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Association of muscle strength and genetic risk of stroke with the incidence of

2. They used a combined data set of comprehensive genotype, phenotype, and

Biobank data from the UK Biobank, and thus studied the interaction between
muscle strength and genetic risk of stroke in relation to stroke incidence.

3. Genetic risk was evaluated with polygenic risk scores (multiple genes), thus the
alleles that increase the risk are added and weighted according to the effect
estimates. Muscle strength was evaluated and measured by grip strength tests
with manual dynamometers, to calculate the incidence of global ischemia and
cerebrovascular accident.

4. The study was carried out for 11.5 years.

5. Because, until then, no research takes into account the different genetic
predispositions of individuals to suffer a stroke when determining the effects of
muscle diseases, strengthening activities on stroke incidence, and stroke

6. The higher the levels of muscle strength, the lower the incidence of all types of
stroke (except low and medium genetic risk hemorrhagic stroke).

7. The greater the force, the less likely it is to suffer from cerebrovascular disease,
except for some other pathology.

8. The combination of not smoking, a healthy diet, a body mass index below 30 kg
/ m 2, and regular physical activity.

9. If you lead an unhealthy life, do not exercise, smoke, drink alcohol, and lead a
life of stress, you will develop cerebrovascular problems faster.

10. The conclusion is that to avoid heart problems you must have a healthy life,
exercise, and have a good muscle mass to avoid cardiovascular problems.

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