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Maintaining Classroom Relations and Personal Behavior:

18. Describe how you will bring an off task student back on task.

I will call them by name and ask them to correct their behavior. If it continues but is not

distributive I will let them continue and hold them after class. If it is distributive I will give 2

warnings then issue a consequence.

19. Describe how students will know what is an appropriate noise level for the classroom.

If it is so loud students cannot hear me then they are too loud. I will give verbal cues as to when

they are too loud.

20. Describe how you will signal the need for hands, or if ever, when it is acceptable to just

call out.

It will be a default to just call out any questions the student has as I may not always be looking at

them to notice a raised hand. I will signal the need for hands by starting my question with ‘raise

your hands if…’.

21. Describe how you will indicate support for appropriate student behavior.

I will verbally ask.

22. Describe how you will discourage inappropriate student behavior.

I will have strict consequences for disruptive behaviors such as point reduction and classroom


23. Describe your order of indirect or direct intervention of behavior strategies.

My only form of indirect intervention will be walking next to the student during my lecture.

After that I will call the behavior out and involve them in the lesson somehow.

24. Describe how you will signal the need for attention from the class and a distracted

I will simply say I need everyone to refocus or walk around the room so I am next to the

distracted student so they cannot ignore.

25. Describe how you will react when 2 errant behaviors are occurring simultaneously at

opposite ends of the classroom

I will call both behaviors out if they are distributive. If not then I will let it continue as it is only

affecting them and they are old enough to know they are in charge of their education.

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