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Communication is a complex process that is essential for all animal species on the planet, since

many factors depend on it, such as reproduction, food and the preservation of life against possible

Ants are well-known animals and they have always been seen as a role model for their seemingly
endless willingness to work, but this is achieved thanks to organization and it is thanks to good
communication, but how do communicate? ants?

Physical communication:

Many species of ants can communicate with sounds, adult ants make them by clicking with their
jaw while larvae and pupae make the same sound, but with less intensity since their jaw is weaker,
this sound can serve as a call for help in a task or as a call for help, the latter is evidenced in a study
in which the ability to make sound of some larvae and pupae was inhibited and these, along with
others whose ability was not inhibited, were extracted from the anthill with some workers, what
was observed was that the workers went to protect the pupae and larvae that could make sounds
while ignoring those that could not, as if they did not exist, so the ability to make sound is
essential in the survival of a young ant.

Chemical communication:

Ants can communicate using their antennae, which are one of their most sensitive organs and
serve to detect different types of pheromones, these compounds are transmitted as if they were
phrases between ants and when they communicate they can emit a potentially unlimited amount
of messages, including numerical quantities, these pheromones are used for things like recognizing
a specific place, recognizing the function of an ant, marking paths already explored, or marking a
dangerous place or with food

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