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Luis Verduzco

Professor Briones

English 1302 222


Essay 1 Reflection

From English 1301 I learned how to construct my essays in a way that makes them easy to

follow and I used this in my first essay for English 1302. As for other classes, I haven’t really

had to write much in those courses. Because of this I couldn’t really use anything from other

classes to write this essay. For me at first it was kind of difficult to start writing the essay since I

was used to writing about the sources in English 1301. Here in 1302, it was more about the

experiment than it was with the sources, so I had to transition to writing about that instead. From

this essay I can say that I can use the third person point of view writing to make sure my other

works aren’t as biased or make me the central point of the work. I definitely think that I won’t

have to write about my journey with an experiment in other classes. Therefore, I won’t be

writing about myself in other classes. This helped me write in the sense that I was able to not

make the essay about me, even though it was. By writing in third person, I was able to find a way

to talk about me without sounding narcissistic. The third person point of view makes it so the

reader can put themselves in my shoes and be the one in the experiment. I think that I have a

handle on how to write pretty well, I just need to work on MLA formatting and explaining things

a bit better. I tend to use bigger language sometimes and if I have to dumb something down, it

might not be dumbed down enough. Like stated before, transitioning form writing about sources
to writing about something I did was a little challenging at first but, after thinking about it for a

while, I was able to figure it out and make it work.

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