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1. Who argued on Collectivism?

2. Who communal property receives little cares, whereas property that is owned by an
individual will receive the greatest care and therefore be most productive?
Aristotle/Plato/Karl Marks/Adam Smith
3. How many types of democracy are there? 1/2/3/4
4. Which types of democracy practiced over the large part of world?
5. How many types of totalitarianism are there? 1/2/4/5
6. Example of theocratic totalitarianism is – Iraq/Saudi Arabia/UAE/Iran
7. Find out odd one - China/North Korea/Cuba/Zimbabwe
8. Government is giving up ownership of business is known as –
9. Normally which types of economic system you will find Market/Closed/Pure/Mixed
10. based on tradition, precedence and custom based on codes.- Common
law,Civil law/Civil law, common Law/Monarchy Common Law/None
11. Find out an odd. Japan/Russia/Germany/UK
12. Theocratic Law based on. Custom/Tradition/Culture/Religion
13. refers to legal history of a country Custom/Precedent/Tradition/None
14. refers to cases that have come before the court Custom/Precedent/Tradition/None
15. refers to the way law applied in specific situation
16.How can property rights violated? Private Action/Public Action/None/Both
17. Refers to theft, piracy, blackmail, and the like by private individuals or groups.
Public Action/Private Action/Govt.Action/None.
18. The exclusive legal right of authors, composers, playwrights, artists & publishers to
publish and is present their work is? Patent/Trademark/Copyrights/Registration
19. A grants the inventor of a new product or process exclusive rights.
20. a document that specifies the condition under which exchange is occur in details
Agreement/Registration/Contract/Commercial Paper
21. In how many dimension political system accessed? 4/3/6/2
22. Socialist who believe in democracy are known as Communist/Theocratic/Social
23. Origin of democracy found at- Rome/India/China/Greece
24. System that stress on societal goal is-
25. Judges have more flexibility in Civil law/Contract law/Theocratic Law/Common Law
1. known as abstract idea about what a group believes to be good, right and desirable? -
2. known as social rules and guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior in certain
3. is the way people is expected to behave and its violation is not very serious matter in
society -Culture/Norms/Values/Folkways
4. Find out odd – Latin American/Arabic/African/North European
5. & most visible in culture. – Symbol, Ritual/Ritual, Sign/Sign, Symbol/
6. are central to functioning of society and its social life and its have much greater
significance than folkways. Code/Rituals/Norms/Mores
7. Find out odd - Religion/Language/Education/Lifestyle
8. is an association of two or more individuals who have shared sense of identity and
interact with each other in structured ways on the basis of common set of expectation
about each other’s behavior. – Family/Group/Team/Crowd.
9. Find out odd – Saudi Arabia/USA/UAE/Kuwait
10. One value of Japanese culture is importance to - Group
membership/Individualgoal/Job Satisfaction/None
11. is closed system is social stratification.-
12. is less rigid- Division/Class/Group/Caste
13.How many dimensions of culture relates to workplace that Hofstede Studied – 7/4/6/5
14. focused on how a society deals with people are unequal in physical and intellectual
capabilities.- Masculinity Vs Femininity/Long term Vs Short Term/ Uncertainty
Avoidance/Power Distance
15. dimension looked the relationship between gender and work role - Masculinity
VsFemininity/Long term Vs Short Term/ Uncertainty Avoidance/Power Distance
16. dimension refers to the extent which culture programs its citizens to accept delayed
gratification of their material, social and emotional needs.- Masculinity Vs
Femininity/Long term Vs Short Term/ Uncertainty Avoidance/Power Distance
17. dimension measured the extent which difference cultures socialized their members
into accepting ambiguous situations and tolerating un assured situation. Masculinity Vs
Femininity/Long term Vs Short Term/ Uncertainty Avoidance/Power Distance
18. dimension focused on the relationship between the individual and his or her fellows-
Masculinity Vs Femininity/Individualism Vs Collectivism/ Uncertainty
19. and important engines of cultural change.- Economic
20. Social Structure of society has dimension on which they can differ- 2/4/3/1
21.Culture includes – Art/Law/Belief/All
22. is/are central components of culture- Values/Norms/Both/None
23.Culture is/are - Static/Fixed/Constant/Evolving
24.Languages have how many dimensions? 1/2/3/4
25.Find out odd.- Japan/China/Korea/USA
26. refers to the extent to which individuals can move out of the strata into which they
are born. – Social Mobility/Social Movement/Social Succession/None
27. Social Stratification base on Principles – 3/4/5/6
28. Social Stratification is trait of - Society/Group/Culture/Nation
29. is most spoken language is world –
30. Find out odd. Japan/India/UK/Sweden
1. Which ethical behavior is important for a society to emphasize strong personal ethics? –
Personal Ethics/Business Ethics/Social Ethics/Societal Ethics.
2. Which term refers to the value and norms that are shared among employee of an
organization- Organization Culture/Business Culture/Group Culture/Business Culture
3. Find out odd – Corruption/The Moral Obligation/Human Rights/Ethical Dilemma
4. Nike had faces difficult situations regarding employment practices in which country –
5. Which multinational company has terminated its long term supplier Tan family?-
Diesel/Levi’s Jeans/Lee Jeans/Pepe Jeans
6. Process of evaluating and choosing among alternatives in a manner consistent with ethical
principle is decision making.-Ethical/Behavioral/True/Right
7. is a situation when resources when a resource held in common by all but owned by no
one is overused by individuals, resulting in its degradation.- Tragedy of World
Separated/Tragedy of Global Separated/Tragedy of Local Commons/Tragedy of Global
8. is made to speed up routine government action from the convention- Fast Money/Slow
Money/Speed Money/Rapid Money
9. With power comes the social responsibility for multinationals to give something back to the
Societies that enable them to prosper and grow refers as – CSR/CSW/BSR/TSR
10. Find out odd- Organization Culture/Leadership/Societal Culture/Business Ethics
11. To make sure that business behaves in an ethical manner, a number of firm now have .
- Behavior Officer/Ethics Officer/Organization Officer/Legal Officer.
12. The merging of historically distinct and separate markets in to one huge global market place
is known as globalization of -Market/Place/Product/Area
13. Globalization of refers to the sourcing of goods & services from locations around the
globe to take advantage of national differences in cost and quality.-
14. is responsible for policing world trading system. – WTO/GATT/Both/None
15. occurs when a firm invests resources in business activities outside its home country-
16. Find out odd- Microprocessor/Telecommunication/Internet/MNC
17. How many steps in ethical decision making. – 2/5/3/4
18. Which strategy, or course of action, that does not violate these accepted ethical principles-
19. is a French term that refers to honorable and benevolent behavior considered the
responsibility of people of high birth- Noblesse oblige/Noblesse Person/Noblesse
Man/Noblesse Society
20. replaced by in 1995. – WTO,GATT/GATT,WTO/IMF,WTO/IBRD,WTO
1. is a systematic & summary record of a country’s economic & financial transactions
with the rest of the world over period of time – Balance of Trade/Balance of
Account/Balance of Payment/Balance of Business.
2. Find out odd- Current Account/Capital Account/Trade Account/Official Reserve Account
3. includes all transactions which give rise to or use up national income- Current
Account/Capital Account/Unilateral Payments Account/Official Reserve Account
4. Current account transaction includes – Invisible Import/Invisible Export/Merchandise
5. Gift and private remittance will be considered in- Current Account/Capital
Account/Unilateral Payments Account/Official Reserve Account
6. International trade on large scale has become phenomenon of 20th century especially
after- 1st World War/1929 Great Inflation/2nd World War/1970
7. Find out odd.- Market Research/Product Planning & Development/Customer
Satisfaction/Trade Barrier
8. Find out odd- Physical obstacle to Commerce/Obstacle to Mobility of
Capital/Currency Difference/Goodwill Creation
9. is gap which foreign capital doesn’t fulfill- Saving Gap/Trade Gap/Technological
Gap/Business Gap
10. exchange rate under which rate of currency is fixed against other currency.-
11. WTO established after discussion.- Uruguay Round/Paris Round/Doha
Round/Tokyo Round
12. accepted in Uruguay round. – Dunkel Draft/Arthur Draft/Ivan Draft/RichardDraft
13. is not included in Uruguay round.- GATS/TRIPs/TRIMs/Agriculture
14. GATS covers- Cross Border Supply/Consumption Abroad/Movement of
15. provides financial & technical assistance to developing countries for development
program- IMF/WTO/World Bank/GATT
16. lends to governments of middle income and creditworthy low income countries.-
17. provides interest free loans and grants to poorest nation- IBRD/IDA/IFC/MIGA
18. focused exclusively on private sector financing- IBRD/IDA/IFC/MIGA
19. How many institutes are in World Bank group?- 4/3/5/6
20. is account unit of IMF- SDR/SPR/SCR/STR
21. & are considered as Bretton Woods’s twins- IMF,WTO/IMF,WTO/WTO,World
Bank/IMF, World Bank
22. lends money only to member countries with balance of payments problem.- World
23. quota based institution- World Bank/IFC/IMF/WTO
24. Find out odd.- USD/Euro/Japanese Yen/French Frank
25. Which is lowest level of integration.- Free Trade Area/Custom Union/Political
Union/Economic Union
26. NAFTA is example of- Free Trade Area/Custom Union/Political Union/Economic
27. Restriction on movement of factor of production is removed in - Free Trade
Area/Custom Union/Common Market/None
28. has common currency- Free Trade Area/Custom Union/Political Union/Economic
29. is economic union – EU/NAFTA/MERCOSUR/USA
30. NAFTA includes – USA/Canada/Mexico/All
31. European community established after – Treaty of Rome/Treaty of Lisbon/Treaty of
Brussels /Treaty of Maastricht
32. Euro established after – Treaty of Rome/Treaty of Lisbon/Treaty of Brussels /Treaty
of Maastricht
33. Countries using Euro collectively known as – Euro area/Euro market/Euro zone/Euro
34. SAARC established when Charter was formally adopted.-
35. Find out odd- Indonesia/India/Nepal/Maldives
36. Find out odd- Malaysia/Philippines/Singapore/Bangladesh
37. ASEAN established under Charter.- Java/Kuala lumpur/Singapore/Bangkok
38. trade theory holding that countries wealth measured by holding of treasure.-
Mercantilism/Theory of Absolute Advantage/Theory of Comparative
Advantage/Heckscher-Ohlin Theory
39. trade theory suggests that it makes sense for country to specialize in production of
those goods that is produced most efficiently -Mercantilism/Theory of Absolute
Advantage/Theory of Comparative Advantage/Heckscher-Ohlin Theory
40. Foreign exchange market is open for hours.- 12/18/8/24

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