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Sydney Banks

FRIT 7739
Face to Face Staff Development
Identification of Learning Problem

Target Audience

The target audience for this project is second-grade teachers at Harmony Leland

Elementary School in Mableton, Georgia. The audience consists of seven teachers who instruct

students 7-8 years old. The content taught by teachers is English, reading, social studies, math,

and science. These teachers use many ways to engage their students and introduce content to

their classes. Two of the teachers have been trained on Microsoft Educator and are MIE certified

and but are struggling with finding ways to incorporate Sway into their class of second-grade

students. Five of the teachers have no prior knowledge of the tool.

Identify the Problem

Teachers strive to have full engagement from their students during class each day.

Student engagement is the investment of the student’s choice in their learning. Engagement is

driven by curiosity and interest in the activities or lessons in class. Teachers have a variety of

ways to present information to their students through the use of PowerPoint or videos.

Harmony-Leland Elementary is striving to be a technology-driven school. The school has

new SMARTboards to utilize for interactive presentations. Sway is rarely used by teachers in the

school because they are unaware of how to use the tool and they have become accustomed to

using PowerPoint. PowerPoint requires a great deal of time and energy on the teachers to create

and add any designs or graphics. PowerPoint was created in 1987 and can take up to 10 or more
hours to create. By using Sway, teachers are able to save time on designing their presentation and

only have to add the content.

Two of the teachers have been previously trained on Sway during their Microsoft

Innovative Education certification. A certification created by Microsoft and Cobb County to

assist teachers with using Office 365 within their classrooms. The teachers who have been

trained are struggling with finding effective ways to use Sway in their classrooms with such a

young group of students.

Due to the lack of knowledge of this tool, there is a clear need for instruction. Teachers,

both new and veteran, have expressed the desired need for instruction to include the presentation

tool into their classroom instruction. Teachers have asked Technology Training Specialists to

provide them with professional development to address this need. Teachers currently working

were able to attend an optional professional development.

Goal of Instruction

1. Teachers will be able to log into Office 365

2. Teachers will be able to identify the basic steps and tips to use Sway

3. Teachers will be able to input content (text) and add graphics (pictures, videos, etc.)

4. Teachers will determine ways to use Sway in their classrooms


The primary audience for this project is second-grade teachers at Harmony-Leland

Elementary in Mableton, Georgia. The audience consists of seven teachers who instruct students
ages 7 and 8 years old. The content taught by the teachers is all subjects; English, reading, social

studies, math, and science. There are two teachers in Microsoft Innovative Educator trained, one

teacher is gifted certified and one is a special education teacher. All of the teachers are females

and their ages range between their early thirties to their late fifties. The teachers have teaching

experience between 5 to 25+ years. All teachers currently have a teaching certification from the

state of Georgia in K-5. This information was gathered through oral data collection.

Entry Skills

Basic use of technology

- Log in to personal devices

- Ability to open applications from the desktop

- Accessing the Internet browser

Content area knowledge

- Prior knowledge of students

- Differentiation techniques

- General information for the content

Attitudes Towards Content

Due to the lack of knowledge of Sway, there is a clear need for instruction. Teachers,

both new and veteran, have expressed the desired need for instruction to include this presentation

into their classroom instruction. The learners have an eagerness to expand their knowledge and
become more equipped for the digital age. The learners want to satisfy the school’s goal to

integrate technology 100% for student engagement.

General Learning Preferences

The learners for this staff development agreed through an informal survey, that they were

visual and auditory learners. The learners prefer for this training to be an interactive presentation

of the tool and how to use it effectively in their classroom. The teachers expressed through the

survey, they would like to be able to physically create their own Sway. Teachers would prefer if

the training was held at the school on days during the year scheduled for Professional


Attitude Towards Education in General

The teachers for this module all teach second-grade students. The teachers are currently

using numerous models for learning and take pride in the success of their students. They have a

need to incorporate more technology tools to deliver instruction to their students.

Subject Matter Expert (SME)

I, Sydney Banks, will serve as the SME for this instructional plan. My education begins

at Valdosta State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Middle Grades Education and continues

at Georgia Southern University in the Instructional Technology program. I am currently certified

through GaPSC with a T-4 certification in Middle Grades Science and Social Studies. I have
teaching experience in both 7th and 8th-grade science courses. I have experience designing,

creating and training learners on the Microsoft Sway tool.

Description of Task Analysis

The task analysis used for this staff development is procedural. The goal of this analysis

is to serve for the implementation of a new technology presentation tool. This procedural

analysis will assist teachers during a Professional Learning course. The teachers will be

introduced to a program to incorporate the use of Sway, a presentation tool, to increase student

engagement. I created the following task analysis by creating a procedural list for teachers to

demonstrate their understanding of creating and displaying a Sway within their lessons.

Task Analysis

Sway is a digital storytelling tool available to everyone with a Microsoft account or Office 365.

Sway Login

1. For the best results, click on the Office 365 icon on the desktop.

2. Log in with your Microsoft email or Office 365 username (ex. ​​)

and your password.

3. Click on the Sway icon on the Office 365 webpage.

Creating a Sway Presentation

4. Click on “New blank Sway”

5. Title your Sway by clicking on “Title Your Sway”

- Type your title

6. Add a background image by clicking on “Drag Your Image here”.

- Self-generated images will load based on your title name

7. Drag an image into the box

- Click on Suggested or Select the source of your image

8. Adding content by inserting cards

- Click on the “Plus” sign

- Select the style of card (heading, text, image, stack, upload, etc.)

Editing a Sway

9. To change the text,

- Select text style from the menu at the top of the card

10. To rearrange cards,

- Click on the card

- Click on the box in the lower right corner of the card

- Click on green stripe at the top of the card

- Drag to the desired location

11. To delete a card,

- Click on the card

- Click on the trash can in the top right corner

12. To change the size,

- Click on the card

- Click on the medium or large icons in the top right corner to change the size

Editing Picture Cards or (Grouping)

13. Click to add a new card,

- Select a card type under the Group subheading

14. Insert Images by selecting/dragging the Image Group Card from the right corner

- Select add content to select images and click add


- Automatic- individual images

- Stack- images or text that flip to next photo when clicked

- Comparison- easy for comparing two images

- Slideshow- ability to advance through multiple images

- Grid- multiple images show as a compilation

Instructional Objectives

By the conclusion of this training, learners should be able to:

1. Access Sway from a laptop/desktop

2. Understand the purpose of using Sway

3. Know multiple uses of Sway

4. Understand the procedures of creating a Sway

5. Have the ability to develop a Sway to use in instruction

Terminal Objective 1: Explore the purpose and uses of Microsoft Sway

Enabling Objectives:

1a. Identify why educators are shifting to a new presentation tool.

1b. Identify how educators and students are using or could possibly use Sway within their

content areas.

Terminal Objective 2: Investigate the procedure to create a new Microsoft Sway

Enabling Objectives:

2a. Access Microsoft Sway on their personal laptop or on a desktop computer

2b. Login to Office 365 account

2c. Navigate the different tools within Sway

Terminal Objective 3: Develop a Sway to use during instruction and collaborate with peers

Enabling Objectives:

3a. Create more than one card with different content

3b. Group more than one card to connect the information

3c. Share finalized Sway

Terminal Objective 4: Assess your knowledge of Microsoft Sway

Enabling Objectives:

4a. Answer assessment questions on specific ways to use Sway and proper procedures for the

best results

Content Performance

Recall Application

Fact 4a


Procedure 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3c

Interpersonal 1b

Attitude 1a

Standards Aligned with Instructional Objectives

Teacher Keys Effectiveness System

Performance Standard 1: Professional Knowledge Objective 1 & 3

The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum, subject content, pedagogical

knowledge, and the needs of students by providing relevant learning experiences.

Performance Standard 2: Instructional Planning Objective 3

The teacher plans using state and local school district curricula and standards, effective

strategies, resources, and data to address the differentiated needs of all students.

Performance Standard 3: Instructional Strategies Objective 2 & 3

The teacher promotes student learning by using research-based instructional strategies relevant to

the content to engage students in active learning and to facilitate the students’ acquisition of key

knowledge and skills.

Performance Standard 5: Assessment Strategies Objective 3 & 4

The teacher systematically chooses a variety of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment

strategies and instruments that are valid and appropriate for the content and student population.

Performance Standard 6: Assessment Uses Objective 4

The teacher systematically gathers, analyzes, and uses relevant data to measure student progress,

to inform instructional content and delivery methods, and to provide timely and constructive

feedback to both students and parents.

Performance Standard 8: Academically Challenging Environment Objective 3 & 4

The teacher creates a student-centered, academic environment in which teaching and learning

occur at high levels and students are self-directed learners.


Lesson 1: Introduction to Microsoft Sway

Objective 1:​ Explain the purposes and uses of Sway

1a.​ Identify why educators are shifting to a new presentation tool.

1b.​ Identify how educators and students are using or could possibly use Sway within their

content areas.

Assessment: ​Group Discussion

Probe the learners with the question “What are the possible ways you could use Sway in your

class?”. Allow the learners to have a conversation with each other to share ideas and


Remediation/ Differentiation:​ Learners who need remediation will receive the instructions on

how the tool can be used more than once. This lesson will be differentiated by including a copy

of the notes, questions, and a flow chart to assist with following the instruction.

Lesson 2: Discover how to operate Sway

Objective 2: Investigate the procedure to create a Microsoft Sway

2a. ​Access Microsoft Sway on their personal laptop or on a desktop computer

2b.​ Login into Office 365 account

2c.​ Navigate the different tools within Sway

Assessment: ​Demonstration of proper log in & creation of a blank Sway presentation

● All learners will need to be able to access the Office 365 icon on their desktop and be

able to log-in to their individual accounts using their work email address and a safe


Remediation: ​Learners who are struggling with the login process will receive one-on-one

instruction. Those learners will watch the trainer first and then complete the initial setup on their

own. All learners will be using a Dell Chromebook or a Dell desktop computer.

Lesson 3: Create a Sway of their own

Objective 3: Develop a Sway to use during instruction and collaborate with peers


3a. Create more than one card with different content

3b. Group more than one card to connect the information

3c. Share the finalized Sway

Assessment:​ Show and Tell of Sway presentations

● The learner will create a card with text, image and/or video. The learner will then develop

more cards that all can be taught in sequence. Once the learners have at least 3 cards with

text or media, they will group the cards to connect all of the information being taught.

Learners will have the opportunity to share their Sway presentations with their peers.
​ earners who need remediation will receive the instructions on
Remediation/ Differentiation: L

what the expectations are for creating their own Sway more than once. This lesson will be

differentiated by including a copy of the notes, questions, and a flow chart to assist with

following the instruction.

Lesson 4: Take a quiz of the information about Sway

Objective 4: Assess your knowledge of Microsoft Sway

4a.​ Answer assessment questions on specific ways to use Sway and proper procedures for the

best results

Assessment:​ Learners will complete a 10-question quiz about the functions of Sway. The

learners of this training are expected to score at least 80% for mastery.

Remediation/Differentiation:​ Learners will review all of the main functions of the program

before beginning their quiz. The quiz will be available to the learners through an online link, a

QR and copies will be available if needed.

Course Sequence with Instructional Strategies

Sequence Description Objective

1 Explanation of Sway’s 1

purpose and uses

2 Demonstration of locating 2a


3 Demonstration of accessing 2b
Sway through Office 365

4 Demonstration of creating a 2c


5 Application of creating a 3


6 Demonstration of editing a 2c


7 Application of editing a Sway 3

8 Demonstration of grouping 2c

cards in Sway

9 Application of grouping cards 3

in Sway

10 Independent creations of 3

multiple cards

11 Demonstration of sharing 3c

Sway with a colleague,

student, etc.

12 Share created Sways with 3c


13 Discussion to review the uses 4

and procedures of Sway

14 Assessment of uses and 4a


15 Evaluation survey N/A

Objective 1: Explore the purpose and uses of Microsoft Sway

Initial Presentation: ​Learners will be presented with this information with a PowerPoint

presentation. An example of Sway will be viewed with the learners to overview how it looks and

how it can be used in their classroom.

Strategy:​ Discuss the possible uses Sway provides to teachers and students. Ask possible ways

they could use the tool.

Objective 2: Investigate the procedure to create a new Microsoft Sway

Initial Presentation: ​The trainer will navigate between the Powerpoint and the example Sway to

explain the procedures and show how the different tools within Sway are used.

Strategy: Learners should go through the steps own their own devices to experience how Sway

works. They may have questions while working by themselves and this will prevent confusion


Objective 3: Develop a Sway to use during instruction and collaborate with peers

Initial Presentation:​ The trainer will facilitate the learners during independent practice.
Strategy: ​The learner will be guided to create their own Sway and the trainer will wander around

the room to provide guidance and answer any questions.

Objective 4: Assess your knowledge of Microsoft Sway

Initial Presentation: ​Learners will be given an assessment of the uses and different tools to

navigate Sway.

Strategy:​ Before the assessment, learners will be provided time to discuss the purpose and what

the tools found within Sway do. The assessment will be given in multiple forms to ensure

accessibility to all learners.

Supporting Materials

Student Handout

Evaluation of Data (Assessment)

Infographic of Results
Evaluation of Data (Survey)
Infographic of Results

Before the staff development, I sat down with my supervisor to discuss possible topics

and days I could complete the Professional Development training. She contacted Meagan

Stanfill, another TTIS in Cobb County who worked at the elementary level. Meagan and I

discuss her availabilities while I shadowed her at Teasley Elementary on afternoon. She

explained to me about the need of a possible training at Harmony-Leland Elementary with some

of their teachers who wanted to learn more about Sway. Meagan informed me within a couple

days that I could have the training and she and Janelle would be there to assist me if I needed


After the confirmation I began to work on my Instructional Design unit. The unit took me

a while to get started because I personally didn’t know who I would be training and I have never

taught elementary level. I spent over a week to develop my Instructional Design unit and all of

the materials. I designed my unit with the idea and expectations of my audience being 2nd grade


The day before presenting I found out the 2nd grade teachers were unavailable during

their planning. I had already requested the day off and had to figure something out. Meagan

reached out to a group of kindergarten teachers and they agreed to be there for my 8:30 am

meeting! The day of my nerves were completely shot. I believe teaching my students every day

is a lot easier than teaching your peers. The first few minutes of my presentation I rambled and

stumbled over my words. As reviewing my video, I said the word “umm” repeatedly and faced

the board a little too often. I had two hiccups during my presentation; the first was a change of

the display on their screen versus my presentation and the second was trying to group the cards

towards the end of my presentation. I determined that I had a lot of information and a lot of
slides and not enough time for the teachers to play with the tool. I noticed that I did remind the

teachers about the “creative commons” feature embedded to add images.

After the staff development, I reflected on how well it went and things that could have

been improved. As a normal teaching day, the lesson did not go as planned. The assessment of

the uses and tools in Sway had to emailed to the attendees due to time and the fact that I forgot to

include the assessment during the training. Based on the evaluation, the teachers felt like the

information was enough and they took something away from the training. My personal opinion I

believe that I could have done a better job and I want to make sure the next time I train teachers

that I use this experience and grow from it.

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