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Jasmine Douglas Midkiff

Professor Kelly smith

Interpersonal communication

1 April 2022

Interpersonal relationship

Greg and pam have their own relationship different from what he has with her parents,

Greg and jack was imitating this is according to the book “show that you are interested in

making contact and to demonstrate that you are a person worth talking to.” (Sprecher et al.,

2008) Greg and Jack are making contact with each other for the first time and obviously as

shown in the clip jack was worth talking to because he put away his cigarettes when he knew that

jack thought they were a sign of weakness. The conversation between them was brief the shook

hands and had small talk. Jack commented on his car and the color of it and Greg said the guy at

the counter picked it and jack said geniuses pick green, but you did not pick it. This is basic

small talk when in the initiating stage. Greg was also wanted to meet his girlfriend's parents, so

he came to the initiating stage with them.

The relationship of Pam and Greg are in the integrating stage according to the text this is

“is the time when you give up some characteristics of your former self and become enmeshed

with another person.” (Marteniez et al., 2016) They showed that they were in this stage because

at the beginning of the clip Greg had a cigarette and was going to smoke it, but Pam said, “I told

you my dad sees smoking as a sign of weakness” and immediately he goes to put them up for

her. He did this for her to look good when he was meeting her parents, and she also asked him

not to tell her parents that they were living together. This shows integrating because it is now
references as their home together, they would say “our” home. They were all in various stages in

relationships, but they also have relationships with each other.

Greg and Pams parents seem to make it past the initiating stage as jack invited him in the

home saying, “me casa su casa”.

work cited

Alder, Ronald, B et al. Alder: interplay. Available from: eCampus, (15th Edition). Oxford University Press
Academic US,2020.

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