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All verses except the first

begin on the TENOR:

Thousands of Gregorian chant scores, videos, and more await you:
If these chants are not long enough, they
are repeated until the distribution of palm
branches is finished. If, on the other hand,
the distribution ends first, the “Gloria Patri”
is sung at once, followed by the antiphon.

Thousands of Gregorian chant scores, videos, and more await you:
Thousands of Gregorian chant scores, videos, and more await you:
All verses except the first
begin on the TENOR:

If these chants are not long enough, they

are repeated until the distribution of palm
branches is finished. If, on the other hand,
the distribution ends first, the “Gloria Patri”
is sung at once, followed by the antiphon.

Thousands of Gregorian chant scores, videos, and more await you:
All verses except
the first begin on
the TENOR:

Thousands of Gregorian chant scores, videos, and more await you:
If these chants are not long enough, they
are repeated until the distribution of palm
branches is finished. If, on the other hand,
the distribution ends first, the “Gloria Patri”
is sung at once, followed by the antiphon.

Thousands of Gregorian chant scores, videos, and more await you:
Thousands of Gregorian chant scores, videos, and more await you:
All verses except the first
begin on the TENOR:

If these chants are not long enough, they

are repeated until the distribution of palm
branches is finished. If, on the other hand,
the distribution ends first, the “Gloria Patri”
is sung at once, followed by the antiphon.

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