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I solemnly swear …

If you know the end of this phrase then you won’t be surprised learning ( surprised to learn?) my number
one celebrity. She might really be capable of magic since almost every person in the world is under
charms of her books. She made people read and reread the story of ‘the boy who survived’ and even
inspired many of them to study English just to feel the power of language the books were written in.
And I’m not the exception.

Haven’t you understood already who I’m talking about? I bet you have – this is J.K. Rowling, the mother
of Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Not only did she create it but made it full of live (full of life?); the
story fans overcome troubles and celebrate victories, fall in love and get over losses together with the

I doubt that J.K.R. would believe in such popularity if anyone told her about it (maybe better to use third
conditional?) while she was writing about Harry Potter and his friends in a nearby café without money,
without support and without publishing agreement. Her experience encourages me to go forward, to
fulfill my potential even if no one except me believes in my dreams. She is for sure a person to follow
and to emulate strategies of success.


To my mind, that’s a great article! It is entertaining, fun to read, and I really like it. Good job!

Register is appropriate for the magazine’s article. It is a bit informal, which is relevant.

The author came up with the catchy heading, and I think it is brilliant. In my opinion, the first paragraph
is fantastic, especially the fact that the author used parallelism and a play on words (“capable of magic”
and “under charms of”). Also I like rhetorical questions.

I highlighted cool grammar and vocabulary with green, and some mistakes with red.

Maybe it would be better to add more information on the last question about a role model (because
there are in fact only two last sentences wich answer the questions from the task).

Anyway, absolutely spectacular article.

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