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Setting aspirations can provide a sense of direction for college students in their education and

careers. Aspirarions help define what students hope to achieve and allow them to identify the
steps to reach those goals. Understanding what aspirations are, why they're important and how
to set them can help college students create smarter, more achievable objectives before and
after graduation. As a FTU student, I also have some career aspirations in my life as any other
FTU students.
My first aspiration is achieving top grades to attract better job offers. Some employers look
more favorably at students who achieve the highest grades, determining that they might offer
greater value and knowledge to the company. Earning higher grades may establish my skill
and might present more internship opportunities forme in the future. Some of the most
prestigious companies only hire students who graduate at the top of their class to maximize
their talent pool and competitive advantage in the market.
Secondly, I really want to develop a strong professional network in FTU. Setting a goal to
develop a strong professional network can help me make important connections in my future
industry before graduation. These connections may provide me job opportunities or
recommendations for future job prospects. I hope that I can network with experts in the field,
learn about the best companies in the market, and learn more about industry standards and
trends. Networking is an important part of a career path because relationships can help
support career success.
My third aspirarion as a FTU student is find an internship in my desired industry. In my
university time, I want to seek a college internship to establish a clear career path in my
desired industry. An internship is an opportunity to learn about the industry by working for a
company for a specific period of time. Some internships may offer me payment, while many
are unpaid learning experiences. Setting a goal to gain an internship is a great way for me to
establish a career path and explore local companies.
And finally, just like any other students in Vietnam, I desire to work for a big and prestigious
company or organization. Working for an ideal company can provide greater career
satisfaction and might also help me feel more comfortable in an entry-level position.

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