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Lobbyists Help Ex-Soviets Woo Washington Part 1

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2. Minister of energy, architect of gas deals between Russia & Ukraine 1. Powerful member of Russia's cabinet, close ally of Vladimir Putin,
investigated by US DoJ for ties to alleged mafia client. uses Washington public-relations consultant.
3. Adviser to Dole's presidential campaign, advised Ukrainian billionaire 2. Alfa paid Barbour Griffith & Rogers -- lobbying firm co-founded by
& ally of Ukrainian PM Yanukovich Mississippi Gov. Hal __________ $2 million lobbying fees.
8. Semyon: charged with racketeering, figure in separate Justice 4. Caribbean firm that paid Mr. Boyko's lobbyist also had a stake in the
Department probes of ________ deals between Russia & Ukraine gas deals, according to corporate records
12. Leonid under US fed investigation for laundering money & battling w/ 5. Ukraine-born Russian whom the FBI says is one of Russia's most
Moscow Alfa for control of Russian ______ empire powerful organized-crime figures
14. Prosecutors are investigating whether there are ties between the 6. UK shell company, had no assets or employees, paid Barbour Griffith
attorney who set up Foruper & ______ Mr. Sessions's client. $820,000
7. Bob Dole was handsomely compensated for getting a U.S. visa for
controversial Russian aluminum magnate Oleg _____________
9. Foruper was established by an attorney who structured the ________
gas deals being investigated by the US DoJ
10. Favors closer ties w/ Putin's admin. & is in a power struggle w/ pro-
Western Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko
11. Mr. Boyko is a key player in controversial energy deals involving
Ukrainian businessman Dimytro ___________
13. For $560,000, Bob Dole, helped Russian billionaire accused of
bribery obtain a ______ to visit the U.S

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