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Name: Jonathan Portillo

Date: 04/01/2022

Artifact Description: To create a website “launchpad” using hyperlinks and images that provide
information to young students more easily using Word Documents or Apple Pages

What You Learned: Planning the idea of how to make a website like page was fun as I was able
to decide what I’d like to present would be something that involved history. Landing on the idea
of the 7 wonders of the ancient world was perfect with as well as adding a bonus of the modern
world. I downloaded a map the showed the countries of the 7 wonders and placed the image
behind the text and fitted it around the page. Having done that, I then downloaded 7 images of
the places and placed the images on top of the map by selecting the option to add the image in
front of the text. I then was then able to draw text boxes to show what the images were exactly.
By scouring google I was able to find URLs that showed descriptions of what the wonders were
and what happened to them. By right clicking on the images, I was given the option to add
hyperlinks to the image. I additionally added the modern 7 wonders that included a hyperlink
that sends them to a website that shows them the new ones with small descriptions.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS)•S Addressed:

1.6.d Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their
intended audiences.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This assignment would perfect for a final project
for younger kids moving on to the next grade. As you would explain to them the assignment
would be to make this launchpad to help the new incoming students coming in. They would be
able to add websites that helped them through the course and add small textboxes that explained
how it helped them throughout the school year. An innovative way as well could be presented if
you ask students to list places they would like to visit and make them find websites that showed
them what would be in store for them if they went.

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