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This question is on the impacts of British colonial rule in Malaya.

5. ‘The most important impact of British colonial rule in Malaya to c.1900 was the
establishment of the Federated Malay States.’ How far do you agree with this statement?
Explain your answer. [O LEVEL 2016] [12]

British rule brought about a successful FMS. The Federal Government coordinated and reduced
duplication of work, ensuring simplified administration and greater efficiency. It was able to
improve communication infrastructure as interstate roads and railways facilitated transport and
trade. Political stability encouraged greater tin and rubber investment, leading to a twofold
increase in immigrant Chinese and Indian populations attracted by abundant available jobs. There
were great economic developments in FMS as revenue rose from $8.5 million in 1895 to $24
million in 1902. The surplus revenue was used to improve standard of living as the standard of
hospitals, schools, social services were better than UFMS. Hence, FMS was a social and economic
success due to the success of political administration structure by solving the weakness of the
Residential system by having coordination.

British rule brought economic benefits by encouraging growth of industries for economic prosperity,
development of natural resources and implemented measures to promote an export economy.
Tin and rubber became the pillars of the economy in Malaya as tin mining was encouraged and
became the main revenue source for Perak and Selangor. British control facilitated British
companies' investments to tap the resources, such as investment in technology to extract large
amounts of tin. More rubber plantations were opened due to European investment. With the growth
of the automobile industry, the rubber industry boomed and became the most profitable,
bringing in foreign investment to establish economic prosperity and increased standard of living
as enterprising Malay and Chinese smallholders who grew rubber were able to earn some profit.
The standardisation of currency linked the Straits Settlements dollar to British sterling pound in
1904, increasing foreign capital for investment in tin and rubber plantation, increasing tin and
rubber exports. Hence, British rule brought economic benefits.

British rule brought social benefits such as urbanisation as it led to creation of cities and towns.
Economic developments resulted in social changes. Transportation networks improved as roads
and railways were built to link plantations to towns and ports. Towns sprang up and availability
of jobs led to an influx of Chinese and Indian immigrants, causing the increasing population of
different ethnic groups for a more plural society. Some revenue was utilized to improve
healthcare and provide water and electricity, causing the people in the FMS to enjoy higher
standard of living in UFMS which remained backward. Hence, British rule brought social benefits.

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