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This thesis is devoted to the peculiarities of the translation of advertising

text. The world is constantly undergoing various changes affecting all aspects of
life. We see how the importance of advertising has grown these days, so the
importance of advertising texts is growing. The translation of an advertising text,
in contrast to the translation of fiction, in which the translator is obliged to convey
the artistic and aesthetic merits of the original, is somewhat different in form,
linguistic means, as well as a pronounced communicative orientation. In particular,
this is due to the translation in the advertising text of facts and events related to the
culture of a given people, various national customs and names of dishes, details of
clothing, etc. The topic of this work seems to be relevant, since with the
development of information technology, a rapid expansion of translation activities
of the linguistic direction began.

One of the main features of the translation of advertising texts is expressed

in the meaningful relationship between the original and the translation, as well as
in the transfer of the sociolinguistic aspects of the translated text. To achieve
adequacy, it is often necessary to adapt both the content of the text and its form,
which is often a compromise. Many features of translation are related to the
specifics of languages (English or Russian), i.e. the language into which (from
which) the translation is being carried out. For example, in the process of
translation, a negation can be replaced by an affirmation, which, in turn, also has
an inverse function; such purely technical techniques as tracing, compensation for
lexical losses, changing voice from active to passive and vice versa, as well as
transferring phraseological units to their semantic equivalents, etc. can be used.

The purpose of this work is to identify some problems associated with the
translation of advertising texts from English into Russian, and also to try to find
some ways to solve them.
The subject of the study was the texts of Russian and English advertising.
The choice of English advertising texts as a material is due to the huge role that
English-language media texts play in the global information space.

The research method is comparative, that is, English and Russian

advertising texts are compared.

The topic of this work (Features of the translation of advertising texts.) is

very relevant, because it is English-language advertising that occupies a leading
position in the global information flow, both in terms of volume and in terms of

From a functional point of view, advertising texts most fully combine the
implementation of two impact functions:

1) the function of the impact of the language, implemented with the help of the
entire arsenal of linguistic means of expression;

2) the function of mass communication, implemented using special media

technologies specific to a particular media, for example: the use of color in
printing, typography and visual design.

Advertising is ubiquitous, multifaceted, diverse. It is closely associated with

the media, which act as a carrier of specific advertising texts. At the same time, we
should not forget that advertising is not only mass, but also largely forced
communication: it is everywhere, regardless of our desire.

In Russian, the word "advertising" is used to refer to two different aspects of

the advertising process: advertising as a sphere of human activity and advertising
as a finished product, which is a multi-level advertising text embodied in the media
in various forms. In English, to distinguish between these two close, but different
concepts, two autonomous lexical units are conveniently used, formed from one
Latin word advertere, meaning turn around:
1) Advertising means "the industry that produces advertisements to be
shown on television, printed in newspapers, magazines, etc; "the activity of
advertising" (Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary); "the business of
encouraging people to buy goods by means of advertisements" (Longman
Dictionary of English Language and Culture);

2) Advertisement in the meaning "a public notice offering or asking for

goods, services, etc" (OALD); "something used for advertising things, such as a
notice on a wall or in a newspaper; or a short film shown on television" (LDELC).

The role of translation in the modern world

The 21st century poses new challenges in the information space of mankind.
Thanks to the mass media, the role of translation in the life of mankind is steadily
increasing. If earlier translation activity was considered only in connection with the
translation of fiction, today an increasingly important place - both in terms of
volume and social significance - has been occupied by translations of texts of a
special nature: informational, economic, legal, technical.

The practice of translation knows many cases when, when comparing the
translation with the original, something was “added”, and something was
“reduced” or changed. Today's realities force us to be more attentive to the
translation of advertising texts, especially from the point of view of their
psychological impact on the mass audience. Advertisement texts must contain
clear factual data; they must be exhaustively stated and therefore accurately
understood. When translating advertising texts, the translator must consider the
purpose of the text, the nature of the consumer, the linguistic qualities of the
original text, the cultural and individual possibilities of the language in the cultural
aspect of the consumer, and much more. Translation of advertising texts can be
defined as close to “adequate”. This type of translation is caused by its practical
necessity. This approach requires the translator to have good knowledge of the
subject referred to in the original, what the author of the advertising text wanted to
say, i.e. communicative intention of the advertising text. The translation of the
advertising text when changing the verbal form must be accurately conveyed in

In addition, to facilitate the perception of a foreign language, there are

pictorial pictograms, which can also be classified as advertising texts, since they
carry certain information with them. Pictograms can also be the subject of special
study, since they often visually complement the advertising text and often help
the translator find the necessary language tools.

To attract attention, advertising sometimes uses the text of a foreign

language. The use of words from another language violates the reader's
grammatical norms, which means that it attracts attention and becomes part of the
“visual design” along with color and image. But a foreign text can also cause a
breakdown in communication if the words are incomprehensible, in which case
the translator's task is to use all the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of
translation to transfer the communicative function of the original.

Each advertising text is addressed to a target audience. The target audience

of BMA is mainly international (Our subsidiaries in the United States, China,
Tunisia, Russia and Brazil, our business activities in more than 80 countries, and
employees from over 25 different nations are all clear evidence of the
international focus of our everyday work), with branches in more than 80
countries, it needs to attract even more potential customers.

Since this advertising portfolio is written in English, as the language of

international communication, the target audience of the company is wide.
However, when it is translated, the target audience narrows down to business
representatives of any country.

One of our main tasks is to identify the specifics of business advertising

texts from the point of view of translation, and for this it is necessary to follow
the linguistic features of BMA advertising materials.

Advertising texts

§ 1. The concept of "advertising text".

The concept of "advertising text" refers not only to the verbal range, but also
includes the totality of all extralinguistically significant components, such as
graphics, images, sounds, etc.

ADVERTISING TEXT is a communicative unit functioning in the field of

marketing communications for non-personal paid promotion of a product, service,
person or subject, idea, social value, which has a formal feature in the structure -
signaling the nature of information, mandatory under the law on advertising
(presentation), one or several brand components and/or promotional requisites and
characterized by equal importance of verbally and non-verbally expressed

Formal signs of advertising text

 Presentation (self-informing about its advertising nature)

 Advertising requisites
 Brand components (actual name, slogan, logo, trademark and
trademark, as well as a set of corporate identity elements)

Presentation is the first and obligatory formal sign of the advertising text.
This is a set of signals, markers, indications and signs that warn the consumer that
this text is advertising.

Forms and methods of presentation (presentation signals). A special

communicative orientation of the media (i.e. specialized advertising print and
electronic media);

Special characters, signals indicating advertising information in non-

advertising media:
1. advertising space, strips, modules in print media;
2. advertising programs in electronic media;
3. special headings, splash screens, indications "as advertising""
announcements of journalists announcing advertising blocks.

Specific carriers of advertising information are:

 Printed promotional products (prints) are distributed by mail, on the

street, at points of sale. These are leaflets, booklets, prospectuses,
brochures, etc.
 Outdoor advertising (boards, banners, signboards, etc.) and
advertising on transport.
The tasks of presentation signals:

 Notify the consumer of advertising advertising information about its

advertising nature;
 Create the most comfortable conditions for advertising
 Make the transition from non-advertising information to advertising
information as sparing as possible for advertising. So that it does not
annoy before it starts (do not switch).

Advertising requisites (the first optional feature) are reference information

placed in the advertising text in order to establish direct contact between the
consumer and the advertiser. They are needed in order for the consumer of
advertising information to become a consumer of products. The task of advertising
details is to make the person who received the advertising information a buyer.

Standard set of props:

1. advertiser's address;
2. coordinates of operational communication (telephone, fax)
3. virtual address (website, email)
4. special components (links to documents, licenses, certificates)

Props block extension models:

 Topographic (indication of a metro station, stop, area, famous landmark,

 Chronographic (working hours, lunch break, weekends, time zone
 Communicative (availability of an answering machine, full name of the
employee, name of the department and subdivision, licenses and

Requisites have the potential of indirect information. When compiling a

requisite block, it is necessary to pay attention to the modality (emotional and
evaluative meaning) of words. The amount of details depends on the type of
advertising and on the channel of information dissemination (in printed texts -
often briefly, in booklets and prospectuses - in detail, radio and television
advertising is short).

Quasi-requisites are references to newspaper and magazine materials. There

are no props in social advertising. Brand components (second optional item). A
brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of all of these,
designed to identify the goods/services of one seller or group of sellers, as well as
to distinguish goods/services from competitors' goods/services. Brand - (Ogilvie) -
the intangible sum of the properties of a product: its name, packaging and price, its
history, reputation and way of advertising. A brand is also a combination of the
impression that it makes on the consumer and the result of the experience of using

The purpose of branding: creating a brand image, an attractive, sensual atmosphere

around the product, disguised by a certain name-symbol (trademark).

The verbal component of the brand:

 the name of the advertised product (commercial name);
 tagline;
 branding of a commercial name.

Branding parameters:

 Basic idea;
 Sound image and its associative possibilities;
 Assortment capability (the product must have a name that will expand the
line in the future)
 Targeting (consistency with the capabilities of consumers).

Corporate style elements:

1. Logo;
2. Trademark;
3. Trademark.

Logo - a visual image of the verbal designation of a product / service, as

well as the name of firms, enterprises, projects (there is always a verbal

The emblem is a symbol belonging to the company (DOES NOT INCLUDE


A trademark is a means of individualization of manufactured products, the

right to which an enterprise has as a property complex. A trademark is a sign of a
manufacturer of goods/services and the owner of trademark rights.

Corporate identity is a set of color, graphic, verbal, topographic, design

permanent elements that provide visual and semantic unity of goods / services, all
information coming from the company, its internal and external design.

The main corporate identity constants are the trademark, the full name or
logo, as well as the corporate color and corporate font.
The communicative nature of the advertising text. Communicative types of
advertising texts. One of the essential features of an advertising text is its
communicative nature, which predetermines a special communicative structure.
Advertising is a special form of marketing communication.

Advertising text is intended for communication. That is, it is communicative

in nature. In the process of communication, we transmit and receive information in
two ways: verbal and non-verbal. The communicative nature of the advertising text
is also expressed in the fact that this text is essentially creolized, polysemiotic.

I.e. in a verbal text, there are two components: verbal and non-verbal, which
are equally important.

Advertising text = unity of word and image.

Consumer = buyer + benefit recipient.

Depending on the forms of advertising communication, there are 4 types of

advertising texts:

1. Verbal communicative type. The main tool is the word. The form of
communication is written. Communication channel: watching, reading. (It's
a written text!)
2. Verbal-visual. The meaning expressed in words is complemented by an
illustration (written text + image). Communication channel: visual.
3. Audio is verbal. The means of communication is the word, but not written,
but spoken. Communication channel: listening, speaking. (That's the
sounding text!) (audio ad).
4. Multimedia (all together). The written word + the spoken word + static
screensaver + moving video sequence. (I.e., this is a text transmitted by
sound and an image of statics and dynamics).

Advertising syntagma is a composition of elements characteristic of

advertising texts that reflects the content aspect of the advertising text.
Advertising syntagma:

 Subjects: main – advertiser, advertiser;

 Secondary: expert, beneficiary (consumer);
 Objects: product, service, image, idea;
 USP: the main argument in favor of the purchase.

Additional rational and emotional arguments. The essence of advertising

communication: the advertiser persuades the advertiser to buy a product or service,
i.e. become a consumer-buyer, or creates a favorable image through a system of

 Through USP
 Through argumentation (rational arguments)
 Through motivation (emotional arguments)
 D. Ogilvie.

USP is a property or quality that distinguishes this product from another.

(Introduced the concept of Rosser Reeves).

The essence of the concept is as follows:

The consumer needs to make a really concrete offer. Advertising should not
inflate the quality of the product and should not simply demonstrate it. It is
necessary to advertise the specific benefit of the consumer. The specific benefit
must be chosen so that it cannot be used by competitors.

The specific benefit must be very high in order to sell the product to a large
number of consumers.

Communicative-functional structure of the advertising text.

The advertising text, for the implementation of effective marketing

communication, is endowed with three potentials:
 Advertising message (performs an informational function)
 Advertising appeal (communicative function) segmentation of potential
consumers by verbal and non-verbal speech means. (What and how we

 Advertising message (suggestive function) (seduction or disgust) through

the impact on the sphere of the unconscious, the message is perceived
 An advertising message is information that has marketing value (what we
 Advertising appeal - segmentation of potential consumers by speech means
of verbal and non-verbal form (how / to whom we speak)
 Advertising message - seduction or disgust through the impact on the
sphere of the unconscious. The message is always perceived individually.
Different people can read different messages from the same text.

Messages are more often formed by non-verbal signs (illustration, font,

color, intonation).

Compositional structure of the advertising text.

Heading complex: heading, heading, above heading, subheading.

The main advertising text (ORT, corpus and its components: beginning (first
paragraph), basic information, ending.

Echo phrase (code).




Header complex.
Title (Ozhegov's dictionary) - the same as the title, the name of any work
(literary, musical, etc.), or its individual parts.

Advertising headline (Kh. Kaftandzhiev) is the most important verbal part of

advertising. Usually it expresses the main advertising appeal (appeal) and the main
advertising argument.

The most important header functions are:

 attract attention;
 arouse interest (so much so that the consumer wants to read the main text);
 identify the buyer (target group, i.e. show the potential of the appeal);
 identify the product/service, i.e. show the potential of the message;
 sell a product/service;
 According to research, about 80% of people read only headlines. That is
why it is believed that the title should reflect the essence of the text.

The most important header requirements are:

 possible brevity;
 high information content;
 accessibility for understanding;
 ease of perception;
 call to the target audience (incitement to action);
 lexical and stylistic compliance with the characteristics of the target

How to combine all this? And can it all be combined?

On the one hand, you need to include a lot of information, and on the other
hand, you need to present the material in an accessible, concise and interesting

How is this contradiction resolved in practice?

Options for resolving the contradiction: facilitate the work of the title by
giving some of its illustration functions, i.e. make the verbal and non-verbal parts
of the text complementary.

Sometimes in this case, the main advertising text may be absent altogether.

Surround the header with helpers, i.e. use header elements. It could be:

 rubric (heading of a section in a newspaper/magazine, section, subsection,

 above the heading (a phrase located above the heading, explaining and
supplementing it);
 subheading (a phrase located under the heading, explaining and
supplementing it).

Header examples:



Brand Showcase

Super Statement

# With precision to the second. Beeline

Identification and/or problem solving

# We don't know what you'll be wearing years from now, but if you have Indesit,
we know exactly how you'll wash it.


# In the bag

Transformed idiom

# You can't forbid living in a beautiful place.

Paradox, oxymoron

# When you buy a new Toyota, it has already covered thousands of miles.


# Killer services (mosquito killers)


command or request

# Fly in - cheaper

Types of headings (according to Yu. Bernadskaya):

Headings can be grouped into two groups:

 direct action
 indirect action

Direct action headings are informative. This is their advantage. Usually this
is a message about a novelty, a statement or a promise, a command, a request. We
immediately understand what is at stake.

The disadvantage of direct-action titles is that they are not always

captivating and the reader may not be interested.

But any headline can be made captivating and enticing. Indirect headlines
are less informative because they are built on provocation, ambiguity.

Disadvantage: not immediately understanding what is at stake, the reader

may not read the advertising text.

The danger of using indirect headings: if they are done ineptly,

thoughtlessly, they can easily become blind headings or vampire headings.

The title of the advertising text should not be: blind, i.e. one that does not
give a clear idea of the content of the advertisement; misleading readers, i.e.
# The safety of deposits is guaranteed by silver (about the refrigerator)

A. Repiev on headlines:

The title is an advertisement for an advertisement. What is designed to

attract attention to advertising is called the first level signal: headline and

If there is no illustration in the advertisement, then the headline does the

main job of attracting attention. Headless ads and blind or vampire headlines are a
waste of money.

In the media, the title of the advertising text must compete with the titles of
non-advertising materials.

The same text for different media and ts.a. needs different headers.

Echo phrase. According to Kh. Kaftandzhiev, this is the last verbal part of
advertising, the second most important element of the advertising text, since along
with the title, it is read in most texts.

Echo phrase - the end of a verbal text, repeating or interpreting the most
important information.

Echo functions:

 Repeat verbatim or in meaning the main idea of the advertising text;

 Give a complete look to all advertising.
Practiced ways to complete the advertising text:
 Logo
 Logo + commercial name
 Logo + commercial name + slogan
 An expression coined specifically for this promotional text (echo phrase)
 Logo + commercial name + slogan + phrase
 The headline and echo phrase are often referred to as hit phrases.
Main advertising text (ORT). The main function of ORT is to convince of
the expediency of the action to which it calls (for example, buy, vote).

ORT structure:

 Beginning (first paragraph)

 Corpus (central (inner) paragraphs)
 Ending (penultimate, last paragraphs)
 Beginning (first paragraph)

The main task of the first paragraph is intermediate, i.e. link the title and
illustration, if any, with what will be in the main text.

This paragraph develops one of the functions of the title: to arouse interest in
the product, to make you read further.

What not to do in the beginning:

 Repeat title word for word;

 Try to explain the title in more detail;
 It is necessary: to introduce new significant, and preferably the most
important information;
 Center or inner paragraphs;
 This is the traditional place for argumentation and motivation.

Rubric structure is often used. The heading formulates an argument or

motive, the paragraph is the proof of this thesis.

Functions: to form confidence in the product; convince you to buy it.

Ending. The penultimate and last paragraph are highlighted. The penultimate
one, as a rule, explains what needs to be done in order to use the service or
purchase the product. The latter is designed to produce such an impact on the
consumer, as a result of which he decides to act, i.e. purchase goods.
What determines the length of the main advertising text:

 The object of advertising (product, service, idea, image ...), the number of
selling moments and the tasks of the advertising company (introductory,
reminding advertising, etc.).
 Advertising media or method of its distribution (shield, banner, TV - short
texts, magazine, etc. - long).

C.a. Different groups of potential buyers should talk differently about the
same product.

Advertising budget. The price of the item itself. It is believed that the more
expensive the product, the longer the text.

The exception is prestigious goods - these are luxury goods, the possession
of which indicates a high status.

A. Repyev's recommendations for writing advertising texts: study the

maximum information about the product, identify all the selling points; the more
you talk about the product, the better. Maximum facts. Minimum words.

Tagline. There are two opposite points of view on the role of the slogan in
advertising and its obligation in the advertising text.

The BMA portfolio has a typical advertising text structure and includes the
following elements:

1. The slogan expressing the main idea of the advertising text: Passion
for Progress.
2. Headline that interests the consumer: Every question deserves an
answer. Every project deserves BMA.
3. The main advertising text containing the main arguments in favor of
the services provided by the company, for example: As part of a
concept study, we will prepare mass and heat balances, and visualize
the process in a block diagram or simple process flow chart.
§ 2. Classification of advertising texts

There are many ways to classify advertising texts, among which three are the
most traditional, based on the following criteria:

- advertised object;
- the target audience;
- Media advertising medium.

The classification of advertising texts according to the object of advertising

is based on the systematization of various groups of advertised items, such as
cosmetics, clothing, cars, etc., which makes it possible to designate the conceptual
structure of modern advertising. This classification also allows you to answer such
important questions as: what is most often the subject of advertising; to what
extent the choice of advertised goods and services is universal; to what extent is
the conceptual range of advertised items culturally specific? All these questions are
extremely important for the correct translation of foreign-language advertising

Thematic analysis of advertising shows that the most frequently advertised

products include cosmetics and perfumes, food and medicines, household
appliances, clothing, cars. We can say that this conceptual set is universal for the
advertising market of any country. At the same time, despite the general process of
globalization of the advertising market, the thematic structure of advertising is
culturally specific: the content of advertising in each individual country is
characterized by a number of noticeable differences that reflect the peculiarities of
social development in this particular cultural and linguistic area.

In Russia, the majority of advertisers are foreign companies. And many have
the problem of translating a long original phrase and adapting it in Russian. The
reason for this is obviously in the typological differences between Russian and
English. As you know, English is an analytical language. Russian is synthetic. This
means that the meaning of a phrase, which in English is expressed through changes
in the formal characteristics of words, is conveyed in Russian through a
combination of the meanings of several words. When translating English-language
advertising texts, in some cases, Russian translators do not translate the text, but
give its “semantic equivalent”. For example:

Maybe she's born with it,

Maybe it's Maybelline
Все в восторге от тебя,
А ты - от “Мэйбеллин”

The text of the advertising campaign for whiskey "Johnny Walker" - taste
life in English in literal translation sounded like “попробуй жизнь на вкус”, it
was translated into Russian as “Живи, чтобы было, что вспомнить”. This is a
typical example of the pragmatic adaptation of the text.

The advertising text tries to convey the properties of the advertised product
both with the help of images and with the help of language, for example: the style
of advertising for expensive perfumes is usually refined and expressive:'M' is for
moments you'll never forget?

For days marvelous with flowers and laughter.

For nights magical with means and old promises.
`M' Fragrances by Henry C. Miner.
It's Magic;

The style of car advertising tends to recreate the impression of speed and

Its sleek, sporty styling shows a careful attention to aerodynamics. Low-

slanting hood. Sharp high-tipped rear end. Air-clam front spoiler. And a wedge
shape that slices air cleanly—all of which adds up to better fuel economy.

And the style of advertising such a well-known product as Earl Gray tea is to
create a special atmosphere of exquisite comfort:
Earl Grey Tea
Reminiscent of the warm nature
Scents of a far-away summer evening
With a tantalizing taste and delicately
Scented in a secret way described by
A Chinese mandarin many years ago.
Much to the satisfaction of its many
Admirers Twinings share the secret.
At is most refreshing served
Straight with only a sliver of lemon.

In this regard, there are advertising texts that include elements of an

interjection, onomatopoeic nature:

Lemonade "Merinda": Merinda - a - a - a ....

Sheweppes: Sh - sh - sh - sh - sh - weppes

M - m - m - m “Danone”

Also, advertising texts are divided depending on the focus on a specific

audience: teenagers, young women, business people, etc. The orientation of the
advertising text to the target audience is closely interconnected with the object of
advertising (advertising aimed at young wealthy women is mainly focused on
expensive cosmetics, perfumes, fashionable clothes) and affects the language and
style of the advertising text. For example:

Inside this jar you'll find a radiantly glowing skin,

naturally-blushed cheeks, wondrous eyes and color-kissed
lips. Suddenly your skin has a radiant sun-kissed glow.


The infinite, endless, limitless possibilities of lips and

nails. With Evette. Loads of colors for luscious lips.
Nearly as many for mails.
Such a huge choice - and such a small coast.
Means you can afford to try them all.
Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic.
Experiment, but still economize.
Be bold and be beautiful - but don't break the bank.
That's a special mouth and fingertip. From Evette
Evette. That's the beauty of Woolworth.

This is not only the beauty of your face, but also health!





The results are astonishing even among experts.

The next way to systematize advertising texts is classification by advertising

media. Here advertising is divided into print (in newspapers and magazines),
television, radio and Internet advertising. This classification allows you to focus
on, in fact, the media properties of the advertising text, naturally reflecting those of
its features that are due to the special characteristics of a particular media. Thus,
television advertising is, first of all, a catchy video or a vivid visual image,
accompanied by minimal verbal text, often reduced to a brief advertising slogan or
echo phrase such as Change the script (English version of Pepsi advertising), or
Don't give a runny nose. lead yourself by the nose! The slogan should be as simple
as possible.

In the Russian-speaking environment, those untranslatable slogans most

often successfully exist that contain words from the minimum vocabulary of
foreign words of an ordinary high school student. This factor is largely due to the
successful introduction in the Russian market of such foreign-language
untranslatable slogans as: Sports firm Nike - Just do it. Company Sony - It's a
Sony. Company Panasonic - …from Panasonic. Advertising company of vodka
Absolut - Absolut Moscow, Absolut autumn, Absolut spring.

The existence of a foreign-language advertising slogan in the Russian-

speaking environment in the original language also has the right to exist.
Advertising translation practitioners say that English slogans in a Russian-speaking
environment require certain conditions. The first condition obliges the target
audience of the campaign to speak English. Secondly, the presence of the English
text in the slogan is justified, as it emphasizes its foreign origin - the "importation"
of the advertised product. The third condition is that the slogan must be extremely
concise in order to be well perceived and remembered by the consumer.

2. Advertising expressive means

Advertising uses a rich range of expressive means at all language levels to

achieve an intense concentrated impact on a person. Allegory, metaphor,
comparison, parallelism, various types of repetitions, alliteration, concentration of
imperative forms of the verb and connotative adjectives - all this is widely
represented in advertising texts. The semantic and communicative task of the
advertising text is a call to action, which leads to the predominant use of the verb
in comparison with other parts of speech. The verb is the only part of speech that
has the form of the imperative - Drink Cola, Buy popcorn. Verbs make up about
50% of the words in the advertising text.

The most significant features of the advertising text at the morphosyntactic

level include such as the frequent use of imperative forms of the verb, which
greatly enhances the dynamism of the advertising message, for example: English -
see, buy, fly; Russian - звони, заходи, покупай.

In fact, the vast majority of advertising texts are metaphors.

§ 1. Translation and verb combinations

A special place in advertising texts is occupied by the translation of verb

If we consider English-language advertising, then verb combinations like

"Buy this", "Discover that", "Try some today", "Don't forget", "Treat yourself" are
very common there. They are found in all parts of the advertising text - in the
headline, the main advertising text and the echo phrase, for example:

1) header:

Share the excitement (Nissan)

Discover gold (Benson and Hedges)

2) main text:

Align yourself with 85,000 people in over 130 countries, all of which
are armed with the knowledge you need to move ahead and stay there.
(Earnest & Young)

Gain a broad perspective on leading your organization in a dynamic

and highly competitive global market. Understand the impact of
social, cultural, political, and economic issues on your business.
Develop the capability to orchestrate, lead and manage organizational
change. Create strategies to prepare your organization for the
challenges of the twenty-first century. (Darden Graduate School of
Business Administration)

3) echo phrase:

Manage your risk. (MS Insurance)

Find out more by visiting our web-site.

A study of English advertising texts shows that the most frequently used
verbs in the imperative include the following: Buy, try, ask, get, see, call, feel,
taste, watch, smell, find, listen, drive, let, look, drink, do, discover, start, enjoy.
Here are some examples:

Buy the car. Own the road. (Pontiac Grand Am)

Drive the new Paseo. Fall in love. Your future awaits down the road.
(Toyota Paseo)

Give your lips a double infusion of color. (Estee Louder).

An analysis of Russian advertising texts shows approximately the same

number of imperative verbs, that is, here the ratio of verbs is equal.

Translators of English advertising pay attention to the special nature of the

use of personal and possessive pronouns in advertising texts. The convincing tone
of an advertising message (which is also typical for Russian advertising texts) is
often based on the consistent use of the following communicative model: "We,
our" - to designate the advertiser, "you, your" - to address a potential buyer and
"they, their" to refer to possible competitors, for example:

Whenever you wish to make more than just a small move, include the West
LB in your plans. We appreciate global thinking and, as one of Europe's leading
banks, we have both goals - with you. Established as a German wholesale bank, we
offer you all services from one source, made to measure reliable and if you like,

(Bank advertisement)

Call right now and you will receive this watch with a 10% discount! This
offer is just for you. Come and see yourself.

In both languages, 2nd person personal and possessive pronouns are often
used, as they reinforce the advertising message, for example:

Your own car. Your own phone. Your own place. Your dad's insurance?

(Nationwide Insurance)
Your friends will want to look at it. You won't even want to take if off to
shower. Years later, babies will want to touch its light. Little girls will ask to try it
on. And long after everything has changed, you'll look down at it and realize
noting has.

(De Beers Diamond Engagement Ring)

Your seven-year-old asks you to play a game with her. Your feel bad it if
you say no. You feel worse if you say "yes" and have to play a boring kids' game
for an hour. Avoid this dilemma. Play Parker Brothers. It's a very amazing game.
There's enough skill involved to keep you interested, and even excited. And there's
enough luck to give your kids a real change to beat your fair and square.

(Parker Brothers game for children)

Beeline is your choice!

“We will save you 1 million rubles!”

“Call and you will save 1 million rubles!”

Thus, in English advertising there are a number of verb combinations, personal and
possessive pronouns, which are quite common in the text. These examples are
relevant in the interpretation of the entire message and its extralinguistic reality.

§ 2. Translation of attributive phrases and comparisons

Attributive phrases play an important role in the syntagmatic pattern of both

Russian and English advertising texts. Since one of the most important components
of the advertising text is the description of the advertised product or service,
attributive combinations, which include adverbs and adjectives, carry a large
functional load. Some researchers even call adverbs and adjectives the keywords of
the advertising text and pay special attention to them.

Studies of some advertising texts lead to the conclusion that adverbs and
adjectives are the keywords of the advertising text.
Advertising is full of words: "more", "cheaper", "better", "more profitable",
"most", "the only", "unique", "super", "super". All of these words are signals that
the advertised brand is being explicitly or implicitly compared to other brands in
the same product category. However, in Russian advertising text, full-fledged
comparisons, when it is clear which object is being compared with which others
and which parameters are considered, are rare in advertising. For example, an
advertisement for Dosya washing powder with some other washing powder or
Dobryi juice with some other foreign juices. In this case, as a rule, only the illusion
of a real comparison is created. At the same time, it is adjectives and adverbs that
help create that unique tone of an advertising appeal, which allows you to convey
the qualities and advantages of the advertised item. When translating into another
language, this circumstance must be considered:

"Seasons change, Spring gives way to Summer and the mood becomes
lighter and more sensuous. So, it is with the Rennie Mackintosh Collection - a
beautifully crafted range of Gold or Sterling Silver Jewellery. Each peace has been
designed to balance timeless elegance with tasteful modernity. All intended to
reflect your every mood and created to uniquely compliment you."

(advertisement for Rennie Mackintosh jewelry)

"We'll Prove Oil of Olay's New Moisturizer Can Smooth Out Wrinkles in 2
Weeks. Our New Anti-Wrinkle Cream Can Be Efficient in Just 14 Days. Scientific
Tests Show This Cream Contains Vitamin E, Ceramides, and Pro-Retinol, thanks
to its formula makes the skin firm and helps to smooth out wrinkles.

We'll prove you can look younger."

(Advertisement for Oil of Olay cream)

In the process of translating advertising texts, adjectives and adverbs are

used to describe the most diverse properties of the advertised product: shape, size,
quality, cost, sensations that this product evokes. The most common adjectives in
English advertising are: natural, sensual, innocent, passionate, romantic,
mysterious, etc. In Russian - new, novelty, first, revolutionary, difficult, unusual,
unlike ordinary ones, etc.

Just like in Russian advertising, the most commonly used adjectives in

English advertising are: good, better, best, free, fresh, delicious, full sure, clean,
wonderful, special, fine, big, great, real, easy, bright, extra, rich, gold.

Often there are adjectives indicating the authenticity of the trademark -

genuine, authentic and original. But, perhaps, the adjective new is the record
holder for the frequency of use in English advertising - it can be found in almost
every second advertising text, for example:

 New LAST OUT extra extending mascara with a new advanced protein
 An astonishing new way to streamline the curve: Estee Lauder invents
 The new truth for sensitive skin: Estee Lauder invents Verite;
 Striking new color arrangements captured in color transparencies;
 Spring whispers. But the message is clear. Lancome.

Special mention in this chapter deserve comparisons, which are widely

presented in the advertising text. According to the researchers, logically incorrect
comparisons are superficial manifestations of one deep phenomenon -
manipulations with the comparison class and comparison parameters. The lack of
real distinctive characteristics of the product, which favorably distinguishes it from
competing products, forces advertisers and translators to look for special rhetorical
devices. These techniques make it possible to actualize in the mind of the
addressee such a comparison class and such comparison parameters, against which
the advertised brand looks the most advantageous.

Competing brands, which constitute a natural comparison class, are simply

ignored. Advertising, which creates an artificial class of comparison, actualizes in
the mind of a potential buyer only the compared objects and temporarily, as it
were, “erases” from memory the brands that are true competitors of the advertised
product. This is the strength of such techniques, and when translating an
advertising text, it is usually considered.

Indicative in this regard is a television commercial about how a peasant sold

a cow in the market, which did not give milk at all. To the question: "How much
milk does a cow give?" he gave an honest answer: "Yes, we have not seen milk
yet." Naturally, no one bought the cow. He volunteered to help one person who
knows a lot about "advertising". To the same question, he found a different answer:
"You will not milk it in a day: your hand will get tired." He lied and told the truth
at the same time. He told the truth, because this phrase can be understood in the
same way as the owner's answer: no matter how much you milk, you will not milk.
And at the same time, he lied, because he deliberately constructed the phrase in
such a way that it can be understood in another sense: a cow gives so much milk
that even for the whole day you cannot milk everything. This is one of the typical
methods of language manipulation - the use of ambiguity of a phrase. The "buyers"
did not see the catch here and decided that the proposed cow is a very profitable

At the same time, the language itself is arranged in such a way that it enables
a person to describe reality in different ways. And a person uses this opportunity
even in everyday life. The same language devices in some cases serve to skillfully
mislead with their help, and in others - to soften the categorical nature of an
unpleasant message or simply to make the message more expressive, to give it
expression. For example, a statement that someone was late to a meeting could be
softened by replacing the word "late" with the word "delayed". The game of
ambiguity, used as a manipulative technique in the sale of a cow, underlies many
amusing and quite "harmless" advertising puns, for example:

Good housewives love Losk. (This phrase of the television commercial,

perceived by ear, is ambiguous: housewives love the washing powder "Gloss" or
cleanliness - gloss.).
Purity - Pure Tide

Dry skin - happy baby

Clay Moment - Appreciate the Moment

Drink Bravo. Citizens of Russia have Bravo for rest and Bravo for work.

The power of the language, the power of the word - this is what is worthy of
both admiration and fear, and considering the peculiarities in the process of its
translation. It seems strange to forbid advertisers what a normal person uses in
everyday life and what we usually admire in the speeches of famous speakers.
However, in advertising about buying, about spending money, about the principles
of fair competition, there should still be certain restrictions. Restrictions should not
concern specific linguistic devices, but how they are used. Translators need to be
able to analyze linguistic techniques, since they serve as a tool for manipulative

Translators quite often use language manipulation techniques, sometimes

intuitively, sometimes quite consciously. A person can resist this kind of influence
by realizing what the manipulative technique used by the advertiser is. Sometimes
advertising messages of competitors, synchronously using similar techniques,
mutually weaken each other. A certain technique becomes so popular in
advertising that it gradually devalues and becomes an advertising cliché.
Nevertheless, the manipulative possibilities of the language in general and the
Russian language in particular are extremely rich.

With regard to English-language advertising, it should be noted that in

recent years, compilers of English advertising have become less and less free to
choose attractive advertising images and language means of expression. Therefore,
adjectives with excellent evaluative connotations like magic and miraculous are
less and less common in English advertisements. Restrictive measures have also
been taken regarding certain aspects of the use of female images in advertising.
Everything that goes beyond "political correctness" and looks like a clear
manifestation of disrespect for a woman - sexism, male chauvinism - and so on
may serve as a basis for legal prosecution of the creators of advertising.

In Russia, advertisers may be freer to use advertising images, because the

legislation is more loyal to advertising. And therefore, it leaves ample
opportunities for translation.

Thus, we can conclude that adjectives and adverbs help to create a certain
tone of the advertising message, which allows you to convey the qualities and
dignity of the advertised item. Also, when creating an advertising message, and in
this case, translation and adaptation, it is necessary to highlight the method of
comparison. The comparison should be extremely correct both in relation to
competitors and to the law on advertising.

§ 3. Harmonious combination of an advertising idea with means of expression.

The hallmark of successful advertising is the harmonious combination of the

main advertising idea with those expressive means that most correspond to this
idea and give the text a special energy, enhancing its cumulative figurative and
linguistic impact on the mass audience.

The use of the associative properties of the sound form of the word helps to
create a certain image, for example, the repetition of whistling sounds is associated
with a soft, sliding movement, as in the following fragment from an advertising
text about a Rolls Royce car:

A unique automatic air-conditioning system maintaining any temperature

you desire at two levels of the interior: a sophisticated rack-and-pinion system
turns the humble steering wheel into a thing of ease and precision; a self-leveling
suspension system lets you forgive and forget the rudest of uneven roads.

Russian advertising drink Schweppes - Sh-sh-sh-weppes

Creating the desired advertising image with the help of phono imitation or
onomatopoeia is also present in the following English advertising fragment, which
tells about the delights of a relaxing holiday on Lake Ontario:

The dip and pull and ripple of the paddle, the whistle whirring of the reel,
the echo of the loon.

Таким образом, приведенные примеры показывают, что отличительным

признаком удачной рекламы является гармоничное соединение основной
рекламной идеи с теми средствами выразительности, которые данной идее
наиболее соответствуют. Это выражается в нахождении той единственно
верной тональности рекламного обращения, которое выделяет его среди
остальных. Для передачи такого явления от переводчика потребуется
хорошее воображение и образность языка.

Особенности перевода

Lexical features. Even the best machinery and plants cannot be exploited
to their full potential without perfectly tuned control systems and process
automation. This is where BMA Automation steps in, with its blend of
engineering knowhow that is unique in the industry (Даже лучшие машины и
заводы не могут полностью реализовывать потенциал без превосходно
настроенных систем управления и автоматики процессов. Именно здесь
на помощь приходит автоматизированная система БМА, сочетающая в
себе технические ноу-хау, уникальные в данной области), several features
can be identified. Firstly, there is a positive vocabulary here that evokes
positive emotions and disposition to the service – “the best” (лучший).
Secondly, the emphasized negative construction and adjective “unique”
emphasizes the uniqueness of the service. In the text you can find idioms that
are used for a positive image of the company: at full speed (на полной
скорости), in safe hands (в надежных руках), around the globe (по всему
миру), to speak for themselves (говорят сами за себя), to take into account
(брать во внимание). For emotional coloring, stylistic devices have been
added, for example, epithets passionate (с большим энтузиазмом), superior
(превосходные), perfect (идеальные), efficient (эффективно) и
олицетворение all components of your plant will work together (исправная и
слаженная работа всех составных звеньев Вашего завода).

Grammatical features. The presented portfolio contains verbs that show

that the consumer's problems can be solved with the help of the services offered
by the company: Together with you, we can develop perfect solutions for your
projects, assisting you from the first concept until the final bolt is in place and
sugar production is running at full speed (Работая вместе от первого
наброска Вашей идеи до последнего закрепленного на нашем
оборудовании винтика и начала осуществления задуманного Вами
масштабного сахарного производства, мы сможем разработать
идеальные решения для Ваших проектов). BMA develops, manufactures
and installs all machinery and equipment for the core processes in sugar
production: from extraction and evaporation to crystallization and drying –
you will find exactly what you need for each process step in our range of
products (БМА разрабатывает, изготавливает и устанавливает все виды
машинных установок и оборудования, необходимых для осуществления
основных процессов производства сахара: от экстракции и выпаривания
до кристаллизации и сушки. В нашем ассортименте Вы найдете именно
то, что необходимо для осуществления каждого конкретного
технологического этапа).

The superlative degree of the adjective is used to characterize an

advertising product: even the best machinery and plants (даже самое лучшее
оборудование и заводы), the best way of meeting them (наилучший способ
выполнения), the best possible and most efficient manner (успешно и
максимально быстро).
Articles can also play a special role. For example, in the slogan BMA –
Passion for Progress (БМА – стремление к прогрессу), as with many other
advertising slogans, there is no article.

To create the feeling of a friendly conversation between the producer and

the consumer, the author of the text uses the pronouns “we” and “you”:

You may also be interested to know that we always prepare supplier-

neutral balances and plans (Вас также может заинтересовать то, что
мы осуществляем проектирование с расчетом на то, что Вы всегда
можете обратиться к альтернативному поставщику для получения
определенных услуг или покупки отдельного оборудования). In addition,
there is a “let us” expression in the sentences, where the consumer is invited to
do something together: let us discuss your precise requirements and the best
way of meeting them (мы обсудим с Вами все Ваши требования и
наилучшие способы их выполнения).

Syntactic features. Brevity is one of the main features of advertising, thus

the headline Every question deserves an answer. Every project deserves BMA
(Каждый вопрос заслуживает ответа. Каждый проект заслуживает
БМА) consists of simple sentences. Also here you can see lexical repetition,
and specifically anaphora. In this case, anaphora is used to create rhythm and
enhance the emotional component of the text.

As in other formal business style texts, most of the sentences are built in
direct word order, and short sentences and rational use of linguistic means are
also characteristic here.

Стилистические особенности. Помимо того, что данный текст –

рекламный, хоть реклама здесь и неявная, он также может считаться
деловым, потому что он содержит в себе жесткое регулирование
требований к языку (нейтральный тон, лаконичность и ясность). Он
информативен и содержит полные сведения о компании, ее услугах, о
преимуществах перед другими и о том, что получит потребитель, если
обратится к ней.

First of all, the translator is faced with the question of how to correctly
translate the name of the company into Russian. To avoid confusion, the
original name in English is often left. If for some reason the translator cannot
do this, then the name is transcribed or transliterated. In our case, if you leave
the original name (BMA), the reader may have doubts in which language it is
written: in Russian or in English. Therefore, it is preferable to use the
transliteration technique - BMA. It is important to remember that company
names written as abbreviations are not enclosed in quotation marks.

After analyzing the translations of BMA advertising materials into

Russian, we noted the use of various translation transformations. Translation
transformation is an interlingual transformation, with the help of which the
elements of the source text are rebuilt to obtain an adequate translation. To list
them, we use the classification of V.N. Komissarov:
Lexical transformations

Every question deserves answer. Каждый вопрос заслуживает


Every project deserves BMA. ответа. Каждый проект

заслуживает БМА.


BMA means engineering… Компания БМА предлагает Вам

инженерные услуги….

This is where BMA Automation steps На этом этапе в дело вступает

in… наша автоматизированная


Grammatical transformations


You may need a new process step, or Чтобы вы могли продолжать

an upgrade of your plant’s current решать новые проблемы
automation system, to ensure you can наилучшим способом и наиболее
continue to meet new challenges in эффективно, вам может
the best possible and most efficient потребоваться разработка
manner. новых этапов технологического
процесса и модернизация
нынешней системы
автоматизации вашего завода.

Grammar substitution:

Understanding a process means Понимание производственных и


safety in everyday actions and технологических процессов


responses whenever anything is обеспечит безопасное проведение


going to plan. работ на Вашем предприятии и

поможет Вашим сотрудникам

быстро среагировать при

возникновении непредвиденных


Combining offers:

Every project, however small it mayЛюбой даже самый мелкий проект

be, starts with a full consultation.начинается с подробной
Because at the outset, there will notконсультации, поскольку вначале не
always be a clearly outlined task, butвсегда есть четко поставленная
simply a challenge that needs to beзадача, но имеется проблема,
addressed. которую необходимо решить.

Division of proposals:

Although we will generally deliver Однако случается так, что поставка


products around the globe, оборудования влечет за собой


dimensions can in many cases present определенные логистические


logistical challenge трудности.

Complex transformations

Antonymic translation:

Even after the construction of a plantДаже по окончании

is finished, we consider our work farстроительства завода мы не
from complete. считаем нашу работу полностью

This is where you can benefit from Именно в таких ситуациях вы и


full range of experience and expertise. можете позаимствовать наш

богатый опыт.


We have, in fact, often helped Компания ВМА на протяжении вот


advance the state of technology in уже многих десятилетий вносит


industry. свой вклад в развитие и

совершенствование технологий

вобласти сахарной


In the process of translation, translation losses are often allowed, this

happens both consciously and unconsciously. The translator makes a conscious
loss when he wants to follow the conventional norm of translation, or to make
his translation more understandable for the reader. This is how the translator
performs the translation task, while following his own model of translation.
Those losses that are made unconsciously are translation errors.

We noted translation inaccuracies in the analyzed works and

systematized them in accordance with the classification of N.K. Garbovsky. It
was found that most errors occur at the stage of re-expression of the system of
meanings (mistakes that are made due to insufficient knowledge of the target
language). Below we give examples of some errors and offer our own options
for eliminating them.:

BMA means engineering made in Компания БМА предлагает Вам

Germany. Every BMA site makes its own инженерные услуги стандарта

contribution, yet each site is different. «изготовлено в Германии».

A semantic error, since in fact there is no standard with such a name, it

would be more successful to use the semantic development technique and
translate as «в соответствии с немецкими стандартами качества».

Whether you require assistance with Если Вы доверяете проектирование

plant design, traditional mechanical Вашего завода, автоматизацию

engineering, process automation or технологических процессов и

post-installation service – with BMA, последующее обслуживание

your project is in safe hands right from установленного оборудования

the start. компании БМА – Вы доверяете Ваш

проект в надежные руки.

Speech mistake «Вы доверяете Ваш проект в надежные руки» and a

syntax mistake, a heap of pronouns, some of which could be omitted: «Если
Вы доверяете проектирование завода, автоматизацию технологических
процессов и последующее обслуживание установленного оборудования
компании БМА – Ваш проект в надежных руках».

Products and solutions for the sugar Разработки и решения для сахарной
industry. промышленности
It would be better to use the method of adding: «…в области сахарной

And we are truly passionate about Мы всегда стремимся к развитию

developing progressive solutions for our прогрессивных решений для наших

customers around the globe. клиентов по всему миру.

«..к развитию прогрессивных решений» – speech mistake, tautology:

«Мы всегда стремимся к разработке прогрессивных решений…».

In conclusion, we can conclude that the advertising text is one of the

ways to promote goods or services on the market in order to attract potential
customers. We found that it has its own special structure: slogan, title, main text;
at the end, advertising details are usually left to contact the company. For
successful advertising, lexical means are carefully selected: the vocabulary that
shows the positive aspects of the product, especially its uniqueness, must be
present, and stylistic devices are used for emotional coloring. From the point of
view of grammar, the use of one or another grammatical construction, the form of
the verb, the presence of articles, and so on, is of interest. As for the syntax, the
main properties of the advertising text are brevity, repetition, direct word order;
Also, advertising text is often written in simple sentences. Stylistically, the
advertising text should contain complete and clear information about the
company and its services with a neutral tone.

When translating advertising texts of a company, it is necessary to

consider the peculiarities of translation of both advertising and business texts.
Most of these texts can be successfully translated using translation
transformations. In our text, lexical (transliteration and transcription - used to
translate company names; tracing, concretization, generalization), grammatical
(permutation, segmentation of a sentence, combination of sentences, grammatical
replacement) and complex (antonymic translation, compensation, additions)
transformations were identified.

It should be noted that both conscious translation losses can be allowed

in order to make the translation more understandable to the reader, as well as
unconscious translation errors that distort the meaning of the original text.
Basically, translation errors are made at all levels of the language due to
insufficient knowledge of the target language and insufficient experience of the
translator in the field in which he works.

In this thesis, some features of the translation of advertising texts were


As a result of the work done, I came to the following conclusions:

1) The advertising text includes a number of extralinguistic components and

will be adequately perceived if they are harmoniously combined. The translator
must consider that, neglecting these components, it will not be possible to translate
the advertising text with the greatest efficiency.

2) The choice of one or another method or method of translation depends on

many factors. This is the nature of the translated text, and the audience of the
consumer of advertising products, and the peculiarities of the translator's
psychology, his commitment to a certain literary tradition. It all depends on each
specific case.

3) In advertising texts, allegory, metaphor, comparison, parallelism, various

types of repetitions, the concentration of imperative forms of the verb, etc. are
widely used. And if the translator is able to harmoniously combine the main
advertising idea with the named means of expression corresponding to it, then this
will be correct to the law on advertising, and to competitors advertising.

The task of the translator is to use all the knowledge of the theoretical
foundations of translation to transfer the communicative function of the original, as
this is a necessary condition for the adequacy of the translation.

It follows from the above that the advertising text, due to its specificity,
should never be translated verbatim, since in this case it may lose the meaning and
strength of its impact. It is necessary to consider the ethical, psychological and
personal characteristics of the audience and the consumer, the specifics and culture
of the country for which this text is intended.
For many advertising practitioners, the text of a foreign language serves only
as a means for understanding the idea of the advertised product, while the text
itself is often rewritten in the language of the consumer's country, considering its
national specifics. But if an exact translation is undesirable, the translator can use
phrases that are approximate in meaning, which must necessarily consider
traditional ethnic, national and social characteristics, stereotypes of behavior of a
particular audience, to which the products indicated in the advertising text are

If the audience for which the text of the advertised product is intended is
diverse, then translators use exclusively common vocabulary that is understandable
to every native speaker and is widely used in everyday communication. If the
target audience is homogeneous, then translators do not use words in the
advertising text that have certain restrictions in use. They carefully select the words
included in the advertising text for their stylistic fit with the chosen topic, product
and audience. In the same case, when an advertising campaign is focused on a
narrow, homogeneous audience that has its own social or professional
metalanguage, then the use of slang words and professionalism by the translator is
not only not prohibited, but also welcomed.

The process of translation is creative, and the process of translation of

advertising is doubly so. But translators should not get too carried away and forget
that: “the reader is interested in himself. In advertising, for example, he is not
interested in the product or the company that created it, but in solving its problems.
A real advertiser understands this, and a pseudo-advertiser is convinced that
advertising is a field for his “self-expression”. Agree, the quoted Dale Carnegie is
right, as always.

1) Barkhudarov L. S. Levels of the language hierarchy and translation. -

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2) Barkhudarov L. S. Language and translation. - M.: International relations, 1975.

3) Kaftandzhiev H. Texts of printed advertising. - M.: 1995.

4) Komissarov V.N. A word about translation. - M.: International relations, 1973.

5) Pirogova Yu.K., Parshin P.B. Advertising text, semiotics and linguistics. - M.:
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List of used dictionaries

1) Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. / Ed. Yartseva V.N. - M.: Soviet

Encyclopedia, 1990.

2) Russian language. Encyclopedia. Soviet encyclopedia. M.: 1979.

3) Muller V.K. English-Russian dictionary. - M.: Russian language, 1985.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. - Oxford University press, 1994.

4) Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. - Oxford University

press, 1997.

5) Bobrov V.B. English-Russian Dictionary of Advertising and Marketing. - M.


6) Ivanova K.A. English-Russian Dictionary of Advertising and PR. - St.

Petersburg: Polytechnic, 1998

7) Chagan, N. G. Advertising in the socio-cultural space: tradition and modernity //

Marketing in Russia and abroad. M., 2000. No. 2.

8) A. Lilova. Introduction to the general theory of translation. M., 1985. S. 231.

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