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Name: Nandini Tiwari

Date: 12/Dec’21
The project is based on the trips made by Uber drivers. Here, we are
analyzing different aspects of the trips by doing Exploratory Data Analysis.

 Comment: Loaded all the necessary libraries and imported and loaded the dataset as
 Comment: Shown the last 10 records of the dataset using the tail function.
 Comment: Shown the first 10 records of the dataset using the head function.

 Comment: Shown the dimension of the dataset using shape function.

 Comment: Used the size function for showing the total number of elements in the

 Comment: Used the info function for information of all variables.

Total number of columns are 7.
Datatype is float and object.
There are no null variables.
 Comment: Used the isnull function for checking missing values and used values.any for
Boolean value.

 Comment: Used the isnull fuction and values.sum for checking the total missing values
present in the entire dataset.
 Comment: Used the describe function for showing the summary of the original dataset.

 Comment: Used the dropna() function for dropping the missing values from the dataset
and stored it in df.
 Checked for the missing values by using the isnull() function and values.any for Boolean
 Comment: Checked the information on the dataframe df by using info() function.

 Comment: Took all the START locations using df[‘START*’] and stored it in
unique_starting _point.
Created a set for the unique_starting_point and stored it in uni_S
Displayed uni_S
 Comment: Used the len function for finding the total number of unique start
locations in the dataset.
 Comment: Used the len function for finding the total number of unique stop
locations in the dataset.

 Comment: Used the original dataframe and checked for START locations equal to
San Fracisco.
 Comment: Took all the starting point in the dataset
Counted the starting points using the value_counts() function
Sorted Values in the descending order as we have find the most popular
Done the reset of indexing and finally found the max value using the iloc
 Comment: Took all the dropping point in the dataset
Counted the dropping points using the value_counts() function
Sorted Values in the descending order as we have find the most popular
Done the reset of indexing and finally found the max value using the iloc
 Comment:
Take all the starting & Stopping point in the dataset and find their size.
Rename 0 as Count.
Sorted Values in the descending order as we have find the most popular
Find the max value using the iloc function.

 Comment: Use print for displaying all types of purposes in the dataset.
 Comment: plotted the Distance vs Purpose graph using plot.
 Comment: Displayed the Purpose and the total distance travelled by using the
groupby function.
 Comment: Taken the count for each category using the value_counts function.
Plotted the graph using plot function.
 Comment: Taken sum for both the category business and personal and then used the
iloc function for taking out the percentage.
Print the actual results.

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