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Movement Education 

is a very instrumental tool in

physical education today. It will allow you to strengthen different
muscles groups and reduce the full time strain and potential
overuse of muscles associated with one sport. This kind of
education is instruction in the improvement of a person's motor
skills through physical movement. It also plays crucial part of
physical therapy, just like the patient/student gains a deeper
understanding of their body in motion and an increased efficiency
of movement in their day-to-day activities. Movement education
aims to increase brain function and physical fitness in students. ...
according to Swirzinski.
"It helps to wake up different lobes in the brain." In addition to
lateral movements, hopping, skipping and jumping are also linked
to specific cognitive activity in the brain.

One of the most influential individual in movement is Rudolf von

Laban, an Austro-Hungarian dance artist and theorist. He is
considered one of the pioneers of modern dance in Europe as the
"Founding Father of the Expressionist Dance" in Germany. His
work laid the foundations for Laban Movement
Analysis, Labanotation (Kinetography Laban), other more specific
developments in dance notation and the evolution of many
varieties of Laban movement analysis. A critical contribution was
his theory of movement, focusing specifically on the concept of
effort. Laban believed that the body was an instrument of
expression and made a distinction between this expressive
movement where also serves a purpose in everyday life or the so
called (functional movement). Expressive movement
communicates ideas in dance or other forms of artistic expression.
Functional movement has a purpose in addition to helping with the
tasks of everyday life, such as sports and games. The four factors
of movement that Laban identified are weight, space, time, and
flow that became the bedrock of what became known as
movement education. The eight combinations are descriptively
named Float, Punch (Thrust), Glide, Slash, Dab, Wring, Flick, and
Press. Movement might seems tiring and confusing coz why do we
need to study these when it’s part of us but without it you’re surely
unable to proceed and understand or you’re literally dead at the
moment. So move! Fighting!

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