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Name: Jonathan Portillo

Date: 03/19/2022
Artifact Description: Construct a 2-dimensional drawing of your current, or future classroom
using the Line Tool, Rectangle Tool, Polygon Tool, Text Too, and Fill Tools within the drawing
What you learned: Whilst doing this project, I had utilized the tools and tips from the last
project, which was the Truss Bridge, using the duplicate tool multiple times. I had to use a new
tool to create the arches for the door to show which it turns. I used the same tool again to
create the outline for the chairs. The tool was hard to use due to not being easily able to make
the half circle completely symmetrical. After some minutes, I was able to make them as
symmetrical as I can and duplicate them twenty times for each desk. I envisioned the
classrooms from my high school, so I put in a ceiling projector as well as the white boards since
its most common in most schools overall. The textboxes were a bit difficult to set into the desk
as I had to rotate them at a 270-degree angle as well as change the font to fit into the desk.
Overall, after take some time I was comfortable enough to envision my ideal classroom, with
more and more practice the next projects will surely look smoother.
ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS)•S Addressed:
1.6.b Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into
new creations.
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: The hurdles I faced during this project was utilizing
the half circle like tool as they weren’t user friendly compared to lines. Making any square like
shapes or preset set tools were easiest to use as they just needed to be resized to the correct
amount. I can see this being helpful to teachers who need to reorganized their class to adjust
for new students who transferred into their class. As well as, showing students how to make a
basic floorplan or understand a floor plan for a room and building. Teachers can ask their
student to make a floor plan of their rooms or a room in their house to utilize the same skills
and tools used here.

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