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Application of artificial intelligence in the service field

Servers, clients, virtual machines and other devices

Artificial intelligence provides a new opportunity for the development of the next

generation of data centers. With the advancement of technology, the servers require capabilities

to handle the rising demands resulting from a wide range of emerging technologies. Failure to

incorporate the new measures will leave the companies using information technologies in a

disadvantaged position. This includes employing both cloud computing as well as Artificial

intelligence into their networks and data infrastructure.

Initially, IT professionals were charged with the mandate of optimizing performances of

their organizations’ servers, which ensured that workloads were fairly spread across data center

portfolios. Although the responsibility remains essential in maximization of operations, an

increase in data coupled with limited resources, the IT personnel faces multiple challenges in

monitoring workload distribution effectively. However, with the rising of Artificial Intelligence

use, deploying predictive analytic driven management tool can help IT experts, to manage the

workload distribution by delegating some responsibilities to the computer. This is because

programs are capable of optimizing the storage while computing load balance in real-time.

Additionally, since the AI technology keeps improving itself as it learns, so will be the servers,

thus becoming better as time elapses.

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Similarly, with website designing, Artificial intelligence is changing the way users

interact with various websites. In the era of automation, AI provides much-needed assistance,

such that the program facilitates interaction between the sites and users by providing relevant

information. One of the areas that is already utilizing AI capabilities is the personalization of the

content. This helps by tailoring information to fit into the specificity of the site visitor based on

the keywords used. As a result, it increases user experience as well as improving search


Databases and Data management

The process of integrating Artificial Intelligence and database systems is having a clear

impact, which is shaping the field of computing. The phenomenon is crucial in the development

of intelligent database management systems technology. A database is an organized collection of

bits and bytes of information. DBMS, on the other side, is the software the help with the

interaction between the user and other applications in capturing and analyzing data. It allows

accessibility, definition, and update of data using data definition languages as well as data

manipulation language, which are basically declarative languages. Generally, data can be stored

in either structured or unstructured form depending on the functional capabilities of the database

systems. Moreover, Artificial intelligence is applied in order to organize the information in an

efficient manner which helps by elevating speed, particularly when executing complex problems.

The use of intelligence databases continues to be adopted widely across various industries. There

are two main focus areas in the integration of AI and database, which include intelligent

information process in databases and Intelligent aspects of databases.

Intelligent processing information has been the biggest drive-in achieving a knowledge-

based society. Recent developments in the field of research on information processing signify a
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bright future. They involve the study of fundamental theories, advanced technology, and

applying the knowledge on informational processing. Integrating these knowledge-based systems

to databases management provides them with a different dimension in terms of additional

functionalities. Therefore, artificial intelligence features can be incorporated with DBMS, which

would allow various capabilities such as searching the internet as well as mining significant data

and interpreting the material. Also, adoption of Artificial intelligence allows interpretation of

internet derived data and remote conditional monitoring (Musen et al.). Microsoft is one of the

organizations that has benefitted from the application of AI into its database. For instances, the

organization uses AI to monitor Azure SQL database workload trends constantly, thus applying

automatic tuning when an opportunity arises to improve the system’s performance.

Additionally, another area that has gained momentum in relation to AI and databases is

the intelligent aspect of the databases which utilizes AI capabilities. According to Wolff on his

SP theory of computing and cognition, he states the type of “intelligence” expected from

intelligent database systems. He argues that an intelligent database system should be simple and

versatile but capable of integrating and simplifying various AI functions as well as support

necessary models when needed. This includes recognizing patterns, retrieving information, and

forming probabilistic reasoning as well as analysis. All this should happen in unsupervised

knowledge-based learning. Delta Bravo, an organization that offers artificial intelligence

solutions on database management, developed a database system, AccuWeather D3, that is

capable of predicting the impact of weather on business performance. The system using the

analyses of the data in real-time and applies probabilistic reasoning to predict the future

outcome. This is a good example of the integration of Artificial intelligence with the database

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Cyber Security and Cyber Warfare

Organizations and businesses are facing massive challenges to safeguard their data. They

are taking all measures possible to prevent hackers from accessing their information. However,

malicious attacks continue to evolve by becoming more sophisticated with each passing day.

Recently, individuals and businesses were attacked by ransomware dubbed WannaCry, causing

massive losses in terms of finances as well as data. Nevertheless, the progressive cybersecurity

issues that global businesses and organizations are facing can be solved by integrating Artificial

Intelligence into cyber defense systems.

Artificial Intelligence is being connected with cybersecurity systems in industries and

applications now more that never before, which can be attributed to the increase in computing

power and the vast amount of collected data. Unlike humans, AI is capable of analyzing the data

faster, accurately, and precisely, thus preventing real-time threats. Initially, AI was not connected

to the systems. The researchers were more interested in the development of programs to reduce

human work while security experts fixed information outflow. However, nowadays, the

integration of human, security, and AI has grown closer. For instance, the use of CAPTCHA

method represents an integration of artificial intelligence and security, which prevents attacks

from targeted bots. The Turing test requires the end-users to identify themselves by inserting

specific letters or images. Additionally, Google has gone a step further in improving the

automatic character recognition software which can be regarded as a step towards achieving AI

capabilities in protecting cyberspace.

Furthermore, expert systems can be employed to provide cybersecurity. In AI, this refers

to computer software which replicates human decision-making abilities. This is a significant step
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towards achieving knowledge-based systems which are capable of performing tasks in the same

way humans would have completed them. Expert systems consist of two parts, namely;

knowledge base and inference engine, which represents the reasoning part. It analysis the

knowledge base then applies the necessary steps to avert the risk. Additionally, the system can be

used for threat assessment and information security auditing. Due to its sophistication and

accuracy in comparison to human capabilities, then expert systems are more reliable in

identifying and controlling the vulnerabilities (Atymtayeva et al., 4). As a result, they provide the

chief security officers opportunities to formulate required policies.

Similarly, intelligent Agent in one of the areas that continue to develop in the

cybersecurity. Like the expert systems, IA bases its action on learning and acquiring knowledge

to accomplish its objectives. It identifies movements using sensors and proceeds by following up

on the surrounding using actuators. For instance, a reflex machine such as a thermostat is one

good example which utilizes this principle in accomplishing its objectives. Intelligent Agents

have the capabilities of adapting to real-time, which aids in learning new things fast through

interaction and communicating with the environment. Also, its recovery abilities add to its

strengths in addition to storage memory. Therefore, it has planned and reflecting abilities as well

as mobility. In cybersecurity, IA can be used to deal with denial of service attacks (DDoS).

Evidence from a study showed that simulation from IA could effectively prevent DDoS attacks

(Czosseck et al.; Kotenko et al.)

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Works Cited

Atymtayeva, L., Kanat Kozhakhmet, and Gerda Bortsova. "Building a knowledge base for an

expert system in information security." Soft computing in artificial intelligence. Springer,

Cham, 2014. 57-76.

Czosseck, C., and K. Podins. "aGent-based ModelinG and siMUlation of botnets and botnet

defense." Conference on CyberConflict. 2010.

Kotenko, Igor, and Alexander Ulanov. "Multi-agent framework for simulation of adaptive

cooperative defense against internet attacks." International Workshop on Autonomous

Intelligent Systems: Multi-Agents and Data Mining. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007.

Musen, Mark, Bernd Neumann, and Rudi Studer, eds. Intelligent Information Processing: IFIP

17th World Computer Congress—TC12 Stream on Intelligent Information Processing

August 25–30, 2002, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Vol. 93. Springer Science & Business

Media, 2002.

Wolff, J. Gerard. "Towards an intelligent database system founded on the SP theory of

computing and cognition." Data & Knowledge Engineering60.3 (2007): 596-624.

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