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When the Going Gets Tough:

26. Describe your patterns of escalating consequences.

The student will get one warning. Then they will either have a point deduction or be removed

from the class.

27. Describe how you will deal with disrespectful/ inappropriate comments from students.

The student will get one warning. Then they will be removed from the class and reported to the

school depending on the severity of the comment.

28. Describe how you will react to comments that are sexist, racist, or that stereotype

people in inappropriate/ disrespectful ways.

I will immediately correct the comment and have the student removed from the classroom and

report them to the college. There will be a no tolerance policy for these behaviors.

29. Describe how you will react to serious and dangerous behaviors.

I will try to deescalate the situation, alert security of the threat, and follow any procedures the

college may have in place.

30. Identify one person you can go to for support.

I can go to the department head

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