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Eddie DiNardo

Micro 102

Professor Jennifer Joyner


Consumer Behavior – Soda Consumption

Interviewee – Cheryl DiNardo – 57 years old

How many sodas were consumed this week?

2 sodas on average per week

What was your consumption 5 years ago?

Still 2.5 sodas on average a week

Ten years ago?

3 sodas a week

What has changed your consumption?

Wanting to be healthier less sugar

Favorite soda?

Original Coke

From the graph provided by Business Insider we see a steady rise of soda consumption from 1993-1999.
Followed by a plateau of consumption from 2000-2005, lastly, we see a soft decline into a steeper fall of
consumption from 2006 -2015. Which correlates to my interview with my mother who had a drop of
consumption over 10 years.

With this being an older consensus, I can slightly infer that soda consumption continued to fall with the
small data set of my mom’s average shrinking by 1 soda over 10 years. While one soda doesn’t sound
like much it is still a 50% drop of consumption for weekly consumption.

IBIS World Per Capita Soft Drink Consumption

Provides an interactive chart on their website

The chart fills the gap from 2016 to 2020 which shows that my guess was right about soda consumption
continuing to fall into the late 2010s and 2020.

“The reasons behind the fall are twofold: an increase in health

consciousness and an increase in price. Carbonated soft drinks provide
little nutritional value, though many of these drinks provide an entire
recommended daily sugar intake in one 12-ounce can.” (IBIS World)

“Furthermore, the input prices for carbonated soft drinks have increased
in recent decades. For instance, relatively high oil prices have driven up
demand for fuel alternatives, like ethanol. In turn, ethanol is primarily
made using corn and sugar, so rising demand for ethanol has caused the
prices of corn and sugar products, such as high fructose corn syrup, to
increase as well.” (IBIS World)
Works Cited:
 Holodny, Elena. “The Epic Collapse of American Soda Consumption in One Chart.”
Business Insider, Business Insider, 10 Mar. 2016,

 “Industry Market Research, Reports, and Statistics.” IBISWorld,

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