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Marissa Aranas

April 23, 2022

Science Fair-Reflection

My kids really enjoyed doing a quick science. Their public school never showed or
taught them how to do one so it was something that we did together. Normally, the
science projects would have to include a lot of research and final writing composition,
but this was a good way for them to learn and for me to teach them. Using the
Powerpoint was easier this time around because of the past project.I was able to show
my girls how to put all the data on each slide and they caught on really quick. The only
problem I came across but figured out was how to organize the graph.

Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve
problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

This was a good way to learn how to put data on slides. As a teacher, this would be a
good way to present assignments and activities to students. As for families, I could see
using this for meetings, or even an open house meeting, I would include the things that
the students would be learning throughout the year. And if there was a conference
between administration and parents, this would be very useful to present professional
insight into a student’s productivity.

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