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Mata Kuliah : Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris MI/SD

Dosen Pengampu : Ibu Azizah Maulina Erzad, S.S, M.Pd.

Disusun Oleh :
Indah Kusumastutik (2010310075)



Classroom language is the routine language that is used on a regular basis
in classroom like giving instructions of praise, for example “Take out your
books” or “Please sit down”.

Classroom Language for 5 Grade

First step: Greeting
Pre-activity (Kegiatan awal)
Good morning class
How are you today?
Who is absent today?
Giving brainstorming: Asking about things in the classroom
Allright student, can you mention somthing in the class?
Student: Mention things in the classroom:
Blackboard window
Vase door
Table flag
Chair picture
Bag etc.
Second step:
Whilst activity (Kegiatan inti)
Drive game used as a teaching technique
Make a group of 5 to 6 students.
The teacher explains about the procedure:
One of the students as a leader, the other
members as the guides. And they must say
“turn left or turn right”.
The leader will close their eyes with napkin
and she/he will ask to find the thing around
the classroom based on the guidance.
The teacher’s key word like “take the pen” or
“find the pen”
The winner who answers correctly and they
have high score will get reward.
Thrid step
Post Activity (Kegiatan akhir)
The teacher asks students about their opinion:
Do you like the game?
Are you happy?
What did you learn today?
Can you mention again the things? ...

Dari contoh di atas dapat dicermati bahwa guru telah mampu mendesain
pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan bahasa kelas. Pada contoh di atas
jelas terlihat bahwa pada awal pembelajaran (pre activity), guru mendesain
bahasa kelas yang digunakan pada saat memberi salam (greeting) dengan
memanfaatkan bahasa kelas seperti: “Good morning class; How are you
today?;Who is absent today?. Selanjutnya, pada kegiatan inti (whilst
activity), guru menggunakan game sebagai teknik mengajar, contoh
bahasa kelas yang dimanfaatkan, seperti make a group of
5 to 6 students; One of the students as a leader, the other members as the
guides. And they must say “turn left or turn right”; The leader will close
their eyes with napkin and she/he will ask to find the thing around the
classroom based on the guidance; The teacher’s key word like “take the
pen” or “find the pen”; The winner who answers correctly and they have
high score will get reward. Pada akhir kegiatan (post activity), guru
menggunakan bahasa kelas untuk mengetahui reaksi siswa terhadap
pemanfaatan game dalam pembelajaran, seperti: Do you like the game?;
Are you happy?; What did you learn today?; Can you mention again the
things? ...
Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa dengan
diberikan pelatihan, guru mampu mendesain
pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan bahasa kelas
pada setiap langkah pembelajaran, kegiatan awal,
inti, dan penutup.


Listening is a basic skill for different learning processes. It is an active
behaviour in contrast to reading which is just a receiving of sound waves.

Listening for grade 1

Teacher can use the technique of singing a song about material related to
learning in class, especially in class 1. For example, the teacher makes a
song about one of the greeting materials, then the students imitate what the
teacher sings.
Lyric Good Morning Selamat Pagi
Good morning selamat pagi
Good afternoon selamat siang
Good evening selamat malam
Good night selamat tidur
How are you apa kabarmu
Fine thank you baik-baik saja
Good bye selamat tinggal
See you soon sampai jumpa lagi.
Note : please used note “kring kring kring bunyi sepeda”


Teaching speaking is teach learners to Produce the English speech sounds
and sound patterns. Use word and sentence stress, intonation patterns and
the rhythm of the second language.
Speaking for grade 1
Teachers can use listen and imitate techniques for students. for example,
the teacher says a word then the students imitate what they pronoun
properly and correctly
teacher "table"
student "table"


Teaching reading is an evolving and non-linear process that works
differently for each young student. The programmes of study for reading at
key stages 1 and 2 include word reading and comprehension (both
listening and reading). Early primary teachers are tasked with developing
competence in both dimensions

Teachers can use the Multiple Choice technique. Multiple-choice test

questions can be used to measure learning outcomes that are more
complex and related to aspects of memory, understanding, application,
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The answer choices (options) consist
of the correct or most correct answer, hereinafter referred to as the answer
key and the possible incorrect answers called distractors/decoys/fails.
Some practical instructions in preparing multiple choice questions,
namely: 1. Must refer to basic competencies and question indicators. 2. Do
not include question material that is not relevant to what students have
learned. 3. Statements and choices should form an unbroken sentence. 4. It
must be believed that there is only one correct answer. 5. If necessary, give
answers to distractors. The advantages of multiple-choice questions
include: (1) the way the assessment can be done easily, quickly, and
objectively, (2) can cover a wide scope of material/material, (3) is able to
reveal low to high cognitive levels, and (4) can be used repeatedly.
While the weaknesses include: (1) the process of preparing questions
really takes a long time, (2) gives students the opportunity to guess the
answers, and (3) is not able to improve students' reasoning power. For
example is in the image attachment.


Teaching writing as productive skills requires teachers to direct students to
produce their expressions in written form and needs more elements of
skills such as using appropriate words, proper sentences and correct
spelling that is different from speaking.

Teachers can use the technique of Free Description (Extended Response

Items) in the form of students being free to answer questions in their own
systematic and way. Students are free to express opinions according to
their abilities. Therefore, each student has a different and systematic way.
However, the teacher remains in accordance with the wishes or
benchmarks in answering students' answers later. Example:
1. What is your hobby?
2. Red in Indonesian is..
4. Good afternoon in English is...
In compiling a form description, it is a good idea to follow these practical
guidelines. (1) Each question uses instructions and formulas that are clear
and easy to reach. (2) Do not give students the opportunity to choose some
of the things given, because it is not possible to obtain comparable scores.

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