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1. -Since it is summer and it is hot, the clothes that I will wear

during the hiking are the following: light color hiking shirt since
it reflects the sun’s rays rather than absorb them, I will also add
a lightweight long-sleeve shirt because it provide necessary
protection from UV rays, especially for me that I have a sensitive
skin. I will also wear leggings because it is so comfortable to wear
and a hat since it provides essential protection from the sun for my
face and neck. Lastly, I will also wear socks then a hiking shoes to
protect my feet and ankles.
2. -While in the camp, the clothes that I will wear are the
following: cotton t-shirt as my inner layer because it absorbs
moisture which prevents it from evaporating. Then, a hoody as my
middle layer since it provides the most insulation and warmth for my
body. I will also wear a waterproof jacket as my outer layer to
protect me from the elements including rain. I will also wear
sweatpants to keep my legs warm at night. Then, I will add bandana,
socks and a camping shoes.
3. -I will put plenty foods and water so that if I am hungry in the
middle of hiking, I have foods to eat and I will stay hydrated
through out the day. I will also put safety items like whistle and
flashlights in case of emergency. I will also add general equipment
and hygiene items like shampoo, soap, hand sanitizer, toile paper,
etc. in my backpack. And lastly the first aid kit because accidents
can occur/happen anytime and it is good to be prepare in whatever
accidents that may occur during the hikin

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