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Bethany Brundage

Averie Basch

English 1120

4 May 2022

Reflection #3

When writing my essay, I learned so much more than what I know before. I heard about

the Hong Kong Umbrella movement when I was in high school. I thought it was intriguing since

Hong Kong is not a part of China due to its different political beliefs. As a person who is from

China, I don’t agree with all the things China does as a country. When I heard about the whole

controversy about China trying to make Hong Kong communist, I thought that wasn’t right at all.

If Hong Kong wants to be separated from China, then let them do so instead of forcing China's

beliefs on Hong Kong. China and Hong Kong have a long history of political problems between

the two countries. Although the umbrella movement was successful in the end, there will always

be conflicts between the two countries. Hong Kong can never truly be independent of China if

China is persistent.

My MWA #3 talks about how music can have a huge impact on a lot of people who stand

in solidarity during the toughest times. The movement I talked about was the Hong Kong

Umbrella movement which sparks the negative and positive sides of the movement. They faced a

lot of hardships including buildings broken into, the air is full of smoke bombs, people have

gotten beaten up by the police, and trash is on every block. Those are the harsh realities they had

to face but what makes up for those negative aspects is the solidarity they created through music.

Music motivates people to come together to fight for their city of Hong Kong. Music like, “Do

You Hear the People Sing,” represents the long fight for democracy all over the world including
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Hong Kong’s fight for independence. The song “Hong Kong 2019,” recognized those people

who have been brutally injured under the injustice law system. The song “Glory to Hong Kong,”

by the author of the song; a local resident gives us an insight into how its citizens truly feel under

their own government. The song, “Below the Lion Rock,” helps remind protesters what they are

fighting for; freedom, independence, and spreading positive energy. As I acknowledge the

positive impact music has on many people, I can assume music can bring people to create

stronger solidarity.

I want to take this moment to acknowledge Hong Kong’s citizens for what they have

been through. They have faced many hardships throughout this movement and yet they are more

resilient each day. My heart goes out to all the people who were involved in the movements

protesting for what is right for their city. Hong Kong citizens are the true heroes for the next

generations. Although Hong Kong can never truly be independent of China, its citizens have

come out stronger when they face hardships.

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