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Experience the California Gold Rush

Directions: Strike it rich! Follow along with the class to see what happens on your journey West. All answers
need to be thoughtful and in color.

Phase 1: Plan your adventure to strike it rich!

Create an outline that shows your plans from getting rich in California.
1 Destination: jamestown
2. Means of Transportation: horse
-One Advantage to your transportation: don't have to walk
-One Disadvantage to your transportation: the horse could get tired or sick
3. Money to Spend: 50
4.List items AND cost you buy from General Store:
- Shovel 3 - Tent 8 - Clothes 1 $
- Water for 1 months 5 - Blanket 4 -100 feet of rope 1
- Axe 3 - Shoes 10 -month worth of food 20

Write a letter to your kin back home about how your journey is going.

Date 18 49

Dear jake
Hi cousin it been a good time so far but i think we might have gotten smallpox but its not that bad hopefully it
goes away but i had a fun trip exploring and stuff you should come one day if you can but i still got some
ways to go i hope i strike rich but it fine if i dont it worth the try. The

Love, peter

Phase 3: Strike it rich!

Write a journal entry that describe your experience in the California Gold Rush

Dear diary my tip hear was great until we got small pox or at least we thought it was it went away a couple
days later there were very beautiful sighting that some people not might beagle to see we did good of supplies
we didn't have to ration are food too much but all together i am happy but when we got there we got to work
and a several month went by and i did find gold so i got a new job hunting indians for 5 buck a indian so yeah

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