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Luis Verduzco

Professor Briones

English 1302 222


Essay 3 Reflection Questions

I did not learn anything in essay 1 that I was able to use in essay 3. However, in essay 2 I did

learn how to write arguments from a neutral perspective. This helped in essay 3 in that it made writing

an argument in one side easier. It was easier to write like this because of how I was already in the

mindset of neutrality but as soon as I had to choose a side I was able to manipulate a couple of things

and was able to construct my essay from there. In essay 1 I learned how to work with experiments and

write on them. This was not applicable here since none of my articles were experiments and had to do

more with philosophy and worldly matters. In essay 2 I did not learn anything that I could not apply to

essay 3. Since essay 3 is basically a more developed and one-sided copy of essay 2, this means that I had

to use every single thing that I learned in essay2 to write essay 3. In essay 3 I learned how to properly

construct arguments. This is useful in other courses as I can debate on topics and take a stand with what

I believe in. I haven’t really had to write much in other classes so I think that learning how to write

arguments will not be very applicable to other courses. Creating an argument helps improve my writing

in that it will help me take stances whenever I have to write something. Taking a stance is important

because with that, any paper that I write later will have a clear message that I can expand and argue

upon. From the comments on my essay, I can discern that I am good at keeping grammar mistakes to a

minimum and maximizing creativity. From the first essay I can say that I had a weakness in writing

about an experiment at first but later was able to work with it. I 1301 I can see a difference in the
process that I use to write, since before I used to write what came to my mind and submit that as the

essay but now I take a little more time to think about and correct my essays. I believe that the comments

will somewhat stay the same since I don’t think I learned much that I didn’t already know. I was just

taught how to do it better. Therefore, I think that the comments will be the same as they were before.

The most challenging part of writing this essay was finding time to write it as I had a lot of other work to

do that had higher priorities. Eventually, however, I was able to complete it fairly easily without much

trouble because it was already written for the most part.

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