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Pertemuan 4

Pengertian, Peran & Tanggung Jawab

Jurnalis / Reporter

Ada yang menyebutnya jurnalis ada juga yang

menyebutnya reporter. Hal ini bukanlah
journalist :
anyperson who is engagaed in gathering news for
public presentation or dissemination by the news
media, in turn defined as newspaper, magazine,
television and radio station, online news service r
any other regularly published news outlet used for
the public dissemination of news. By such a
definition, then, journalists workingfor established
online news outlet would be protected, but
independent folks such as bloggers would not
(Friend & Singer, 2015)

Acording Bill Kovach & Tom Rosenstiel the element of journalist :

1. Journalism's first obligatiob is to the truth

2. its firs loyality to citizen
3. its essence is a discipline of verofication
4. its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover
5. it must serve as an independent monitor of power
6. it must provide a forum for public criticism & compromise
7. it must strive to make the significant interesting & relevan
8. it must keep the news comprehensive and proportional
9. its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience.

(Friend & Singer, 2015)

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