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Name: Jonathan Portillo

Date: 04/08/2022

Artifact Description: To create a spreadsheet using programs such as Microsoft Excel or Apple
Number’s to show data of a survey, stock numbers and nutritional data utilizing tools to show
graphs illustrated

What you learned: Doing this project was quite the ordeal for me as I had not used Excel or any
type of spreadsheet since my middle school days. Representing and inputting data was an easy
task, but trying to figure out how to make the data appear illustrated was hard. After doing some
research on how to present the data it was just simple in a matter of minutes, by highlighting data
I was able to formulate easy shortcuts to do the equations for me. I had some fun just doing
random data and seeing it easily calculate rather than putting it in manually by hand.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS)•S Addressed:

1.5.b Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them,
and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I can see this type of activity useful for both
students and teachers. It can be easily utilized for early age students to know how to transfer data
on to a spreadsheet if they did a survey. Any math class can use this to translate data for
efficiently and quickly and make students understand how the data looks illustrated on a graph.
A computer science class needs to teach these things as it is a very helpful throughout the school
year and even on a career level beyond school. I know for any aspiring teacher we must learn
how to use this for our gradebooks and as it allows us how to calculate what an assignment can
do for a grade.

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