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Name: Student A

Document Analysis Form

Define the Type of Document

a. Newspaper and other
b. This is a propaganda cartoon piece from a newspaper
c. This visual document is hand-drawn, then pressed into the newspaper
Observe its Parts
2) Who wrote it?
a. Clifford K. Berryman
3) Who read received it?
a. The American public
4) When is it from?
a. August 27, 1946
5) Where is it from?
a. Evening Star / United States
Try to make sense of it.
1) What is it talking about? What are the main points expressed? Write one sentence
summarizing this document?
a. This cartoon is expressing that Stalin is committing actions that go against post-
war peace
2) Why did the author write it?
a. Stalin is possibly selfish
3) Quote evidence from the document that tells you this.
a. “Josef Stalin lands a prize catch and threatens the West through Soviet meddling
in Greece” the newspaper caption
4) What was happening at the time in history this document was created?
a. Tensions between the United States and Soviet Union
Use it as historical evidence.
1) What did you find out from this document that you might not learn anywhere else?
a. This cartoon provides a primary source perspective of anti-communist sentiment
in the United States during the first year of the Cold War
2) What other documents or historical evidence are you going to use to help you understand
this event or topic?
a. Other primary sources such as other political / propaganda cartoons, newspapers,
government documents, and much more.

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