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The first table shall consist of frequencies corresponding to the number of times
that each stimulus is judged more favorable than the other. The cell centric
corresponds to the frequency with which the column stimulus is judged more
favorable than the row stimulus. The schematic representation for the F-Matrix
having the frequency with which the column stimulus is judged more favorable
than the row stimulus is prescribed here:

Stimuli Column
1 2 3 . i . N
1 f11 f21 f31 . fi1 . fn1
Row 2 f12 f22 f32 . fi2 . fn2
3 f13 f22 f33 . fi3 . fn3
. . . . . . . .
J f1j f2j f3j . fij . Fnj
. . . . . . . .
n f1n f2n f3n . fin . Fnn

Thus the cell entry f13 means the frequency with which stimulus 1 was judged
more favourable than stimulus 3. In general, fij means the frequency with which
the ith stimulus is judged more favourable than jth stimulus.

If N be the total number of respondents doing the judging, then although we don

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