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EVIDENCE #1: VIA top 7 strengths. This evidence is significant, as when I first wrote about my
values and created a Values Statement, I focused on forgiveness and kindness. At this point in
my college career, I added fairness as a value that hold significant meaning to me as a future
healthcare professional.

EVIDENCE #2: ASB – Alterative Spring Break in Puerto Rico was one of the most life changing
experiences I had at URI thus far. This truly shaped who I am today. I believe the I learned how
to be a true servant leader through this experience and my strengths and values were put to
work. This experience is something that I will always remember and cherish, making it a very
important piece of evidence.
EVIDENCE #3: This is the email I got from my faculty mentor, Dr. Todd Brothers regarding my
position as a P1 peer mentor. Being a P1 Peer mentor is something that has been so rewarding
for me as a student and leader. I have been able to guide some students through some very
difficult times within group work and exams while helping them prioritize their mental health.

EVIDENCE #4: This is a photo of Grace, my D.R.I.V.E Multicultural Overnight student, and I.
Talking with Grace and learning about her past and future at URI was very special for me. This
helped me step outside of my comfort zone freshman year, and I was able to make great
relationships and learn about myself as a leader.
EVIDENCE #5; This is an example email regarding a wellness Wednesday (in this case Monday)
activity. These events are typically held on Wednesday afternoons and are a short time for
students to prioritize mental health. This one was especially fun and was a great way to get
moving and have a good laugh before finals!

EVIDENCE #6: Being a healthcare professional is something that I don’t take lightly. This photo
was included as evidence because, as a healthcare professional, I want to have a positive
impact on my patients, and I believe that I have the tools to do that. This photo was taken at
the beginning of my healthcare journey and is a symbol of how much I have grown and will
continue to grow in the profession.
EVIDENCE #7: **Mock Patient Profile** : This is an example of a mock patient profile for a
patient encounter (OSCE). This shows the very limited data that we are given in regard to the
patient before entering the room. We must actively listen and work well within our group to
collaborate and make sure that all necessary data is collected. From there, we look at the whole
picture, and as a group, make a decision that is best for the patient.

EVIDENCE #8: My time at CVS, although stressful, has taught me so much as a leader. I have
dealt with crisis (adverse vaccine effects) and overflow (before snowstorms) and difficult
customers, all of which will make me a better pharmacist. This job and leadership position that I
hold within the pharmacy is a huge contribution to who I am as a leader, student and friend.
EVIDENCE #9: Being a Peer Leader for the Leadership Institute this year was so rewarding. This
photo is myself and my team (teal!) heading towards Camp Jori. In such a short amount of time,
I learned so much about the students and learned about myself a facilitator and debriefer. I
learned just as much from these students, as I hope they learned from me. Debriefing and
participating games and activities such as star gazing and whizz-bang were very rewarding to
me as a leader.

EVIDENCE #10: Over my time at URI, I have become a public speaker. Prior to URI and my
journey in the minor, I was very afraid to speak in public. However, through courses I too
(Com100 and PHP408), and activities I have involved myself in (Class representative and SLC
president) I have learned to speak with confidence. This presentation shown, was not an easy
one to deliver as it is a controversial topics which makes it even more nerve racking. However, I
used tools and techniques I have learned to give a good presentation and educate the class on
Senate Bill 3223 , Access to Birth Control.

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