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Essay Question Evaluate the significance of the Long March to the growth of
communism in China.

Thesis statement

Introduction Perspectives and general context

Body 1: Context (This Before: Retreat of CCP to Jiangxi base after Shanghai massacre;
material could be development of economic policies, Red Army, and political structures;
dispersed among fifth Encirclement Campaign of Jiang Jieshi threatened the existence of
Body 2, 3 and 4, the party.
where appropriate.) After: Development of ideology, support, and discipline at Yan’an; Sino-
Japanese War and the Second United Front from 1937.

Body 2: Survival Heroic v Revisionist perspective


Body 3: Support Heroic v Revisionist perspective

(promotion of

Body 4: Leadership of Heroic v Revisionist perspective

Mao (political)

Conclusion Final adjudication and answer to the question

Here is an example of evaluating different perspectives. (It comes from a student's essay.) In this
case, it involves using the views of two historians:

Primarily, the emergence of nationalist opposition in Japan as a direct result of foreign incursion
was pivotal to the overthrowing of the shogunate in 1868… There is substantial historical debate
on the reasons for this nationalism. William Beasley argues that it emerged due to the viable
"alternative" of imperial rule, whereas L. M. Cullen proposes that nationalism was provoked by
"external" sources. While Beasley's point is substantiated by the emergence of the Kokugaku
movement (traditional restoration) prior to Perry's arrival, Cullen's argument ultimately holds more
weight due to the opposition emerging only after the unequal treaties. Thus, the fall of the
shogunate was triggered by the nationalism caused by the reintroduction of foreign influence in

● The part highlighted in yellow shows AWARENESS of different perspectives.

● The part highlighted in blue EVALUATES these perspectives.
● The part highlighted in pink INTEGRATES the evaluation of perspectives into the argument
of the essay.

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