used as compost fertiliser, bioCNG. 6) do R&D for extracting potash from sugar-mfg byproducts
(ग�े क� खेती से पानी क� बबार्दी होती है उसके �वप� म� तकर् - प्र�ेक ग्राम फ़सल उ�ादन के िहसाब से �गना जाए तो ग�ा असल म� गे�ं
चावल से कम पानी मागता है चीनी �मलों म� भी उसी ग�े क� फ़सल के अवशेषों को जलाकर ऊजार् �बजली पैदा हो सकती है, और बाद म�
अवशेषों को उवर्रक के �प म� इ�ेमाल िकया जा सकता है, बायोईथेनोल बनाकर वायु प्रदू षण को कम िकया जा सकता है, फ़सल के प�े
पशुओ ं के �लए चारा बन सकता है- इ�ादी लाभ को देखते �ए प�रक्रामी अथर्तंत्र के �सद्धांतो के अनुसार ग�े क� खेती को सकारा�क नज़�रए
से देखना चािहए नकारा�क नज�रये से नहीं।)

� �Budget-2022:- ‘Kisan Drones’ for crop assessment, digitization of land records, spraying of
insecticides, and nutrients.

� �Budget-2022:- 2023 is International Year of Millets- so we’ll promote millet food processing
and purchase

� �Budget-2022:- agriculture research development extension service mein involve startup, PPP

� �Budget-2022:- Chemical-free Natural Farming will be promoted esp on farmers’ lands in 5-km
wide corridors along river Ganga

� �Budget-2022:- Funding for Ken-Betwa Link Project, Damanganga-Pinjal, Par-TapiNarmada,

Godavari-Krishna, Krishna-Pennar and Pennar-Cauvery river interlinking.

� �Budget-2022:- NABARD to finance startups for agriculture & rural enterprise, relevant for
farm produce value chain.

� �Budget-2022:- Oilseed production ke liye new scheme, to reduce our dependence on import of

� �Budget-2022:- revise syllabi of agricultural universities for natural, zero-budget and organic
farming, modern-day agriculture, value addition and management.

� �Budget-2022:- SC/ST farmers to be given funding for agro forestry.

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� �Budget-2022:- wheat & paddy MSP allocation total ₹2.37 lakh crore

- EcoPil4A-Agro: Climate smart agriculture. Notable provisions in Union Budget for 2022-23 for
Climate change- funding for solar PV modules. co-firing of 5-7 per cent of biomass pellets in thermal
power plants, “sovereign green bonds” and a “battery swapping policy”. But on the other hand
agriculture related announcements in budget 2022 did not focus enough on the climate change part
except chemicalfree natural farming in a 5-km wide corridor along the river Ganga, support for
millets, and increased domestic production of oilseeds and kisan drones. Agriculture contributes 73
per cent of the country’s methane emissions. Major sources of agriculture GHG emissions are urea,
electricity for irrigation, minimum support prices (MSP) and procurement policies concentrated on
rice, wheat and sugarcane. We need to reward farmers for switching from carbon-intensive crops
such as rice to low-carbon-intensive crops or improving farming practices in rice systems to lower
GHG emissions. Such a move towards “net-zero” agriculture will give India a “climate smart”
agriculture (नए बजट म� जलवायु प�रवतर्न से लड़ने के �लए अलग अलग प्रावधान तो िकए गए लेिकन कृ �ष फसलों के चलते ह� जो जल
वायु प�रवतर्न और प्रदू षण बढ़ रहा है उससे लड़ने के �लए नए बजट म� प्रावधान के बराबर है इसके बारे म� �चकनी चुपड़ी बाते)

- EcoPil4A-Agro: GSM3- economics of animal rearing: after strict enforcement on cow-slaughter

ban → Crop damage ⏫ by stray cows. In the western Uttar Pradesh buffalo rearing is prominent.
So, stray-cattle-crop damage problem is less because Buffalo slaughter is allowed. But in Eastern
Uttar Pradesh - Cow rearing is prominent, so this stray-cattle-crop damage problem is increasing- as
the number of strays -bulls, male calves and non-milking cows have multiplied over time. Increased
cost on farmer because 1) erecting barbed wire fences around fields to prevent entry of animals.
Steel-wiring costs around ₹16,000 per Bigha. 2) if the farmer tries to send the unproductive cattle to
gaushalas (cow shelters), they will demand Rs 2,000. 3) CM Yogi says he’ll give 900 per cow after
election (उ�र प्रदेश के प��मी इलाक़े म� भ�स-पालन होता है, और उ�� क़� खाने म� बेचने पर कोई मनाई नहीं है। पूव� उ�र प्रदेश म�
गाय का पशुपालन �ादा होता है और उसको क�खाने भी बेचने क� मनाही। �जसके चलते आवारा पशुओ ं द्वारा फसलों क� तबाही से
िकसान परेशान ह� �ोंिक एक बीघा ज़मीन के आस पास �ील क� नुक�ली तार लगाने के �लए 16, हज़ार �पये का ख़चर् आता है।)

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- Science-Agro: Svalbard Global Seed Vault is located in the Norway, in Arctic. to preserve the
world's crop seeds from war, disease and other catastrophes. It is only opened a few times a year to
limit its seed banks’ exposure to the outside world (इस युद्ध या दू सरी आपदा के समय दु�नया क� फ़सल बीजों को बचाने
के �लए आकर् िटक म� तहख़ाना बनाया गया है। जहाँ �व�भ� फसलों के बीजों को सं ग्रिहत िकया जाता है। )

4B-MFG �

� �Budget-2022:- An International Arbitration Centre will be set up in the GIFT City for timely
settlement of disputes under international jurisprudence.

� �Budget-2022:- Circular Economy / recycling ke liye: focus on electronic waste, end-of-life

vehicles, used oil waste, and toxic & hazardous industrial waste

� �Budget-2022:- Credit Guarantee Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) scheme
will be revamped with more funding.

� �Budget-2022:- Ease of Doing Business 2.0: In the past over 25,000 compliances were reduced
and 1486 Union laws were repealed. next phase of Ease of Doing Business EODB 2.0 and Ease of
Living, will be launched. idea of ‘trust-based governance’. digitisation of manual processes and
interventions, integration of the central and state-level systems through IT bridges, a single point
access for all citizen-centric services, and a standardization and removal of overlapping compliances.
Crowdsourcing of suggestions

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� �Budget-2022:- Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) for MSMEs- scheme
extended with more funding.

� �Budget-2022:- e-Passports using embedded chip and futuristic technology will be rolled out in
2022-23 to enhance convenience for the citizens in their overseas travel.

� �Budget-2022:- Government Procurement: 75% payment to be released within 10 days of bill.

Online bill tracking system. Surety bonds will be allowed in place of Bank guarantees (Norms by

� �Budget-2022:- Land records: States will be encouraged to adopt Unique Land Parcel
Identification Number to facilitate IT-based management of records. National Generic Document
Registration System (NGDRS) with the ‘One-Nation One-Registration Software’ will be promoted as
an option for uniform process for registration and ‘anywhere registration’ of deeds & documents.

� �Budget-2022:- PARIVESH: single window portal for all green clearances was launched in 2018.
We will expand it further through Centralized Processing Centre-Green (CPC-Green).

� �Budget-2022:- Raising and Accelerating MSME Performance (RAMP) programme

� �Budget-2022:- Sunrise Sectors: Artificial Intelligence, Geospatial Systems and Drones,

Semiconductor and its eco-system, Space Economy, Genomics and Pharmaceuticals, Green Energy,
and Clean Mobility Systems. Government will help them with schemes and policies.

� �Budget-2022:- Udyam, e-Shram, NCS and ASEEM portals will be interlinked for o credit
facilitation, skilling, and recruitment with an aim to further formalise the economy and enhance
entrepreneurial opportunities for all.

- EcoPil4B: Sectors/Ease of Doing Biz: Over 26,000 types of imprisonment risks faced by Indian
entrepreneurs across 1,536 laws in various categories — labour, environment, health and safety,
finance and taxation, industry-specific. Excessive and arbitrary power, combined with the ultimate
power of putting or threatening to put people in jail, breeds corruption via transmission losses
between how the law is written, interpreted, practised, and enforced. corruption arises when
unreasonable or unfair policies combine with discretionary and weakly checked power to impose
huge financial, social, or bodily damage. Way Forward: Reducing the jail provisions in employer
compliance will limit corruption, accelerate job creation, and reduce judicial case pendancy. (.भारत म�
अलग अलग 1500 से अ�धक क़ानून म� 26, हज़ार से अ�धक प्रावधान है जहाँ एक उद्योगप�त को श्रम, पयार्वरण मज़दू र सुर�ा, कराधान
इ�ािद के उ�ं घन के �लए जेल हो सकती है .इ�ीं क़ानूनन प्रावधानों का डर िदखाकर असल म� ढेर सारी �र�त बटोरी जाती है. इस�लए
�ापार म� सुगमता चािहए तो इन कानूनों के अनुपालन म� कमी करने क� ज़�रत है)

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- EcoPil4B- Sectors- IPR: India is ranked 43 out of 55 countries on the International Intellectual
� �🎙🎙✋ this is not
Property Index by the influential US Chambers of Commerce (USCC) . �
famous enough like WIPO / WEF. (ये सं �ा इतनी मश�र नहीं है तो फ़ालतू म� �ों याद रखना है)


Nothing remarkable. Except Russian crisis se crude oil inflation etc.


- EcoPil5-INFRA: Communication Infra: IT Ministry suggested that “Non-sensitive Central data can
be sold for appropriate price”. Earlier economic survey had advised the government to sell the board
exam result data to private coaching classes so they can put advertisement in the district where
failure rate is high. (ग़ैर सं वेदनशील सरकारी डेटा को बेचा जाए ऐसा सूचना प्रसारण मं त्रालय सुझाव दे रहा है इससे पहले भी आ�थक
सव��ण ने सुझाव िदया था क� बोडर् परी�ाओं क� �रज़� का डेटा को�चगं कं प�नयों को बेचा जाए तािक वे उन �ज़लों म� �ादा �व�ापन डाल
सके -जहाँ पर ब�े �ादा फ़े ल होते है।)

� �Budget-2022:- Carbon Neutral Economy: 5-7% biomass pellets will be co-fired in thermal
power plants resulting in CO2 savings of 38 MMT annually. It’ll also provide extra income to
farmers and job opportunities to locals and help avoid stubble burning in agriculture fields.

� �Budget-2022:- Data Centres, Energy Storage Systems, grid-scale battery systems, charging
infrastructure will be given “infrastructure” status.

� �Budget-2022:- Energy Service Company (ESCO) to promote energy efficiency in large

commercial buildings

� �Budget-2022:- Four pilot projects for coal gasification and conversion of coal into chemicals

� �Budget-2022:- outlay for capital expenditure in the Union Budget ⏫by 35% than last year.
Total 7.50 lakh crore in 2022-23 - which is nearly 3% of GDP

� �Budget-2022:- Solar Power: goal of 280 GW of installed solar capacity by 2030. Production
Linked Incentive for manufacture of solar cells.

� �Budget-2022:- sovereign Green Bonds will be issued for mobilizing resources for green

� �Budget-2022:- ‘One Station-One Product’ concept to help local businesses & supply chains.

� �Budget-2022:- 100PM GatiShakti Cargo Terminals for multimodal logistics

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� �Budget-2022:- 2,000 km of network will be brought under Kavach, the indigenous world-class
technology for safety and capacity augmentation in 2022-23.

� �Budget-2022:- 400 Vande Bharat Trains with better energy efficiency and passenger riding

� �Budget-2022:- Design of metro systems to be improved

� �Budget-2022:- EV: battery swapping policy to solve the constraint of space in urban areas for
setting up charging stations at large scale.

� �Budget-2022:- integration of Postal and Railways networks

� �Budget-2022:- Multimodal Logistics Parks at four locations through PPP mode will be
awarded in 2022-23.

� �Budget-2022:- National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) started

� �Budget-2022:- Parvatmala: National Ropeways Development Programme via PPP

� �Budget-2022:- PM GatiShakti focus on Roads, Railways, Airports, Ports, Mass Transport,

Waterways, and Logistics Infrastructure.

� �Budget-2022:- Railways will develop new products for small farmers and Small and Medium

� �Budget-2022:- The National Highways network will be expanded by 25,000 km in 2022-23.

� �Budget-2022:- transport related online softwars and platforms 1) Unified Logistics Interface
Platform (ULIP) 2) Open-source mobility stack for travel of passengers

- EcoPil5-INFRA: transport – Interline pact: Tata’s Air India and AirAsia signed this pact. If
disruptions witnessed by either of the airlines on one of the routes where the other airline is
operational, passengers will be transferred to the alternative available flight. (मेरा �वमान/हवाई जहाज़ �बगड़
जाए तो मेरी मुसािफ़रों को आपके �वमान म� �बठा देना ऐसा समझौता उसे इं टर-लाइन पे� कहेते है।)

- EcoPil5-INFRA: Transport- Water taxi /Domestic Cruise service to connect Navi Mumbai and
Mumbai to cut travel time from around 90 minutes by road to 25 minutes along the coastline.
(तटवत�य जल मागर् से मुंबई के नवी मु�ई से जोड़ा जाएगा तािक सड़क यात्रा से कम समय म� नौकरीपेशा लोग अपने द�र प�ँ च सके )

� �Budget-2022:- 5G: Spectrum auction and Production Linked Incentive Scheme.

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� �Budget-2022:- Aspirational Blocks Programme: to focus on the development in the 112

Aspirational Districts’ most backward blocks in key sectors such as health, nutrition, financial
inclusion and basic infrastructure.

� �Budget-2022:- Bharatnet: laying optical fibre in all villages through PPP. Completion is
expected in 2025.

� �Budget-2022:- Blended Finance: We will set up new fund of funds with 20% govt share and
80% by private fund managers. (Similar to NIIF model). Focus sunrise sectors such as Climate
Action, Deep-Tech, Digital Economy, Pharma and Agri-Tech

� �Budget-2022:- Central Government will work with the state governments for reduction of time
required for all land and construction related approval.

� �Budget-2022:- financial sector regulators to increase access to home loans & reduce fees
related to home loan applications.

� �Budget-2022:- Har Ghar, Nal Se Jal: done for 8 crore houses, pending 4 cr houses.

� �Budget-2022:- PM Awas Yojana, both rural and urban: 80 lakh houses will be completed.

� �Budget-2022:- Prime Minister’s Development Initiative for North East Region (PMDevINE):
for infrastructure development in Northeast. will be implemented through the North-Eastern

� �Budget-2022:- Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF)’s 5% funds will be allocated for
R&D on affordable broadband and mobile service in rural and remote areas,

� �Budget-2022:- urban infrastructure: 1) focus on Town Planning Schemes (TPS), and Transit
Oriented Development (TOD) for people to live and work closer to mass transit systems 2) mass
transit projects and AMRUT scheme 3) urban planning ke 5 College / universities will be given
Centre of excellence status and funding of ₹250 cr each. 4) AICTE will to improve syllabi.

� �Budget-2022:- urban transport: shift to use of public transport in urban areas. special mobility
zones with zero fossil-fuel policy, and EV vehicles.

� �Budget-2022:- Vibrant Villages Programme for Border villages on the northern border:
infrastructure, housing, tourist centres, road connectivity, provisioning of decentralized renewable
energy, direct to home access for Doordarshan and educational channels, and support for livelihood

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- Sci-5-Energy: 1985: ITER (International Thermo-nuclear Experimental Reactor) in southern

France � 2005: India joined with Institute for Plasma Research in Ahmedabad, as nodal. � 2035:
ITER to become operational only in 2035, will produce — about 500 MW — would not be in the
form of electricity that can be used. It will be a technology demonstration machine that will enable
the building of futuristic fusion devices that can be run as normally as the fission reactors today. �
2022: In News because UK Scientists made 11 MW in 5 sec thru in nuclear fusion. This is the largest
amount of electricity produced in the shortest amount of time using this technology. �Anyways I
am not putting too much effort in this because looking at the past question this particle physics/
nuclear energy /Higgs boson etc. tend to be usually Atrangee/crazy. (परमाणु ऊजार् के बारे म� कु छ समाचार.
हालाँिक म� �ादा िदमाग़ ख़चर् नहीं कर रहा है �ोंिक इधर से जो प्र� पूछे जाते ह� सामा� �प से अतरंगी िक़� के होते है। )

6-EDU �

- EcoPill6: HRD: education – IIT Delhi’s proposal to open campuses in Saudi Arabia and Egypt. →
education ministry set up Dr K Radhakrishnan Panel to chalk out plan for Indian institutes to set up
foreign campuses (भारतीय कॉलेज यू�नव�सटी �वदेशों म� भी अपने के �स खोल सके उस मामले क� समी�ा के �लए डो के राधाकृ �न
स�म�त का गठन)

- EcoPill6: HRD: education- NATIONAL Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) gives
institutions grades ranging from A-plus-plus to C. If an institution is graded D, it means it is not
accredited. NAAC has relaxed the eligibility criteria for accreditation of higher educational
institutions ( � � �🎙🎙✋ not important for IAS exam but important for UGC net exam)

- EcoPill6: HRD: education skill employment: Annually 8 lakh Indian students travel abroad for
higher education → loss of $28 billion or 1 per cent of our GDP on foreign college
fees/hostel/rent/food etc. � Government is trying to open new IIT/IIM to keep the students stay in
India but the new IIT/IIMs suffer from the shortage of Faculty, lack of big campus recruitment etc.
� there are about 3 crore income taxpayers. Looking at the growth in IT payers’ numbers →
annual 10 lakh fresh new “well-paying” jobs created (which are paying good enough salary that a
student will fall under income tax bracket). But, about 1 crore unemployed graduates seeking jobs.
This is causing rat-race of competitive exam and coaching industry to get into elite IIT/IIM/IAS etc.
� Indian universities need to convert their research into job creation e.g. Air pollution caused
death of “X” cr people → how can we address this problem by creating new jobs in air pollution
control/ healthcare/ insurance/ automobile? But instead of that JNU-DU research output are focused
on Hindu/Muslim-Nationalism, while IIT/IIM on “Exporting Indian talent to MNCs.” (आपको इनकम
टै� भरना पड़े उस �र क� तन�ाह �मले भी उतनी तो हर साल मु��ल से 10 लाख नौक�रयां ही भारत म� खड़ी हो रही है �जसक� मुक़ाबले
भारत म� 1,करोड़/ �ादा �ातक बेरोज़गार है। इस�लए या तो आपने IIT/IIM/IAS के �लए चूहों क� अंधी रेस का सामना करना पड़े या
�वदेश जाना पड़ता है- हर साल भारतीय �वद्याथ� जो �वदेश पढ़ाई के �लए जाते ह� उसे अपने अथर्तंत्र को क़रीब 30 �ब�लयन डॉलर का

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नुक़सान होता है। भारत म� ही अ�े रोज़गार के अवसर खड़े िकए जाएं तािक �वदेश का गमन म� कमी हो। उदाहरण के �प म� सालाना वायु
प्रदू षण से लाखों लोग मर जाते ह� तो इस सम�ा म� �सफ़र् पयार्वरण क� पीपूडी बजाने क� जगह ये देखा जाए ये कै से प्रदू षण �नयं त्रण,
अ�ताल, बीमा क��नयां, वाहन �ेत्र म� नई नौक�रयां खड़ी करके हम इसे वायु प्रदू षण आधा�रत मृ�ु सम�ा को कम कर सकते ह�। लेिकन
आज कल कॉलेज यू�नव�सटी म� �रसचर् PHD के नाम पर या तो वही सब �घसे�पटे िह�ू मु��म रा��वाद राजनी�तक मुद्दे चल रहे ह�।)

- EcoPill6: HRD: Higher education in MBBS: PM Modi lamented that “Today our children are
going to smaller countries (e.g. Ukraine) to study, medical education. They go despite the language
barrier and heavy costs of travel accommodation and college fees. Millions of rupees are going out of
the country. Can’t our private sector enter this field in a big way? Can’t our state governments make
policies so that India can produce a maximum number of doctors?” Pro-Ukraine MBBS course
arguments: 1) MBBS fees in Ukraine is around Rs 15-20 lakh for entire six years. In India, whereas in
India's private medical colleges can range between Rs 50 lakh to Rs 1.5 crore. 2) More than 16 lakh
students applied for NEET-UG for 2021 for approx 1 lakh seats. This means that for every MBBS seat
in the country, there are more than 16 applicants. 3) after the reservation policy, very few seats left
for non-EWS general category in India so they’ve to go abroad � counter arguments- 1) Foreign
MBBS are required to take a licentiate exam called Foreign Medical Graduates Examination
(FMGE)- before they can practise in India however, Only 16.6 per cent of Indian students from
Ukraine were able to pass this exam meaning they’re weak. 2) Students travelling to east European
countries, Russia or China, most of them score less than 20 per cent on NEET-UG. The cut-off for
India, even in private colleges, is about 60 per cent. Anybody who pays the fees, gets in MBBS college
in Ukraine, Russia and China. But they are not taught well / students are very weak in studies so they
will not become good doctor. 3) India has 1 medical college for 25 lakh population. (प्रधानमं त्री ने �चतं ा
जतायी िक भारत म� �नजी �ेत्र म� MBBS कॉलेजों को बढ़ाने क� ज़�रत है तािक अपने �वद्याथ� �वदेशों म� न जाएं और यूक्रेन म� फँ से ह� ऐसी
सम�ाओं का पुनरावतर्न न हो। प� �वप� म� तकर् कु छ ऐसे ह� िक भारत म� MBBS कॉलेजों क� कमी है जबिक यूक्रेन म� भारत क� तुलना
स�े म� �नजी कॉलेजों म� ये कोसर् िकया जा सकता है। हालाँिक �वरो�धयों का तकर् यह है िक यूक्रेन म� मेिडकल क� पढ़ाई करके जब छात्र भारत
म� डॉ�र का काम शु� करना चाहते ह� उ�ोंने एक लाइस�स परी�ा देनी होती है �जसम� यूक्रेन से पढ़े मु��ल 16 प्र�तशत �वद्याथ� सफल हो
पाते ह� यानी िक ये सब ब�त ही पढ़ाई म� कमज़ोर लोग ह� मरीज़ों क� जान को जो�खम म� डाल�गे. )

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� �Budget-2022:- ‘Drone Shakti’, Drone-As-A-Service (DrAAS). In select ITIs- drone courses

will be launched.

� �Budget-2022:- ‘one class-one TV channel’ programme of PM eVIDYA for TV-classes 1-12. To

cover the loss of 2 years of formal education in lockdown.

� �Budget-2022:- Digital University for students across the country, in local languages. public
universities will act as ‘spoke’, Digital University will act as hub.

� �Budget-2022:- e-content in all spoken languages. Delivery via internet, mobile phones, TV and
radio through Digital Teachers. Teachers will be given new software's and tools for online teaching.

� �Budget-2022:- Skilling: DESH-Stack eportal: Digital Ecosystem for Skilling and Livelihood. To
empower citizens to skill, reskill or upskill through on-line training.

� �Budget-2022:- virtual labs in science and mathematics

� �Budget-2022:- World-class foreign universities and institutions will be allowed in the GIFT
City to offer courses in Financial Management, FinTech, Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics free from domestic regulations,

- Science- 6-Education/R&D:While global expenditure on research and development (R&D) has

crossed $1.7 trillion, In India, the gross expenditure on research development (GERD) is around
0.7%. � �ES21 suggested increasing it to at least 2%. We shd focus on electronics, IT,
biotechnology, IT hardware and software, automobiles, materials and chemicals, and aerospace,
defence and renewable energy. �
In most of the developed capitalist countries, defence-related
R&D is undertaken by the private sector. In India, this expenditure is mostly borne by public

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funding. So change policies/ tax/ subsidy and incentives. � need to encourage joint R&D projects
between public institutions and start- ups/industries � PhD researchers should be given better
stipend and permanent career opportunities if they are working on R&D (however open PhD
researchers are utilised mostly as part-time teaching faculty to cover the shortage of professors) �
science academies of India become more communicative, both with the public and government, on
issues related to R&D. (नवाचार और सं शोधन म� �ादा पैसा ख़चर् करने क� ज़�रत पर �चकनी चुपड़ी बात�।)


� �Budget-2022:- Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission: digital registries of doctor, hospital, patient

� �Budget-2022:- Ministry of Women & Child Development’s schemes, 1) Mission Shakti, 2)

Mission Vatsalya, 3) Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0 were launched recently

� �Budget-2022:- National Tele Mental Health Programme with NIMHANS being the nodal
centre. Because pandemic has accentuated mental health problems in people of all ages.

� �Budget-2022:- Saksham Anganwadis: are a new generation anganwadis with better

infrastructure and audio-visual aids, clean energy. Two lakh anganwadis will be upgraded under the


- EcoPill6: HRD: poverty weaker section-/ GSM1: Urbanisation problems / Women migrants
problems faced: 1) difficult to exercise property rights in their natal families since women migrant do
not live in the same location. �
lack of awareness among women migrants about schemes related

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to maternal and child health and nutrition programmes/unable to benefit due to address-proof. �
Migrant workers live and work in very unhygienic makeshift slums near brick kilns, construction
sites, highway projects. Lack of housing - ⏫ chances of Disease and sexual assault �
in the formal
organised sector Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace (POSH) Act → employer is
required to set up the complaint committee etc. But such laws don’t provide real protection to
unorganised sector (brick kiln) and individual informal workers (domestic maid/cook). �
of seasonal migrant families are not able to attend the classes regularly so that education suffers.
Internet on their smartphones. � Women migrants in cities also have an additional burden of both
job as well as family. In the village at least grandmother able to help in some of the domestic chores,
looking after babies. Such women migrants take their young children to construction sites → more
dangers of falling in borewell / other work-place accident / infection disease thru dust/mud etc.
(मिहला प्रवासी मज़दू रों को आने वाली सम�ाएं - मायके म� जो सं प�� होती है उस पर वो ये वा��वक �प से अ�धकार हा�सल नहीं कर
पाती। मिहला और बाल �वकास क� �व�वध योजनाओं के बारे म� या तो उनको जानकारी नहीं होती या तो वो ही उसम� लाभ नहीं ले पाती
�ोंिक अवैध झोपड़ी म� रहने के कारण �रहायशी सुबूत नहीं होते. झोपड़ी म� बीमारी और यौन अपराधों क� जो�खम �ादा रहती है. तो उनके
ब�े भी �ू ल म� �नय�मत हा�ज़री नहीं दे पाते �ोंिक कभी इधर कभी उधर और मकान �नमार्ण और हाईवे के ठे कों म� वे घूमते रहते ह�.
�ोंिक दादा दादी गाँव म� रहते ह� इस�लए मिहला पर छोटे ब�ों क� परव�रश क� भी �ज़�ेदारी होती है तो वो उसी �शशु को मकान/हाइवे
�नमार्ण �ान पर भी ले जाती है जहाँ दुघर्टना म� ब�ी के मरने या बीमार होने के जो�खम बढ़ते ह�।)

- EcoPill6: HRD: poverty removal: Disha committee / District Development Coordination and
Monitoring Committee, is responsible for monitoring the implementation of 43 government
schemes and programmes including NREGS and PMGSY. Headed by an MP elected from the
district, while DM/IAS acts as Secretary. At least four meetings required per year. However, many
MPs have complained that Disha meetings are not taking place in their constituencies. This needs to
be fixed to improve the transparency accountability and efficacy of the central sponsored schemes.
(�जला �र पर क� द्र सरकार क� योजनाओं का ठीक से अमल हो रहा है िक नहीं? इसक� जाँच के �लए उस �ज़ले के सांसद क� अ��ता म�
एक “िदशा स�म�त” बनायी जाती है. स�म�त ने सालाना कम से कम 4 बार �मलना चािहए, लेिकन कई जगहों पर इसक� �नय�मत मीिटंग नहीं
हो रही। सरकारी योजनाओ के प्रभावी अमल पारद�शता को बढ़ाने के �लए इसे ठीक करना ज़�री है।)

- EcoPill6B: HRD/Poverty: National Health Authority (NHA) implements PM-JAY scheme (2018)
gives ₹5 lakh Health insurance per family per year. It covers over 10 crore poor families identified
through SECC 2011. However NITI Aayog highlighted that many vulnerable families from lower-
middle class are still uncovered. So, NHA asked State governments to provide the data of
beneficiaries under national Food security act (NFSA). So then NHA can do NFSA, SECC cross
verification using Aadhar number to add more beneficiaries to PMJAY. But state governments are
apprehensive 1) Data privacy of Aadhaar number. 2) once Union government get the Aadhar Data,
they may use it for their own political purposes e.g. 2021’s Economic Survey wrote a chapter
ridiculing West Bengal for having low health indicators than Bihar and Assam as W.Bengal didnot

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implement PM-JAY. (रा��ीय �ा� प्रा�धकरण चाहता है िक रा� सरकार� उसे खाद्य सुर�ा क़ानून के लाभा�थयों का डेटा साझा कर�
तािक उसे एस ई सी सी के साथ �मलाकर ऐसे ग़रीब लोगों को ढू ंढा जाए �ज�े खाद्य सुर�ा क़ानून का तो लाभ �मल रहा है लेिकन प्रधानमं त्री
जन आरो� योजना का 5, लाख �पया का �ा� बीमा नहीं �मल रहा है। लेिकन रा� सरकार� डेटा साझा करने से मना कर रही है �ोंिक
आधार काडर् क� �नजता का सवाल है और हो सकता है इस प्रकार का डेटा �मलाकर क� द्र क� BJP सरकार अपने राजनी�तक लाभ के �लए
दु�पयोग करे। जैसे िक २०२१ के आ�थक सव��ण म� प��म बं गाल को ज़लील िकया गया था िक वहाँ पर प्रधानमं त्री जन आरो� योजना नहीं
है तो लोगों का �ा� असम और �बहार क� अपे�ा ख़राब है।)

- EcoPill6: HRD/Poverty: Column “Myth of the trickle-down.” This is already covered in Win21
Pillar6. Observation of economic survey that even though economic growth will result in higher in
equalities but still we need to focus on it to improve the livelihood of poor people in absolute terms.
Newspaper columnist typically disagree with this argument but we will not waste time in this. अमीर
�ादा पैसा कमाएँ गे तभी गरीबों के हाथ म� रोज़गार और पैसा आएगा। उसक� वही सब �घसी �पटी को�



- Polity/ judiciary/ comparing Constitution: “contempt of court”- A) contempt by interference:

when a person obstructs the execution of a judicial verdict B) contempt by disobedience. when a
court’s judgment or direction is not complied with C) Contempt by scandalising i.e. making
defamatory/critical/sensational articles/comments/speeches against the court/judge. Since 2013:
Britain removed “Scandalising the judiciary” as a form of contempt. But it remains a contempt in
India. (कोटर् क� अवमानना तीन तरीक़े से हो सकती है � कोटर् के आदेश के अनुपालन म� अवरोध खड़ा िकया जाए � कोटर् का
आदेश मानना ही न जाए या � ३) कोटर् के बारे म� कोई बयान देकर जज बदनामी क� जाए/ कलं िकत िकया जाए/सनसनीखेज़ बनाया
जाए। �ब्रटन म� तीसरे मामले (बदनामी) म� कोटर् क� अवमानना नहीं मानी जाती, जबिक भारत म� मानी जाती है। )

- Polity: judiciary vs executive / Cybersecurity / Ethics-Gambling: Karnataka government had passed

a law to be an online gambling/games like Dream11 and Mobile Premier League (MPL). But
Karnataka HC is lifted the ban saying 1) law does not distinguish between skill-based gaming and
those whose outcome is largely determined by luck or chance. 2) however Karnataka government is
allowed to elect a new law with more clarity. Previously, Previously, Tamil Nadu government
hadpassed a law to ban online games such as rummy, poker, and other skill-based games that involve
betting and money prizes, but Madras HC removed the ban. Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala,
Assam, and Odisha also in similar situation. �Points to Reflect: 1) Youth losing hard earned
money 2) Government should enact the laws with more clarity is to prevent ‘undo’ by HC/SC. 3)
previously Lodha committee had recommended that betting and gambling should be allowed /
legalised to earn tax revenue. Because if they continue to remain illegal then it only encourages
mafia-elements, subverting via VPN (virtual Private network). (ऑनलाइन वीिडयो गे� म� खेले जाने वाले जुए को
रोकने के �लए कनार्टक रा� सरकार ने क़ानून बनाया था लेिकन हाईकोटर् ने उसे रद्द िकया �ोंिक वह क़ानून ऐसा खेल जहाँ पर ��� के

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कौशल के आधार पर जीत होती है और ऐसे खेल जहाँ पर के वल तु�े और नसीब के आधार पर जीत होती है उन दोनों म� वो अंतर नहीं करता
था। हालाँिक कनार्टक रा� सरकार वापस �ादा ��ता के साथ ऐसा क़ानून बना सकती है। खेलों म� सट्टेबाज़ी को रोकने के �लए एक ज़माने
म� लोढ़ा क�मटी बनी थी �जसने सट्टेबाज़ी को क़ानूनी वैधता देने क� बात कही थी तािक उसम� मािफ़या का प्रभाव कम हो सके और सरकार को
करों म� आमदनी हो।)

- Polity: Judiciary- appointment- 2019: Anoop Kumar Mendiratta became the first district judge to
be appointed Union Law Secretary. 2022: he became the first Union Law Secretary to be appointed as
a High Court judge. (पहले क� द्रीय क़ानून स�चव �ज�� हाई कोटर् क� जज क� �नयु�� दी गई)

- Polity: judiciary: public interest litigation (PIL): find to cancel the off-line board exams std.10-12.
For the two days continuously news channels, social media and YouTuber running coverage →
which is actually ⏬ the concentration of students with the false hopes that exam will be cancelled.
So Supreme Court has rejected the PIL and warned that in future if such petitions filed, SC will
impose heavy penalty. “Entertaining such petitions will only create more confusion... Such petitions
give false hopes to students who are going to appear for exams. They will be misled. What kind of
public interest litigation is being filed?... Such petitions create confusion. Last three days, news items
everywhere. This has to stop... Let students do their job and let authorities do their job.” - ruled SC.
(कोरोना के डर से दसवीं और बारहवीं क� बोडर् परी�ाएं रद्द करने क� जनिहत या�चका सुप्रीम कोटर् म� दायर �ई थी। �पछले 2 तीन िदनों से
टेली�वज़न चैनल पर सोशल मीिडया म� उसी का इतना प्रचार प्रसार हो रहा था क� �वद्याथ� का पढ़ाई म� �ान नहीं लगे। बाबूशोने मोज म� आ
जाए के अब तो परी�ा रद्द होने क� सं भावना है तो हम पढ़ाई नहीं कर�गे! सुप्रीम कोटर् ने इस पर नाराज़गी जताते �ए जनिहत या�चका को रद्द
िकया और ये चेतावनी भी दी है िक भ�व� म� ऐसी नौटंक� जनिहत या�चकाएं �ई तो गं भीर जुमार्ना लगाया जाएगा। सरकार और परी�ा
अ�धकारी अपने �ववेक से तय कर� िक परी�ा कै से लेनी है।)

- Polity: Women in Judiciary: presently Indian Supreme Court has 4 female judges. American
Supreme Court will also have just 4 female judges (latest-2022: Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson - she is

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also the first black woman to the Supreme Court of USA. In India, the SC judges are selected by SC
judges’ collegium. USA - Supreme court judge has to win nomination from the executive (president)
and get it confirmed by the Rajya Sabha (Senate). Thus, both the Executive and Legislative Branches
of the federal government have a voice in the composition of the Supreme Court. However
depending on the majority of the Republican Party (like BJP) or Democrats (like Congress) in the
Senate, a conservative or liberal judge may get selected. This affects judgements related to issues of
right to abortion, right to weapons, judgements on immigrants/refugees, taxes on industrialist etc.
(भारत और अमे�रका दोनों ही जगह सुप्रीम कोटर् ने �सफ़र् चार मिहला �ायाधीश है. अमे�रका म� सुप्रीम कोटर् का �ायाधीश बनने के �लए
रा��प�त द्वारा ��� का नामांकन होना चािहए चािहए और िफर अमरीक� रा� सभा यानी क� सेनेट से मं ज़ूरी चािहए. अब ये �नभर्र करता है
िक सेनेट म� कौन से प� क� ब�मत है- उस िहसाब से �िढ़वादी या उदारवादी ��� सुप्रीम कोटर् का जज बन सकता है और उस िहसाब से
सुप्रीम कोटर् के फै सलों म� असर हो सकता है जैसे क� गभर्पात, ह�थयार रखने क� �तं त्रता, प्रवासी मज़दू रों के अ�धकार, उद्योगप�तयों पर
लगने वाले कराधान टै� इ�ािद।)


- Polity: Legislature- (GSM2) Quality of debate in Parliament declining. Some new case studies 1)
GOVERNMENT has written to the Rajya Sabha Secretariat to disallow an MP’s Question- “London
based Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index- why India’s rank is fallen to 53rd position,
and why is India categorised India as a “flawed democracy”? (counter argument: Such international
rankings are not always prepared on objectively collected large size simple. They will simply contact
a few persons on telephone and social media. And depending on whether International surveyor is
doing sampling of Prashant Bhushan and Swara Bhaskar ‘types’ and forms an opinion that
democracy is in danger in India, which is not be ground level reality.) (�वप�ी सांसदों ने रा�सभा प्र�काल म�
पूछना चाहते थे िक “लं दन क� एक सं �ा क� अंतररा��ीय र�िकंग म� भारत म� लोकतं त्र म� �गरावट हो रही है ऐसा �रपोटर् आया उसके कारण �ा
है?” लेिकन सरकार ने रा�सभा स�चवालय को कहा है िक इस प्र� को चचार् के �लए मं ज़ूरी ही मत दो)

- Polity: Legislature- (GSM2) Quality of debate in Parliament declining. Some new case studies:
Motion of Thanks is a motion in Indian Parliament which follows the address of the president of
India to the joint sitting of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha at the beginning of the first session of Lok
Sabha in every year. 2022: opposition parties wanted to add following keyboards in the vote of
thanks- “Pegasus spyware”, “failure to tackle Corona/Vaccine problems”. Usually all such matters
are discussed and then put for voting. But Rajya Sabha Secretariat rejected / disallowed mention of
those keywords citing sub-judice nature of Pegasus matter- so they could not be put to vote. (रा��प�त के
सं बोधन के बाद आभार प्र�ाव पर चचार् होनी थी �जसम� �वप� पेग़ा�सस और कोरोना का भी �ज़क्र चाहता था लेिकन रा�सभा म� उसक�
चचार् क� अनुम�त नहीं दी गई।)

- Polity: Pvt members bill: - Polity: Pvt Members bill- While any member of either House can submit
a private member's Bill, just over a dozen have cleared Parliament since independence. 2) The
admissibility of a private Bill is decided by the Chairman (the Vice-President) in the case of the Rajya

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Sabha and the Speaker in the case of the Lok Sabha, and these Bills are taken up on Fridays. 2022-
Budget Session: Pvt member bill for A) Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and B) on amending the
Preamble of the Constitution. And Rajya Sabha Deputy chief chairman had allowed their
introduction but they were not taken up for discussion because the private member from BJP party
where absent (many of the party leaders were busy in the election campaigns so they could not have
won the votes if there was discussion in RS) Pvt member Bill had sought to amend the Preamble by
substituting the word “Socialist” with “Equitable”, and rephrasing the sentence “Equality of status
and of opportunity and to promote among then all” with “Equality of status and of opportunity to be
born, to be fed, to be educated, to get a job and to be treated with dignity”. . (�नजी सद� �वधेयक के बारे म�
कु छ जनरल नॉलेज- वैसे तो कोई भी सांसद जोिक मं त्री नहीं है वो ऐसा �वधेयक पेश कर सकता है लेिकन आज़ादी से लेकर अब तक मु��ल
से एक दजर्न ऐसे �बल ही पास हो पाए ह�. िकसी �नजी सद� के �वधेयक को सदन म� पेश करने क� अनुम�त सभाप�त के �ववेक पर है। इस
प्रकार के दो �वधेयक समान नाग�रक सं िहता और सं �वधान के आमुख म� बदलाव के �लए पेश िकये तो गए थे लेिकन उस पर चचार् नहीं �ई
�ोंिक �जन सद�ों ने इसे पेश िकया था वो उसी िदन ग़ैरहा�ज़र रहे माना ये जा रहा है �ोंिक BJP के सांसद उ�र प्रदेश पं जाब इ�ािद म�
चुनाव प्रचार म� लगे ह� इस�लए रा� सभा म� वोिटगं म� जीत नहीं पाते इस�लए अभी इस मामले को छोड़ िदया है।)

POPULATION CONTROL tabled by BJP MP to enforce a two-child norm by giving incentives for
those adopting the small family practice and penalties for those contravening it. Arguments in favour
of strict population control: 1) We have 17 per cent of the world’s population but 2.4 per cent of land
and 4 percent of water. We do not have enough resources to support large population. 2) It is false to
assume that just because 65 per cent of our population is below 35 years of age so we have
demographic dividend. But, our people go to America, Australia and Saudi Arabia and work as
labourers. Capitalist countries peddle the theory of demographic dividend because they want cheap
labour from third world countries. Counter arguments against strict population control: 1) “If we
penalise any family after two children, then there is a problem because the child who is born (after
that) will always feel that he is an unwanted child. This can be a very dangerous thought for the
nation... you cannot punish a child for the mistake of his parents.” 2) as per the national family
health survey, the total fertility rate already declined to 2. Therefore even without strictness people
have become aware and producing less number of children so making such a law is only for pleasing
Hindutva crowd sensationalisation against Muslims. (�नजी सद� का �बल जहाँ आबादी पर स�ी से �नयं त्रण हो छोटा
प�रवार अपनाने वालों को सरकार द्वारा �रयायत� दी जाए और �ादा ब�े पैदा करने वालों पर जुमार्ना लगाया जाए। �नजी सद� का ये कहना
है िक भारत के पास दु�नया क� 2% �जतनी ज़मीन और 4% �जतना पानी है लेिकन दु�नया क� 17 प्र�तशत आबादी भारत म� है इन सब को
पालने पोसने के �लए हमारे पास पैसा और सं साधन नहीं है भारत म� से �ादातर आबादी नौजवान है इस�लए हम� जनसां��क�य लाभांश
/डेमोग्रािफक िड�वड�ड �मलेगा ये �चकनी चुपड़ी बात� असल म� एक ता�कक नहीं �ोंिक वो सब लोग भारत छोड़ के अ� देशों म� मज़दू री करने
के �लए चले जाते ह� ये तो ह� ये तो प��मी अथर्शा�ी उनके देश म� मज़दू रों क� कमी है इस�लए भारत को जनसां��क�य लाभांश के फ़ायदे
िदखाते ह�। � �वप� म� तकर् - १) अगर दो से �ादा ब�े पैदा करने पर माँ बाप पर जुमार्ना लगाया जाए तो वो तीसरे ब�े को हमेशा घृणा से
देख�गे और वो ब�ा पूरी �ज़दं गी खुद को प�रवार पर बोज/लाचार महसूस करेगा। �बना कोई स�ी के भी कु ल प्रजनन दर म� कमी आ चुक� है

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तो स�ी िदखाने क� कोई ज़�रत नहीं �ोंिक लोग �यं धीरे धीरे समझ रहे ह� िक �ादा ब�े नहीं पैदा करने चािहए। इस�लए जब आबादी
अपने आप �नयं त्रण म� आ जाने वाली है तो इस प्रकार के क़ानून बनाना के वल िह�ु�वादी चुनावी मसलों को भुनाने के �लए हो रहा है)


- Polity: federalism- Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 states: “Every state shall establish a body to be
known as the Lokayukta for the State, to deal with complaints relating to corruption against certain
public functionaries, within a period of one year from the date of commencement of this Act.” �
Originally, the central legislation was envisaged to make a Lokayukta in each state mandatory.
However, regional parties argued that this would be against the spirit of federalism. �
so in reality
it is left to the state governments to implement this provision. �
2018: Supreme Court had
expressed concern that Jammu & Kashmir, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Puducherry,
Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, West Bengal and Arunachal Pradesh had not appointed any
Lokayukta or Up-Lokayukta. Even at present the laws are not implemented in letter and spirit for
example, 2021: Nagaland passed a law allowing itself the power to keep the post of the state
Lokayukta vacant for a year. �
GOA: Goa’s Lokayukta does not have powers of prosecution. �
Bihar passed a law that sought to punish people filing false cases before the Lokayukta. � UTTAR
PRADESH: In 2012, Uttar Pradesh passed a law increasing the tenure of Lokayukta to 8 years. (वषर्
2013 के लोकपाल लोकायु� क़ानून के मुता�बक़ हर एक रा� के एक साल के भीतर ही लोकायु� क� �नयु�� करनी थी लेिकन िफर
रा� सरकारों ने �वरोध िकया तो असल म� क� द्र सरकार ने मामला उनके �ववेक पर छोड़ िदया है। कई सारे रा�ों ने या तो लोकायु� क�
�नयु�� नहीं क�, या िफर क़ानून ऐसे बनाएँ है िक जहाँ वा�व म� लोकायु� एक काग़ज़ी शेर ही सा�बत हो। जैसे िक गोवा लोकायु� के पास
क़ानूनन मुक़दमा चलाने क� स�ा ही नहीं है के वल सलाह दे सकता है। नागाल�ड के क़ानून के मुता�बक़ यिद एक साल तक लोकायु� का पद
ख़ाली भी रहे तो उसक� अनुम�त है। �बहार म� लोकायु� के सम� फ़ज़� फ़�रयाद डालने वाले लोगों को सजा देने के प्रावधान है-ये प्रावधान
कु छ बार फ�रयािदयों को आ�धका�रक �प से �शकायत दजर् करने से डराता है। उ�र प्रदेश म� लोकायु� का कायर्काल आठ वष� का है
आलोचकों को ये डर लगे िक यिद स�ा प� से मीठे �र�े रखने वाले ��� को आठ साल तक वं हा �बठाया जाए तो भ्र�ाचार के �ख़लाफ़ कोई
�न�� जाँच हो निह पाएगी।)

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- Polity: federalism: 1954: North East Frontier Agency (NEFA) → Union Territory of Arunachal
Pradesh in 1972, → Arunachal Pradesh state in 1987. Border dispute between Assam and Arunachal
over ‘plain’ areas of Balipara and Sadiya foothills (अ�णाचल और आसाम के बीच सीमा �ववाद)

- Polity: federalism: W.Bengal CM Mamata blocks Governor Dhankhar on Twitter. Mamta’s

reasons: “Every day, he (Governor) abuses me and our officers using unethical and unconstitutional
words e.g. calling W.Bengal gas chamber of democracy”. He hands out instructions as if we are his
servants or bonded labourers. The elected Government is bonded labour, but he, someone who is
only nominated, is a super pehredaar (watchman). Every day after seeing his tweet, I get irritated”.
Governor’s Defense: “I am mandated under Article 159 of the Constitution to ensure none in the
state 'blocks' Constitutional Norms and Rules of Law and those in authority 'bear true faith and
allegiance to the Constitution of India. Under Article 167 it is Constitution 'duty' of the Chief
Minister to furnish such information relating to the administration of the affairs of the State and
proposals for legislation as the Governor may call for.” (प��म बं गाल क� मु�मं त्री ने रा�पाल को ही �ट्वटर पर �ॉक
कर िदया ये इ�ाम लगाते �ए िक वे बार बार मेरा अपमान कर रहे ह� और सं वैधा�नक श�ों का इ�ेमाल कर रहे ह� और हम� बं धुआ मज़दू र
क� तरह आदेश दे रहे ह�. जबिक गवनर्र का रा�पाल का यह कहना है िक सरकार से जानकारी माँगना रा�पाल का सं वैधा�नक कायर् है।)

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- Polity: Federalism/Executive: Governor owes his appointment and his continuation in the job to
the ruling party at the Centre. He cannot be impeached by the state legislature. So, Governors today
are being pejoratively called the ‘agents of the Centre’. Resulting into frictions with State Govt /
Opposition parties for selection of the party to form a government, deadline for proving majority,
sitting on Bills (Tamilandu), and passing negative remarks on the state administration (West
Bengal). Way forward? Administrative Reforms Commission of 1968 and Sarkaria Commission of
1988 recommended selection of the Governor through a panel comprising the PM, Home Minister,
Lok Sabha Speaker and the CM, apart from fixing his tenure for five years. provision to impeach the
Governor by the Assembly. �
But, No government has implemented any of these
recommendations. (िकसी रा� के रा�पाल यानी क� गवनर्र का कायर्काल क� द्र सरकार के स�ा प� क� मज़� पर �नभर्र करता है।
इस�लए ये �ववाद चलता है िक रा�पाल सं वैधा�नक भू�मका �नभाने क� जगह क� द्र क� कठपुतली बन चुके ह�. ख़ासकर रा� �वधानसभा म�
चुनाव के बाद प�ों को सरकार बनाने के �लए �ौता िदया जाए? रा� �वधानसभा द्वारा पास िकये कौन से �वधेयक पर ह�ा�र िकए जाए या
उ�� रोका जाए ? तथा रा� के प्रशासन के बारे म� नकारा�क िट��णयों क� जाए.- इन सभी मामलों म� रा�पाल, क� द्र क� स�ा प� को
मौज जाए- ऐसा बतार्व कर रहे ह�। �जससे रा� और क� द्र के बीच झगडालू सं घवाद बढ़ रहा है। इसके उपाय के �लए १) गवनर्र क� �नयु��
पर चयन प्रिक्रया के �लए एक अलग स�म�त �ँ �जसम� रा� के मु�मं त्री को भी �ान िदया जाए २) गवनर्र का कायर्काल पाँच साल के �लए
सु�न��त िकया जाए ३) �वधानसभा म� उसका महा�भयोग या नहीं हो सक� इस प्रकार के सुधार क� ज़�रत है )

Polity: Federalism: Tamilandu’s anti- NEET Bill, Bill to remove NEET requirement for admission
to undergraduate Medical degree courses in the state. → It was passed in the Vidhan Sabha
unanimously and then sent to Governor but Bill was returned by Governor Ravi without sending It
to the President, citing that It was against interests of students, especially (those from) rural and
economically poor students of the state”. but Tamil Nadu Vidhan Sabha again re-adopting the Bill,
and sending It again to the Governor → Governor will forward It to the President for his assent.
(त�मलनाडु म� मेिडकल कॉलेजों के दा�ख़ले �नट परी�ा अ�नवायर् न हों इस प्रकार का रा� सरकार का क़ानून जो त�मलनाडु रा� �वधानसभा
म� सवार्नुम�त से पास �आ उसे रा�पाल यानी िक गवनर्र को भेजा गया था. लेिकन रा�पाल ने उस �वधेयक को वापस िकया तो िफर से
त�मलनाडु रा� �वधानसभा म� सवार्नुम�त से पास करके वापस भेजा है तो अभी शायद उसे रा��प�त के पास भेजा जाएगा.)

- Polity: federalism: MHA forms a panel to resolve issues arising out of the Andhra Pradesh
Reorganisation Act, 2014. Agenda for the meeting is to discuss: 1. division of Andhra Pradesh State
Finance Corporation; 2. settlement of power utilities of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana; 3. removal
of anomaly in taxation matters; 4. division of cash balance and bank deposits; 5. cash credit by
Andhra Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation and Telangana State Civil Supplies Corporation; 6.
resource gap; 7. development grant for seven backward districts of Andhra Pradesh. There is no
agenda to discuss special category status. (14th and 15th finance commission stop giving any special
grants for special category states) (आँध्र प्रदेश और तेलंगाना के बँ टवारे के बाद उनके आपसी इस मसले जैसे क� �बजली घरों
का बँ टवारा सरकारी पैसों का बँ टवारा इ�ािद क� चचार् के �लए गृह मं त्रालय एक स�म�त का गठन कर रहा है)

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- Polity: Federalism / Governor vs CM: Article 176(1): Governor shall Address both the Houses
assembled together at the commencement of the first Session after each general election to the
Assembly and at the commencement of the first session of each year। (रा�पाल ने �वधानसभा चुनाव के बाद
सबसे पहले सत्र तथा हर वषर् के सबसे पहले सत्र को सं बो�धत करना होगा।) Kerala Governor throws tantrum not to come
in the governors address to the Vidhan Sabha. He was unhappy because 1) Kerala governor had
appointed a BJP leader Hari S Kartha as his additional personal assistant. But the state government
Principal Secretary K R Jyothilal from GAD dept send a dissent letter to Governor’s secretary
Davendrakumar Dhodawat that “appointment of a politician in Raj Bhavan was unprecedented, and
it was desirable to stick to norms. ” Governor felt “insulted and disrespected by the GAD”. So he
refused to come to Governor’s address to Vidhan Sabha. Ultimately to placate the Governor, the CM
transferred the IAS officer then Governor arrived at Vidhan Sabha. 2) Furthermore, to return the
“insult”, Governor wants the Kerala State government to stop giving life-time pensions to personal
staff of the ministers, Speaker and the Leader of Opposition- calling it is a waste of public money.
�Points to Reflect: If governor didn’t come, worst that could happen is removal for non-
performance of constitutional duty, but unlikely to happen when ruling parties @union and states
are different. (such employees may be joined to NPS-made responsible for their own pension
investment). (के रल क� रा�पाल ने BJP नेता को अपने �नजी �ाफ़ के �प म� नौकरी पे रखा तो रा� सरकार के सामा� प्रशासन
�वभाग क� IAS अफ़सर ने नाराज़गी जताते �ए �लखा पत्र �लखा िक ऐसे राजनी�तक ��� को रा�पाल के द�र म� नौकरी नहीं देनी
चािहए वरना �न��ता बरकरार नहीं रहेगी। रा�पाल इस पत्र से नाराज़ हो गए, और �वधानसभा सत्र म� आने से मना कर िदया! िफर
मु�मं त्री ने उस IAS अफसर का तबादला िकया, उसके बाद रा�पाल क� नाराज़गी और ग़ु�ा शांत �आ और वे �वधानसभा सत्र म�

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- Polity: Federalism/Rights issues: language-domicile protest in Jharkhand against the inclusion of

Bhojpuri and Magahi as “regional languages” in district-level competitive examinations for
government jobs. Locals argue this will result in “outsiders” taking away jobs from the
natives/tribals. �ँ झारखं ड के कु छ �ज़लों म� भोजपुरी और मगही भाषा म� भी �जला �र क� सरकारी नौकरी परी�ा ली जाएगी इसके
�ख़लाफ़ आिदवासी और मूल �नवासी �वरोध प्रदशर्न कर रहे ह� िक बाहर के लोग हमारी नौकरी खा जाएं गे

- Polity: combative federalism: Empanelment rules: ALMOST 50% of all posts reserved for IPS
officers at DIG-level at the Centre are vacant. So government is thinking of changing the rules - that
would allow it to call any IAS, IPS or IFoS officer on central deputation with or without the state’s
consent. Related to their daily some small small update keep coming. It is not necessary to
understand and memorise each and every small detail of it for MCQ/Mains. we already have enough
basic understanding done in the past. (रा� के कै डर म� आवं िटत अ�खल भारतीय सेवाओं के अफ़सर हो गई क� द्र सरकार म�
प्र�त�नयु�� के बारे म� �नयम �जसके बारे म� हम पहले भी देख चुके हो।)


- Polity: Election- Nearly 20% of the BJP & Congress candidates in Uttarakhand Vidhan Sabha
election are relatives of the politicians. �Points to Reflect: even if a meritorious person is doing
good work in public life, he may not get the ticket to contest from a big political party. � He/she
can contest as an independent MLA but chances of victory will be slim because requires lot of money
for campaigning in the election / buying votes by dolling cash/saree/liquor to poor. �
was formed in 2000. So in 22 years it has in 10 chief ministers. Such political instability is inevitable
in the elections get a life with nepotism, leg-pulling and horse-trading. (उ�राखं ड �वधानसभा चुनाव म� कांग्रेस
और BJP ने �जन उ�ीदवारों को िटकट िदया है उसम� से 20% तो नेताओं के बाद ब�े और �र�ेदार है। यिद प्र�तभावान ��� अ�ा
सामा�जक कायर्कतार् हो लेिकन िफर भी बड़े राजनी�तक प� द्वारा उसे िटकट न िदया जाए तो उसका चुनाव �जतना मु��ल होता है �ोंिक

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चुनाव जीतने के �लए प्रचार प्रसार म� ढेर सारा पैसा चािहए। उ�राखं ड क� �ापना को क़रीब 22 साल होने आए �जसम� अब तक दस बार
मु�मं त्री बदले जा चुके ह� �ोंिक भाई भतीजावाद वाले प�ों म� टाँग �खंचाई और �वधायकों क� ख़रीद �बक्र� से बनायी सरकार� लं बी िटकती

- Polity: elections- Journalists and psephologists have a right to do opinion and exit polls during
elections. so under freedom of speech and expression is granted by the Constitution (Article 19). But
this freedom cannot be absolute. Paid news/biased exit polls → if it predicted that a certain party is
not going to win the election then some of its supporters may not even visit the voting booth,
thinking voting will be a waste of their time. Such manipulation and disinformation can result in
“undue influence” → A) an “electoral offence” under Indian penal code IPC Section 171 (C) and
B)“corrupt practice” under representation of peoples act. �
restrictions are also imposed on Exit
Polls from two to 21 days prior to the poll — Canada, France, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Argentina,
Brazil, Colombia etc. �
in while ECI freezes Exit polls few days before the election but more clarity
and proper enforcement is required regarding the sample size methodology and funding of the
particular surveyors. (पत्रकारों को और चुनाव शा��यों को चुनावी सव��ण करने का मौ�लक अ�धकार है- �ोंिक वो एक प्रकार से
भाषा और अ�भ��� क� आज़ादी है। लेिकन राजनी�तक प�ों से पैसा लेकर प�पाती िक़� के चुनावी सव��ण िदखाए जाएं तो कभी कभी
छोटी पाट� के समथर्क को लगेगा िक इस चुनाव म� हमारी पाट� के जीतने क� तो सं भावना ही नहीं है!! तो �ों म� मतदान के � म� वोट डालने
जाऊँ !? �जसके चलते उस पाट� क� जीत क� सं भावना हो लेिकन वो जीत नहीं पाएगी �ोंिक उसके समथर्क वोट देने नहीं आएं गे। इस�लए
इस प्रकार क� ग�त�व�धयां भारतीय दंड सं िहता और चुनाव प्र�त�न�ध� क़ानून दोनों म� ही अपराध माने जाते ह�। चुनाव के कु छ िदनों पहले से
इस प्रकार के ए��ट पोल प्रका�शत करने पर चुनाव आयोग क� पाबं दी तो लगाता है लेिकन अ� देशों म� जैसे - स� क़ानून और ��
प्रावधान है -ऐसा भारत म� भी होना ज़�री है।)

- Polity- Election / comparing Constitution: in South Korean election: Deepfakes are synthetic media
/ audio / video / holographic image in which a person in an existing image or video is replaced with
someone else's likeness. Deppfake is more advanced and realistic than previous methods of
Photoshopping and morphing. Deepfakes leverage powerful techniques from machine learning and
artificial intelligence to generate visual and audio content with a high level of realism. �
Korea's president ship candidate Yoon Suk-yeol’s campaign team has deployed AI Yoon, a digital
character that looks like Yoon. � human Yoon recorded his voice and provided images for the
creation of the digital avatar and its responses are provided by campaign staff. AI-version is younger,
more cool dressing, talks abrasively like Donald Trump �
So, the AI Yoon avatar is reportedly
hugely popular with young South Koreans. �
in South Korea election campaign- “deepfakes” like
AI Yoon are allowed as long as they are disclosed as being digital creations, do not incite violence
and do not lie or spread “fake news”. �
Challenges: � 1) politicians who do not have enough
money for access to technology to create smart-dashing-cool versions of AI may not be able to win
the election, if the larger chunk of voters are youngsters with digital connectivity. So considering
these challenges, is it should not be allowed in India yet. �
2) AI-versions acts on data aggregation

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of social media / likes. So if the AI version ‘learns’ that youngsters like to talk about PUBG and Arijit
Singh, he may start talking about it, instead of poverty unemployment and equality → and younger
generation (who has not going to school for two years, and living as Digital Gadget Zombies) may
vote in favour. It will undermine the democratic discourse of election. � 3) AI could present the
data in a coloured manner to incite hatred between immigrants and domiciles. Politician could
always Escape by blaming it on the computer coder. (कृ �त्रम बु�द्धम�ा और डीप-फ़े क टे�ोलॉजी क� मदद से जी�वत
नेता के िड�जटल अवतार बनाए जा रहे ह�। ऐसे िड�जटल अवतार जो क� जी�वत बुजुगर् नेता के मुक़ाबले उसका युवा ��प, �ादा रंग �बरंगे
कपड़े, �ादा भड़काऊ भाषण देने वाला ��प प्रद�शत करता है तािक नौजवानों म� वो �ादा पसं द िकया जाए. द��ण को�रया के चुनावों म�
इसक� अनुम�त है। हालाँिक भारत म� इसको अनुम�त देना ठीक नहीं होगा �ोंिक बड़ी राजनै�तक प� िदन के पास �वपुल मात्रा म� पैसा है उ��
इससे फ़ायदा होगा छोटे राजनी�तक प� ऐसी िड�जटल दौड़ म� जीत नहीं पाएं गे। कृ �त्रम बु�द्धम�ा हमेशा जनता का बड़ा डेटा सं ग्रिहत करके
उसक� �नरी�ण से नई नई चीज़ों को सीखता है। तो यिद ऐसी िड�जटल अवतार को पता चले िक नौजवानों को वीिडयो गे� और िफ़�ी गाने
ही पसं द है तो वो उसी क� चचार् करता रहेगा, न िक ग़रीबी बेरोज़गारी और असमानता क�। और ऐसे नौजवान जो दो साल से कॉलेज म� नहीं
गए और घर पर पूरा िदन PUBG खेलकर िड�जटल ज़ो�ी बन चुके ह� वे तो ऐसे ही आदमी को चुनाव म� �जतवा द�गे! अगर िड�जटल
अवतार कोई भड़काऊ भाषण भी देता है, और समाज म� ज़हर फै लाकर- ट�� क� तरह चुनाव जीत भी जाता है तो भी राजनेता ख़ुद को
क़ानूनन �प से बचाने क� को�शश कर सकता है िक वो तो कं �ूटर कोड म� ख़राबी थी)

- Polity: election criminalisation of politics: Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said
“Nehru’s India has become one where,50% MPs in the Lok Sabha have criminal charges pending
against them...Though it is also said that many of these allegations are politically motivated.”
Government of India summoned the Singapuri ambassador and expressed displeasure about such
unnecessary remarks by Singapuri PM. Now daily means answer writing challenges are going on
regarding criminalisation of politics toh bhaai 1) you (candidate) should have already completed
such contemporary issues of GSM2-Governance/Election/RPA. Just because a news came, so now
you are going to prepare it—- this type of reactive approach to exam will not help you complete the
syllabus in a timely and systematic manner. 2) previously government of India has protested against
the remarks made by a) Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau, RIHANNA & GRETA who spoke in support
of farmers protesting the three farm laws. b) South Kore Hyundai cars Instagram profile supported
Pakistan’s Kashmir Solidarity Day. ( �सगं ापुर के प्रधानमं त्री ने बयान िदया िक “नेह� के भारत िक लोक सभा म� क़रीब आधे
सांसदों के �ख़लाफ़ आपरा�धक मामले दजर् ह�” इस पर भारत सरकार ने आप�� जतायी है िक तुम अपना देखो। इससे पहले कनेिडयन
प्रधानमं त्री, तथा ग्रेटा, �रहाना द्वारा भारतीय लोकतं त्र के बारे म� क� गई िट��णयों पर भारत सरकार ने आप�� जतायी थी। इस पर बाबूशोने
भावुक होके डेली म�स आंसर राइिटगं करने बेठ गये है, भाई GSM२ �सलेबस के िहसाब से आपने पहले ही ये सब चीज़� पढ़ के रखे होनी
चािहए। आप �प्र�लम का देखोगे िक यह सब लेके बैठोगे?)

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- Polity: election → defection: 10th Schedule. If 2/3rd members of the legislature party agree for a
merger → then it is not defection. Such MP/MLA a need not be disqualified. Goa: 10 MLAs of
Congress joined BJP. 10 MLA constituted two-thirds of the Congress (in Goa Vidhan Sabha) so,
Speaker ruled not to disqualify them and High Court also accepted this. Critics argue this rule is
allowing loopholes for mass-horse trading of MLA/MP. Otherwise it is unimaginable that congress
will ‘merge’ with BJP (merely because 10 MLAs joined)! (िकसी एक राजनी�तक प� के सांसद या �वधायक म� से दो
�तहाई अगर दू सरे प� म� �वलीन होते ह� तो उसे प�ांतर/दल-बदलू नहीं माना जाता। यानी िक उनका गृह से सद�ता रद नहीं होती. गोवा म�
ऐसा �आ था �ीकर और हाईकोटर् ने इसे जायज़ ठहराया हालाँिक कांग्रेस को आप�� है िक अगर गोवा कांग्रेस क� 10 �वधायक BJP म�
शा�मल हो तो वो कांग्रेस प� का �वलीनीकरण नहीं है ये तो �वधायकों क� ख़रीद �बक्र� �ई है!)

- Polity: election: Hate Speech: BJP’s Mayankeshwar Singh in Uttar Pradesh election speech- “If you
have to live in India, (you will have to) chant 'Radhey-Radhey', else like all those who went to
Pakistan during the Partition, you can go too. You are not needed here." After this ELECTION
Commission (EC) banned him from making public statements, public meetings, processions, rallies,
roadshows and interviews- for 24 hours and FIR has been filed against him under IPC and
Representation of the People Act. �
Points to Reflect: 1) Under Article 324- election commission

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is given the power four superintendence, direction and control of elections Union, State, VP and
Pres. 2) damage/political beenfit is already done. Clip became viral and circulated in the social
media. so 24 hour ban doesn’t ‘undo’ it. 2) hate speech related cases drag for years so no real
punishment is felt. 3) stricter and faster implementation required against hate speech. (उ�र प्रदेश चुनाव
रेली म� नेता का िहदं ू मु��म के बारे म� वैमन� पूणर् बयान. चुनाव आयोग ने 24 घं टे तक सावर्ज�नक बयान देने इस पर पाबं दी और पु�लस ने
मामला दजर् करवाया। हालाँिक सोशल मीिडया के ज़माने म� नेता के बयान तो सब जगह फै ले ही गया तो उसे उ�� जो चुनावी फ़ायदा होना था
वो होके रहेगा और जहाँ तक पु�लस के स का मामला है वो तो कई वष� तक �वलं �बत रहेगा यानी चुनावी प्रचार म� नफ़रत पूणर् बातों पर �ादा
स�ी क� ज़�रत। )

- Polity: election: Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill 2019: 1) JK and Ladakh will get IAS/IPS
cadre officers from Arunachal Goa Mizoram Union Territory (AGMUT) cadre. 2) just like
Puducherry and Delhi, the UT of JK Will have a state legislature with a council of ministers. Number
of Vidhan Sabha seats in JK ⏫ from 107 to 114 → 2020-March: Delimitation Commission, headed
by retired Supreme Court judge Ranjana Prakash Desai. After he gives the report, election will be
held in JK. Originally he was supposed to give the report within a year but this process is dragged so
Government keeps giving timeline extension to the commission. (ज�ू क�ीर के सीमांकन आयोग क� समयाव�ध
को बढ़ाया गया)


- Polity: executive versus Judiciary: DPSP Article 50 in The Constitution Of India -The State shall
take steps to separate the judiciary from the executive in the public services of the State. Rioters can
have to pay penalty for damaging public property the cases are to be decided ideally by a judge. But
Additional District Magistrate (ADM/executive) are imposing penalties on persons accused in Anti-
CAA-rioting (2019). Thus, administration played the role of prosecutor, judge and jury. Accused
person not getting a a fair hearing. This is unconstitutional. Supreme Court ordered stopping this.
(सं �वधान के अनु�ेद 50 के िहसाब से रा� क� लोक सेवाओं म� �ायपा�लका को कायर्पा�लका से अलग करने के �लए रा� कदम
उठाएगा। यानी िक �ाय देने के काम जज के पास होने चािहए, ए���ूिटव मै�ज��ेट ने �ायाधीश क� भू�मका नहीं �नभानी चािहए।
हालाँिक उ�र प्रदेश म� नाग�रकता क़ानून के �खलाफ़ �ए दंगों म� सावर्ज�नक सं प�� का नुक़सान क� भरपाई के �लए दंगाईऑ के �ख़लाफ़ जो
के स चल रहे ह� वहाँ ए���ूिटव मै�ज��ेट �ायाधीश क� भू�मका �नभा रहे ह� तो सुप्रीम कोटर् ने इसे बं द करने को कहा है।)


- Polity: Rights issues- reservation: Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Act, 2020
mandates 75% in the private sector to job seekers who are “domiciled in State of Haryana”- in jobs
where max monthly salary is upto Rs.30k. 2022: Punjab and Haryana High Court on granted an
interim stay on this. (ह�रयाणा म� �ानीय लोगों को �नजी कं प�नयों के रोज़गार म� तीन चौथाई आर�ण िदया जाए ऐसे क़ानून पर
पं जाब हरयाना हाईकोटर् ने रोक लगायी है)

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- Polity: Rights issues- revised protocol for disposal of Parsi Covid victims’ bodies. Paris’s keep their
dead bodies at Dokhmas / Dakhma also known as a Tower of Silence. Wherein corpse will decay &
the vultures may eat it. Such last rites are known as ‘Dokhmenashini’. 2020: Corona → government
prohibited this. Reasons: 1) World Health Organization has noted that if a person died of Covid-19
while he or she was infectious, the lungs and other organs may still contain live virus even after death
upto 9 days. It recommended only cremation or burial for disposal of such bodies. 2) World
Organization for Animal Health (OIE) has observed that Corona-dead bodies should not be allowed
to come in contact with animals/wild life. So, Gujarat Govt said no, Guj HC also agreed → Parsi
groups petition in SC. Govt repeats the stand. Final judgement of Supreme Court: “Tower of Silence”
will be covered with an iron grid so that vultures, birds and animals cannot come into contact with
the corpses placed inside. This has been acceptable to both government as well as the Parsi petitioner
so case is closed. (पारसी अपनी मृत शरीर को दफ़ना / जलाते नहीं लेिकन एक “दुखमा” टावर म� छोड़ देते ह� जहाँ गीध प�ी उसे खा
जाए। हालाँिक मृत शरीर म� भी नौ िदनों तक वायरस �ज़दं ा रह सकता है और वो प��यों द्वारा आगे सं क्रमण फै ला सकता है इस�लए गुजरात
सरकार ने इस �व�ध पर मना िकया था हाई कोटर् ने गुजरात सरकार जीती थी तो पारसी समुदाय सुप्रीम कोटर् म� गया जहाँ पर सरकार वापस
अपनी दलीलों को दोहरा रही है. अंत म� सुप्रीम कोटर् ने यह फ़ै सला िदया है िक इस प्रकार के �लए टावर को लोहे क� जाली से ढक िदया जाए
तािक कोई प�ी या पशु मृत शरीर को छू ना सके / खा न सके । और सूयर् प्रकाश म� धीरे धीरे अपने आप को मृत शरीर का भी �वघटन हो जाए।
इस �नयम को सरकार और पारसी समुदाय दोनों ने �ीकृ त िकया है इस�लए के स ख़� हो गया।)

- Politics: Rights issues/ property rights/Judicial Delay:- Hindu Succession Act was passed in 1956.
Marappa Gounder died in 1949, or in 1957. His children for legal case for property division. 2022: SC
ruled If a Hindu man dies intestate (without a will), the daughter can inherit her father’s self-
acquired property. All of the original litigants are dead and their fourth generation is now fighting
for the property rights. (अगर एक िह�ू पु�ष �बना वसीयत बनाएँ मर जाएं तो उसक� � उपा�जत सं प�� म� बेटी का भी अ�धकार
होगा - ऐसा ही एक मामला बोहोत लं बी अव�ध के बाद सुप्रीम कोटर् द्वारा �नपटाया गया।)

- Polity: Rights issue /freedom of speech/ movie making: defence ministry refused a No Objection
Certificate (NOC) for a movie showing “GAY relationship between an Army officer and a local
Kashmiri boy”. Defence ministry can do so for protecting the “image of the Armed Forces in the
minds of the citizens of India/general public, national security, the defence of India, situation of law
and order in the country/various states, maintenance of discipline in the Armed Forces,
ethos/customs of military service and general sentiments of the citizens. This is not
arbitrary/discriminatory in nature nor does it violate Article 14 of the Constitution of India.
Fundamental right to freedom of speech and expressions, guaranteed under Article 19(1) (a) of the
Constitution of India is not absolute, it is also subject to reasonable restrictions”. (वो एक आम� अफ़सर
और क�ीरी लड़क� के बीच समल��गक �र�ों पर बनायी गई िफ़� को र�ा मं त्रालय ने अनुम�त देने से इनकार िकया िक ऐसी िफ़�ों के
चलते लोगों म� सेना के प्र�त स�ान कमज़ोर होता है। िफ़� �नमार्ता को वाणी �वचार अ�भ��� �तं त्र ह�, लेिकन उस पर भी �ायो�चत
�नयं त्रण भी उतना ही ज़�री है। )

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- Polity: Rights issue freedom of speech: Tripura Police sending notices to people over their social
media posts related to alleged communal violence. SC pulled up Tripura Police e and warned the
them not to “harass” them people like this. Everyone shouldn’t be made to run to the Supreme
Court, Otherwise we will call SP (superintendent of police) to court and make him answerable if we
find he’s trying to evade compliance. (�त्रपुरा म� �ए क�थत कॉ�मक दंगों के बारे म� सोशल मीिडया पो� �लखने वालों पर
पु�लस क� अलग अलग के स दजर् करती है, और नाग�रकों को �गर�ारी से बचने के �लए उ�� सुप्रीम कोटर् तक दौड़ लगानी पड़ती है. तो
सुप्रीम कोटर् ने �त्रपुरा सरकार को फटकार लगायी है िक लोगों को इस तरह से परेशान करना बं द क��जए।)

- Polity: Rights issues: Uttarakhand CM has promised a uniform civil code for the state if BJP is voted
back to power. �
Points to Reflect: 1) DPSP Article 44 of the Constitution says the state shall
endeavour to secure for citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India. But State
government cannot enforce it for the entire India. 2) Under the Constitution, personal laws are in
Concurrent List (entry No. 5). So both Parliament and Vidhan Sabha can make laws. But law in acted
by Parliament will supersede the one elected by Vidhan Sabha. 3) Goa already has a UCC. But
Hindus and Muslims of Goa are governed by the Portuguese Family and Succession Laws. 4) The
Constitution itself protects local customs of Nagaland, Meghalaya and Mizoram. 5) It is also a myth
that Hindus are governed by one uniform law. Marriage among close relatives is prohibited in the
north but considered auspicious in the south. 6) Even “code” does not necessarily mean one single
law in every circumstance. There is not a single code for single religion at present. Hindu Personnel
laws are spread across Hindu Marriage Act, 1955; Hindu Succession Act, 1956; and Hindu Adoption
& Maintenance Act, 1956. (उ�राखं ड के मु�मं त्री ने कहा है िक हमारी सरकार िफर से आएगी तो एक समान नाग�रक
सं िहता लागू क� जाएगी. वैसे रा� के पथ प्रदशर्क �सद्धांतों म� इसका �ज़क्र है लेिकन रा� सरकार पूरे भारत म� इसे लागू नहीं कर सकते है वैसे
भी शादी �ाह तलाक़ क� �वरासत ब�ा गोद म� लेना मामलों के क़ानून सातवीं अनुसूची क� समवत� सूची म� आते ह� यानी िक क� द्र और रा�
दोनों क़ानून बना सकते ह�, लेिकन क़ानून सव�प�र माना जाएगा. ऐसा कहा जाता है िक गोवा म� पहले से ही समान नाग�रक सं िहता है लेिकन
वहाँ िहदं ू और मु��म दोनों पर पुतर्गाली समय के कानून चलते ह�. उ�र पूवर् के कु छ रा�ों म� भी उनके �ववाह �वरासत म� �ा�नक री�त
�रवाज़ों को सं वैधा�नक सं र�ण �मला है। उ�र भारत के िह�ू अपने �नकट-प�रवार म� शादी नहीं करते है िकंतु द��ण भारत म� ये पाया जाता
है। ये सब को देखते �ए भारत म� समान नाग�रक सं िहता लागू करना मु��ल।)

- polity: 6-Rights issues /Privacy: 2018 a jeweller murdered by robbers. Police has 14 persons’ finger
prints and CCTV footage. But it is not in the existing database of the previous criminals so police
wants it to get match in Aadhar card to find out the robbers. UIDAI is opposed that the law prohibits
it from sharing the core biometric information with anyone. Although Delhi Police argument 1)
High Court judge can order disclosure of information on identity in certain cases. 2) law also does
not prohibit disclosure of such information in the interest of national security. 3) Delhi police says it
can submit the photo and fingerprint to UIDAI then UIDAI will crosscheck and give identity of
persons (without giving their data to Delhi police). (िद�ी म� एक ज़ौहरी क� ह�ा �ई थी और उसक� दुकान से कई
ग्राहकों और डकै तों के िफंगर �प्रटं �मले थे पु�लस ने उ�� अपरा�धयों के डेटाबेस के साथ �मलाने क� को�शश क� लेिकन नतीजा नहीं आया
�ोंिक वे अपराधी शायद पहले कभी पकड़े नहीं गए थे। िद�ी पु�लस चाहती है िक UID सं �ा आधार काडर् के साथ सं ल� िफंगर �प्रटं और

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चेहरे के फोटोग्राफसर् के साथ इसे �मलाकर अपरा�धयों को पकड़ने म� मदद कर� लेिकन UID लोगों क� आधार-काडर् �नजता के अ�धकार से
जुड़े क़ानूनन प्रवधानो क� पीपूडी बजाकर मना कर रही है तो िद�ी हाईकोटर् म� ये मसला चल रहा है। अं�तम �नणर्य आने दो िफर हम इस पर

- Polity: 6-Rights issues/ privacy: Section 122 of the Evidence Act recognises that all communications
between spouses during the wedlock are sacrosanct and “they should be held privileged”. But in
case of murder case Kerala high court allowed admission of such communication. Although, I find it
not so greatly important for the scope of UPSC, unless law is your optional subject. (प�त प�ी के आपसी
सं वादो /बातो को अदालत म� भी सुबूत के �प म� पेश नहीं िकया जा सकता है हालाँिक ��भचार और ह�ा के एक मामले म� के रल हाई कोटर्
ने इसे अनुम�त दी लेिकन UPSC के प�रपे� म� मुझे ये इतना उपयोगी नहीं, �सवाय के आपका ऑ�शनल �वषय हो law)

- Polity: comparing Constitution /6-Rights issues: Kuwait’s Anti-transgender law: It criminalised

transgender people for cross-dressing / wearing female clothes for one-year in prison or a fine of
$3,300. But 2022: Constitutional court has removed/struck down this law- citing “inconsistent with
the constitution’s keenness to ensure and preserve personal freedom.” �
Points to Reflect: Saudi
Arab UAE Kuwait another middle eastern countries are removing certain regressive laws against
women and LGBT- to improve their global image, attract investors, tourists and film-makers, and
perhaps to sign free trade agreements with European Union (EU)- where LGBT rights tend to be
more prominent in politics. (कु वैत म� एक िक�र समुदाय के �ख़लाफ़ बने क़ानून को असं वैधा�नक घो�षत िकया गया। आज कल
�व� म� अपनी छ�व को सुधारने के �लए म�पूवर् के कई देश है मिहला और समल��गकों के �ख़लाफ़ भेदभावपूणर् कानूनों म� सुधार कर रही है।
इससे �वदेशी प्रवासी �वदेशी �नवेशक को लाने म� भी सु�वधा रहती है और यूरोपीय सं घ के साथ मु� �ापार समझौते करने हों तो भी उनके
राजनेताओं को ख़ुश रखने के �लए यह ज़�री हो जाता है- �ोंिक यूरोपीय सं घ के चुनावों म� और राजनी�त म� समल��गक मुद्दे हावी रहते है.)

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- Polity: Rights issues: In Ram Manohar Lohia vs State of Bihar (1965), the Supreme Court held that
The violation of law always affects order but before it can be said to affect public order, it must affect
the community or the public at large. So every violation of law does not automatically affecting the
public order at large (e.g. Cheque fraud case involving two parties.). One has to imagine three
concentric circles 1) largest representing ‘law and order’, 2) next representing ‘public order’ (It is an
aggravated form of disturbance that is much intense/higher than a law and order issue.) 3) the
smallest representing ‘security of State/sedition’ (even more intense form of disturbance. e.g.
terrorist plotting a attack) (१-क़ानून �व�ा २- सावर्ज�नक �व�ा ३- रा��ीय सुर�ा। ये तीन एक सं के ��त च�र के तीन
अलग अलग च्रक/गोलाकार ह�। हर मामला जो क़ानून �व�ा का है वो सावर्ज�नक �व�ा का मामला भी हो ऐसा ज़�री नहीं �सवाय के
उस चीज़ से जन समुदाय पर कोई असर हो रहा। ब�क के चेक-ग़बन /धाँधली का मामला - दो प�ों के बीच क़ानूनी उ�ं घन का मामला हो
सकता है लेिकन वो एक दंगे क� तरह पूरे जन समुदाय को असर कर रहा है ऐसा नहीं बोल सकते। उसी तरह �ा�नक �प से िकया गया कोई
दंगा- रा��ीय सुर�ा का मसला है और ऐसा भी ज़�री नहीं है �सवाय िक वह आतं क� ग�त�व�ध भी हो रही हो।

- Polity: 6-Rights issues: supreme Court order: “Lohra/Lohara” are ST communities in Bihar. But
“Lohar or Lohaar ” are not ST communities. So such person cannot avail the ST reservation benefit
more he can file complaint under prevention of atrocities act- because he is not ST. Earlier Bihar
government had added them (Lohaar) in the ST category, but how the Supreme Court has removed
it (सुप्रीम कोटर् का आदेश क� �बहार म� ‘लोहारा’ अनुसू�चत जनजा�त है लेिकन ‘लोहार’ समुदाय उसे श्रेणी म� नहीं आता है।)

- Polity: comparing Constitution- Women Rights/Equal Pay/ Attitude towards women sportsman:
2019- American national women's football/Soccer team complained to the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission demanding equal pay as men- for sports tournaments. 2022: judgement
came. Women Players will receive $22 million in arrears/back pay. �Points to Reflect: 1) GSM2-
2017: Is the National Commission for Women able to strategize and tackle the problems that women
face at both public and private spheres? Give reasons in support of your answer. � 2) so looking at
how America handle this matter, we do not see such case studies in India- either because � A)
National commission for women does not have the power. �
B) minimum wages and equal pay are
not strictly enforced. � C) Government does not have enough fiscal resources / willpower to
enforce such reforms without annoying the business man and sports-federations run by politicians.
� D) if the woman engages in such litigation probably thrown out from the job. �
E) Most
Indian female workers not aware of their rights/ not organised enough to launch such agitation.
(अमे�रका म� मिहला फ़ु टबॉल �खलािड़यों को पु�ष �खलािड़यों से कम वेतन िदया जाता। 2०16 म� उ�ोंने समान वेतन के बारे म� पेश िकया
2022 म� अमरीक� समानता आयोग ने उन मिहला �खलािड़यों को बकाया २२ �म�लयन डॉलर पुरानी तारीख़ से मुआवज़े का आदेश िदया।
भारत म� मिहला आयोग प्रभावी �प से ऐसा काम नहीं कर पाता- एसा २०१७ म� UPSC ने प्र� पूछा था- �ोंिक शायद भारतीय मिहला
आयोग के पास ऐसी श��यां नहीं है, या िफर उसे लागू करवाने के �लए सरकार के पास �व�ीय सं साधन नहीं है, या िफर ऐसी लागू करवाए
जाएं गे तो उद्योगप�त और खेलकू द सं घ पर अजगर क� तरह बैठे नेताओं को मज़ा नहीं आएगा। भारत क� मिहलाओं ने अपने क़ानूनी
अ�धकारों के बारे म� जाग�कता भी कम है और वो एक दबाव समूह के �प म� इसका आंदोलन कर निह पाती। )

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- Polity: comparing Constitution/rights issue: AUSTRIA to become first Western democracy to

mandate Covid vaccinations for nearly its entire adult population using law. (ऑ���या म� क़ानूनन �प से िटका
लगवाना अ�नवायर् होगा.)


- Polity: secularism rights issue: Karnataka state government justifies the ban on wearing the hijab to
classrooms under Karnataka Education Act, 1983 (कनार्टक �श�ा क़ानून के तहत िहजाब प्रबं धन प्र�तबं ध को रा�
सरकार ने सही ठहराया है)

- Polity: secularism/Rights issues- Freedom of religion, dress and beard: Article 25(1) of the
Constitution guarantees the “freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practise and
propagate religion”. It is also a negative liberty — means that the state shall ensure that there is no
interference or obstacle to exercise this freedom. 1) However, state can restrict the right for grounds
of public order, decency, morality, health and other state interests. e.g. SC-2004 Judgement: Ananda
Marga sect had no fundamental right to perform Tandava dance in public streets, since it did not
constitute an essential practice. 2) Armed Force Regulations, 1964, prohibits the growth of hair by
Armed Forces personnel, except for religious purpose e.g Sikh. 2016: A Muslim airman removed
from the Indian Air Force for keeping a beard. He went to SC but failed to prove that keeping a beard
is essential part of Islam. Supreme court did not undo his job removal. 3) Kerala HC: To prevent
cheating in the exams, CBSE / NTA-NEET has the right to enforce Dress code e.g. half sleeves not
having big buttons, slippers and not shoes” etc. Because CBSE has shortage of manpower to check
every candidate if they allowed complete autonomy in choosing their dress. And, invigilator can
demand Muslims girls to remove Headscarf (e.g. to check dummy candidate / ear-bluetooth.).
Because practice of wearing a hijab constitutes an essential religious practice but did not quash the
CBSE rule. 4) Kerala HC: a Christian missionary school prohibited Muslim girls from hearing

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headscarf. Kerala HC judgement: Petitioners cannot seek imposition of their individual right as
against the larger right of the institution in prescribing dress code. 5) again controversy because 6
girl students were banned from entering a college in Karnataka’s Udupi district for wearing a hijab.
(हालाँिक सं �वधान म� धा�मक �तं त्रता का मौ�लक अ�धकार िदया गया है लेिकन इस क़ानून �व�ा नै�तकता का �ा� और अ� कारणों
से सरकार इस पर �ायो�चत पाबं िदयां लगा सकता है उदाहरण ��प � आनं द मागर् अनुयाइयों को सावर्ज�नक �ानों पर तांडव नृ�
करने क� अनुम�त नहीं है. � सश� सेना बलों म� सै�नकों को दाढ़ी क� और लं बे बालों क� छू ट निह हे, �सवाय क� वह उनके धा�मक री�त
�रवाज़ों का बु�नयादी िह�ा हो - उदाहरण ��प �सख समुदाय। � हालाँिक भारतीय वायुसेना म� एक मु��म सै�नक को दाढ़ी रखने के
�लए नौकरी से हटाया गया वो सुप्रीम कोटर् म� गया लेिकन सा�बत नहीं कर पाया िक इ�ामी दाढ़ी रखना धा�मक री�त �रवाज़ों का बु�नयादी
िह�ा है इस�लए सुप्रीम कोटर् ने उसक� नौकरी बखार्�गी को उ�चत ठहराया. � परी�ाओं म� चोरी और धाँधली को रोकने के �लए
आयोजकों को भी व� जूते इ�ािद पर �नयम बनाने क� छू ट है जैसे क� CBSC बोडर् परी�ा और �नट परी�ा म� उ�ीदवारों को जूते क�
जगह च�ल पहनने क� �नयम, छोटी आ�ीन वाले शटर् पहनने का �नयम के रला हाईकोटर् ने उ�चत ठहराया �ोंिक हरेक उ�ीदवार क� जाँच
करने के �लए पयार्� �श�क/परी�क हर �ू ल म� मौजूद नहीं हो सकते। � परी�ा �नरी�क मु��म लड़िकयों को अपना िहजाब हटाने के
�लए भी बोल सकता है अगर उसे फ़ज़� उ�ीदवार या कान म� �ूटुथ उपकरण का शक हो। इसे भी के रल हाईकोटर् ने उ�चत ठहराया है। �
िक्र��यन �मशनरीज़ �ू ल म� �ू ल द्वारा बताया गया गणवेश पहनना होगा िक वह मु��म लड़िकयाँ िहजाब पहेन निह सकती �ोंिक इस के स
म� के रल हाईकोटर् ने एक ��� �वशेष के अ�धकार को सं �ा के अ�धकारों से छोटे माना)

- Polity: secularism/rights issues: 2018: Assam Madrasa Education (Provincialization) Act to to

abolish all state-run Madrasas. all state-run madrasas were to be converted into “regular schools” for
“general education”- to make it secular. � Certain Muslim leaders went to Gauhati High Court
saying the government’s move violated the fundamental rights under Articles 25, 26, 29 and 30. High
Court has rejected their appeal because 1) secularism was a “basic structure of the Constitution”, and
that as per Article 28 (1), this secular nature “mandates that no religious instruction shall be
provided in any educational institution wholly maintained out of state funds”. 2) if Muslim
community wants to establish religious schools they have the freedom but using their own funds. 3)
State had removed religious teachings from government schools”. So the claim of the petitioners that
these madrasas are minority institutions and are maintained by minority is a claim which has no
foundation, because government was the owner of the premises. ( एक ज़माने म� असम के कु छ सरकारी �ू लों को
मदरेसा म� प�रव�तत िकया गया था और वहाँ इ�ाम क� धा�मक �श�ा दी जाती थी। बाद म� 2०18 म� क़ानून द्वारा इसे रद्द करके और इन
सभी सरकारी मदरेसा को सामा� �ू ल म� त�ील िकया जाएगा और वहाँ पर ये इ�ा�मक नहीं िक�ु सामा� �श�ा दी जाएगी। इस पर
कु छ मु��म लीडर गुवाहाटी हाईकोटर् ने गए तो हाईकोटर् ने उनक� अज़� को रद्द कर िदया है �ोंिक सरकारी पैसों से चल रहे �ू लों म�
अ�सं �कों क� धा�मक �ातं � के �लए उनक� �श�ा देना सं वैधा�नक �प से अ�नवायर् नहीं। अगर मु��म समाज जाता है तो अपने पैसों से
अपनी मदरेसा बनाए- तो उ�� अ�सं �क �श�ा सं �ान वाली सं वैधा�नक अ�धकार �मल�गे । लेिकन सरकारी पैसों से मदरेसा बनाना
सं �वधान म� धमर्�नरपे�ता के प्रावधानों का उ�ं घन होगा।)


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- IR/Defense: C Rajamohan’s Column on new Look East policy. But hardly anything noteworthy
besides it now we have gathered enough point in the earlier current affairs and since Prelims exam is
hardly three months away so I am going to give less attention to IR.

- IR/Defense: Terrorism: 38 accused given death penalty for 2008 terror blasts in Ahmedabad that
killed 56 persons. This is the highest number of death sentences in a single trial in India after
Independence. In 1998, a TADA trial court had sentenced 26 to death for former PM Rajiv Gandhi’s
assassination. (2008 म� अहमदाबाद म� बम धमाके के दोषी 38 आतं िकयों को मृ�ुदंड िदया गया जो भारत के इ�तहास म� सबसे बड़ा
है। इससे पहले राजीव गांधी क� ह�ा म� 26 लोगों को मृ�ुदंड िदया गया था)

- IR/Defense: need for third aircraft carrier for India. 1) 1961: INS Vikrant: INDIA’S FIRST
AIRCRAFT. But it’s de-commissioned 2) 1987: INS Viraat - India's second aircraft carrier. But now,
that it also be de-commissioned. 3) Presently, India has only one aircraft carrier, the INS
Vikramaditya, which is a Russian-origin platform. 4) We are building indigenously-built aircraft
carrier (IAC) Vikrant. → so at some point in future we will have two aircraft carriers 1) INS
Vikramaditya 2) INS-Vikrant. � but China has been deploying more aircraft carriers like Liaoning,
Shandong etc. So should India develop a third aircraft carrier? �will cost Rs 23,000 crore. We lack
the funds. �
cheaper alternative options A) Shore-based aircraft supported by airborne refuellers.
B) greater strategic utilisation of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Islands (भारत
के पास तीसरा �वमानवाहक नौका जारी होना चािहए क� नहीं है चीन के �ख़लाफ़ लड़ने के �लए-हमारे पास पैसा कम है. इस�लए शायद ज़मीन
से ही लड़ाकू हवाई जहाज़ छोड़ी जाए, और अंडमान �नकोबार भी नौसेना के हवाई अड्डे को मज़बूत िकया जाए.)


- IR/Defense: Diaspora: USA some universities are adding “Caste” as in the list protected category
against discrimination- similar to anti- Semitism, Islamophobia. Implications: Student / faculty
member / staffer can complain to higher management, if he's being discriminated / bullied /

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harassed due to his caste. Then the university administration may rusticate the other student /
demote the Professor etc. Although certain Hindu Rightwing/Upper caste organisations of USA are
opposed citing “The realities of life, struggle, and privilege in America are different than India. So,
Indian/ Hindu/ South Asian partisan political interests shouldn’t be brought. Because otherwise even
ordinary cases of rivalry among people which may have nothing to do with the caste- may also be
coloured in such manner resulting into unnecessary harsh punishments. It is going to create
divisions where they simply do not exist,” (अमे�रक� यू�नव�सटी �व��वद्यालय म� अगर िकसी �वद्याथ� / प्रोफ़े सर को �सफ़र्
इस�लए परेशान िकया जाए िक वो मु��म है या य�दी है तो आरो�पयों को स� सजा दी जाती है कॉलेज से �नकाला जाए, प्रमोशन या
तन�ाह काट ली जाए इ�ािद। अब भेदभाव �वरोधी नी�त क� इस सूची म� जा�त को भी शा�मल िकया गया है। भारतीय अमे�रक� िह�ू
समाज के कु छ नेता इसका �वरोध कर रहे ह� िक अमरीका म� जीवन क� चुनौ�तयां अलग िक़� क� है उसम� भारतीय जा�त आधा�रत भेदभाव
को नहीं जोड़ना चािहए अ�था कॉलेज म� लोगों के बीच ���गत कारणों से हो रही दु�नी और झगड़ों को भी ब्राह्मण/��त्रय-द�लत िक़�
का रंग िदया जाए तो अनाव�क �प से कठोर सजा होगी। )


- Polity: Emergency / Pressure Groups: earlier Canadian Prime Minister had supported the farmers
protest in India but now truck-drivers protesting in Canada and blocking the USA-Canada border.
So, CANADIAN PRIME Minister Justin Trudeau invokes Emergencies Act, special measures to give
the federal government extraordinary powers to override the State Governments and authorize
special temporary measures to ensure security during national emergencies anywhere in the country.
(कै नेडा म� सरकार �वरोधी प्रदशर्न के �ख़लाफ़ क� द्र सरकार आपातकाल लगाएगी। यानी िक रा� सरकारों के अ�धकारों को नज़रअंदाज़ करते
�ए रा��ीय सुर�ा के �लए वो अपनी पु�लस तैनात कर� फ़ौज तैनात कर� इ�ािद)



- IR/Defense: China India: � 2020-Galwan clash: Death of 20 Indian soldiers and 4 Chinese
(although Australian newspapers claim China lost more than 35). � 2021: India supported adopted
the BRICS joint statement to support Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. �

2022: Beijing Winter Olympics. China appointed a soldier involved in the Galwan incident as an
Olympic torchbearer. Government of India announced to boycott the Olympics at diplomatic level.
So, IFS officers will not sit in event. Individual Indian sportsmen will be allowed to participate. Only

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1 India sportsman in Beijing Winter Games Olympian - Arif Khan, from J&K. �
Prasar Bharti /
Doordarshan/ all India radio will not telecast live the Opening and Closing ceremonies of the Winter
Olympics being held in Beijing”. �Apart from India, following countries have issued a diplomatic
boycott of Beijing Winter Olympics 2022: The US, UK and Canada, Australia, Lithuania, Kosovo,
Belgium, Denmark and Estonia. Although they will all send athletes to compete, no ministers or
officials will attend. � Who will attend this event? Pakistan PM Imran Khan, Russian President
Vladimir Putin, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. (गलवान सीमा सं घषर् जहाँ पर भारत के
२० जवान शहीद �ए थे और चीन के 35- से �ादा �सपाही मारे गए। इस घटना म� शा�मल एक चीनी सै�नक को ब�िकंग शीत बी�जगं शीत
ओलं �पक का मशाल धावक बनाया गया इसके राजना�यक �वरोध के �प म� भारत के राजदू त इस खेल प्र�तयो�गता �प से निह जाएँ गे।
हालाँिक भारतीय �खलाड़ी इस �धार् म� शा�मल हो पाएं गे।)

- IR/Defense: India-China: Cold War was a military competition but after the fall of the Berlin Wall
and the collapse of the Soviet Union → LPG era is an era of geo-economics and economical
competition. Last 30 years, China has successfully accumulated large quantity of forex reserve and
reducing its economic clout for expansion through belt-road initiative / infrastructure loans to poor
countries. 2) now the conflict is less about military occupation and more about economic
subservience. 3) India is now the sixth-largest economy and could become the third-largest by the
end of the decade. 4) global geo-economic demands that India needs find ways to integrate financial,
trade, technological, security and foreign policies. 5) Pakistan has also realised this end spoken about
putting economic interest in its national policy. 6) Chimerica - phrase for economic interdependence
between China and America over the last 40 years. Proves that for “capitalist” America
and“communist” China - the geopolitics and ideology no longer matter. 7) India has walked out
from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) because that the costs of joining a
China-centred regional economic order are unacceptable. 8) Short-term benefits for Asia from
China’s growth might be temporary and will be overshadowed by the long-term costs of economic,
industrial, financial, and technological dependence on China- as evident in Pakistan. 9) So, instead of
signing RCEP, India trying to finalise free trade agreements with countries like Australia, Britain,
UAE, and Israel. 10) India can no longer treat its foreign, economic and strategic policies as separate
domains. Because the present global geoeconomic churn demands that India find better ways to
integrate its financial, trade, technological, security and foreign policies. (शीत युद्ध ख़� होने के बाद अब देशों
के बीच सै� �धार् कम �ई है आ�थक �धार् बढ़ी है। �पछले 30 वष� म� चीन ने अपनी आ�थक श�� को काफ़� बढ़ा िदया है और उसी क�
मदद से ग़रीब देशों को कज़र् देकर अपना ग़ुलाम बना रहा है अब िकसी देश को ग़ुलाम बनाने के �लए वहाँ अपनी सेना भेजने क� ज़�रत नहीं
होती। और अमे�रका और चीन जो राजनै�तक �वचारधारा के �प म� पूंजीवाद और सा�वाद को मानते है िकंतु �ादातर अमे�रक� कं प�नयों
के इले��ॉ�न� उ�ादन चीन म� होते हे। आ�सयान समूह के देश अपने कु छ पड़ो�सयों के साथ आर सी ई पी समझौता बना रहे थे भारत ने
उस पर द�ख़त नहीं िकए �ोंिक चीन भी वहाँ शा�मल है लघु अव�ध म� शायद फ़ायदा हो सके लेिकन दीघार्व�ध म� ऐसे �ापा�रक समझौते म�
चीन बाक़� देशों का नुक़सान ही करवाता है। इस�लए भारत �यं अ� देशों के साथ एक एक करके मु� �ापार समझौते िक मं त्रणा कर रहा

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है। आने वाले ज़माने म� �वदेश नी�त आ�थक नी�त और साम�रक नी�त को तीन अलग अलग नी�तयों के ��प म� हम नहीं देख सकते है इनका
आपसी सम�य ज़�री है तभी अपने �व�ीय �ापा�रक तकनीक� साम�रक और �वदेशी िहतों क� भारत र�ा कर पाएगा।)

- IR/Defense: Pak-China relationship- established diplomatic ties in 1951. But, in the initial years,
Pakistan became membership of two US-led anti-communist military pacts, SEATO and CENTO. So
China did not like it. 1962: India-China war → both China-Pak started to become friends. 1963:
boundary agreement Pakistan ceded the Shaksgam Valley to China, which was a Part of Pakistan-
occupied Kashmir, → 1970s: Karakoram highway, built jointly by China and Pakistan. 1974: India
tested a nuclear bomb → 80s: China agreed to supply nuclear technology to Pakistan for civilian
purposes. Present decade: 1) China kept blocking Jaish-e- Mohammad chief Masood Azhar’s
designation as a global terrorist in UNSC. 2) China Pakistan defence agreement to supply tanks,
drones, fighter jet etc. 3) Pakistan’s economic dependence on China too has increased due to A) Pak
Grey-listing in Financial Action Task Force for terrorist financing, B) belt Road policy China
Pakistan economic corridor loans. � problem areas in China Pakistan relationship: 1) Pakistan-
based terror groups and creating trouble in Xinjiang province by helping East Turkestan Islamic
Movement (ETIM) getting emboldened and support. 2) China’s CPEC corridor to access to the
western Indian Ocean through the Gwadar port in Balochistan. Local Pakistanis are protesting
against the project for pollution, loss of livelihood, fishing the Chinese companies. (चीन और पािक�ान क�
दो�ी क� लं बी गाथा। )

- IR/Defense: China-Russia relationship- 1) China's main security interests lie in Asia; Russia's are in
Europe. 2) Russia’s GDP is hardly 1/10th of China, but before the end of Cold War USSR was a
superpower, so Russia does not want to become a junior partner of China. 3) China wants contract
for oil/gas pipelines in Russia. But Russia finds it more profitable to export the oil/gas to Europe
rather than to China. 4) China does not want war in Ukraine because then it may have to take sides
and it will harm China’s Trade agreement negotiation with European Union and USA. (चाइना के सामने
र�शया का अथर्तंत्र दसव� िह�े का ही है लेिकन िफर भी र�शया अपने आप को सुपर पावर बनवाना चाहता है इस�लए चीन के साथ खुलकर
दो�ी कर नहीं पाता �ोंिक चीन अपने समथर्न के एवज़ म� र�शया के क�े तेल और प्राकृ �तक गैस सं साधनों पर अ�धकार चाहता है लेिकन
र�शया को मं ज़ूर निह, �ोंिक पु�तन तेल-गेस यूरोप म� बेच के �ादा पैसा कमा सकता है। हालाँिक चीन ख़ुद भी युक्रेन म� युद्ध नहीं चाहता
�ोंिक िफर उसने अमे�रका यूरोप बनाम र�शया म� कोई प� लेना होगा तो िफर चीन जो अमे�रका और यूरोप के साथ �ापा�रक समझौते
करना चाहता है उसम� जीन�पगं को सम�ा/िद�त� आएं गी।)

- IR/Defense: China’s debt diplomacy: Giving loans to poor nations under “belt and Road initiative /
port development”. But often such projects are commercially unsustainable e.g. setting up big
seaport/airport but in reality large traffic is not going to come in such a poor country to justify the
cost of the project. Yet local politician may agree for it for electoral campaigning of creating jobs. �

However, project will not generate income and country will struggle to repay the principal and
interest. � Then China enslaves the country’s minerals and natural resources (e.g. Fishing in

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Pakistani coastal waters), � forcing the indebted nation to sign concession agreements for
reducing tax on Chinese imports etc. , �
voting in favour of China at UNGA (Arunachal Pradesh,
Taiwan, Tibet etc). � India's external affairs Minister expressed displeasure over it and cautioned
other nations to make informed decisions about such loans. (चीन क� ऋण/क़ज़र् कू टनी�त- ग़रीब देशों को बं दरगाह
सड़क बनाने के �लए अरब �पये के लोन िदए जाते ह� लेिकन वा�व म� उस ग़रीब देश म� उतना सामान यात्री आते ही नहीं आता था प्रोजे� से
कमाई नहीं होगी और वो ग़रीब देश अपना कज़ार् चीन को वापस नहीं चुका पाएगा। हालाँिक िफर भी �ानीय नेता इसके �लए राज़ी हो जाते ह�
�ोंिक उ�� चुनाव से पहले जनता को िदखाना है िक हम रोज़गार खड़े कर रही है। अंतत: चीन सरकार उस देश को अपना ग़ुलाम बना लेती
है, चीनी आयात पर सीमा शु� कम करवाया जाता है, देश के प्राकृ �तक सं साधन जैसे ख�नज म� सं पदा इ�ािद चीन लूटना शु� करता है।
सं यु� रा�� क� सामा� प�रषद ने उस देश पर दबाव बनाया जाता है िक चीन के हक़ ने वोिटगं कर� - अ�णाचल प्रदेश �त�त ताइवान जैसे
मामलों पर। भारत के �वदेश मं त्री ने अ� देशों को ये सलाह दी है िक इस प्रकार के कज़र् लेने से पहले वो दो बार सोच� िक दीघार्व�ध के
प�रणाम �ा होंगे?)


- IR/Defense: Taliban/Pakistan: USA government is yet to accept / give agreement for the
PAKISTAN'S AMBASSADOR designate to the United States, Masood Khan. Reason: USA
Republican Party Congressman wrote to President Joe Biden, “Masood Khan a “jihadist” and “a
bona fide terrorist sympathiser. His nomination should be rejected. Masood Khan was working to
undermine US interests as well the security of our Indian allies”. (पािक�ान के अमे�रका के �लए राजदू त मसूद
ख़ान को अभी तक अमे�रक� सरकार ने �ीकृ �त प्रमाण पत्र नहीं िदया। �ोंिक �रप��क प� के एक सांसद ने रा��प�त �बडेन से �शकायत क�
है िक “मसूद ख़ान एक �जहादी है आतं िकयों से सं वेदना रखता है अमे�रका और उसके �मत्र रा�� भारत क� सुर�ा को ख़तरा है।”)

- IR/Defense: Pak PM visit Russia. Once upon a time they did not have pleasant relationship because
Russian occupation of Afghanistan versus America Pakistan support to Taliban. But now Russia
wants to have a friendly relationship with Pakistan for A) selling weapons B) building Turkmenistan-
Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline (perhaps later, Russia may annex Turkmenistan similar
to Ukraine/Crimea and earn money from exporting such gas!)


Nothing this month.


- IR/Defence- Ukraine: geography: Ukraine → Southeast region → “Donbass”: largest coal reserve
in Ukraine. Donbass has to industrial regions- Luhansk and Donetsk. They had declared themselves
independent of Ukraine in 2014. The Russian language is today spoken by a majority of the people
here. 2022: Russia has recognised them as independent regions (to get support of the rebels to fight
against Ukraine) (युक्रेन के कोयला भं डार से समृदध डॉनबास �ेत्र म� दो प्रांत है- लुहाँस और डोने�- यहाँ के अलगाववादी बा�गयों ने

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ख़ुद को यूक्रेन से �तं त्र घो�षत िकया है और �स ने उनहे यूक्रेन से अलग �तं त्र िह�ा माना है तािक यूक्रेन के �ख़लाफ़ लड़ाई म� र�शया को
उन बा�गयों क� मदद �मले।)

- IR/Defence- Ukraine: USA and European nations have imposed sanctions on Russia, Donetsk and
Luhansk. Prohibiting the investors from having transactions in these regions however, Russia is not
much worried because 1) it has sufficient forex reserve to pay for the imports and 2) it can also
blackmail the Europe by blocking the gas pipeline. �Points to Reflect: for India- we need to build
our forex reserve and augment our national resources/exports for similar power. अमे�रका और यूरोप ने �स
के �ख़लाफ़ प्र�तबं ध जारी िकए ह� और अपने �नवेशकों को �स के साथ कोई भी लेन देन करने से मनाई फ़रमाई है. लेिकन पूिटन को इससे
कु छ ख़ास फ़कर् नहीं पड़ता �ोंिक उसके पास काफ़� मात्रा म� �वदेशी आर��त �न�ध है तािक वह अपने आयात अ� देशों से सं भाल पाए और
यूरोप जानेवाली �सी प्राकृ �तक गैस क� पाइप लाइन बं द कर पु�तन उनहे �ैकमेल भी कर सकता है. इससे भारत ने ये सबक़ लेना है िक
हमने भी अपना फॉरे� �रज़वर् और �नयार्त को बढ़ाने क� ज़�रत है तािक �चकनी चुपड़ी बात� करने वाले ये सब देश दबा न सके , यिद जब
हम पािक�ानी इलाक़ों को िक्र�मया क� तरह क़�े म� लेने क� को�शश करे।)

- IR/Defence- Ukraine: Referendum- 1991: Ukraine’s independence from Russia in through a

referendum. (which is recognised by USA and its allies) 2014: Russia annexed Crimea region of
Ukraine, then held a ‘referendum’ of Crimean people, who, voted in favour of acceding to Russia!
Although the USA and Germany etc. termed this referendum as illegal. They do not recognise it.
(जनमत-सं ग्रह: यानी क� कोई मह�पूणर् �नणर्य जनता से मतदान द्वारा कराया जाए। १९९१ म� यूक्रेन ने जनमत सं ग्रह के बाद ख़ुद को �स से
�तं त्र घो�षत िकया था और अमे�रका ने इस जनमत सं ग्रह को माना था। २०१४: िफर �स ने यूक्रेन का क्र��मया �व�ार को अपने क़�े म�

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िकया और वहाँ के लोगों से जनमत सं ग्रह करवाया िक िक्र�मया के नाग�रक अपने प्रांत को �स म� �मलाना चाहते ह�- तो इस बार अमे�रका
और यूरोप के देश उसे जनमत सं ग्रह को अवैध मानते ह�!)

- IR/Defense: Russia: Quotation by Vladimir Lenin “war (or the threat of war) is a continuation of
politics (by other means).” So, Putin in is keeping a pressure on EU/USA via Ukrain. १) Russia will
recognise 2 separatist regions in Ukraine named Donetsk and Luhansk. This is a pressure tactic by
Putin against Ukraine. 2) Putin’s doctrine of “limited sovereignty”- basically requiring the former
nations of CIS/USSR to keep their sovereignty as subordinate to Russia, for the sake of the “collective
interests of the socialist bloc”. All the central and eastern Europe in countries are not interested in
this because they resent Bullying by Russia. (युद्ध का डर िदखाना - भी राजनी�त का एक िह�ा ही है- ऐसा �ािदमीर ले�नन
ने कहा था। पूिटन इसका हीं सबक़ लेते �ए यूक्रेन पर युद्ध का दबाव बना रहे ह�। यूक्रेन के दो अलगाववादी इलाक़े डोने� और लूहा�क को
पु�तन ने मा�ता दी है (तािक वहाँ के अलगाववादी/बाग़ी युद्ध के दौरान �स क� तरफ़ से लडे)। पु�तन चाहते ह� िक क� द्रीय यूरोप और पूव�
यूरोप के देश अपनी सं प्रभुता को र�शया क� सं प्रभुता के अधीन माने और र�शया क� सुर�ा के �लए जो ज़�री है वो उन बातों पर राज़ी हो जाएँ
जैसे क� नाटो से �र�ा तोड़ देना। हालाँिक म� और पूव� यूरोप के देश र�शया क� दादागीरी और ग़ुलामी नहीं चाहते इस�लए वे राज़ी नहीं

- IR/Defense: Ukraine: USA sponsored UN Security Council resolution that deplored “in the
strongest terms” Russia’s “aggression” against Ukraine. Russia exercised VETO, and India decided
abstain. (सं यु� रा�� सुर�ा प�रषद म� अमरीका ने प्र�ाव डाला क� र�शया िक यूक्रेन पर चढ़ाई क� कड़े श�ों म� �नदं ा क� जाए। भारत इस
मतदान ने ग़ैर हा�ज़र रहा और �स ने अपने वीटो का इ�ेमाल िकया)

- IR/Defense: India Russia: India ABSTAINS FROM VOTE At UNSC meet on Russia Ukraine crisis.
India, Kenya and Gabon decided to abstain, to maintain its neutral position. India's stand: “India’s
interest is in finding a solution that can provide for immediate de-escalation of tensions taking into
account the legitimate security interests of all countries and aimed towards securing long term peace
and stability in the region and beyond. Quiet and constructive diplomacy is the need of the hour.
Any steps that increase tension may best be avoided by all sides in the larger interest of securing
international peace and security”. (सं यु� रा�� सुर�ा प�रषद म� र�शया यूक्रेन के मामले पर भारत के �ा और गाबा देश ने
वोिटंग मतदान नहीं िकया, मतदान से गैरहा�ज़र रहे- �ोंिक हम न तो र�शया को नाराज़ करना चाहते ह� ना यूरोप को। भारत ने एक बयान ने
कहा िक सभी प�ों ने तनाव को कम करने क� को�शश करनी चािहए अगर तनाव बढ़ेगा तो अंतररा�ी� य शां�त और ��रता जो�खम म� आएगी
इ�ािद िड�ोमेिटक बात� कही गई।)

-IR/Defence- Ukraine: Geography: Nord Stream is a system of offshore natural gas pipelines running
under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany. It is a news because of the ongoing Ukraine crisis /
how Russia could stop this pipeline- affecting the energy security in Germany. Germany is almost
entirely reliant on natural gas imports, with Russia meeting more than half of supplies. (नोडर् प्राकृ �तक गैस
पाइपलाइन जो क� बा��क समं दर द्वारा �स जमर्नी तक प्राकृ �तक गैस प�ँ चाती है और जमर्नी क� 50 प्र�तशत से �ादा प्राकृ �तक गैस �स से
ही आती है।)

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- IR/Defense: FRANCE HAS become the first country of EU to join China to jointly build 7 infra
projects worth over$1.7 billion in Africa,SouthEast Asia and Eastern Europe. (फ़्रा� और चीन �मलकर क�
बु�नयादी अवसं रचना के प्रोजे� के �लए पैसा द�गे)


- IR/Defense: India Maldives: for last 2 years, ANTI-INDIA PROTESTS IN Maldives. Now the
government of Maldives is planning to pass a new law to curb unrest. those who insinuate that the
Maldives is under the political, economic or military control of another country- will be put in jail
and Financial penalty of 20,000 Maldivian Rufiyah. (�पछले दो वष� से मालदी�स देश म� भारत �वरोधी प्रदशर्न बढ़ रहे ह�।
इस�लए मालदी�स सरकार एक क़ानून बना रही है, िक कोई भी आंदोलन कारी अगर ऐसा कहेगा िक “मालदी�स अ� देश (भारत) के
राजनै�तक आ�थक या सै� �नयं त्रण म� है!” → तो ऐसा बोलने वाले आंदोलनकारी को जेल भेजा जाएगा और आ�थक दंड भी होगा)

- IR/Defense: Nepal gets $500 million dollar grant under America’s “Millennium Challenge
corporation” for infrastructure development. It was on controversy because Nepali Parliament was
opposing it. नेपाल म� बु�नयादी अवसं रचना ठीक करने के �लए अमरीका द्वारा अनुदान म� पैसे.

- IR/Defense: India- Myanmar: “ We have some very specific concerns on insurgency along the
Indo-Myanmar border- which also guide our thinking. We don’t follow a policy of national
sanctions. We don’t support US policy on sanctions on Myanmar.” - says Foreign minister has Jai
Shankar. (�ांमार िक सै� तानाशाह ऊपर अमे�रका के द्वारा लगाए गए प्र�तबं धों को भारत समथर्न नहीं देता �ोंिक हम� भारत �ांमार
सरहद पर उग्रवादी समूह के �ख़लाफ़ लड़ाई के �लए �ा�ार सरकार क� मदद चािहए ऐसा आ�धका�रक बयान �वदेश मं त्री ने िदया।)


- IR/Defense: India Australia- � 1998: India’s nuclear test - Australia opposed. � 2010:
negativity about hate crime against Indian students in Australia. Recent Years: QUAD grouping.
ongoing negotiations about CECA — Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement). �

India, Australia and Japan had agreed to reduce their dependence on China and diverse supply
chains through Supply Chain Resilience Initiative (SCRI-2021) although tangible progress yet to be
seen. एक ज़माने म� भारत और ऑ��े�लया के �र�े बोहोत अ�े नहीं थे �ोंिक भारत के परमाणु बम परी�ण से ऑ��े�लया को एतराज़
था और भारतीय �वद्याथ� ऊपर ऑ��े�लया म� वं शीय िहसं ा हो रही थी. हालाँिक वतर्मान वष� म� �ाड समूह और �ापार के समझौते से दोनों म�
दो�ी /क़रीबी /�नकटता बढ़ा रहे ह�।

- IR/Defense: Grouping Quad Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Melbourne. Outcome: 1) As leading

democracies, we pursue our shared vision of upholding a rules-based international order, free from
coercion -one based on respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, rule of law, transparency,

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freedom of navigation in the international seas and peaceful resolution of disputes.” 2) “We
denounce the use of terrorist proxies for cross-border terrorism and urge countries to work together
to eliminate terrorist safe havens; disrupt terrorist networks and the infrastructure and financial
channels which sustain them; and halt cross-border movement of terrorists. we call on all countries
to ensure that territory under their control is not used to launch terror attacks and to expeditiously
bring to justice the perpetrators of such attacks.” 3) “We reiterate our condemnation of terrorist
attacks in India, including 26/11 Mumbai and Pathankot attacks. “Afghan territory should not be
used to threaten or attack any country, shelter or train terrorists, or plan or finance terrorist acts,
with such ungoverned spaces being a direct threat to the safety and security of the Indo-Pacific 4)
Quad partners have collectively provided more than 500 million vaccine doses. Together, we have
pledged to donate more than 1.3 billion vaccine doses globally. (कवाड समूह के �वदेश मं �त्रयों क� स�ेलन म� वही
सब �चकनी चुपड़ी बाते - अंतररा��ीय सरहदों का स�ान हो, आतं कवाद का ख़ा�ा हो, कोरोना के �ख़लाफ़ आपस म� सहकार हो।)


- IR/Defense: Indian- UAE bi-lateral cooperations 1) Comprehensive Economic Partnership

Agreement (CEPA) 2) A JOINT commitment to fight extremism and terrorism, maritime
cooperation, promote e-payment solutions, set up an IIT in UAE, a joint Hydrogen Task Force, skills
cooperation, they agreed to enhance cooperation in skill development (भारत और UAE के बीच आपसी �र�ों
को बेहतर करने के �लए समझौते �ए। आ�थक, नौवहन, कौशल �वकास, इले��ॉ�नक भुगतान, हाइड�ोजन इ�ािद म� सहकार िकया जाएगा)

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- diplomacy: India-Israel relationship- official diplomatic relations started in 1992 so 2022 marks
30th Anniversary. Challenges: �
1) 2021: the International Criminal Court claimed jurisdiction to
investigate human rights abuses in Palestinian and Gaza and named both Israeli security forces and
Hamas as perpetrators. Israel does not recognise the ICC. And it also wanted that India should make
statement in favour of Israel, but India didn’t do it. � 2) Pegasus, the surveillance software made by
the Israeli company NSO bought by Modi government to spy on opposition leaders. � 3) balancing
between Palestine and Israel. India gave support for the Palestinian cause due to India’s dependence
on the Arab world for oil, and the pro-Palestinian sentiments of the country's Muslim citizens. 2011:
India voted for Palestine to become a full member of UNESCO. 2012: India co-sponsored the UN
General Assembly resolution that help Palestine to become a “non-member” observer state at the
UN without voting rights. 2018: Modi visit Ramallah and called for an independent Palestinian state.
1) areas cooperation: research technology, science, agriculture irrigation, defence. �
2000: L K
Advani became the first Indian minister to visit Israel. 2017: Modi became first Indian Prime
Minister to visit Israel. (भारत और इज़राइल के बीच राजन�यक सं बंधों के 30 वषर् पूरे �ए। एक ज़माने म� भारत इज़राइल से दू री
बना था �ोंिक हम� आरब-देशों से क�ा तेल ख़रीदने के �लए और �ानीय मु��म समुदाय क� भावनाओं का स�ान करने के �लए
िफ़�ल�ीन/पेले�ाइन/गाजा पट्टी के मामले म� तो उनका समथर्न देना होता था। िफ़�ल�ीन को सं यु� रा�� म� “�बना मता�धकार के ग़ैर सद�
प्रे�क” के �प म� प्रवेश िदलवाने म� भारत म� काफ़� मदद क� थी। िकंतु हाल के वष� म� हम कृ �ष �व�ान र�ा इ�ािद मामलों के �लए इज़राइल
के साथ अ�े �र�े बनाने क� को�शश म� ह�। बीच म� कु छ कारणों से तनाव भी बढ़ जाता है जैसे िक अंतररा��ीय आपरा�धक अदालत म�
इज़राइली फ़ौज के �ख़लाफ़ िफ़�ल�ी�नयों के नरसं हार/मानवा�धकार हनन के मामले म� इज़राइल चाहता था िक भारत सरकार उनके प� म�
बयान दे जो भारत ने नहीं िकया।


- IR/Defense: UNSC joint statement on nuclear weapons in January-2022, the five permanent
members of the United Nations Security Council (P5) issued a statement- 1) “avoiding an arms race
and not targeting each other or any other state”, 2) preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons,
is important. 3) We are committed to Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
obligations and “to prevent the unauthorised or unintended use of nuclear weapons”. Review of the
NPT remains postponed till August due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Further UN Secretary General
outlined six fronts- 1) member states should chart a path forward on nuclear disarmament; 2) New
measures of “transparency and dialogue”; address the “simmering” nuclear crises in the Middle East
and Asia; 4) should strengthen the existing global bodies that support non-proliferation, including
the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); 5) they should promote the peaceful use of nuclear
technology 6) they should remind “the world’s people – and especially its young people – that
eliminating nuclear weapons is the only way to guarantee that they will never be used” (सं यु� रा�� के
�ाई सद�ों ने नया घोषणा पत्र जारी िकया िक आपसे ह�थयारों क� �धार् परमाणु ह�थयारों का उ�ादन इ�ािद पर रोकथाम क� गं भीरता से
को�शश कर�गे। सं यु� रा�� के स�चव ने भी सलाह दी है िक परमाणु श�ों का �नश�ीकरण हो म�पूवर् और ए�शया म� तनाव को कम िकया

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जाए। परमाणु श�� के �वकास के काय� म� इ�ेमाल हो न िक �वनाश के काय� म� और परमाणु ह�थयारों को न� करने के बाद ही हम चैन से
सो सकते ह� िक उनका कभी दु�पयोग नहीं होगा।)

- IR/Defense: Organization- Misc: 1) Visegrad Four (V4): Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, and
Slovakia.- cultural and political alliance of four countries of Central Europe, setup in early 90s.

- IR/Defense: Organization- Misc: 2) “Three Seas Initiative”: 12 European nations around A) Baltic
Sea in North, B) Adriatic C) Black Sea in the south.


- IR/Defense: border security- “A scan tunnel is a large artificial corridor through which a truck will
be asked to pass. It will work like the scanning system installed at airports but on a much larger
scale.” Bihar state government wants to install it at border points to check illegal smuggling of liquor
at in Dobhi and Rajauli (Jharkhand to Bihar), Gopalganj and Bhabhua (UP to Bihar) and Dalkhola
(Bihar to West Bengal),” (�� न-टनल/गुफा एक ऐसी कृ �त्रम गुफा है जहाँ वाहन गुज़रने पर अंदर �ा सामान रखा है? उसका
ए�रे/�-िकरण अवलोकन हो जाता है - उसी तरह �जस तरह से हवाईअड्डों पर सामान क� ए�रे जाँच िक जाती है। �बहार सरकार ऐसी
प्रणाली लगाने क� सोच रही है, तािक रा� क� सरहदों पे ट�कों म� हो रही शराब त�री को रोका जा सके ।)

- IR/Defense: cyber security (GSM3): Why did govt ban 54 more apps with s FINANCE - MINISTRY
of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) bans 54 Apps for Chinese connection / stealing
user data / harming national security. This includes Free Fire Illuminate, a game which had gained
popularity among Indian babushonas after ban on PUBG.


- Environment/ Biodiversity: migratory birds red-breasted goose (from Russia) and marbled teal bird
(Africa/Central Asia) spotted in Gujarat- Nal Sarovar. All we need to keep in mind is these are ‘not
native / endemic species of India’. (हम� �सफ़र् इतना याद रखना है िक ये तो भारत के �ा�नक प�ी नहीं है।)

- Environment/Biodiversity: Koalas declared an endangered species by the Australian government.

Reasons drought, bush fires, disease and habitat loss have drastically reduced the population.Koalas
could be extinct by 2050 without urgent government intervention (कोआला को लु�प्राय प्रजा�त घो�षत िकया

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- Environment/ Biodiversity: Gujarat govt declares Porbandar (birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi) as

“the new home of black-necked storks” - it is categorised as a near- threatened species on the Red
List of species compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (गां�धजी के
ज��ान पोरबं दर को गुजरात सरकार ने काली गदर्न वाले सारस का नया घर घो�षत िकया है।)

- Environment/Biodiversity: America’s national bird BALD EAGLES- population is declining

because of LEAD accumulation/poisioning. SUFFER LEAD POISONING (बालिहन-ग�ड़ जो अमरीका के
रा��ीय प�ी है उसक� आबादी कम हो रही है सीसे के ज़हर के चलते।)

- Environment/ biodiversity:- a keystone species whose disappearance would cause the collapse of
entire ecosystems e.g. NO Bees → No pollination → plants⏬ → herbivore⏬ → carnivore⏬.
2) spiders also keystone species because they are responsible for keeping under control of insects,
such as mosqitoes, fleas, flies and cockroaches, which can cause actual harm to animals and human
beings. Species named after celebrities: Scaptia beyonceae (a rare horsefly) and Agra katewinsletae (a
beetle). Controversy: Spider named Palpimanus narsihmehtai (प्रधान�शला प्रजा�त: �जसके �वनाश से पूरी जैव
�व�वधता ख़� हो जाएगी उदाहरण के �प म� मधुम��याँ। मकड़े को भी इसी श्रेणी म� रखा जा सकता है �ोंिक अगर मकड़ा नहीं होगा तो
उपद्रवी िकटको का आतं क बढ़ जाएगा जो जैव �व�वधता के �लए ख़तरा हो सकता है)

- Environment/ biodiversity: A new spider species “Palpimanus narsinhmehtai” found in Girnar

Wildlife Sanctuary in Junagadh. It is named after Narsinh Mehta, the 15th century poet and
reformer, hailed from Junagadh - whose Bhajan 'Vaishnav jan to' was favourite of Gandhi ji. But
Brahmin leaders are enraged for spider being named after a Saint. So, researchers have agreed to
change the name। (�गरनार वन अभयार� म� तो मकड़े क� एक नई प्रजा�त पाई गई। इस मकड़े को मश�र भ�� क�व नरसीह मेहता
के नाम से “Palpimanus narsinhmehtai” नाम िदया गया तो ब्राह्मण समाज म� क� नाराज़गी और उस मकड़े क� प्रजा�त का नाम
बदला जाएगा।)

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- Environment/ biodiversity: SIMBA software for identifying Gir / Asiatic lions by Hyderabad start
up company. It is an artificial intelligence (AI) based photo-identification software, specifically
designed to distinguish among Asiatic lions- by giving them individual identity. So, when Forest-
CCTV/Drone take photos of lions → it prevents duplication of counting during the survey/census
of lions. (GSM3: achievement of Indians field of science) (कृ �त्रम बु�द्धम�ा क� मदद से हरे क शेर को अलग पहचान
नं बर िदया जाए तािक जब �गर के जं गलो म� सीसीटीवी/ ड�ोन क� मदद से शेरों क� �गनती वो तो एक ही शेर का �गनती बार बार के दोहराव न
हो ऐसा �सबं ा- सॉफ़्टवेयर)

- Environment/Pollution: India’s National Clean Air Program (NCAP) was started in 2019, to
reduce pollution by 2030 % by 2024, particularly in 132 non-attainment cities. 15th finance
commission has allotted over 4000 crore rupees for combating air pollution in urban areas.
According to the data, most states have underutilised the funds allotted. e.g. Uttar Pradesh, used 16%
of the allocated Rs 60 crore. (भारत म� रा�ी� य �� वायु कायर्क्रम �जसक� शु�आत तीन साल पहले �ई थी उसम� अब तक
आवं िटत पैसों का �ादातर इ�ेमाल रा� सरकारों ने िकया ही नहीं है)

- Environment/Pollution: International Wetlands Day celebrated on February 2. Total Ramsar

wetland sites in India 49. (2 new added in 2022) New Ramsar Wetland Sites-2022#1: Gujarat-
Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary near Jamnagar got listed as Ramsar site; fourth one in Gujarat after 1)
Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary, 2) Thol Wildlife Sanctuary and 3) Wadhwana wetland are the other
existing Ramsar sites in Gujarat. Khijadiya is part of the Central Asian Flyway. Notable bird species:
Pallas’s fish-eagle (Haliaeetus leucoryphus), Indian skimmer (Rynchops albicollis), common
pochard (Aythya ferina), Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus), greylag goose (Anser anser)
common crane (Grus grus). Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary was formed in 1920 by the then ruler of
erstwhile princely state of Nawanagar to protect farmland from saltwater ingress. Khijadiya Bird
Sanctuary is located near the Marine National Park, Jamnagar, the first marine national park of the
country. (गुजरात का �खजिड़या प�ी अभयार� आंतररा��ीय रामसार आद्र-भू�म सूची म� शा�मल।)

- Environment/Pollution: New Ramsar Wetland Sites-2022#2: Bakhira Wildlife Sanctuary (Site no.
2465), a freshwater marsh in the Sant Kabir Nagar district. It is the largest natural floodplain wetland

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of eastern Uttar Pradesh. The sanctuary was established in 1980 and is protected under the Wildlife
Protection Act (1972); an “ecosensitive zone”. Notable fish species: European carp (Cyprinus carpio)
and the catfish Wallago attu, and the Gangetic ailia (Ailia coila) and silver carp
(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). (उ�र प्रदेश का ब�खरा अभयार� आंतररा��ीय रामसार आद्र-भू�म सूची म� शा�मल।))

- Environment/Pollution: India does not report nitrous oxide emissions in its national GHG
inventories. Controlled/Intermittent flooding reduces methane emissions but increases nitrous oxide
emissions. Thus, lowering of methane emissions through controlled irrigation does not necessarily
mean net low emissions. 1 kg of rice emits 5.65 kg carbon dioxide equivalent of GHG. According to
the IMF, the world needs a carbon tax of $ 75 per tonne of CO2 Emitted by 2030 to reduce emissions
to a level consistent with a 2 degree Celsius warming target. India does not have such an explicit
carbon-tax yet. But Sweden and EU doing it. (अगर खेत म� �क �क कर पानी क� �सचं ाई क� जाए तो मीथेन का उ�जर्न
कम होता है िक�ु नाइट�स ऑ�ाइड का तो िफर भी उ�जर्न होते रहता है। हालाँिक भारत सरकार सरकारी आंकड़ों म� और वै��क �रपोटर् म�
इन चीज़ों को साझा नहीं करता।)

- Environment/Pollution: highest number of electric vehicles in India- 1) Uttar Pradesh has the
highest number of EVs (2,76,217) 2) Delhi (1,32,302) 3) Karnataka (82,045)…..12th rank:

- Environment/Pollution: Hydrogen can be grey, blue or green - depending on the mode of

production. 1) Grey hydrogen is the most common form and is generated from natural gas, or
methane, through a process called ‘steamreforming’ 2) Blue Hydrogen: IF carbon generated from
steam reforming is captured and stored then Grey Hydrogen will be labelled as blue. 3) Green/Clean
Hydrogen: clean energy from renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to split water
into two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom through a process called electrolysis. Reliance
industries plans to become the largest blue hydrogen producer (हाइड�ोजन तीन िक़� के होते ह�.)

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- Environment/Pollution: Ministry of Power’s green hydrogen/ ammonia policy 2022: Green

hydrogen plants will not have to pay inter-state power transmission fees. 2) government to
mandate that oil refining, fertiliser and steel sectors to use minimum x% of green hydrogen (ग्रीन
हाइड�ोजन म� एक रा� से दू सरे रा� म� भेजने पर अंतररा�ीय ऊजार् प�रवहन फ़�स नहीं लगायी जाएगी। तेल शु�द्धकरण, उवर्रक और �ील
कं प�नयों ने अ�नवायर् �प से कु छ प्र�तशत हाइड�ोजन ह�रत िक़� का ही ख़रीदना होगा।)

- Environment/Pollution: BHABHA Atomic Research Centre (BARC) will help the Chhattisgarh
government set up electricity generation units using cattle dung and agriculture waste (गोबर से �बजली


- Sci-6-Corona: French President Macron refused Russian Covid test due to DNA theft fears while
visiting Moscow. So, he was asked to sit 6-metre (20 feet) distance from Putin (फ्रांसीसी रा�प� �त ने र�शया म�
जाँच करवाने से िकया इनकार �ोंिक उ�� अपने रंगसूत्रों क� चोरी का डर था।)

- Sci-6-Corona: An infection becomes endemic when the rates become static in a given geographical
location. There may be some seasonal spikes for example Flu. SARS-CoV-2 is also labelled as
endemic United Kingdom and California. So now the patients are no longer legally required to self
isolate. (एक सं क्रमण �ा�नक हो जाता है- जब लोगों ने उसका फै लाओ ��र हो जाता है- �सवाय के साल के कु छ कु छ मौसमों म� उसका
प्रकोप �ादा िदखे जेसे क� फ़्लू। �ब्रटेन और अमे�रका के रा� कै �लफो�नया म� कोरोना को �ा�नक सं क्रमण क� सं �ा दी गई है यानी िक अब
वहाँ इसे भी फ़्लू जैसी एक सामा� चीज़ माना जाएगा और सं क्र�मत ��� को क़ानूनन �प से सेल्फ़-आइसोलेशन म� जाना अ�नवायर् नहीं


- Science/6-Health: Human Immunodeficiency Viruses (HIV, a group of ‘Retrovirus’) was

discovered by French virologist Luc Montagnier in early 1980s, he got Nobel-Prize. . In the later
years however he remained in controversy because saying Corona vaccine programmes could cause
viral variants. 2022-Died. (HIV क� खोज करने वाले �वषाणु-शा�ी लुक मोंटी�े, �ज�� नोबेल पा�रतो�षक भी �मला था, उनका

- Science- public health: Can HIV be cured? Ans. Yes. by translating bone marrow from donors who
have a mutation that blocks H.I.V. infection. Such HIV-blocker mutation is found only in 1 out of
20,000 donors- most of whom are of Northern European descent. Two patients have been
successfully cured like this till 2019. Third patient cured in 2022. It also used Cord blood instead of
adult stem cells, during the bone marrow transplants. Because Cord blood more easily available than
adult stem cell.

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- Science: Viruses are inert till they find a host to multiply. 1939: 1st ever virus was seen by human
eye: tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), thanks to the discovery of electron microscope. 2) viruses are
integral to human life- viruses regulate the activities of carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen and sulphur —
the building blocks of life. They also prevent fellow microbes/bacteria from becoming hazards. (इं सानी
आँखों ने अगर सबसे पहला बा�रश देखा हो तो वो टीएमवी वायरस था। वायरस हमेशा मनु�ों के �लए ख़तरा नहीं होते वे काबर्न फॉ�ोरस
जैसे त�ों के �नमार्ण और �वघटन म� भी भू�मका �नभाते ह�। वे अ� बै�ी�रया को �ादा उपद्रव मचाने से भी रोकते ह�।)


- ISRO’s 1st launch of 2022: EOS-04 satellite using Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C52) from
Andhra Pradesh’s Sriharikota. 1,700kg EOS-04 satellite to the placed in sun-synchronous polar orbit,
some 529 km from the Earth's surface. sun-synchronous polar orbit is an orbit in which the satellite
passes over the Earth’s poles but also remains in the same position relative to the Sun. It allows a
satellite to pass over a particular location at a fixed time every day. Utility of EOS-04 satellite? radar
imaging satellite under all weather conditions for agriculture, forestry, flood mapping, soil moisture
and hydrology. previously ISRO used to launch earth observation satellites with names like—
Cartosat, Oceansat, Resourcesat, GISAT, Scatsat, etc — Now ISRO will call such satellites EOS. EOS-
04 is the fourth in a series of earth observation satellites (पृ�ी का मुआयना/ सव��ण के �लए इसरो का नया EOS-4
सैटेलाइट /उपग्रह. ये इस तरह ��त िकया जाएगा क� पृ�ी के ध्रुवो का तो च�र लगाएगा लेिकन सूयर् के सापे� म� ये एक ही ���त पर
रहेगा।। और हर िदन िकसी एक �ान पर एक �न��त समय पर आएगा।)

- Science- Space Tech: INSPIREsat-1 is a student satellite developed by the Indian Institute of Space
Science and Technology, to be launched by ISRO using PSLV. (�वद्या�थयों द्वारा बनाया गया सैटेलाइट /उपग्रह)

- Science- Spacetech: Geomagnetic storms caused by Solar Winds → interfere Satellite

communications, GPS navigation systems. Aircraft flights, power grids. In News because damaged

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Elon Musk’s Starling Internet satellites. (सौर-पवन के चलते भू-चु�क�य चक्रवात म� गं जेडी इलोन म� के सेटेलाइट �ए

- Sci: Space tech: International Space Station (ISS) is the largest human-made structure in space, 400
km above earth, at any given time, there is a crew of six astronauts on board carrying out a variety of
zero-gravity experiments, space exploratory studies. ISS is not entirely in zero-gravity space; it does
encounter a little bit of gravity. So, Russians periodically send thrusters that attach themselves to the
ISS and impart the required momentum to keep it going. �2022: due to Ukraine crisis → Russian
space agency chief threatens non-cooperation → ISS spacecraft could fall over
USA/Europe/India/China. However, Elon Musk says his SpaceX Company will help in such crisis.
(इं टरनेशनल �ेस �ेशन अंतररा��ीय अवकाश मतलब पृ�ी से क़रीब 400 िकलोमीटर दू र है ये गु��ाकषर्ण से सं पूणर् �तं त्रता नहीं है
इस�लए समय समय पर इसको वापस अवकाश म� धके लने के �लए र�शया क� तरफ़ से रॉके ट छोड़े जाते ह� जो इसे ध�ा देकर वापस 400
िकलोमीटर क� सीमा म� रखते ह�। हालाँिक यूक्रेन युद्ध के दौरान र�शया क� अवकाश सं �ान और सरकार क� धमक� दे रही है �जसके चलते ये
�ीड �ेशन पृ�ी पर �गर जाए ऐसा जो�खम हालाँिक गं जेड़ी इलोन म� रहनुमा बनने के �लए उ�ुक है िक र�शया अगर असहकार करे तो
मेरी क�नी ध�ा देने के �लए रॉके ट छोड़ेगी.)



- Ethics: Compassion for weaker section/ greed / colonial exploitation / denial of history: The idea
of biological weapons is not 20th century phenomenon. Until 1800s, the American Indians were
extremely healthy with well-developed immune systems. But in 19th century (1801-1900)- the years
of systemic exploitation, impoverishment and malnourishment by settler European colonialists →
immunity decreased against the foreign diseases such as smallpox and cholera. So, the Europeans
even engaged in weaponizing smallpox by giving infected blankets/ handkerchief and clothes to the
unsuspecting American Indian tribe as gifts and donations to infect them with smallpox. Since no
vaccine or medicine was available, the tribal population will die/shrink, then the colonist will attack
their settlement after few weeks/months. Although the white historians refuse to acknowledge or
accept this mischief. But various diaries in journals of the British-American Army Commanders
revealed that they had engaged in such practice. White historians /poets like Rudyard Kipling tried to
justify colonisation as “The White Man's Burden" to civilise the barbaric tribes, where is the methods

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adopted by the white men themselves where more inhuman and barbaric than those tribes. (जैव
ह�थयारों का प्रयोग 20वीं सदी का आ�व�ार नहीं है. गोरे आक्रा�ाओं द्वारा अमे�रका के मूल �नवासी अमरीक�-इं िडयन/रेड-इं िडयन के
बसेरों/गाँवो को ख़ाली करवाने के �लए उनके कबीला प्रमुख को �ॉलपोकस/बड़ी-माता/शीतला से मरे मरीज़ों के शरीर से �नकाले गए कं बल
को दान म� िदए जाते थे तािक उनके गाँव म� भी ये रोग फै ल जाए । तािक गाँव के नौजवान मर जाए और बाद म� जब अमे�रक� सेना द्वारा
आक्रमण हो वे मूल�नवासी आ�समपर्ण कर ले या भाग जाए। प्राचीन काल से अमरीका के अमे�रक� इं िडयन �ा� थे और रोग प्र�तकारक
श�� भी अ�� थी लेिकन यूरोपीय उप�नवेश बाद म� ग़रीबी और भुखमरी म� उनक� रोग प्र�तकारक श�� और कम हो गई थी इस�लए वे
कोलेरा, �ॉलपोकस इ�ादी ‘�वदेशों से आए रोग’ म� ब�त ज� ही मर जाते थे।)

- Ethics: compassion for weaker section / colonial exploitation: When the British left India, many of
them had to travel through ships, so to take care of the children, they took Indian women as “Ayah”
/ Babysitters/nannies/nursemaids. But afterwards their employers did not honour the promise of a
return journey / through them away from the job. To help such distressed Indian women, “The
Ayahs’ Home was established in London. Blue Plaque scheme to recognise and award such heritage
buildings. (जब �ब्रिटशर भारत छोड़ िदए गए तो समुद्री यात्रा के दौरान अपने छोटे ब�ों क� देखभाल के �लए भारतीय मिहलाओं को
आया के �प म� ले गये, ऐसा झूठा वायदा करके बहेनो तु�� वापस भारत भेजने क� इं तज़ाम कर�गे लेिकन इन गोरे मा�लकों ने एसा िकया निह.
लं दन म� ऐसी बेसहारा भारतीय मिहला आयाओं के आश्रय के �लए बने एक मकान को ऐ�तहा�सक धरोहर माना गया है।)

- Ethics: compassion for the weaker section: NATIONAL Commission for Protection of Child Rights
(NCPCR) informed the Supreme Court that there are 17,914 street children in the entire India, and
Maharashtra has the highest number of children living on the street. Such children survive through
1) begging near the tourist spot and religious sites and traffic stops 2) working as child labourers in
tea-stall, restaurant and factories. 3) criminal activities such as petty theft, smuggling of narcotics and
gold, flesh trade etc. As the Police commissioner of Mumbai (IPS) how will you address this? भारत म�
17,000 से �ादा ब�े सड़कों क� रहते ह� इनम� से भी सबसे �ादा महारा�� म� पाएँ जाते ह�. सामा� �प से ये भीख माँगना मज़दू री करना
और छोटी मोटी चोरी अपराधों से अपना जीवन गुजारते ह�. मुंबई पु�लस क�म�र के �प म� आप इस सम�ा को कै से सं बो�धत कर�गे?


- Ethics: attitude towards women: USA Dublin Women jail- reports of rampant sexual abuse by
warden. �Points to Reflect: education and economic development not antidote to gender violence.
Value education and swift and strict punishment both are necessary. Earlier bridge collapsed in USA
before the inauguration by President Biden. So corruption is also not a event confined only to 3rd

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world countries. (अमे�रका म� जेल कारावास अ�धका�रयों द्वारा मिहला कै िदयों का यौन शोषण और बला�ार- यानी िक ये सब मामले
के वल तीसरे �व� और ग़रीब देशों तक सी�मत नहीं है। के वल �श�ा और आ�थक �वकास अपने आप यौन अपराधों को नहीं रोक सकता है
उसके �लए मू� �श�ा और ��रत और स� सजा दोनों ही ज़�री है।)

- Ethics: attitude towards women: Madhya Pradesh additional district and session judge (ADJ) - She
resigned in 2014 alleging harassment by HC judge- 1) who transfered her to some faraway place 2)
not allotted her peon/steno etc 3) demanding sexual favours. After long enquiry, Supreme Court
ruled that her resignation was not a voluntary she was forced to resign because of the unfavourable
work condition → ordered her reinstatement. �Points to Reflect: � 1) 2014 case solved in 2022
after 8 years. Such length court proceeding discourages the victim from lodging complaint /
emboldened the perpetrator. � 3) judges of the High Court are assured the various immunities in
the Constitution so they cannot be removed without impeachment. At maximum Supreme Court
can transfer them to some punishment posting (e.g. Sikkim HC). Sometimes such immunities
emboldened Judge. � 2) such harassment is also faced in private sector jobs but the level of
grievance redressal mechanism is not as Swift or assured. Usually the higher management would
favour /shield the person in higher position. ( म� प्रदेश म� एक हाई कोटर् जजों द्वारा एक मिहला �जला जज का उ�ीड़न
िकया जा रहा था क� दू र क� जगह पर उसका तबादला कर िदया जाए उसे चपरासी टाइ�प� इ�ािद न िदए जाएं तो यौन उ�ीड़न िकया जाए.
अंत म� उस मिहला �जला जज ने इ�ीफ़ा िदया था 2014-2022 तक लं बी चौड़ी सुनवाई के बाद सुप्रीम कोटर् ने पाया िक उस मिहला जज का
इ�ीफ़ा �ागपत्र �ै��क नहीं था लेिकन मजबूरी म� उसे देना पड़ा. इस�लए सुप्रीम कोटर् ने उसक� नौकरी वापस बहाल करने का आदेश िदया
है. यहाँ आठ साल तक लं बी चौड़ी क़ानूनन प्रिक्रया चलती है �ादातर मामलों म� पीिड़त ��� का मनोबल टू ट जाता है और समझौता कर
लेता है/ या �शकायत नहीं करता. � हाई कोटर् जजों को सं �वधान म� ब�त सारे सं र�ण िदए गए ह� �जसके चलते कु छ बार ग़लत काम करने
के �लए भी हौसले बुलंद हो जाते ह� � ये �नजी �ेत्र क� कं प�नयों म� भी मिहलाओं के साथ इस प्रकार का भेदभावपूणर् रवैया और उ�ीड़न
होता होगा लेिकन भारत म� उ�� �शकायत �नवारण के �लए प्रणाली मज़बूत नहीं है � सामा� �प से क�नी के बड़े अ�धका�रयों द्वारा
अपने साथी का बचाव िकया जाता है अंत म� छोटी मिहला कमर्चारी को नौकरी छोड़ के जाना पड़े. )

- Ethics: attitude towards women- Queen Elizabeth II’s son Prince Andrew accused of raping
underage girl. Both parties agreed to “settle”. Prince Andrew also announced he’ll make a a
substantial donation to a charity “in support of sex victims’ rights! �
Points to Reflect: � 1) if the
METOO movement didn’t occur, Would he have made the donation? �
2) He settled the case by
paying money to the victim. As a Prince of England, he does not have any shortage of money
inherited from his ancestors who looted India. � 3) Pakistan's legal system allow pardons for the
murdered/rapist usually after he pays “Blood Money” to victims family. So often the Rich men never
go to jail. Americans and Europeans may brag themselves to be more civilised and democratic, but
how is this any different? After all Prince paid money to rape-victim to settle the case? (रानी ए�लज़ाबेथ
िद्वतीय के राजकु मार एं ड�यू ने एक नाबा�लग लड़क� से बला�ार िकया था लेिकन उसे पैसा देकर कोटर् के बाहर दोनों ने समझौता कर �लया है।
राजकु मार एं ड�यू ने ये भी कहा है िक वो मिहला अ�धकारों क� कोई सेवाभावी सं �ा को चं दे म� भी मोटी रक़म द�गे। अगर मी टू मुिहम के
दौरान उस पर आरोप नहीं लगता तो �ा िफर भी वो ये चं दा देने वाला था? चं दे क� रक़म कहाँ से आ रही है उसके बाप दादाओं ने भारत देश

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को लूटा उसी �वरासत म� राजकु मार को जो सं प�� �मली है वो पैसा बटोरा जा रहा है। तो इसम� अपराधी का �यं का प�ाताप और सज़ा
प्रतीत नहीं हो रही। पािक�ान म� भी बला�ारी ह�ा के बाद पीिड़त प�रवार को पैसा दे िदया जाए तो अपराधी को सजा से माफ़� दी जाती है।
अमे�रक� और यूरोपीय लोग ख़ुद को �ादा लोकतां�त्रक और �वक�सत और मानवतावादी भले समझते हो लेिकन पािक�ान से बेहतर नहीं
है। �ोंिक अमीर को कभी जेल म� नहीं जाना पड़ता।)


- Ethics: Value education/ Juveniles- 1) Need for teaching “Peace education”- disarmament, de-
nuclearisation. 2) Make the students witness to negativity (that is, telling the truth about the realities
and inequalities of this society); throwing light on spaces for possible actions that can challenge these
realities; 3) Instead of creating cadres of techno-public intellectuals, peace education requires the
creation of a mass of “critical secretaries” to people’s movements. ( �ू ल म� �व�ान भूगोल और ग�णत के साथ
साथ शां�त क� �श�ा देना भी ज़�री है यानी क� �नश�ीकरण परमाणु ह�थयार मु� दु�नया �व� के बारे म� बढ़ाना ज़�री है ऐसी पढ़ाई म�
�वद्या�थयों को नकारा�कता का एहसास करवाना भी ज़�री िक कै से िहरो�शमा और नागासाक� पर परमाणु बम फ� कने के बाद लोगों क� जान�
गई थी कै से समाज म� असमानता ह� शोषण है और इन वा��वकताओं को हम कै से �मटा सकते ह� िक 1 �ू ल क� को�शश �सफ़र् “सरकारी
बाबू” पैदा करने क� नहीं होनी चािहए, “आलोचना�क �चतं क” भी पैदा करने चािहए)

- Ethics: Parenting/Leaders who achieved greatness in public life but sons brought disrepute to
family- � 1) Mahatma Gandhi’s eldest son Harilal - addicted to liquor gambling adultery.
although another son Manilal Gandhi followed the footsteps of his father and played important role
in leading satyagraha as both in South Africa and in India. � 2) Dhirubhai Ambani founded the
reliance company, postal stamp issued in his name, given Padma Vibhushan. Mukesh Ambani
among the wealthiest men in the world but another son Anil Ambani- banned by SEBI from
sharemarket. Reasons- accuse of siphoning/misusing the funds of one company to pay of the loans of
another company. �
3) Filmstars sons arrested for drugs, match-fixing �Points to Reflect: 1)
Nepotism is therefore not justified, because even if the leader is ethical and great, it is not necessary
that his children will turn out to be ethical. 2) leader often gets so focused in public and professional
life that unable to pay attention to the personal family life. (ऐसे बड़े लोग �ज�ोंने �ावसा�यक /सावर्ज�नक जीवन म�
बड़े मुक़ाम / सफलताएं हा�सल क� लेिकन उनके बेटों ने प�रवार का नाम बदनाम िकया- गांधीजी का बेटा ह�रलाल, धी�भाई अंबानी का बेटा
अ�नल अ�ानी, िफ़� अ�भनेता के ब�े। िकसी को �सफ़र् इस�लए �नयु�� दी जाए �ोंिक उसके �पता महान थे तो ज़�री नहीं िक बेटा भी
महान ही होगा इस�लए भाई भतीजावाद म� �नयु�� नहीं दी जा सकती। सावर्ज�नक जीवन म� ��ता के चलते �पता प�रवार भी �ान नहीं दे
पाते तो ब�े रा�ा भटक जाते ह�)

- Ethics: Juvenile / Value Education / Parenting: 1) new trend / facade of “Wedding pranks” by
Kerala youth to embarrass their bride and groom friends on the wedding day e.g. taking the couple
out of the car and forcing them to sit in bulldozer, and busting powerful crackers etc. Then videos are
uploaded on social media for likes and pageviews. � 2022: Kunnur- Jishnu and his friends had
brought crackers and crude bombs for the marriage day to scare the people as ‘Prank”, but it

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resulted in the death of one of them. 2) 2020: earlier a pregnant female elephant was killed by
feeding her a pineapple with firecrackers inside. �
Points to Reflect: 1) High level of literacy itself is
not guarantee for high level of ethical and civilised behaviour. Role of parenting and value education
necessary. 2) As SP how will you stop this nuisance of wedding day pranks in Kerala?

- Ethics: School education / attitude towards weaker section / Role of movies / leaders to achieve
greatness despite physical challenges: 1) Globally, 70 million people stutter, including President Joe
Biden, who was mocked by classmates and a nun in Catholic school for his speech impediment. 2)
role of movies in increasing mockery/bullyism of kids suffering from stammering- e.g. in India
Bollywood movies pretty much always make mockery of such persons e.g. Golmal (Tushar Kapoor),
Hera Pheri (Paresh Rawal). Because it’s easy to make less-literate people laugh using slapstick
comedy about physical deficiency. stuttering people are not a separate vote bank, customer group or
pressure group (unlike LGBT in EU/USA- So, Hollywood will be very careful not to harm their
feelings.) In Britain drama movie “King’s Speech” about King George VI who coped with a
stammer, with help of a speech therapist - won Oscars. (हकलाना /तोतलेपन क� सम�ा से पूरी दु�नया म� सात करोड़
लोग जूझ रहे ह�। �ू ल म� सामा� �प से उनका मज़ाक बनाया जाता है लेिकन िफर भी इ�ोंने महानता हा�सल क� है जैसे क� अमरीक�
रा�प� �त जो �बडेन। िकसी समुदाय के प्र�त अ�ो के रवैए म� िफ़�ों का भी काफ़� योगदान होता है। जबिक �ब्रटेन क� राजा के हकलाने पर
बनी िफ़� को ओ�ार �मला था बॉलीवुड िफ़�ों म� सामा� �प से ऐसे लोगों का उपहास बनाया जाता है- �ोंिक शालीन िक़� क� कटा�
के �लए बु�द्ध का प्रयोग करना पड़ता है और वो चीज़ सबको समझ नहीं आती। कम पढ़े �लखे लोगों को स�ी कॉमेडी �ादा अ�� लगती है,
�ोंिक वो उ�� आसानी से समझम� आती है। तोतले लोग अलग से ‘वोट-ब�क’ या ‘ग्राहक-समूह’ या ‘दबाव समूह’ निह है। )


- Ethics: corruption: Mid-90s: Bihar CM Lalu held animal husbandry department portfolio as well.
There was a scheme of siphoning Rs 950 crore funds from treasury. He was booked under
Prevention of Corruption Act. resigned as CM give the seat to his wife Rabri Devi. 2022: he is
convicted in a 4th or 5th case related to this fodder scam. �Points to Reflect: � 1) 1997-2022 is
almost 26 years! slow pace of investigation and verdict emboldens the young politicians to engage in
corruption. � 2) Lalu has already been convicted in four previous cases of the fodder scam and is
currently out on bail. Most of the time, he is out on bail/ in hospital for treatment. So in letter and
spirit, it does not seem as if he has been suffering “Jail imprisonment”. This too emboldens the

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young politicians to engage in corruption. � 3) even after this scam, he continue to win elections
and made railway minister in the union government. He tried to rebrand himself as someone who
has made the railway profitable or the critics argue that it was mostly data dressing. �
4) media
presented him as “fun person” cracking jokes/satire. So he never received as much hatred has a
typical corrupt person is supposed to get. (न चारा घोटाले के चौथे या पांचव� मामले म� लालू यादव दोषी पाए गए- वो भी 26
साल के क़ानूनी सं घषर् के बाद। हालाँिक लालू तो ज़मानत या अ�ताल म� उपचार के नाम पर जेल से बाहर ही �ादातर रहते ह� → �जसके
चलते क� नौजवान नेताओं पर कोई सबक़ नहीं बैठ रहा िक भ्र�ाचार करोगे तो तुरंत जेल जाओगे।)

- Ethics: corruption- competitive exam paper leak: Rajasthan Public Examination (Measures for
Prevention of Unfair Means in Recruitment) Bill, 2022. Punishment up to 10 years and fined upto
Rs 10 crore. (सरकारी नौकरी परी�ा का पेपर लीक िकया तो राज�ान म� 10 साल तक क� जेल और 10 करोड़ तक का जुमार्ना हो
सकता है)

- Ethics: corruption/gratification: Rajasthan State government gifted IPHONEs to all MLAs- in

protest of delivering paperless budget stored in iPhones. BJP’s 71 MLAs to return this gift
considering the financial burden on the tax payers, after all average market price of an iPhone 13 is
Rs 85,000 plus. � Although they have not returned the iPads given in 2021, and the laptops given
in 2020 and Rs 30 lakh flats given before that. �
After the end of the government’s five-year
tenure, the MLAs are expected to return these laptops, since technically the Assembly owns these
items. However, that doesn’t happen. So usually, Finance Department has to write off these items as
lost/damaged.” (राज�ान �वधानसभा म� बजट िड�जटल ��प म� प्र�ुत िकया गया और सभी �वधायकों को गुळ महँ गी वाली
iPhone उपहार म� िदए गए िक इसम� ही बजट है पढ़ लेना। हालाँिक BJP के �वधायकों ने फ़ोन उपहार को वापस लौटाना तय िकया है,
�ोंिक वे इसे सरकारी पैसों क� बबार्दी और कर दाताओं पर अनाव�क बोझ मानते ह�। इससे पहले के वष� म� भी �वधायकों को लैपटॉप
टैबलेट फ़्लैट उपहार म� िदए गए थे)

- Ethics: quotations related to corruption / greed /evil: � 1) Edward Snowden: ‘there can be no
faith in government if our highest offices are excused from scrutiny; they should be setting the
example of transparency’.” �
2) Mahatma Gandhi- “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s
needs but not every man’s greed”. �
3) Albert Einstein: “The world will not be destroyed by those
who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” (भ्र�ाचार के बारे म� कु छ सूवा�)


- Ethics: IAS Dilemmas- Gujarat Panchayat Act, a person who has more than two children and if any
of them is born after 2005, he or she is not eligible to contest local body polls in the state and is liable
to be disqualified. 2021: Mr.Varaniya won election in Trajpar village sarpanch. After serving for two
months he is disqualified because �it is found that his 4th child born in 2007 � The village
panchayat birth register recorded birth of Varaniya’s fourth child in 2007. � The principal of the

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school also certified that the birth of the said child was recorded in 2007. �
Q: as the state election
commissioner (IAS) how will you prevent the recurrence of such problems? 1) digitisation of the
paper records 2) Aadhar seeding as suggested by past Economic Survey 3) Telangana Samagra-
Vedika initiative (गुजरात पं चायत क़ानून के िहसाब से अगर 2005 के बाद िकसी ��� के दो अ�धक ब�े थे तो वो पं चायत चुनाव
नहीं लड़ सकता हालाँिक एक ��� ने इन त�ों को छु पाया था और वो सरपं च भी बन गया लेिकन बाद म� गाँव के ज� प्रमाण पत्र और
�ू ल दा�खलों को जाँच करने पर पाया गया िक 2007 म� इस सरपं च को चौथा ब�ा पैदा �आ था। रा� चुनाव आयु� यानी िक IAS के
�प म� आप इस प्रकार क� धांध�लयों को कै से रोक� गे?)

- Ethics: IAS Dilemmas- Surat municipal board passed a resolution that following 5 photos to be
hung at all municipal schools in Surat viz. PRIME MINISTER Narendra Modi, Dr BR Ambedkar, Dr.
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Bharat Mata and Sardar Patel. The board has approved to set aside Rs 6
lakh for placing orders for 400 photo frames to be hung at the schools. Arguments in favour: Many
people visit the principal's offices. People and students will get inspired by seeing such photos. Some
of the poor people without access to Internet television will see/recognize the face of those leaders in
future. � argument against: 1) Gandhiji, Nehru and President’s photo missing. 2) BJP leaders
trying to make their own leaders famous. If the petition is sent to you to you have inclusion or
exclusion of some leaders, how will you address as the municipal commissioner (IAS)/Education
Secretary (IAS)? Ans. 1) Nothing. Just forward the application to Education Minister, let him decide.
2) if protestors start rioting, then take help of police. 3) if the grievances continue then parents can
always approach the court for intervention! As IAS it is Not necessary to take decision by yourself
for everything! (सूरत �ू�न�सपल बोडर् ने यह �नणर्य �लया है िक हरेक सरकारी �ू ल म� पाँच बड़े लीडरों क� फ़ोटो लगायी जाएगी
�जसम� प्रधानमं त्री नर�द्र मोदी शा�मल है लेिकन गांधी नेह� और वतर्मान रा��प�त को�वदं शा�मल नहीं है। इसके �वरोध म� यिद कु छ माता �पता
�शकायत कर� तो �श�ा स�चव यानी िक IAS के �प म� आप उसे कै से सं बो�धत कर�गे?)

- Ethics: public organisations dilemmas: President Ram Nath Kovind will take part in the Indian
Navy’s 12th Presidential Fleet Review. Basically, Navy will showcase its ships, capacity, drills,
demonstration. Suppose a climate activist like Greta Thurnberg send a letter “organising Navy fleet
review will cause diesel air pollution and discomfort to sea creatures, arms-race among nations and
war-mongering- so it must be cancelled”. How will you address this as Navy Admiral or secretary of
the defence Ministry (IAS)? �
Points to Reflect: this case study deals with public organisation
dilemma between national security and environment sustainability. Even if there is no war, still
security forces need to conduct such drills/demonstration because 1) keep the weapons in vehicle in
good shape with Service repair maintenance / changing oil-diesel breakwire and engine etc. 2)
training and fitness of the soldiers. 3) improves leadership and conflict resolution qualities among
the officers (e.g. whatever problems occur during the event management / Saint soldier faints/injured
during the drill) 4) showcasing of the strength to deter adventurism by our neighbours. 5) fitness of
the Navy is important not only for war but also for peace time usage such as- rescue of the civilians

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from conflict areas in Middle East Yaman Syria, Ukraine. Antipiracy operations, Anti-Narco
smuggling operation, cyclone tsunami disaster relief. 6) at the same time due care will be taken to
prevent unnecessary damage to marine ecology. (रा�प� �त द्वारा भारतीय नौसेना के जहाज़ों का मुआयना िकया जाएगा।
मान ली�जए िकसी पयार्वरण प्रेमी ने इसके �वरोध म� काग़ज़ �लखा िक “इस प्रकार से नौसेना जहाज़ों का कायर्क्रम करने से डीज़ल क� बबार्दी
होती है वायु प्रदू षण फै लता है जहाज़ क� ग�त�व�ध और ��न प्रदू षण से समुद्री जीवों को असु�वधा होती है। तथा ऐसी श�� प्रदशर्न के
चलते बाक़� देशों क� श�� प्रदशर्न क� इ�ा होती है और अंत म� युद्ध क� नौबत आती है। इस�लए इस कायर्क्रम को रद्द िकया जाए इस �वरोध
का आप र�ा स�चव यानी आइएएस ऑिफ़सर कै से सं बो�धत कर�ग?े - नौसेना का उपयोग मात्र युद्ध निह है। शां�त समय म� भी नाग�रकों को
यमन सी�रया जैसे देश से बचाकर लाना, चक्रवात और सुनामी म� आपदा प्रबं धन करना, नशीली दवाओं क� त�री, समुद्री लुटेरों से लड़ना ये
भी काम होता। यिद समय समय पर युद्धा�ास परेड िड�ल इ�ािद न िकया जाए तो जहाज़ों के इं जन म� ओईल-बैटरी इ�ािद म� ख़राबी आ
जाएगी । सै�नकों क� तालीम कौशल म� कमी आ जाएगी। �ू �त क� जगह सु�ी आ जाएगी। युद्धा�ास परेड िड�ल इ�ािद से अफ़सरों को भी
आक��कताओं से �नपटने क� तालीम और अनुभव �मलता है। अपने झगडालू पड़ोसी देशों के म�लन -इरादों को क़ाबू म� रखने के �लए भी
श�� प्रदशर्न ज़�री होता है। इस�लए �सफ़र् पयार्वरण क� �चंता म� इन सब साम�रक प्राथ�मकताओं से समझौता नहीं हो सकता।)

- Ethics: education- National Overseas Scholarship (NOS) scheme for SC/Nomadic Tribes/Landless
Agricultural Labourers etc. doing Masters/PHD courses in foreign countries. New rules: the
Scholarship will be given for technical/ engineering/ Medical /MBA etc. courses but not for studying
Indian history, culture and social sciences in foreign universities - because there are enough colleges
available in India to study Indian history, culture or heritage. Indian students need not to go abroad
to learn Indian history- and government need not be providing subsidy scholarship for this!
Criticism? � 1) Freedom of educational choice. �
2) imposing the right-wing nationalistic
interpretation of history. Suppose you are received a letter from MP/MLA/Student/Parent
demanding the removal of this new rule, how will you address it as secretary of Ministry of social
Justice (IAS)? Ans. 1) State the present rules of the government scheme. There is no provision in
constitution to subsidise/give free and compulsory foreign education. It’s a discretionary scheme of
the govt. Your request application will be put to the notice of honourable minister in the next review
meeting of this scheme. 2) Give them the list of the Indian colleges where such History courses are
available. 3) aggrieved party can always go to the court. 4) This is not a matter of life and death, or a
problem of affecting a very large population/section of the society. If IAS uses his time, energy,
resources and relationship with the minister to find solution for each and every “liberal intellectual”
demand, then he will be left with very little manoeuvring for the important matters. e.g. Telling
minister “I will resign if this foreign-scholarship scheme is not modified!” And suppose the minister
agreed to modify the scheme! Then next time, suppose there is another problem e.g. shortage of data
entry operators in the ministry to handle the RTI queries resulting into reprimand/penalty to officers
by CIC. Then you (IAS) request the minister to approve file for hiring more data entry operators
then the same minister/PA will cause trouble/non-cooperation/taunting that “we do not have money
to pay salary for more data entry operators because money is used for sending those kids to foreign
colleges for learning Indian history- as per your request!” BabuShona/Instagram royal-entry

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videowallas Do not understand the simple thing- IAS has to choose his/her battles wisely, and keep
in mind the long-term consequences of annoying the people sitting in power. (�पछड़े समुदाय क� गली
�वद्या�थयों को �वदेश म� अनु-�ातक/ मा�सर्/पीचडी कोसर् के �लए के �लए सरकार द्वारा छात्रवृ�� �ॉलर�शप दी जाती है। लेिकन सरकार ने
�नयमों म� सुधार िकया िक अगर भारतीय इ�तहास सं �ृ�त के बारे म� कोई कोसर् करना है तो भारत म� ही पयार्� मात्रा म� कॉलेज �व��वद्यालय
उपल� है ऐसी पढ़ाई के �लए अगर आप �वदेश जा रहे ह� तो सरकार को ही छात्रवृ�� नहीं देगी। इस पर कु छ �वद्याथ� और उनके माता �पता
�वरोध जता रहे ह� िक आप हमा�र �श�ा क� �तं त्रता को कम कर रहे ह�। तो आप सामा�जक �ाय मं त्रालय के स�चव यानी िक IAS अफ़सर
के �प म� इसे कै से सं बो�धत कर�गी? सं �वधान म� �वदेशी �श�ा मु� और अ�नवायर् �प से देनी है ऐसा कोई प्रावधान नहीं. �वदेशी �श�ा म�
कौन से कोसर् के �लए �ॉलर�शप देनी या नहीं वो सरकार का �ववेक है- सरकार ने अपने �ववेक से तय िकया है िक भारत म� भारतीय सं �ृ�त
और इ�तहास को सीखने के �लए कॉलेज है तो �वदेश जाने क� ज़�रत नहीं आप जाना चाहते ह� ख़ुद के पैसों से जा सकते ह� सरकार आपको
स��डी नहीं दे सकती। हालाँिक आपक� अज़�/सुझाव को इस योजना क� अगली समी�ा मीिटगं म� मं त्री जी के सामने रखा जाएगा वो अपने
�ववेक से कु छ बदलाव कर� तो देखते ह�। � कु छ बाबूशोने ये सोचते ह� िक म� आईएएस होता तो झं डा ले के इसी मामले म� शिहद हो जाना
है - भले ही यहाँ पर एक बड़ी जं ग समुदाय को कोई असर नहीं हो रही और ये कोई �ज़दं गी और मौत का मामला नहीं है लेिकन िफर भी म�
मं त्री जी को म� बोल देता िक या तो इस योजना म� सुधार क��जए, वरना मेरा इ�ीफ़ा ली�जए �ोंिक बु�द्धजीवी उदार-मतवािदयों क� ये माँग
है! शायद आपक� इस बात को मं त्रीजी मान भी जाए, और योजना म� सुधार करे और २-५ लोग �वदेश पढ़ने भी चले जाए (जोक� उस IAS
को याद भी निह रख�गे!)- लेिकन मं त्री भ�व� म� िकसी और मामले म� IAS को परेशान कर�गे- उदाहरण के �प म�-मं त्रालय म� बोहोत �ादा
RTI अ�जयों आ रही है �जसक� �नपटान के �लए कु छ अ�त�र� �ाफ़ को नौकरी पर रखने क� ज़�रत है। और IAS मं त्रीजी से इसक�
अनुम�त क� माँग करता हे, मं त्री मना कर द�गे क� नहीं वो तो पैसा सारा हमारा ख़� हो गया है- �वदेशी कॉलेजों म� इ�तहास क� कोसर् करवाने
म�!! - यानी क� हर एक मामले को सुलझाना ज़�री नहीं है। एक अफ़सर ने अपना समय ऊजार् और �र�े सं भाल के रखना चािहए ऐसी लड़ाई
के �लए जो असल म� कमज़ोरों क� भलाई और देश क� तर�� के �लए वा�व म� मायने रखती है। )

- Ethics: IAS dilemmas: 72-hour strike by Chandigarh UT electricity company probably against the
privatisation. UT-admin imposed Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA) but still longest
electricity outage in the history There was chaos on the roads as the traffic lights did not function.
Water supply to residential areas was affected. The industrial area too had to halt its manufacturing
activities. Patients, students and professionals working from home all bore the brunt - day's loss at Rs
60-70 crore. How will you prevent recurrence in future? (चं डीगढ़ क� द्र शा�सत प्रदेश म� �बजली क�मयों क� हड़ताल
के चलते इ�तहास म� सबसे �ादा समय तक �बजली ग़ायब रही ग़ायब रही भ�व� म� इन चीज़ों का पुनरावतर्न रोकने के �लए आप �ा कर�गे
ठीक है चं डीगढ़ के प्रशासक या IAS अफ़सर के �प म�?)


- Ethics: attitude towards criminal/prisoner reform: A man was sentence be to death for raping and
murdering a 7 years old girl. SUPREME Court commuted the death sentence to life imprisonment,
with the rider that he shall not be entitled to “premature release for a period of 30 years. Reasons
cited by Judge: “Justice also requires of preserving the human life, be it of accused, unless
termination thereof is inevitable and is to serve the other societal causes and collective conscience of
society. This rapist has no criminal antecedents. and has unblemished jail conduct. When all these
factors are added together, there is probability of reformation and rehabilitation.” (अपराधी सुधार: एक

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पु�ष को सात साल क� लड़क� पर बला�ार और ह�ा के मामले म� मृ�ुदंड िदया गया था। लेिकन सुप्रीम कोटर् ने पाया िक- �ाय का मतलब
�सफ़र् मृ�ु/सजा देना निह है- �सवाय के सामा�जक चेतना या अ� िकसी आव�क कारण के �लए मृ�ुदंड ज़�री हो। इससे पहले इस
बला�ारी ने कोई अपराध नहीं िकया था , और जेल म� भी वो अनुशासन से रह रहा है, इस�लए म� इसक� सं भावना है िक वे इस अपराधी का
सुधार और पुन�ार्पन हो सके । हालाँिक उसक� मृ�ु दंड को आजीवन कारावास म� त�ील िकया । हालाँिक जेल म� अ�े बतार्व के बावजूद
भी 30 साल से पहले जेल से �रहाई नहीं हो सकती- एसा आदेश भी िदया है।)

- Ethics: IPS Dilemmas: Maharashtra was the first state to have an ATS following the blasts of 1998.
But in 2022: Maharashtra police officers are not willing to accept transfer to antiterrorism squad
(ATS) because 1) lack of glory- National Investigation Agency (NIA) has taken over some of the
most sensitive and talked-about cases. 2) tussle between union and state government, fallout in the
Mukesh Ambani Car Bomb Bitcoin Ransom Case- how Mumbai police commissioner had to go run
and hide. So, DGP of Maharashtra Police has posted on Facebook 1) a posting with the ATS could
get an officer 25 per cent extra salary 2) if any police officer interested please comment on this
Facebook post or meet me in person. Yet, there has not been much enthusiasm to join the ATS.
�Points to Reflect: 1) similar challenges were seen in Gujarat ATS after Ishrat-Sohrabuddin
encounter case and subsequent arrest of the IPS officers. Thus, Home Minister and DGP must try to
keep the Department’s image clean otherwise if officers refused to work in sensitive postings, it will
affect the law and order and security of the state. 2) DGP can forcibly order transfer of any police
officer to any area, but then such officer may not work with enthusiasm motivation and passion or
may go on leave. 3) if you are the DGP what will you do? (महारा�� ATS म� नौकरी करने पर 25% अ�त�र�
तन�ाह �मलती है, िफर भी वहाँ पु�लस अफ़सर तबादला नहीं चाहते �ोंिक �ादातर गं भीर मामलों को NIA को भेज िदए जाते ह�
इस�लए उ�� प्र�स�द्ध �मलती नहीं। क� द्र और रा� सरकार के तनाव के बीच जो हाल मुकेश अंबानी �बटकोइन िफरौती के स म� मुंबई पु�लस
क�म�र का �आ है ऐसा अ� अफ़सरों को डर लगता है। गुजरात ATS म� भी इशरत -सोराबुद्दीन के स के बाद बड़े पु�लस अफ़सरों को जेल
भेजा था, इस�लए बाक़� अफ़सर वहाँ तबादले से डरते थे। वैसे तो DGP/ गृह मं त्री िकसी भी अफ़सर का तबादला कर सकते ह� लेिकन िफर
वो िदल लगाकर काम नहीं कर�गे या छु ट्टी पर चले जाएं गे। इस�लए महारा�� DGP ने अपनी फ़े सबुक पो� म� सब पु�लस क�मयों को ये कहा
है िक आपम� से जो भी तबादला चाहता है वो मुझे मैसेज कर�। लेिकन िफर भी कोई ख़ास ��च नहीं िदखा रहा। आप DGP होते तो �ा

- Ethics- Court Decorum: CHIEF Justice of the Gujarat High Court directed a police officer to
distribute 100 cans of a cold drink to the bar association, after he spotted the latter sipping the
beverage during a virtual hearing. As IPS/SP/DCP how will you prevent the recurrence of such
embarrassing behaviour by your subordinates? Ans. 1) Training and sensitisation in the e-
courtroom behaviour 2) Reprimand / punish the errant parties. However the punishment should be
proportionate to the crime. “I will suspend the officer!” But it could create shortage of manpower
especially in the times of corona! And the suspended officer may go to court → resulting into
further waste of administrative time of SP/DCP & his staff in preparing the affidavits to justify your
action! (ऑनलाइन सुनवाई के दौरान एक पु�लस इं �े�र क� कोका कोला पी रहे थे गुजरात हाईकोटर् के मु� �ायाधीश ने फटकार

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लगायी। IPS ऑिफ़सर के �प म� आप अपने जू�नयर �ाफ़ को ऑनलाइन कोटर् सुनवाई के दौरान इस प्रकार क� गु�ा�खयां करने से कै से
रोक� गे?)

- Ethics: IPS Dilemmas- Surat joint commissioner of police made a press statement, “In 2022, eight
murder offences were registered with Surat city police. All the cases have been cracked and the
accused are behind bars. Of them, in six offences, we found that the motive behind the murders were
old disputes and the accused are parpranti (migrants).” � Congress leader Aslam CycleWalla is
angry ke “JCP using the term “parpranti” was “discriminatory”. We strongly condemn the
statement. We should never forget that the economic development of Surat and Gujarat is due to the
sweat and blood of migrants. Nobody has the right to insult them. We appeal to police officials not to
speak such words in public and take special care of other people’s feelings. Majority of the murders
have taken place in those areas which has settlements of people hailing from other states. This would
increase the animosity between the domiciles and the migrant“ �
As JCP (IPS) how will you
address this? Ans. Nothing to regret for the past action. � If Police officer “acknowledges/accept
regret” for every small-small thing, then you embolden the politicians to hunt for your blood for
every small wok-ism thing. As long as nothing factually incorrect is said nothing, no
unParliamentary and unconstitutional thing is said, there is nothing to regret for. � However the
argument that such a reporting of data with a particular tone or colour may increase the animosity
among people or could be used by the politicians for divisive politics is also correct so in future more
caution could be taken in choice of words and presentation of data (सूरत पु�लस के सं यु� क�म�र ने बयान िदया
िक 2022 म� अब तक ८ ह�ाएं हो चुक� है �जसम� ६ ह�ाएं परप्रां�तयो द्वारा क� गई थी। इस पर कांग्रेस नेता असलम साईिकल वाला को
आप�� है िक आप आपरा�धक आंकड़ों का �ज़क्र करते व� “परप्रांतीय” श� का प्रयोग �ों कर रहे ह�? इससे सूरत के समाज म� मूल
�नवासी और प्रवासी मज़दू रों के बीच वैमन� बढ़ेगा। सूरत क� अथर्तंत्र म�, हीरे जवाहरात के कारखानों म�, प्रवासी मज़दू रों का ब�त बड़ा
योगदान है उनका स�ान होना चािहए।” और राजनेता क� इस आप�� को आप पु�लस क�म�र के �प म� कै से सं बो�धत कर�गे?)

- Ethics: Justice / prison reforms / exploitation: 2019: Jail inmates produced & sold nearly ₹850 crore
worth of handloom textiles, furniture, bakery items and other products. 2020: due to Corona sales
declined to ₹200 crores. But still if jail was a ‘company’, then it will be among the top 500 companies
of India. Anti-argument: Foreign Human rights activist denounce the use of prison labour in India
and China. because in India jailed inmates are paid hardly 85-110 rupees per day of work, whereas
outside the jail, average daily wage is Rs.300. So even after years of working when the prisoner is
released he will not have enough savings to restart his life normally. Suppose human rights
organization sends such petition then how will address it as IGP (Prisons)? �
Points to Reflect: 1)
forward to Finance Department / Home Dept. in State Govt. IGP alone can’t raise wages 2) Tell the
NGO about various schemes for prisoners rehabilitation 3) up-keeping of the prison also requires
staff, electricity, food, Everything costs money. 4) Prisoners are there because they committed crime.
They can’t have rights of a ‘normal worker’. (भारत म� जेल के कै िदयों द्वारा जो िक कपड़ा, बतर्न, लकड़ी क� कु �सयाँ इ�ािद

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बनाया जाता है इसक� �बक्र� से 850 करोड़ से �ादा क� कमाई होती है- उस िहसाब से अगर जेल एक कं पनी होती तो देश क� पांचवीं सबसे
बड़ी कं प�नयों म� उसका नाम होता। हालाँिक मानवा�धकारवादी ये आरोप लगाते ह� िक भारतीय जेलों म� असल म� काम निह ‘ग़ुलामी’ करवाई
जाती है �ोंिक हर क़ै दी को प्र�तिदन मज़दू री के �लए क़रीब 110 �पये िदए जाते ह�। जबिक बाहर प्र�त िदन का मज़दू रों वेतन ३०० �पये के
आस पास होता है। इस�लए अगर कोई क़ै दी सालों तक जेल म� मज़दू री कर� तो भी बाहर आने पर उसक� बचत म� इतना पैसा नहीं होगा, िक
वो अपनी �ज़दं गी वापस शु� कर सक� । अगर आप जेल के IG है और मानवा�धकारवादी ऐसी या�चका भेजते ह� तो कै से सं बो�धत कर�गे?)

- Ethics: quotation “There is no honour among the thieves”- meaning, a criminal is likely to betray
other criminals for his own benefit. 1) Ayaz Saiyed had participated in the 2008’s Ahmedabad blasts
case. He became govt witness (to get pardon/lower sentence) and testified against the co-accused-
resulting into 38 convicts awarded death sentence. Ayaz was a Sunni Barelvi and others were Sunni
non-Barelvi. During Eid, he offered some sweets to other accused who refused, resulting into a big
verbal quarrel. Ultimately he decided to leave the gang and become government approver/sarkaari-
gawaah. 2) Corrupt Policeman Sachin Waze parked bomb outside the house of Mukesh Ambani
demanding ransom in bitcoins. He has offered to become Govt Witness for pardon in exchange of
giving testimony against others accused (former Maharashtra State home Minister and former police
commissioner of Mumbai) (चोरों के बीच आपस म� कोई ईमान नहीं होता। ऐसी अन�गनत के स है जहाँ अपराधी ने अपने ही
सा�थयों के �ख़लाफ़ सरकारी गवाह बन कर ख़ुद को कठोर सजा से बचाया �ँ जैसे क� 2008 के अहमदाबाद बम धमाकों के एक आरोपी ने
कु छ सरकारी गवाह बन कर अ� 38 आतं क� सा�थयों को फाँसी क� सजा िदलवाई। मुकेश अंबानी के घर के बाहर बम वाली गाड़ी रखने वाले
भ्र� पु�लस अफ़सर स�चन वजे ने भी कठोर सजा से बचने के �लए पु�लस सरकारी गवाह बनने क� पेशकश क� है और महारा�� के पूवर् गृहमं त्री
और क�म�र के �ख़लाफ़ गवाही देने को तैयार हो गया है।)

- IR/Defense: internal security role of security forces (GSM3): SPG (Special Protection Group) is
meant only for the PM and his immediate family. Other VIP protected by National Security Guard
(NSG), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF). six
types of cover: X, Y, Y-plus, Z, Z-plus. This can be given to anyone whom the Centre or a state
assesses to be threatened. � while it is given free of cost but sometimes government can charge
money example Mukesh Ambani required to pay CRPF monthly ₹15 lakh �
sometimes, Z-
security is given for political considerations, the security agencies are not subjected to judicial
oversight in this threat assessment. �
controversy surrounding security cover to 1) Kangna Ranaut
as a “BJP-loyalty” reward for speaking against Muslims and Shiv Sena 2) 2022: Gurmeet Ram Rahim
Singh, chief of Dera Sacha Sauda, who is serving a 20-year sentence for raping two women, and who
was released on a 21-day furlough → HARYANA Govt provided Z-plus category security for 21
days. � so if you are having large number of followers then whether your conduct is ethical or not
- is irrelevant to politicians. (बला�ारी गुरमीत राम रहीम �जसे बीस साल क� सजा �मली है उसे 21 िदन क� फल�/ जेल से
अ�ायी छु ट्टी पर बाहर भेजा गया था । ह�रयाणा रा� सरकार ने उसे जेड-�स सुर�ा कवच िदया है �जससे �ववाद। इससे पहले भी
मु��मों और �शवसेना के �ख़लाफ़ आप��जनक बयान देने पर �ववादों म� फँ सी कं गना रानावत को सुर�ा कवच पर �ववाद था। यानी िक यिद

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आपके पास ब�त सारे फॉलोअसर् ह� तो आपका आचरण म� नै�तक है या निह, उससे नेताओं को फ़कर् नहीं पड़ता। वे आपको सुर�ा कवच दे
सकते है। )


- Ethics: Leadership / FAKE NEWS: HEALTH Minister of Rajasthan on World Cancer Day event:
“Cancer is not related to tobacco or beedi. Cancer can happen to anybody, I have seen this. There are
people who use tobacco up to 20 times a day, smoke cigarettes and beedis. They don't ever get
cancer)... They go on to live till 80-100 years. And even those who don't consume (tobacco), have
cancer... Even in cities people have it (cancer).” After outcry in the social media, he gave clarification,
“I meant the tobacco used in traditional hookahs in villages. I am not talking about cigarettes or
gutka. Cancer does happen because of gutka.” �Points to Reflect: 1) politicians tend to mix up
facts with fictions and during public events. They try to play to the gallery to appease certain illiterate
tobacco-addicted crowd. Instead of abiding to fundamental duty to develop the scientific temper and
DPSP to prohibit the consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs injurious to health. 2) but in
such short sightedness they encourage the consumption of tobacco resulting into cancer and because
of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya ₹5 lakh ka free health insurance given to poor people → this is
actually increasing the burden on taxpayers to finance such cancer surgery later on. (राज�ान म� �व�
क� सर िदन भर के दौरान भीड़ को ख़ुश करने के �लए �ा� मं त्री ने कहा िक गाँव म� तो लोग बीड़ी पीते ह� लेिकन सौ साल जीते ह�, तं बाकू से
क� सर नहीं होता वग़ैरह वग़ैरह. भारी �वरोध पर ख़ुलासा दे रहे ह� िक वो तो म� देशी ��े के बारे म� बोल रहा था बाक़� �वमल गुटखा खाने से तो
क� सर अव� होता है. �
एक अ�े नेता िक यह �ज़�ेदारी होती है िक वो वै�ा�नक त�ों के आधार पर बात� करे न िक भीड़ म� बैठे
अनपढ़/जािहल/गवार लोगों से ता�लयां बटोरने के �लए अवै�ा�नक / �व�ान / सं �वधान से �वपरीत बातों को प्रो�ाहन दे। एक वै�ा�नक रवैया
अपनाना हमारी बु�नयादी करता िदया है और नशीली दवाओं का सेवन रोकना रा� के �लए पथदशर्क �सद्धांत है � � और जब िकसी
मं त्री द्वारा इस प्रकार के ग़ैर �ज़�ेदार बयान िदए जाए वो त�ाकू सेवन को प्रो�ाहन देता है �जसम� अंत म� करदाता ऊपर ही बोझ बढ़ता है
�ोंिक ऐसे ग़रीबों के क� सर ओपरेशन क� सरकारी योजनाओं का �व�ीय बोझ उनके सर पे आता है।)

- Ethics: superstition/ leadership: Ahmedabad corporator Jamnaben Vegda was unhappy with her
fellow politician from the scene Congress party. Viral audio clip of Jamnaben allegedly heard asking
a woman to use black magic against her rival collegue. Congress party has suspended her. �Points
to Reflect: 1) No matter how much dissatisfied you are, even then taking the tantric /black magic is
not acceptable. Yes it is normal to have rivalries in business and politics, but you need to win with
your hardwork and perseverance, not through Black Magic. 2) A leader must not promote
superstition among public. Goes against our constitutional values. Modern Educated voters unlikely
to support such person so it is harmful for the political party is well. 3) prevalence of superstition
even among the senior politicians example “if u visit X place, then u’ll never become CM. If you visit
Y religious place before election you will definitely win.” Then it is inevitable that junior politicians
will also do the similar. So senior politicians need to practice what they preach to their subordinates.
(अहमदाबाद क� नगर �नगम पाषर्द जमना बेन क� ऑिडयो वायरल जहाँ पर वे अपने कांग्रेस के साथी-नेता के �ख़लाफ़ काला जादू और

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तां�त्रक �व�ध करके उसे सबक़ �सखाने के �लए वो िकसी मिहला को कह रही है। इस �व�ानके �सद्धांतों से �वपरीत अंध श्रद्धा और काला जादू
काले जादू म� �व�ास रखना सं �वधान के बु�नयादी कतर्�ों के �ख़लाफ़ है। ये बात सही है िक िकसी भी �ावसा�यक और राजनी�त म� हमारी
प्र�त�ध� हो सकते ह� और हम� उ�� हराना है लेिकन वो किठन प�रश्रम और नी�त पूणर् बहार से जीत हा�सल करनी चािहए न िक काले जादू
से। अगर कोई राजनेता इस प्रकार क� चीज़ों म� यक़�न करता है तो पढ़े �लखे मतदाता इसम� यक़�न नहीं कर�गे। हालाँिक कई बार व�र� नेता
भी इस प्रकार क� अंधश्रधधाऑ म� फँ से रहते ह� क� फला फला जगह क� मुलाक़ात जो भी करता है वो मु�मं त्री नहीं बन सकता या िफर क�
फला फला धा�मक �ान के बाद ही चुनावी नामांकन पत्र भरा जाए तो ही चुनाव जीता जा सकता है। जब व�र� नेता जो िक लोक सभा और
�वधान सभा के चुनावों म� ऐसे अंध�व�ास म� यक़�न रखते ह� तो िफर नगरपा�लका के पाषर्दों से वै�ा�नक रवैये क� अपे�ा मु��ल हो जाती है)

- Ethics: Communication Skill- “In public platform, a leader should not use examples/sarcasm that
will offend a community. A leader should think not only in terms of pleasing the crowd / getting the
Facebook likes/retweets, but also in terms of the financial and career implications. e.g. 1) 2016:
Digambar Jain Guru Tarun Sagar was invited to give a speech in Haryana Vidhan Sabha. Musician
Vishal Dadlani wrote some tweets dangers of mixing religion and governance- but using offensive
hashtags “NokachcheDin” to joke about Digambar Gurus not wearing clothes. Later after series of
FIRs and boycotts, Vishal had to apologise repeatedly both online and in person. 2) 2022: Trinamool
Congress leader Mahua Moitra giving a speech in Lok Sabha about intolerance of Gujarat BJP Govt,
and said “BJP forbidding non-vegetarian street food in Gujarat municipalities, because they fear a
future India where a Jain boy can hide from home and enjoy a non-veg dish in Ahmedabad.” Jain
community seeks apology & filed FIR that core foundation of Jainism is non-violence. She is hurting
sentiments of the Jain community by making such remarks. She could have raised her point about
the Non-veg stall vendors’ right to livelihood. Politician need to also factor in the the Voting pattern,
election funding implications of reckless speeches. (भाषा पर सं यम: एक अ�े नेता/ मश�र ��� ने सावर्ज�नक मं च
पर अपनी बात रखने व� कोई ऐसे उदाहरण/�ं ग/ श�ों का प्रयोग नहीं करना चािहए �जससे िकसी समुदाय क� भावना आहत हो। �ोंिक
लोगों को अनाव�क �प से नाराज़ करने पर उसी ��� के �बज़नस / �व�ापन /राजनी�तक क�रयर / चुनावी फं ड म� �मलने वाला पैसा
इ�ािद पर असर होता है।इं िडयन आइडल ग़रीब क�ाण योजना के जज �वशाल ददलानी जैन मु�न के �ख़लाफ़ आप��जनक ट्वीट क�
गलती कर चुके थे। और �मलते जुलते �ववादों म� अब टीएमसी सांसद म�आ मोइत्रा, �जसने सं सद म� ये कहा िक “गुजरात BJP सरकार को
डर लगता है िक जैन लड़के �छप �छपकर मांसाहारी पकवान चले जाए इस�लए मांसाहारी पकवान वाले दुकान/ठे लो को गुजरात के शहरों से
हटाया जा रहा है।” वो इसी बात को �ादा शालीनता से भी पेश कर सकती थी िक कै से उन दुकानदारों क� आजी�वका पर असर �आ है और
सं �वधान म� �वसाय क� �तं त्रता है इ�ािद लेिकन अनाव�क �प से जैन समुदाय के ऊपर िट�णी करने के बाद भारी �ववाद म�, पु�लस
के स दजर्। )

- Ethics: corporate governance / leadership. “A) In business and Politics. everyone is motivated by
self interest. But if a Bizman cannot prove that his self-interests are aligned with the interest of the
government/ruling party, he will not go very far in the business success B) If Minister/IAS gives
special exemption to one party he may be flooded with demands by other parties so he needs to be
very careful in granting exemption.” Ganjedi Elon Musk tweeted “Tesla launch in India is difficult
because still working through a lot of challenges with the (Modi) government.” So later on many
non-BJP state CM lapped up to the opportunity inviting Elon to set up plants there. Elon’s demand is

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“Presently imported Tesla cars are subjected to 60-100% customs duty in India. So first of reduce
customs duty it. Then I will sell imported cars in India and then if there is good demand I may
explore setting up factories in India. You are a government is committed to the goal of climate
change and why electric vehicles will help reducing climate change!” As Finance Secretary (IAS) or
Transport Secretary (IAS)- what will you advise to govt? �Points to Reflect: While it is true that
government of India is committed to climate change but �
1) there is no shortage of electric
vehicle makers apart from Tesla. Tesla EV are not cheaper than Tata/Maruti EV made in India. �
2) If Tesla subjected to 0% customs duty on imported cars then Ford, GM etc will also demand
similar treatment OR complaint in WTO � 3) local car makers like Tata Motors Will not be able
to create jobs for locals and may stop election funding! And therefore such exemptions cannot be
given to Tesla. �
In interview case studies, Babushona may Rush to judgement and directly say
“yes I will give 0% customs duty on Tesla cars because it’ll help in fighting climate change.” (नेत�

/कॉरपोरेट शासन: गं जड़े ी इलोन म� क� ये माँग है िक “चीन म� बनी टे�ा गािड़यां जो भारत म� आयात होती है तो 60-100% सीमा शु�
लगता है। उस टे� को भारत सरकार कम करे → उसके बाद अगर मुझे ठीक लगेगा िक भारतीय लोग मेरी गािड़यां अ�� मात्रा म� ख़रीद
रहे ह� तो म� सोचूँगा और शायद भारत ने फै़ �री लगाऊँ गा. आपने मेरी गािड़यों को भारत म� कम टै� लगाना चािहए �ोंिक इले���क
�ीकल के चलते वायु प्रदू षण कम होता है और आपक� सरकार ने �ासगो स�मट म� सब जलवायु प�रवतर्न के �ख़लाफ़ कसम� खायी है उसम�
ये मदद करेगा!”इस प्र�ाव पर आप �वत् स�चव / प�रवहन स�चव यानी िक आइएएस ऑिफ़सर के �प म�- मं त्री जी को �ा सलाह द�गे?
� �वद्युत गािड़यां बनाने वाली टे�ा अके ली कं पनी नहीं है। िक अगर वो नहीं आएगी तो भारत ने वायु प्रदू षण बढ़ जाएगा। अगर उसे
अलग से आयात कर म� माफ़� दी गई तो बाक़� �वदेशी कं प�नयां भी ऐसे ही �रयायत� माँगेगी और िफर अगर हमने नहीं दी तो �व� �ापार
सं गठन यानी िक WTO म� �शकायत होगी। � एसे कार �नमार्ताओं को प्रथम मदद देनी चािहए जो िक भारत म� रोज़गार खड़े करते ह�।)

- Ethics: leadership qualities- Apology: 1) Australian lawmakers formally apologised to the

employees in the Parliament building for not taking adequate actions to prevent the sexual abuse in
Parliament. According to a survey 40% of the women employees of Australian parliament suffer
from sexual harassment. 2) retired Pope Benedict XVI asks forgiveness over an inquiry report
regarding handling of sex-abuse cases. Which had taken place under his watch.

- Ethics: leadership qualities: a leader must always be ready for adapting to new innovations. He must
not take his success for granted. “One Hit wonders” cannot survive for long in Bollywood or in
business. One example we had already seen how Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook shares fell by 26% in
2022 due to competition from TikTok, taxation & regulatory crisis. 2002: Anil Ambani’s Reliance
communication launched flip-phone with CDMA technology- became very popular but could not
work above 3G. so when 4G came, people shifted to other brands, Company came to bankruptcy.
Later on his other ventures in Asset Reconstruction company (ARC), Pipavav Defense Factory etc
also turned out to be a unsuccessful. Although victory and losses are part and parcel of the business.
Even Ratan Tata's pet project Nano car, or Microsoft’s Windows Vista, Steve Jobs’ outster from
Apple. But, leader must not use unethical methods to overcome crisis. 2022: Anil Ambani- banned

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by SEBI from sharemarket. Reason- accuse of siphoning/misusing the funds of one company to pay
of the loans of another company. (एक सफल नेता ने हमेशा नवाचार पर ज़ोर देना चािहए, �धार् और नई चुनौ�तयों के �लए
तैयार रहना चािहए. एकाध बार सफलता �मल जाए तो उसे शा�त नहीं मान लेना चािहए. माकर् ज़करबगर् ऐसा कर नहीं पाया इस�लए िटकटोंक
के चलते फ़े सबुक के शेयसर् म� २६% �गरावट आयी. एक ज़माने म� अ�नल अंबानी ने CDMA टे�ोलॉजी वाले मोबाइल फ़ोन जारी िकए थे
जो भारत म� धूम �बक रहे थे लेिकन इन फ़ोन म� एक ख़ामी थी क� वो �सफ़र् 3G टे�ोलॉजी तक काम कर सकते थे 4G पर काम नहीं कर
सकते थे। इस�लए उसके सारे ग्राहक चले गए, अ�नल अंबानी क़ज़� म� डू ब गया। हाँ उसी प्रकार उसके अ� सब कं प�नयों म� भी कु छ न कु छ
सम�ाएं आती रही 222 म� से भी सं �ा ने अ�नल अंबानी को शेयर बाज़ार म� िह�ा लेने पर प्र�तबं ध लगाया है, �ोंिक उस पर अपनी
कं प�नयों के कज़र् चुकाने के �लए �व�ीय धाँधली का आरोप है। िकसी भी �बज़नस म� सफलता और असफलता तो आती रहती है, ऐसी
असफलताओं को रतन टाटा, �बल गेट्स, �ीव जॉ� के जैसे कई लोग देख चुके ह�। लेिकन असफलता से उबरने के �लए अगर अनै�तक
तरीक़ों का इ�ेमाल िकया जाए तो वो ��� को पतन क� ओर ले जाता है। )

- Ethics: leadership/ dangers of over-centralisation/ internal democracy in a party: Once upon a time
Congress would not announce the chief minister candidate before the election. 2008: Sheila Dikshit
won Delhi Assembly election for the third time but she had to wait by the central leadership before
she was nominated for office. This culture set an impression that the chief minister held office at the
pleasure of the high command and not the legislators. It undermined the credibility of state leaders
and weakened the office of the CM. Because chief ministers and MLAs would act as puppets of the
high command rather taking their own self initiatives for their States. Later Delhi won by AAP party.
2022: Congress leader Rahul announces that Channi will be the CM-candidate, before Punjab
election (अ�त क� द्रीकरण के नुक़सान: कांग्रेस प� म� ये �रवाज़ रहा था िक चुनाव से पहले मु�मं त्री के नाम क� घोषणा नहीं करते थे।
िद�ी �वधानसभा म� कांग्रेस के क़द्दावर नेता शीला दी��त �ा नाम भी वे चुनाव से पहले मु�मं त्री के �प म� घो�षत नहीं करते थे जबिक वो
ही उनक� प्रबल दावेदार रहती थी। यानी िक एक प्रकार से सभी मु�मं त्री हाई कमांड के अधीन है, �सफ़र् हाई कमांड तय करेगा िक िकसको
मु�मं त्री बनाना है, �ा�नक �वधायकों क� इसम� कोई भू�मका नहीं होगी- ऐसा एक माहौल खड़ा िकया जाता था। लेिकन इस प्रकार के अ�त
क� द्रीकरण के चलते �ानीय नेतृ� कमज़ोर �आ, और िद�ी �वधानसभा कांग्रेस के हाथ से चली गई। इन सब से सबक़ लेते �ए पं जाब
चुनाव से पहले ही रा�ल गांधी ने ली मु�मं त्री उ�ीदवार के �प म� चं नी का नाम घो�षत िकया है)

- Ethics: Leadership/corporate governance: to reduce the concentration of power, autocratic whims,

to ensure more patience and sensibility in work- many countries, there are two leaders at the helm -
e.g. President and prime minister (India), Queen and Prime Minister (Britain), King and Prime
Minister (Thailand, Japan etc). Even in private sector similar practice exist where chairman of the
board of directors looks after the policy decisions where is day today work and execution is looked
after by a CEO-or-MD. Sometimes same person is occupying both the seats as “Chairman-cum-MD
(CMD)” → bi-furcation can increase the accountability and reduce the autocracy. It helps to have
“a better and more balanced governance structure”. � This is already being done in public sector
banks. � Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) had ordered top 500 listed companies to
split CMD post by April 1, 2022. � However most of the companies resisted. Ultimately Sebi has
bowed down to pressure. And made this voluntary. It will benefit Reliance Industries (where

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Mukesh Ambani holds both posts), Adani Ports (Gautam Adani), Hindustan Unilever (Sanjiv
Mehta), Bajaj Finserv (Sanjiv Bajaj) (बड़ी सं �ाओं म� सव�� पद पर एक ही जगह दो लोगों को रखा जाता है तािक िकसी एक
��� क� तानाशाही नहीं चलेगी उदाहरण के �प म� एक राजा और प्रधानमं त्री रा�प� �त और प्रधानमं त्री. उसी तज़र् पर कं प�नयों म� भी बोडर्
ऑफ़ डायरे�र म� एक चेयरमैन होता है जो बड़े नी�तगत फ़ै सले देख� और सामने एक CEO या MD होता है जोिक रोज़ का काम देख�. सेबी
सं �ा चाहती थी िक भारत क� पांचवीं सबसे बड़ी कं प�नयों म� ये काम करवाया जाए- िक इन दोनों पदों पर एक ही ��� आसीन नहीं होना
चािहए दो अलग अलग ��� आसीन होनी चािहए. लेिकन बड़े उद्योप�तयों के �वरोध के चलते इसे �ै��क और वैक��क रखा गया है.)


- Ethics: Corporate governance / Arrogance / Pride comes before Fall: Startup Posterboi Mark
Zuckerberg’s Facebook acquired Instagram and WhatsApp and began to think it self as invincible.
2022: Parent company Meta’s share price ⏬fallen by 26% Reasons 1) growth of new users declining
people using tick-tock telegram and other apps → impact on advertisement revenue. 2) Facebook
wanted to launch its own crypto currency/stablecoin LIBRA but opposed by France now trying to
rename it as “Project DIEM” but the opposition continues by the financial sector regulators. 3) USA-
EU parliament enquiries about election manipulation and tax avoidance. So investors feeling
disillusioned in future growth prospects and selling their shares at loss to exit. → retail investors also
suffer, even if they invested indirectly via Mutual Funds. So, good corporate governance is required.
(आदमी म� पहेले घमं ड आता है, िफर उसका पतना आता है। फ़े सबुक कं पनी के शेयर म� 26% क� अचानक से �गरावट �ोंिक िटक टॉक
टेलीग्राम जैसे अ� �ेटफ़ॉमर् पर ग्राहक जा रहे ह� इस�लए �व�ापन मुनाफ़े पर असर। अब फ़े सबुक अपनी िड�जटल मुद्रा भी जारी करना
चाहता था लेिकन फ़्रा� ने भारी �वरोध िकया। अमे�रका और यूरोप क� सरकार� चुनावी घोटाले और कर चोरी के मामलों क� जाँच कर रही है।
इन सबके चलते �नवेशकों का फ़े सबुक से मोहभं ग हो रहा है. अपने शेयर नुक़सान म� भी बेच कर भाग रहे ह� �ोंिक उ�� डर लगता है ये
कं पनी का शेयर दाम और �गर जाएगा. इन ���तयों म� �ुचुअल फं ड द्वारा परो� �प से �ज�ोंने �नवेश िकया है ऐसे आम �नवेशक भी
नुक़सान ही म� आ जाते ह� इस�लए कं प�नयों म� कॉप�रेट शासन का अ�े से अनुपालन ज़�री है।)

- Ethics: corporate governance- CHITRA RAMKRISHNA, Ex-CEO of the National Stock Exchange
(NSE), would consult a faceless conman “Siddha Purusha/Yogi”. She’d send him confidential details
of NSE to an email id from 2014 to 2016. Either it was superstition or
this was a way to send insider information to share market manipulators. SEBI Banned her from
sharemarket. ये मिहला एक अ�ात बाबा को पूछ पूछकर ही नेशनल �ॉक ए�च�ज चलाती थी। या तो यह अंध�ध्धा थी, या तो िफर
गु� जानकारी भेजने के �लए एक ढोंग िकया जा रहा था । दोनों ही सूरतों म� आम �नवेशकों को शेयर बाज़ार से �व�ास कम होता है।

- Ethics: Corporate Governance / Leadership / Communication: Hyundai, KFC, Pizzahut’s official

account is in Pakistan made some tweets and Instagram posts about “Kashmir Solidarity Day,
Kashmir belong to Kashmiris etc”. Later their parent companies in USA/S.Korea had to apologise to
Indian government saying “We do not condone, support or agree with the contents of a post
circulating in social media” �
Points to Reflect: 1) Company’s job is to make products and earn
profit. In order to appease social media crowd it should not engage in areas of Politics and

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Diplomacy. 2) By writing about PoK, such companies may be hoping to get more likes/re-
tweets/customers among Pakistanis. But it will do more harm to their brand-image and sales in
India. And therefore a business leader needs to think from profitability and economics and brand
image, impact on sales, profitability, employees, shareholders dividend etc . (कॉरपोरेट शासन/ नेतृ�/
सावर्ज�नक सं वाद: ह्यं डु ई के एफसी व �प�ा(हट)झोंपड़ी इ�ािद कपनीयो क� पािक�ान शाखाओं ने अपने सोशल मीिडया अकाउं ट से
क�ीर के बारे म� पािक�ा�नयों को अ�े लगे पो�र प्रका�शत िकए, भारी �वरोध के बाद उनक� �पतृ- कं प�नयों ने अमे�रका और द��ण
को�रया से भारत क� माफ़� माँगनी पड़ी िक हम उन सब बातों का अनुमोदन नहीं करते। एक �बज़नेस लीडर क� हमेशा �ज़�ेदारी देती है कं पनी
का मुनाफ़ा बढ़ाएं और भी अ�� ब्रांड इमेज बनाए। इस�लए उसने राजनी�तक और �वदेश नी�त के मसलों पर बयानबाजी नहीं करनी चािहए
वनार् कम �बक्र� और मुनाफ़े के चलते कं पनी के कमर्चा�रयों क� नौकरी पर ख़तरा बनता है और शेयरधारकों के िड�वड�ड पर भी ख़तरा बनता

- Ethics: corporate governance / Medical Ethics: Dentists (Code Of Ethics) Regulations 2014-
prohibit the Dentists practising in India from endorsing any drug or dental product publically. So,
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) use UK based Dentists in the advertisement of its Sensodyne toothpaste to
circumvent the Indian rules. CENTRAL Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) prohibited the
advertisement. (भारतीय दंत�चिक�क िकसी भी दवाई का सावर्ज�नक �व�ापन नहीं कर सकते इस �नयम से बचने के �लए एक कं पनी
ने इं ��ड के दंत �चिक�कों द्वारा टू थपे� का �व�ापन करवा रही थी �जस पर रोक लगायी गई है)

� �🎙🎙✋ BHARATPE co-founder seeks to quash company’s

- Ethics: corporate governance �
probe into alleged financial fraud. Grover files plea in Singapore arbitration centre. This new age
start-up companies corporate scams not big enough to catch the eyes of old professors. So if at all
you have to mention some example about corporate governance we have enough case studies about
yes bank, ILFS, Satyam, ICICI-Videocon loan, Facebook, etc.

- Ethics: corporate governance/ corruption / data privacy: in Switzerland - a data privacy law restricts
the Journalist From writing articles based on internal database of banks. Consequently, Switzerland
has become a safe haven for tax evaders to open bank account. A whistleblower report published in
2022 shows strongmen/political leaders/military generals from Middle East and Pakistan who are
accused of corruption and human rights abuse have Bank accounts in Switzerland. (��ट्ज़रल�ड म� �नजता
क़ानून के अंतगर्त पत्रकारों पे प्र�तबं ध है िक वो िकसी ब�क के �नजी डेटा के बारे म� नहीं �लख सकते ह�। इस “�नजता क़ानून” का फ़ायदा उठाते
�ए दू �नया के काफ़� सारे भ्र� नेता और सै� तानाशाह ने ��ट्ज़रल�ड ने ब�क खाते खुलवाए ह� ऐसा एक नया �रपोटर्.)

- Ethics: corporate governance: FINTECH COMPANY BharatPe’s co-founders Ashneer Grover and
his wife Madhuri Jain Grover sacked for financial irregularities. She used company funds to purchase
� �🎙🎙✋ This new age start-up
beauty products and pay for family trips to the US and Dubai. �
companies corporate scams not big enough to catch the eyes of old professors. So if at all you have to
mention some example about corporate governance we have enough case studies about yes bank,
ILFS, Satyam, ICICI-Videocon loan, Facebook, etc. (ये लोग इतनी मश�र नहीं क� कॉलेज प्रोफ़े सर ने उसके बारे म� �ार
से पढ़ा हो।)

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- Ethics: Truth Triumphs / bullying through criminal defamation cases: 1) WhiteHat Jr (a coaching
start up for teaching Computer programming to kids)- made false advertisements about how a
fictional kid “Wolf Gupta” got job in Google company for million dollar salary. An activist Pradeep
Poonia started social media campaign against the fake ad. Company filed 20 cr rupees defamation
case against him to silence him. Later on because of heavy criticism on social media, company
withdrew the case. 2) NSE CEO Chitra Ramkrishna and her advisor/friend Anand Subramanian
(who was posing as a fake Yogi)- released insider information to stock market manipulators/punters.
Journalists, Sucheta Dalal and Debashis Basu of Moneylife, who dared to expose this in 2015 → NSE
filed Rs 100-crore defamation suit against the independent investigative journalists. Short of funds
and support, the journalists had to argue the case in person in court & won. 2022: NSE CEO-Yogi
scam exposed. �
Points to Reflect: 1) bullies try to silence opponents with threats of defamation
cases. 2) anyone can do online trolling, but it tests a person’s character to stand to his words even
after threat of defamation lawsuit. (जब भी कोई ��� िकसी कं पनी के �ख़लाफ़ भ्र�ाचार या धाँधली क� आवाज़ उठाता है तो
उस आवाज़ को दबाने के �लए कं पनी उस ��� पर मानहा�न का दावा ठोक देती है। “�ाइटहेट-जू�नयर बनाम प्रदीप पु�नया” तथा
“नेशनल �ॉक ए�च�ज-अ�ात योगी कांड” दोनों म� ही ये हथकं डे अपनाए गए लेिकन अंत म� स� क� जीत �ई।)


- Ethics- Sports Ethics: Pride comes before fall: Djokovic ready to miss more Grand Slams if they
insist on vaccination. He has already missed participating in Australian Open because of this
arrogance. जोको�वच क� हेकड़ी उतर निह रही। वो कह रहा है िक चाहे मुझे भ�व� के िकतने ही टे�नस ग्र�ड �ैम प्र�तयो�गता म� से
�नकाल िदया जाए लेिकन म� कोरोना िटका नहीं लगाऊँ गा �ोंिक मुझे ख़ुद भी बीमार होना है और प्रे�कों को भी बीमार करवाना है। सबसे
पहले आदमी म� घमं ड आता है, और उसके बाद उसका पतन आता है। ये आदमी ख़ुद अपना टे�नस क�रयर बबार्द करना चाहता है।

- Ethics: Sports Ethics: 2022 Birmingham, England to host Commonwealth Games. athletes given
freedom to make a stand on racial, gender, human rights and social justice causes e.g. taking a knee
for Black Lives Matter, displaying an aboriginal flag / LGBT flag. But they are not allowed to make
protest against persons organisation or country. So “shame on Russia for Ukrain war” not allowed.
(आगामी कॉमनवे� गे� म� �खलािड़यों को सामा�जक और मानव अ�धकार के �लए प्रदशर्न क� छू ट होगी।)


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- Ethics: Environmental Ethics: Death of 35 Rosy Starling birds (migratory birds from Asia) after
hitting an elevated glass building of Surat District Co-operative Bank. Glass building tend to reflect
the sky and trees from the surrounding so bad mistake it as open space, resulting into collision and
death. �Points to Reflect: 1) urban administration needs to become proactive rather than reactive.
No because of this news item the municipal administration will start taking action but they should
have done it in advance. 2) urban planning and urban administration needs to incorporate the
prohibition of reflective glass in the building code building bylaws itself. 3) extra
Vigilance/inspection of buildings in the region get migrant birds frequent travel through. 3) syllabus
of architecture courses need to add compassion for the environment in the architecture courses. (सूरत
क� सरकारी ब�क क� काँच वाली इमारत म� आकाश का प्र�त�ब� दीखता है इस�लए ३५ प्रवासी प�ी टकरा के मर गए। शहरी प्रशासन और
शहरी योजना म� बड़ी इमारत ऊपर ऐसे ही काँच लगाने पर पाबं दी होनी चािहए। ख़ासकर ऐसे इलाक़े जहाँ प्रवासी प��यों का आना जाना हो
बड़ी स�ी से �नयमों का पालन हो। आ�कटे� के कॉलेज अ�ास क्रम म� ही पयार्वरण और पशु प��यों के प्र�त अनुकंपा के मामलों को
शा�मल करना चािहए।)

- Ethics: environmental ethics: In various mega power projects and airport project and river linking
projects- environment clearance granted without due diligence. 1) if forest trees are destroyed then
the contractor is required to plant additional trees elsewhere but they simply distribute plant-
saplings to just about any person, to make up for the loss of a natural forest ‘on paper’, no
monitoring mechanism to check whether actually such small plants grow into big trees or not. 2)
contractors from is that coal-laden trucks will be properly covered with plastic insurance that it will
not pass through village roads. But not done in reality resulting into put the air pollution and
breathing problems. 3) if the project involves land from national parks and wildlife centuries then
ordinarily approval is not given but then government claims it is a project of national importance
and there for exemption is merited. e.g. ken Betwa water linking, Subansiri and Dibang dam/canal
project in Arunachal Pradesh, Kulda coal mine in Orissa and Tamnar thermal plant in Chhattisgarh.
(जब हाईवे /डेम-बांध, �बजली घर के बड़े प्रोजे� म� जं गल कटाई हो रही हो तो उसक� भरपाई ��प नए पेड़ लगाने होते ह�। लेिकन पाया
गया िक ठे केदार िकसी भी आम आदमी को पौधा दे देता है और काग़ज़ पे िदखा देता है िक उस आदमी ने घर जाके पौधा लगाया होगा और
उसका पेड़ बन जाएगा! कोयले से भरी ट�क �रहाइशी इलाकों से जाए और उस पर �ा��क कवर न हो तो काफ़� प्रदू षण फै लता है लेिकन
ठे केदारों ठे केदारों द्वारा इसका भी �ाल नहीं रखा जाता है यिद रा��ीय उद्यान या व� अ�ार� है तो वहाँ हाईवे रे लवे इ�ािद नहीं बना
सकते लेिकन सरकार ऐसे प्रोजे� को रा�ी� य और साम�रक �प से मह�पूणर् बताकर अनुम�त देती है। )

- Ethics: Quote- Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation...even so does inaction
sap the vigour of the mind. — LEONARDO DA VINCI. (लोहे को इ�ेमाल न िकया जाए तो ज़ं ग लग जाता है । पानी
एक जगह म� �क जाए तो �� नहीं रहता। उसी तरह अगर कोई कामकाज न िकया जाए तो िदमाग़ी श�� �ीण हो जाती है / ख़ाली िदमाग़
शैतान का घर बन जाता है।)

- Ethics: Tourist behaviour in public places/ local public attitude towards tourism: Japan’s Kyoto-
movements against “tourism pollution”. Reasons: 1) Rich, entitled, ill-mannered foreign tourists

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insist on taking selfies with locals Japanese people, many of whom just wanted to enjoy a quiet cup of
tea without interruptions / pray in the Buddhist temples. (In India, reverse situation- Rowdies
insisting on taking selfies with foreign white women and creating nuisance.) 2) Buddhist temple
devotees like to pray and meditate in silence but “loud Americans” create cacophony in temples to
take selfies. 3) Public transport system was unable to support the influx of tourist, making local
workers difficult to commute to work. 4) however the local merchants tourist guides Hotel operators
are suffering due to Corona led slowdown. (पयर्टकों से हमेशा �ानीय अथर्तंत्र को तो लाभ होता है लेिकन �ानीय सं �ृ�त
म� वे परेशा�नयाँ भी खड़ी कर सकते ह� उदाहरण ��प जापान के �ोटो शहर म� �ानीय नाग�रक अमे�रक� पयर्टकों का �वरोध कर रहे ह�
�ोंिक वे अमे�रक� सैलानी शां�त से बौद्ध मं िदरों म� प्राथर्ना के �लए बैठे जापानी लोगों को परेशान करते ह� हमारे साथ से�� �खंचवाऑ!
पयर्टकों क� बढ़ती तादाद के चलते ट�ैिफ़क जाम क� सम�ा और �ानीय लोगों को नौकरी�ल पे यात्रा म� ब�त देरी होती है।)

- Ethics: Medical Ethics: NATIONAL Medical Commission his proposed that during the graduation
ceremony, Doctors’ Hippocratic oath (named after Greek physician Hippocrates-460–370 BC)
should be replaced with ‘Charak Shapath’. Hippocratic Oath is attributed to Hippocrates of Kos-
“father of modern medicine”, He was a Greek physician of the classical period (4th-5th centuries
BC) broadly corresponding to the period from the death of the Buddha (486 BC) to the rise of the
Mauryas (321 BC) in India. Maharishi Charak Shapath is mentioned in Charaka Samihata (pre-2nd
century CE text consists of eight books). Overall such medical oaths talk about- compassion for the
patient, keeping the medical privacy of a patient, not sharing the details with others. (भारत म� डॉ�र
�चिक�कों ने कॉलेज क� पढ़ाई ख़� होने पर पदवीदान समारोह म� ही िहपोक्रेटस क� शपथ िदलवाई जाती है उसक� जगह चरक-शपथ
िदलवाई जाए, ऐसा रा�ी� य �चिक�ा आयोग ने सुझाव िदया है।)

- Ethics: Environmental Ethics / greed / colonial exploitation: 15th and 16th centuries: Banda
Islands in Indonesia famous for Nutmeg , pepper and cloves. Dutch Spanish and Portuguese wanted
Monopoly over the trade. Europeans engaged in mass murder / enslaving of native people of Banda
Islands. 2) after the genocide, the Europeans started plantation /monoculture → deforestation and
loss of biodiversity. Same nations- who have exploited both humans and environment in the past,
not repenting for their sins, are now trying to tell ‘developing countries’ not to harm environment.
(इं डोने�शया म� जायफल काली �मचर् और लौंग के कारोबार पर एका�धकार के �लए डच, �े�नश और पुतगर् ाली कारोबा�रयों द्वारा
�ानीय/मूल�नवा�सयों का नरसं हार िकया गया और बाद म� जं गल काट के �ांटेशन लगाए गए �जससे जैव �व�वधता भी ख़राब �ई. ये
िफरं�गयों ने अपने पापों का कभी प्राय��त नहीं िकया और अब भारत जैसे �वकासशील देशों को वो सुना रहे ह� िक आप पयार्वरण को नुक़सान
मत करो!)

- Ethics: US Federal Reserve received allegations that its officers in Boston and Dallas took massive
positions in sharemarket, using the insider/advance knowledge about the central bank's monetary
policy announcements. This type of insider trading is illegal. Now, US Feds made more strict rules-
1) employee will be required to give 45 days advance notice to their boss, before buying
shares/bonds. 2) All investments must be held for at least a year, 3) officials will be banned from

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purchasing cryptocurrencies. (मौिद्रक नी�त का शेयर बाज़ार पर काफ़� असर रहता है यिद क� द्रीय ब�क लोन स�े करने क�
घोषणा करे तो सामा� �प से शेयर बाज़ार के ऊपर चले जाता है। अमे�रक� क� द्रीय ब�क के कु छ अफ़सर �ज�� मौिद्रक नी�त क� अ�ग्रम
जानकारी रहती थी उस िहसाब से शेयर बाज़ार म� अ�ग्रम �प से दाव लगाकर मोटी रक़म कमा रहे थे। इस�लए अब अमे�रक� क� द्रीय ब�क
�नयमों को स� कर रही है िक क� द्रीय ब�क के अफ़सरों ने कोई भी शेयर या बॉ� ख़रीदने से ४५ िदवस पहले अपने बॉस को सू�चत करना

- Ethics: Communication- quotation: Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and
murder respectable — GEORGE ORWELL (राजनी�तक भाषा म� हमेशा झूठ को सच और क़ा�तल को स�ा�नत ���
िदखाने क� को�शश होती है.)


- History-Medieval India: late 16th century: Kala Pahar was a Muslim general of the Bengal
Sultanate, who desecrated the Jagannath temple in the, and attacked the Kamakhya temple. There is
a hill named after him near Guwahati. Assam government aims to change its name. (एक मु��म सेनाप�त
“काला पहाड़” �जसने जग�ाथ मं िदर और कामा�ा मं िदर पर हमला िकया था उसके नाम पर गुवाहाटी के क़रीब एक पहाड़ी का नाम काला
पहाड़ रखा गया है। रा� सरकार उसका नाम बदलना चाहती है।)

- History: Medieval- Ahom kings ruled large parts of Assam between the 13th and 19th centuries.
� Between 1615 and 1682, the Mughal Empire under Jahangir and then Aurangzeb tried to annex
the Ahom kingdom. � 1663-70: battles between Mughal Governor of Bengal Mir Jumla’s vs Ahom
King Chakradhwaj Singha. �Ahom general Lachit Borphukan: defeating the Mughals in the Battle
of Saraighat (1671). � Lachit Divas has been celebrated on November 24 (his birth anniversary) in
Assam since the 1930s. Now 2022: year-long celebration of the 400th birth anniversary of Lachit
Borphukan � Lachit Barphukan’ gold medal given every year to the best cadet graduating from the
National Defence Academy (NDA). �Controversy? In election season, political parties trying to
re-narrate the history as Hindu (Ahom) versis Muslim (Mughal) whereas Ahom army too had
Muslim generals e.g. Bagh Hazarika/Ismail Siddique & Mughal Army had Rajput allies. (असम के अहोम
साम्रा� के सेनाप�त ल�चत बोरफु कान �ज�ोने मुग़ल सेना को सराय घाट क� लड़ाई म� हराया था उनक� 2००वी ज� जय�ी मनाई जा रही
है। हालाँिक राजनी�तक प�ों द्वारा इसे िह�ू बनाम मु��म युद्ध के �प म� िदखाया जाता है िक�ु अहोम सेना म� भी मु��म सेनाप�त थे और
मुग़ल सेना म� भी राजपूत राजा थे- यानी िक उनक� लड़ाई स�ा-साम्रा� के �लए थी।)

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- History/Culture: 10th century Vedic philosopher and social reformer Ramanujacharya. Born in
1017 in Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu. February 2, 2022: 1,000th birth anniversary of
Ramanujacharya. Statue of Equality near Hyderabad. Made up of ‘panchaloha’, a combination of five
metals: gold, silver, copper, brass, and zync. (वैिदक �चंतक रामानुजाचायर् क� समानता प्र�तमा हैदराबाद के नज़दीक,
प्रधानमं त्री द्वारा उद्घाटन। उनका ज� त�मलनाडु म� �आ था और 2022 म� उनक� 1000 भी ज� जयं ती मनाई जा रही है.)

- History/ freedom struggle: �

1510: Goa became a Portuguese colony after Admiral Afonso de
Albuquerque defeated the forces of the sultan of Bjiapur, Yusuf Adil Shah. � 1928: Tristão de
Bragança Cunha, founded the Goa National Congress at the Calcutta session of the Indian National
Congress in 1928. He is regarded as the father of Goa nationalism. � 1946: the socialist leader Ram
Manohar Lohia led a rally in Goa for freedom. But, Azad Gomantak Dal (AGD- founded Vishwanath
Lawande, Narayan Hari Naik, Dattatraya Deshpande, Prabhakar Sinari Prabhakar Sinari)- realised
that satyagraha had its limitations against a totalitarian regime. So revolutionary methods required.
AGD attacked police stations for liberation of Dadra and Nagar Haveli etc. � 1951: Portugal had
changed its constitution to claim Goa not as a colonial possession, but as an overseas province.
Portugal was doing it so that, if India ‘invaded’ Goa, Portugal could ask North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation (NATO) military alliance for help. But this was not acceptable to other NATO member
countries. freedom for Goa was delayed because � 1) Indian government's men and material
resources were centred on partition rehabilitation, Kashmir �
2) Gandhi's opinion that a lot of
groundwork was still needed in Goa to raise the consciousness of the people, and the diverse political
voices emerging within should be brought under a common umbrella first. �
3) according to
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Nehru wanted to protect his image as a ‘peaceful leader’ in the world
media so hesitated in launching the military operation. Ultimately Goa was liberated on December
19, 1961 by swift Indian military action (Operation Vijay) that lasted less than two days. (गोवा क�
आज़ादी के बारे म� भी �ववरण। भारत को आज़ादी �मलने के प�ात तुरंत ही गोवा क� आज़ादी नहीं हो पाई �ोंिक भारत सरकार क�ीर
और बँ टवारे क� सम�ाओं से जूझ रही थी। सं सद म� प्रधानमं त्री मोदी ने आरोप लगाया है िक नेह� ने जानबूझकर गोवा क� आज़ादी म� देरी
क� �ोंिक वह �म�लट�ी /सेना भेजने पर नेह� क� शां�त�प्रय नेता क� अंतररा��ीय छ�व को ध�ा नहीं प�ँ चे ऐसा नहे� को डर लगता था।)

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- World History: decolonisation- “Act of an imperial power to withdraw from the colony.” Although
some of the wounds are not yet healed. e.g. In 1910, Japan annexed Korea. And engaged in
systematic rape, slavery and exploitation of the Colony. Korean prisoners/freedom fighters were sent
to work in gold and silver mines on Sado Island in Japan. 1945: Japan withdrew at the end of WW2.
Japanese authorities do not acknowledge or apologise for its 35 years of atrocities in Korea. This part
of the history is neglected or not talked about in Japan. 2022: Japan has nominated the gold and
silver mines on Sado Island for UNESCO World Heritage designation. South Korea is opposed to
this because of the historical atrocities committed on this island on Korean prisoners. In both the
countries politicians keeping the wounds un-healed for the nationalist-right wing agenda for
elections. If the leaders were pragmatic, Japanese Prime Minister could simply apologise for the past
atrocities on behalf of the nation and South Korean prime minister or president could simply move
on to forge new economic and strategic relationship against China. (�व-उप�नवेशवाद: यानी क� शाही देश ग़ुलाम
कॉलोनी से वापस आ जाए और उसे �तं त्रता दे। के दौरान को�रया और जापान का क़�ा था जहाँ जापानी सै�नकों ने अ�नयं �त्रत �प से
बला�ार, नरसं हार और लोगों का शोषण िकया था। को�रयाई कै िदयों को जापान के एक साडो टापू म� भेजा जाता था और ज़बरन सोने चाँदी
क� खदानों म� काम करवाते थे। अब जापान ने पेशकश क� है िक इस टापू को यूने�ो क� वै��क धरोहर माना जाए! द��ण को�रया को
एतराज़ है। जापान और द��ण को�रया दोनों ही देश के राजनेता अपनी रा�व� ादी द��णपं थी राजनी�त सीखने के �लए इसको उपयोग म� ले रहे
ह� वरना अगर चाहे तो जापान क� माफ़� माँग ले, और द��ण को�रया म� उसे वापस दो�ी के �लए हाथ बढ़ाये।)

- Polity: freedom of press/Social Media: Ministry of information and broadcasting gives Press
Information Bureau (PIB) accreditation to journalists depending on their experience and residence
in Delhi-NCR. It is also available to online journalists even if they have no newspaper circulation but
receiving lakhs of page views per months. �
benefits of receiving the “PIB accredited Status” 1)
easier entry in VIP event 2) when the PIB accredited Journalist entering offices of union ministries,
he doesn’t have to disclose purpose of visit or whom he wants to meet. (to protect the identity of his
source/informant) 3) Central Government Health Scheme, and some discount/concessions on
railway tickets. � controversy: IB Ministry said it’ll remove the “PIB accredited Status” if a
journalist “acts in manner which is prejudicial to the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security
of the state, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality or in relation to
contempt of court, defamation or incitement of an offence”. �
Controversy/opposition? the term
decency and morality and defamation are vaguely defined so if journalist writing against certain
oppressive religious practises or against the corrupt political leader, he may also lose the ID card.
(िद�ी NCR म� ��त अनुभवी पत्रकारों को “PIB मा�ताप्रा� पत्रकार” का आइिड-काडर् िदया जाता है- �जसे क� उसको कु छ फ़ायदे भी
�मलते ह� जैसे िक रेलवे िटकट म� िड�ाउं ट लेिकन अब सरकार ने कु छ नए �नयम बनाए है िक यिद पत्रकार िकसी क�
बदन��/बदनामी/मानहा�न करता है, शालीनता और नै�तकता के �ख़लाफ़ �वहार करता है तो उसका काडर् रद्द िकया जाएगा। कु छ धमर्गु�
और राजनेताओं के �ख़लाफ़ �लखने/बोलने वाले पत्रकारों को डर है िक उनका काडर् चला जाएगा।)


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- Geography / Disaster: volcanic storms are rare but can happen in particularly violent eruptions or
with volcanoes located near the sea. e.g. A volcanic thunderstorm in Mt. Etna in Sicily, Italy.
(�ालामुखी के चलते समं दर म� आँधी/चक्रवात आ सकता है अगर �ालामुखी समं दर के क़रीब हो ऐसा इटली म� हो रहा है)

- Geography / disaster: Storm Eunice attacked Britain and Ireland.

- geography disaster places in news: Madagascar tropical cyclone Batsirai.

- geography places in news: Thailand's capital Bangkok. Real name Krung Thep Maha Nakhon.
Some controversy about reverting to original name.

- Geography: Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the River Nile. Ethiopia started
electricity generation so neighbours Sudan and Egypt have worried will cause water shortages

- Geography: Minsk is the capital of Belarus. 2014-15 Minsk Accords signed for ceasefire between
Russia (Capital: Moscow) and Ukraine (Capital: Kyiv/Kiev)

- Geography: KHARKIV, UKRAINE’S second largest city.

- Places in News: largest public toilet in the country- at Dharavi, Mumbai.



- PIN: Appointment- Jawaharlal Nehru University Vice-Chancellor Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar

appointed chairperson of the University Grants Commission (UGC).

- Appointment: Santishree Dhulipudi Pandit, a professor of political science at Savitribai Phule Pune
University became the first woman vice-chancellor (V-C) of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU).
(JNU क� सवर् प्रथम मिहला उप कु लप�त �नयु�)

- Appointment/BizGK: TATA Group appointed Ilker Ayci as Air India’s Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) and Managing Director (MD).


Awards: Oscar nomination: Indian filmmakers Rintu Thomas and Sushmit Ghosh’s documentary,
‘Writing with Fire’, has won an Oscar nomination in the documentary category. this film deals with
Dalit women journalists. It is perhaps the first all-India independent production to make It to the
final nomination in this category

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Awards: Dalit women running Khabar Lahariya newspaper in Uttar Pradesh’s Bundelkhand region.
They faced obstacles from unhappy husbands and unfriendly crowds to lack of funds and
inexperience with technology. Yeh documentary movie based on the life “Writing with Fire”-got
Oscar Nomination. It was made by Indian filmmakers Rintu Thomas and Sushmit Ghosh. It is
perhaps the first all-India independent production to make It to the final nomination in this category
(उ�र प्रदेश के बुं देलखं ड इलाक़े म� द�लत मिहलाओं द्वारा चलाया जाता है ख़बर लह�रया �जस पर बनायी गई एक डॉ�ूम�ट�ी िफ़� ऑ�र म�
भेजी गई है)

- PIN: Award - Painter V S Gaitonde’s oil painting sold for Rs 42 crore -making it the highest price
achieved for a work of modern or contemporary Indian art globally.


- PIN: Sports- Worldle is Internet game, players have to guess a predetermined five-letter word on a
grid of green, yellow, black and white boxes. It’s like Sudoku but made-up of alphabets instead of
numbers. BabuShonas gone crazy about it, instead of preparing for UPSC exam which is three
months away they are busy uploading this type of WhatsApp status to look cool in front of their
friends (ये पाँच अ�रों क� इं टरनेट गेम ‘वडर्ल’ �जसके पीछे दु�नया पागल हो गई है और बाबूशोने इसके �ार म� भूल गए ह� िक तीन
महीने बाद Prelims परी�ा भी देनी है, वो बस अपने यार दो�ों को इं प्रेस करने के च�र म� पूरा िदन वाट्सएप म� इसक� �ेटस अपडेट
डालते रहेते है, वे भूल जाते ह� िक उनके कॉलेज के दो�ों को तो UPSC परी�ा नहीं देनी है- तो अगर वो टाइम पास कर रहे ह� तो हम� टाइम
पास करने नहीं बैठना चािहए।)

Sports: Indian SKIER Arif Khan has qualified for the slalom and giant slalom events at the Beijing
winter Olympics.

- ICC Under-19 Cricket World Cup 2022: Venue- West Indies. India defeated England to become
the world champion.


- Books: 'The Nutmeg's Curse' by Amitav Ghosh about environmental exploitation.

- Book: invisible empire: the natural History of Viruses by pranay lal.


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- PIN: Death- LATA MANGESHKAR (1929-2022), the legendary singer with over 25,000 SONGS.
Given Bharat Ratna in 2001. Died in Mumbai. 2 days State mourning. flag will be flown at half-mast.
State government of Maharashtra announced public holiday using powers of the Negotiable
Instrument Act, 1881. Exams postpone, monetary policy committee meeting postponed. (भारत र� लता
मं गेशकर का देहांत। रा��ीय शोक और महारा�� म� छु ट्टी घो�षत)

- Death: Praveen Kumar Sobti (Born in Amritsar district)- Asian Games Gold medals for discus and
hammer. In 1980s, Sobti played Bheem, in B R Chopra’s Mahabharat TV Serial.

PIN/Death: industrialist Rahul Bajaj- famous for Bajaj scooters and two-wheelers (Chetak, Sunny)
died in Mumbai. He had spearhead the Bombay Club – A group of top industrialists then including
HS Singhania, and CK Birla – to demand protection for domestic industry after LPG reforms.

- Death: Kolkata born Musician Alokesh (BAPPI) Lahiri died from Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
(OSA). OSA is a disorder in which a person’s breathing stops and starts repeatedly in their sleep. He
was famous for introducing disco music in bollywood.

- Death: Singer Sandhya Mukherjee from Kolkata.

- Death: WEST BENGAL Cabinet minister Sadhan Pande.

- Death: Dr.Paul Farmer: Anthropologist and Harvard medical School. his Book Infections and
Inequalities examined the link between Poverty and disease

- Death: Kerala film actress KPAC Lalitha- real name Maheswari Amma.


- GPSC: Garib Kalyan Mela started in 2009 the then CM Narendra Modi. During the mela, held at
different locations, poor people are given benefits of government schemes, including gas-stoves,
tools etc. Social Justice & Empowerment Department and Tribal Welfare Department take part in the
mela. This event was paused in Corona but now resumed after 2 years. (ग़रीब क�ाण मेला दो साल बाद वापस
शु� िकया जाएगा)

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- GPSC: GUJARAT Chief Minister Scholarship Scheme (CMSS-2022), a financial assistance for
Students getting admission A) for diploma courses after class 10 B) degree courses (D to D) after
diploma. Scheme applies to students with an annual family income of up to Rs 4.50 lakh. Started
from 2022

- GPSC: GUJARAT government has decided to provide toor dal every month at a fixed rate of Rs 50
per kilogram to 70 lakh families registered under the National Food Security Act in the state. (गरीबों को
50 �पये प्र�त िकलो के भाव पर तुअर दाल दी जाएगी।)

- GPSC: Mukhyamantri Yuva Swavalamban Yojana (MYSY)-2015: launched in response to the

Patidar agitation in 2015. students who have secured 80 percentile marks in classes 10 or 12 qualify
for MYSY. The state government pays 50 per cent of the college fee

- GPSC: Over 63 Lakh unorganised sector workers in Gujarat. Among them 54% male. Largest
number of unorganised sector workers are found in agriculture sector. (असं गिठत �ेत्र के मज़दू र)

- GPSC: new “IT/ITES Policy 2022-27” to encourage IT and Information Technology Enabled
Services (ITES): 1) 25% subsidy for capital expenditure and operational expenditure (OPEX) 2) IF
IT company hires local person then subsidy of up to Rs 50,000 (male employees ) - Rs 60,000 (female
employees ) 3) state government will pay 100% of EPF amount for female employees and 75% per
cent for male employees.

GPSC: GUJARAT REVENUE minister Rajendra Trivedi launched the first-ever REVENUE fair
across the state from Navsari. the fair gives an opportunity for people to settle land-related disputes
at A single place in the presence of the minister.

GPSC: GUJARAT University (GU), Ahmedabad, the oldest and the largest public University in the
GUJARAT, will conduct winter admissions for the first time. the winter admissions are A first by
any University in the Gujarat.

- GPSC: DefExpo-2022 to be held in Gandhinagar

- GPSC: Gujarat Biotechnology Policy 2022-27 for providing assistance to “more than 500 industries
in the state” and creating “over 1.20 lakh new employment opportunities”. 1) capital expenditure
(CAPEX) and operation expenses (OPEX) assistance to special projects, with upto 25 per cent of the
total capital expenditure up to a maximum of Rs 200 crore and up to 15 per cent of the total
operating cost up to a maximum of Rs 25 crore per annum. 2) 100 per cent reimbursement on
electricity duty and 100 per cent EPF assis- tance to female employees and 75 per cent
reimbursement for male employees. (गुजरात के बायोटे�ोलॉजी उद्योगों के �लए नी�त)

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- GPSC: GUJARAT government on Thursday announced significant changes in the rules for
transfers of government teachers — Vidhya Sahayak, Prathmik Shikshak (primary teachers) and
Mukhya Shikshak (senior most teachers) — in the state. 2) In schools where the number of teachers
comes to zero due to such relieving of teachers, the last teacher will be relieved only after the school
gets a new teacher. 3) Teachers who have been recruited with a condition that they will serve in one
school for 10 years, can seek transfer in other districts after five years. 4) if spouse of a government
employee having inter-district transferable job is a primary or senior most teacher in a government
school, the former can be appointed on deputation to the district of transfer of the latter. 5) a
Grievance Redressal Committee the teachers do not have to file court cases unnecessarily. (गुजरात रा�
सरकार के �श�कों के तबादले के �लए)

- GPSC: Junagadh district collectorate’s Vadil Swabhiman Yojana (elders’ self-respect scheme) Grey
cards to help elders get priority access in govt offices. Earlier they had launched pink cards for
parents with only daughters

- GPSC: Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation (GMDC) given permission to mine lignite in
Tadekeshwar of Surat district.

ZZ_JUNK � � �

- columns: 1) budget related columns 2) THE CLIMATE COSTS OF AI

- Columns: 1) Central bank digital currency - wait for Mrunal’s Win22 FREE lecture series to start
from 8th-Feb-2022 2) budget is good or bad ki 500 jaat ki columns. 3) epotism in the Uttar Pradesh
cricket board

- Columns: 1) Plugging power reforms Central, state governments need to be flexible to ensure
success of the revamped power distribution scheme. 2) Hindu Muslim 3) Lata Mangeshkar.

- Correction: IndianExpress mentioned Total Ramsar Sites as 48 so I wrote 48.but as per PIB seems
number is 49. so will correct it in the excel file.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ 1) Putin, Xi pledge ‘no limits’ to ties during Winter Olympics 2) Pak signs new
pact with China to kick off 2nd CPEC phase

- � � �🎙🎙✋ 2019: ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi killing. 2021: New ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-
Hashemi al-Qurayshi killed by American soldiers in Syria.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ China fields Galwan Valley soldier as Winter Olympics torchbearer

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- � � �🎙🎙✋ Diplomatic boycott of Winter Olympics: what it entails, what it intends. Enough
studied yesterday

- � � �🎙🎙✋ ecological cost of creating artificial snow for Winter Olympics. Already studied few
days back. शीत ओल��क म� कृ �त्रम से बफ़र् से पानी बबार्दी, डीज़ल-प्रदू षण, जलवायु प�रवतर्न के ख़तरे को हम पहले ही पड़ चुके ह�

- � � �🎙🎙✋ India extends $500 mn credit line to Sri Lan

- � � �🎙🎙✋ J&K: Delimitation panel redraws electoral map- SECOND DRAFT SHARED
WITH MP. Let them come with final report our exam is not tomorrow morning. ज�ू क�ीर सीमांकन
आयोग का ड�ाफ़्ट �रपोटर् हम पढ़ने नहीं बैठ�गे हमारी परी�ा कल सुबह नहीं है इसको अं�तम �रपोटर् लाने दो।

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Nepal PM to push for $500 mn deal with USA for Millennium Challenge
Corporation Compact (MCC)

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Nimbus Health deal: Why DRL is eyeing medical cannabis mkt. The business
general knowledge not important for exam.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Surety bonds: Slow take-off likely as pricing, reinsurance concerns remain. Already
covered in Earlier Videos know if they are going to write about it 500 times per day we cannot
prepare it 500 times per day. (REF:

- � � �🎙🎙✋ What to make of rising bond yields, for now and the near future

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Why Facebook users, valuation have declined. Enough studied yesterday.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Why is Starlink offering a ‘premium’ service now?

- Columns in 9th Feb: 1) budget has demonstrated commitment towards supply-side reforms,
creating jobs sustained by growth 2) BAD ECONOMICS, BAD POLITICS At a time poor are in dire
need of handholding, budget neglects social sector 3) - Arguments in marital rape case

- Columns: Great Power rivalry - Russia / US 2) budget lost an opportunity to revive growth by not
raising spending on social welfare, agriculture and rural infrastructure 2)

- � � �🎙🎙✋ 10 Opp parties protest proposed changes in IAS cadre rules: ‘Subjugating states .
Arguments in favour and against already studied in the past.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Capital gains tax from shares: 60K-80K crore mop-up likely

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- � � �🎙🎙✋ CBI’S BIGGEST LOAN FRAUD CASE Ship-building firm in Gujarat booked for
Rs 22,000 crore loan fraud. Let SC/RBI कोई बड़ी घोषणा करने दो।

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Central consumer protection authority stops the ads of Sensodyne, Naaptol
Magnetic Knee Support ads for being misleading.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Controversy about Media One, a Malayalam-language news channel’s license

cancelled because Home Ministry order that had denied security clearance to the channel.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ EPFO agenda: interest. Let the meeting concluded then we will see the outcome
our exam is not tomorrow morning.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ EPFO may invest in pvt corporate bonds

- � � �🎙🎙✋ INDIA AND Australia are set to finalise an interim trade agreement in the next 30
days. Then let them do it then we will study our exam is not after 30 days.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Jaishankar underlines: China ignored LAC pacts, an issue of global concern. We
already have enough points for India China and Prelims exam is coming near so no need to spend
more time in this.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Karnataka Hijab: Don’t insist on religious dress till order: HC. Basics already
studied in the past, let the final verdict comes our exam is not tomorrow morning but after three
months. इसके बु�नयादी मुद्दे हम पहले ही समझ चुके ह� कु छ िदनों पहले तो अब अगर इसका रोज़ 500 बार समाचार आएगा तो हम पढ़ने
नहीं बैठ�गे

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Kerala HC division bench hears appeal against order upholding transmission ban
on TV Channel. Every individual small case is not important.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ LIC files papers, set for biggest Indian IPO eve. This will come daily let the final
event occurr. our exam not tomorrow morning. ये तो रोज़ का चलेगा भाई आ�ख़री ख़बर आ रहे दो परी�ा कल सुबह

- � � �🎙🎙✋ National Statistical Office (NSO) released IIP for December 2021. Entire year
trend, we will see in Win22 /Pillar4C.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Polity: Judge who gave ‘no skin-to-skin contact’ order resigns. Additional judges to
high courts are appointed either from the Bar directly or state judiciary under Article 224 (1) of the
Constitution for a period not exceeding two years. Their retirement age is 62 years. Additional judge
posts are constitutionally intended to deal with the “in- creased burden of the court” but are

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increasingly used as probationary periods for judges before they are promoted as permanent judges.
� � �🎙🎙✋ because This we had already studied in the past.


Motors, Hyundai among 20 cos seleced. Already covered in my free Win21 lecture series pillar4B.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Review of Swaps (CDS) Guidelines Credit Default . � � �🎙🎙✋ Permission for
Banks to deal in Foreign Currency Settled - Rupee Derivatives Market � � �🎙🎙✋ Master
Direction (MD) on IT Outsourcing and Master Direction (MD) on Information Technology
Governance, Risk, Controls and Assurance Practices � � �🎙🎙✋ Knightian uncertainty:
American Economist Frank Knight (1885-1972)’s theory that says imperfect knowledge that makes
future events essentially unpredictable.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Solar tariff pooling: Updates to give price parity for discoms . All the technical rules
are not important

- � � �🎙🎙✋ What Karnataka order on student uniforms says. We have studied at one time we
are not going to study at 500 times.

- 1) inflation remains elevated, RBI will be forced to undertake sharper monetary policy adjustments
2) US move to take a part of Kabul’s assets parked in Federal Bank is morally wrong, will further
hurt a nation reeling under a crisis 3) Hijab & Dharma under siege 4) Rahul Gandhi’s speech
signals Congress espousal of fringe views. 5) India Myanmar relationship

- Columns: 1) UP poll results will show if Hindutva and polarising rhetoric will be enough to firewall
the BJP from economic distress 2) Rahul Bajaj led industry with an eye for detail, awareness of big

- Columns: 1) Virus seems to be on decline. 2) Punjab CM’s remarks on people from UP and Bihar
3) Ranji Trophy returns after pandemic forced break 4) Hijacked by hijab 5) JNU needs a culture of
conversation � election season, Uttar Pradesh �
AUCTIONING of Muslim women first on
Sulli Deals and now through Bulli Bai on Platform GitHub

- UAE treaty could give a fillip to Indian exports to the Gulf �

India’s foodgrains production has
been rising consistently since 2017. The challenge now is to transfer benefits to farm �
Hindutva �
EU in the Indo-Pacific

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Allow us to wear hijab matching colour of uniform: Udupi students in Karnataka

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- � � �🎙🎙✋ Alternative investment policy: Sebi rejigs panel

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Award: Microsoft founder Bill Gates given the Hilal-e-Pakistan award for efforts on
poverty, disease. You're not preparing Pakistani-IAS exam.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Behind anti-vax truckers protests in Canada, a far right mobilisation

- � � �🎙🎙✋ China’s revisionism on 1962. We have already other sufficient points in past.
Prelims Exam is coming near. Candidate needs to grow beyond the Ek-tha-Tiger James Bond
mentality, analyse the past papers and see how much of that CIA-RAW knowledge is important in
real exam?

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Column on Checklist for digital currency. Already we have enough content to
handle this question. Let RBI come up with guidelines. If you think that I will keep reading more and
more columns in order to accommodate better quality of points it can help but our exam is now
three months away. So one has to consider the cost benefit in this.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Devas recovery suit: AI wins nod to appeal Canada seizure ruling

- � � �🎙🎙✋ EC bans Vishwas video telecast, then retracts

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Gold loans rising: should you take one

- � � �🎙🎙✋ How Saudi activist’s iPhone revealed NSO hacking around world. James Bond is
not important for IAS Exam.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ India delivers 40k metric tonnes of fuel to Lanka to help ease crisis

- � � �🎙🎙✋ India-Australia interim trade agreement FTA . Let them actually sign it today is
explain series does not have any illuminating information.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ ISRO places 3 satellites in orbit in its first launch of 2022. learned yesterday

- � � �🎙🎙✋ LASER AIMED AT PATROL PLANE Australia accuses China of ‘act of


�🎙🎙✋ Markets fall 3% over Ukraine, soaring oil and gold prices.
- ��

- � � �🎙🎙✋ MEMBERS Board knew of NSE chief’s misconduct but let her resign with glowing
praise Board did not inform market regulator SEBI of the ‘grave irregularities’

- � � �🎙🎙✋ New Zealand won’t engage Myanmar in free trade bloc

- � � �🎙🎙✋ No away-goals rule means new era for Champions League - not important or less
you are showing football is your hobby in the interview from.

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- � � �🎙🎙✋ Parliament resolution indicates continuing pressure on Ukraine

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Recognise separatist areas as free: Russian Duma tells Putin

- � � �🎙🎙✋ RETAIL INFLATION rose to a seven-month high of 6.01 per cent in January,
breaching the upper tolerance level of the medium-term inflation target of 4+/-2 per cent set by the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Rohingya genocide case hearings to resume INTERNATIONAL COURT OF

JUSTICE. Let the final verdict comes

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in
Moscow on Tuesday

- � � �🎙🎙✋ SC sets aside HC order staying Haryana law on 75% job quota. Let the final verdict

- � � �🎙🎙✋ TN: Kerala Governor’s remark on Mullaperiyar dam against SC order . (इनका तो
रोज़का चलता है)

- � � �🎙🎙✋ US relocates CIA station to Lviv

- � � �🎙🎙✋ US sprinter sees double standards as Russian skater accused of doping allowed to

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Zomato at new low: Why are new-age biz stocks seeing sell-off .
Indian Ayahs to get Blue Plaque

- � � �🎙🎙✋ ALIGARH MUSLIM University (AMU) has conveyed to the Centre that it will not
participate in the proposed common entrance test for central universities, but its minority institute
status case pending in SC. let final verdict come. अलीगढ़ मु��म यू�नव�सटी को अ�सं �क �श�ा सं �ान वाली
�तं त्रता क� निह, इसका मामला सुप्रीम कोटर् म� चल रहा है। तो जब तक �नणर्य नहीं आएगा तब तो वो क� द्र सरकार क� यू�नव�सटी एं ट�स
परी�ा म� शा�मल नहीं होगा. हाँ तो भाई �नणर्य आने दो ना, अभी �ों पं चात करनी है?

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Apple, Google privacy moves: boost to user agency, data concentration

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Belarus held a referendum on Sunday to adopt a new constitution that would ditch
its non-nuclear status. Let the result come then we see.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Case against Nawab Malik

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Early hiccups for countries’ digital currencies . We have already learned basics
worth 250 words in Win22 Series. Further Phd is unwarranted until RBI Notifies. हमने पहले ही काफ़� माल
बटोर �लया है।

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- � � �🎙🎙✋ EcoPil5-INFRA: Energy: GOVERNMENT on approved common e- auction

window for coal instead of sector specific auctions. This is not some great McQ worthy matter - until
they launch a web portal/app named after a famous leader/fancy abbreviation.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Explained: How big is insurgency threat in Manipur. As advised earlier, complete
the GSM3-border security problem at once from any cheap book/PDF.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Finland and Sweden have brushed off warnings from neighboring Russia that their
possible joining of NATO would trigger “serious military-political consequences” from Moscow for
the two countries. Do u think UPSC will ask 250 words Q on how it’ll affect India? I don’t think so.
Then why waste time? (�स ने िफनल�ड तथा �ीडन को धमकाया है िक अगर तुमने नाटो सै�नक समूह क� सद�ता ली तो अंजाम
बुरा होगा। अपने �लए कु छ काम का नहीं जब तक असल म� भारत को असर न हो। मारपीट क� आप असर िदखा तो सकते ह� लेिकन �ा
मु� परी�ा म� ये ढाई सौ श�ों का प्र� अलग से बनता है “�ीडन और िफनल�ड का नाटो समूह �ाइन करने पर भारत पर �ा असर होगी
समी�ा क��जए” ?? तो जवाब है नहीं बनता है! तो �ों अपने को पं चात करनी है जे� बॉ� बनाना है?)

- � � �🎙🎙✋ For bond market liquidity, FinMin looking at institution for buying debt -let them
actually do it. बॉ� बाज़ार म� तरलता के �लए नई सं �ा बनाने क� बात है लेिकन वह असल म� बनाने दो िफर हम देख�गे.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Germany actions against Ukraine.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ How higher oil prices can hit Indian economy तुमको पता होना चािहए।

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Imran: Will like TV debate with Modi to resolve issues

- � � �🎙🎙✋ India, with South Africa, piloted a proposal to waive key provisions of the Trade-
Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement on Covid-19 vaccines, drugs,
therapeutics, and related technologies. We have already seen this earlier. Let some new substantial
development come.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ JAISHANKAR TARGETS CHINA ‘Greater power should lead to restraint, respect.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Manipur’s tradition of party flag-hoisting by candidates

- � � �🎙🎙✋ MoS IT: Rules soon to put onus of cybercrime reporting on cos

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Proposal to tweak pension scheme: What may change for EPF subscribers in EPFO
Board meeting is scheduled for March 11-12. let the meeting happened.

🎙🎙✋ Reforms farming needs Strengthening APMCs will improve access, give bargaining
- � ��
powers to farmers. Column written by IIM-A faculty/students but arguments are no deeper than
what an ordinary UPSC aspirant already knows.

- � � �🎙🎙✋ SC agrees to hear Cyrus Mistry review plea. Business general knowledge not

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- � � �🎙🎙✋ SC asks Centre to clarify on legality of cryptocurrency - let the final judgement

- � � �🎙🎙✋ SC to hear plea on central forces deployment today .

- � � �🎙🎙✋ Tata Group appointing former Turkish Airlines chairman Ilker Ayci as Air India’s
Managing Director and CEO. But, Swadeshi Jagran Manch (an RSS Body) opposed to his links with
Turkey prez : Erdogan who supports Pakistan on Kashmir issue.

- � � �🎙🎙✋MEA’s response to Sweden-based V-Dem Institute downgraded Indian democracy,

calling out its restrictions on civil society, treatment of minorities, and crackdown on free speech.
We have enough points related to freedom of speech, prelims exam is coming near so accumulation
of more point is not looking beneficial. भारत म� लोकतं त्र ख़तरे म� इस प्रकार के �वदेशी सव��णों के बारे म� �वदेश मं त्रालय ने
�ा कहा ये सब हम पहले भी देख चुके ह�.

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