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Miguel Manrriguez


English 4

April 10, 2021


Ufo’s are unidentified flying objects that are seen across the world with many different

stories and accusations. Ufo’s are very mysterious unidentified flying objects that can be seen by

anyone if lucky enough. Ufo’s are unidentified flying saucers that soar through the night skies at

random times that we know little about. There has recently been spikes in UFO sightings and

experiences since 2020. Many people are worried as to why we keep seeing these mysterious

aircrafts. There are many famous sightings and stories that spread all across the world. The

government came out and said they were aware of the recent spike in Ufo sightings and said they

are investigating the recent spikes. One of the most famous and well known interactions

someone can have would be a crop circle made by a Ufo. Ufo’s are unidentified flying objects

that are seen across the world with many different stories and accusations and need to be

investigated to understand their intentions being on Earth.

George Adamski got famous for sharing his Ufo and alien evidence. George loved to

take photos but one night he took a photo of a Ufo without even trying. From that point on

George was obsessed with learning about these mysterious aircrafts. In the Cold War a Ufo

investigation team came out and stated his photos were fake, but George came right back at them

claiming he had actually interacted with said aliens. The investigation team wanted to shut down

his attempts to spread the Ufo and alien accusations but failed. As George became more known
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around the world for his evidence and stories he then began to be noticed by The Pope and the

Queen Of The Netherlands. When people heard about George meeting up with these well known

people it stirred up controversy about George giving them information about his experiences.

George got famous from public exposure from the Queen and Pope. George Adamski has

opened many peoples eyes about the topic and started many interesting conversations.


There have been a lot of spikes in Ufo sightings and experiences being reported as of

recent.In the year of 2020 there was a huge spike of over 1,000 documented sightings in the U.S.

Many people have came out and admitted to not everyone has reported their sightings ad

experiences. There has been a form released from the government that has tracked all of the

recent Ufo sightings and experiences by the states.After the discovery of the new map released

people began to ruhs to the map and see if their own sighting was on the map. With the release

of the map the Government and the military have stated that they have been investigating Ufos

since the Cold War.When people heard the news that they are being investigated and have been

investigated have sparked many interests in people to do the same. Since the release of the map

and information people have begun to investigate on their own and find their own evidence.


People are led to believe that crop circles are associated with Ufo’s. In 1996 a farmer

claimed to have seen a Ufo leave a swamp near their home. Crop circles happen when a Ufo is

claimed to have landed and it leaves a mark on the Earth below. Through the 80’s and 90’s the

reports of crop circles were at their peak. In 1996 the most complex and spectacular crop circles

were seen in England and have been reported countless times. The crop circle was so
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spectacular that people thought it was for the tourists but when the locals saw it everyone

reported it because it wasn't there last night. This event sparked many conversations about how

and what made this crop circle over night and to be done so perfectly. (

Crop circle controversy leads people to believe that they have been around since the

60’s.The earliest report was in 1966 and was to the police. The police started to get these reports

more often and started to document the reports because of how unusual they were. The peak of

Ufo and crop circles was in the 80’s til the 90’s. Many people believe this was the best time to

see anything spectacular because it was so common and reported often. In 1996 the most

controversial crop circle showed up on the side of a highway and drew locals towards the

amazing sight. When it was seen so many pictures were taken and reports were reported that

they had to send out many units to see what all the commotion was about. Since that crop circle

sighting many people started to do their own research and find more information about said crop

circles to find answers to their own questions and theories. (

In conclusion the research stated that Ufo’s have a lot of information on them but are still

unknown. If we don't continue researching these mysterious events we won't understand why

they are around Earth and the goal is to find out. George Adamski plays a vital role in the

exposure of Aliens, Crop circles, and Ufos; without him people wouldn't have come out and

stated their own experiences. 2020 was known as a bad year and many think its too coincidental

that 2020 had the biggest spike in sightings since the 80’s and 90’s. In between 1947-1969 was

the biggest spike in history with 12,000 sightings documented. Crop circles known as the

“Mowing Devil” have stirred up a lot of controversy on the topic. If Ufos are demonic, to fail to
identify them accurately may have consequences on both individual and social levels.-John


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Work cited

“UFO Stories.”, A&E Television Networks, 13 Feb. 2019, Byrne, Paul. “Argentine Alien Festival Soars at
UFO Sighting Site Hotspot.” AP NEWS, Associated Press, 16 Feb.

03 NOV 2021r. “UFO Sightings Taken Seriously by the U.S. Government Channel.”, A&E Television Networks,
03 Nov 2021 | Posted by, ray. “Spike in UFO Sightings across the Nation.”,

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