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Roadmap to MAANG (FAANG)

● Resume
○ Mention CGPA/Percentage if it is very good (above 8)
○ Resume is the best reflection of you
○ Skip adding schooling details
○ Add latest education details. Most recent at top
○ Skip course work if not in college
○ Use action verbs
○ Learn a Programming Language: C/C++ -> Python/Java/Any other

high level language

◆ C/C++
◆ Gives you a way to control pointers
◆ Gives you ability to manage memory of the application
○ Theory
◆ IIT D Dr. Naveen Garg: Youtube - NPTEL
◆ MIT OCW: Algorithms (2011)
◆ Cormen: Introduction to Algorithms
○ Practise:
◆ Interviewbit
◆ Leetcode/Leetcode Premium - 1 month before interview. Only

do tagged questions. Sort by frequency

◆ Discuss Forum
◆ Blind (Anonimous GlassDoor): Total Compensation + Benefits +

Previous Questions -

◆ GeeksForGeeks
◆ HackerRank/HackerEarth
○ Scaler
● System Design
○ Fundamentals
◆ Growwking System Design Interview
◆ Gaurav Sen - Youtube
◆ Scaler Youtube
○ Intermediate
◆ Scaler Masterclasses
◆ Designing Data Intensive Applications - Martin Kleppman
◆ High
○ Advanced Level
◆ Read research papers/official documentation
◆ View talks by leading engineers
◆ Attend conferences
◆ Follow on LinkedIn/Twitter/Reddit
○ Scaler
◆ Fundamentals
◆ Examples
● Machine Coding Round
○ Most difficult round in European Companies
○ Testability
○ Extensibility
○ Readability
○ SOLID/YAGNI (You ain’t gonna need it)
◆ The Single-Responsibility Principle (SRP)
◆ The Open-Closed Principle (OCP)
◆ The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
◆ The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
◆ The Dependency inversion Principle (DIP)
○ Resources
◆ Clean Code
◆ Peer Review/Code Review/Diff Review
○ Scaler
◆ Design Patterns
◆ Bad Code -> Refactor
◆ TA to review. TA gives qualitative feedback
◆ Designing a Parking Lot(Most asked question)
● Behavioural/Bar Raiser Round
○ Tell me about your most proud project
◆ Answer should contain company core values. Get this from

Company Website. Eg
◆ 14 principles of Amazon
◆ Frugality
◆ Bias for action
◆ Documentation
◆ Any big company/Stealth Mode Startup will have such rounds
◆ Scaler
◆ Elective - Engineering Management
◆ Mock interviews
● Project
○ Tech Stack Specific. Will drive your role
○ Real world GitHub (Medium/Quora)
◆ Backend(Java/Python etc) + Frontend(Javascript/React/

○ - 15K
○ Scaler
◆ 1 month project
● System Design + Behavioural Round decide your level of Job

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