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Devin Fitzpatrick

Sophomore Vice President

07 February 2022

ASB Report January


Since December 9th I have been busy with warm and fuzzy, my NatStuCo experience,

Winterfest, and now elections. Right after our last ASB meeting I was finishing up the rollout of

warm and fuzzy with my fellow class officers and beginning my final. I also presented in front of

the school board in city hall on the 13th of December on behalf of my experience with the

NatStuCo virtual conference. Within this, three students of leadership and I presented our

experience with the National Student Leader Conference to the school board. During winter

break my fellow sophomore officers and I began planning our pillar, poster, window, and

shopping cart. We also filled out purchase orders to submit when we got back. After winter break

my job became much larger as my class president, Kylee, got COVID for the two prior weeks to

Winterfest. I had to substitute in her place for these two weeks and that included storing all of the

supplies, making a schedule to work on the spirit competitions, communicating with the

sophomore class, and much more. Kylee ended up getting better just in time for Winterfest so

she could help us be successful in Winterfest. After this, I worked on my professional speech and

my election preparations. I gave my professional speech on “Why Unicorns are Real” and I am

currently working on running for Junior Class Vice President.


I am currently not a part of any standing committees.


I was a part of no special committees this month.


My buddy and I have had a good semester so far as I see him as my friend now more than

I do just a buddy. I always enjoy sharing his company and whenever we see each other around

school we dap up and greet each other.


As of right now, I don’t have many concerns but one thing that I struggled with in

January was the number of assignments piled up in a short time period at the same time as

Leadership applications. It has reduced and we are getting a lot of time in class to do assignments

so that is why it isn’t a concern for me anymore.


The positive comment I have to give is to Gabbi Ilardi. She has a lot on her plate right

now with link crew and renaissance and it has brought a lot of stress on her. Despite this, she has

persevered and done a great job and she deserves a positive comment.


As I said in my concern, I feel that next year we should not have as much work during

elections. I understand that elections are personal and on our own and we shouldn’t work around

them but at the same time the workload shouldn’t increase during elections. At one point I had

four leadership assignments due in one week on top of Winterfest all during leadership

applications. I feel that for next year during leadership applications we shouldn’t have less work

than usual but just an average amount of work.


I have changed the world today through my NatStuCo presentation, Winterfest, and

staying involved. Through my NatStuCo presentation, I gave the school board insight into how

my experience on the national level of leadership went and represented Ripon on a national level.

Through Winterfest, I brought the sophomores winter joy through the spirit competitions we had.

And overall through these past months, I have stayed involved, joining link crew, running track,

attending basketball games, being spirited, and much more. Through this, I have been able to

make an impact on a wide range of students and overall make an impact for the better.

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