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Gyroscopic Plane Dynamics

The B Field
Most commonly known as the magnetic field, the B field has unique and fractalized
geometry. Each pole of a magnet consists of high velocity and rapid pressure fluctuations. By
means of shape, the torus and donut perfectly resembles each magnet and its spatial
component. Upon the creation of a permanent B field within iron or neodymium boron, the
stagnant etheric fluid is instantaneously spun up in a coherent manner, accelerates towards
overunity and maintains consistent asymmetric pressure zones thus stabilizing the life of the
field. Given the extremely low viscosity of the ether’s fluid, the electric, pressured impulse
forming a permanent magnet becomes entrained to reach overunity velocity. Granted, said
velocity produces the extreme low pressure needed to self-feed akin to the nature of black

The first image on left is a magnet underneath a ferrocell showing a 2D side view of the
torus geometry in one plane of etheric radial angular rotation. Next follows a vortex in water.
One can see the parallel between both the center and rightmost image. Lastly, the magnet
reveals its axial form of rotation and produces a spirograph-like pattern.

Naturally, a geometry akin to an egg is formed around the core of the field, as the
etheric and electric double helix rotates about both radial and axial planes within the localized
context of the B field. When B fields align in their rotations, either counterclockwise or clockwise,
the axial rotations share a common center and the radial rotations converge. Every magnet
accelerates because of the B field stored within. Just as the wind moves from high to low
pressure, each magnet accelerates towards the path of least resistance within the fluid of the
Loadstone is known commonly for being the ultimate historic rock of magnetism. The B
field is subsequently emitted from the surface and contour of the Earth just as with loadstone.
Indicatively, the persistive strength of the B field is confined to the edges of each B-field-bearing
object as expressed by the coanda effect and in accordance with fluid dynamics. As airflow
curves around the surface of a bowl, so too does the ether bend around the edges of every
So then, why do the magnetic components take shape with such geometry? Due to the
continual suction of the low pressure located at the relative center of the magnet. This zone of
pressure forms itself to be a rotating vortex similar to a drain in a bathtub. Since the ether is
ever present across the world similar to the atmosphere, there is no gravitational gradient
expressed upon the ether itself. Therefore, the vortex is formed dually, that is, in the shape of an
hourglass. Now that this geometry has formed within the ether the torus naturally arises. The
donut acts as the “leftover” geometry first absorbing the radial discharge of the priming vortex
and then converging back onto the localized low pressure at center only in a perpendicular

different plane. These two geometries go hand in hand as long as there is no gravitational
pressure gradient (i.e. vertical pressure zones).
Overunity velocity is achieved at relatively high rotational frequency. In layman’s terms,
there is a point whereby any fluid speeds up to form an extremely low pressure. This pressure
feeds overunity as the power input to maintain tangential rotation becomes significantly less
then the perpendicular suction produced. As surmised by the torque equation (T= rf), the
perpendicular force, “f”, increases to infinity as the radius, “r”, approaches zero given that
tangential torque is greater than null. In the fluid of the ether, the tangential torque produced
from a magnet allows for the centrifugal and centripetal forces to approach infinity as the radius
gathers itself unto zero point. Once overunity velocity is achieved, the magnet becomes
permanent lasting several placid lifetimes. Analogously, the magnets’ fuel is the extreme low
pressure at center, the B fields’ camshaft is the leftover toroidal radial component and the
ignition is the stark impulse from the electric current in the creation of said magnet. Idle is
indefinite overunity as the fuel source never runs dry. This explains why magnets can accelerate
over and over again ad infinitum.
The volume of the B field is in direct correlation to its strength. As the radius increases,
the field strength becomes weaker as the eddies of toroidal current must travel a greater curved
linear distance back unto center. Thus, the overall centrifugal and centripetal forces are
lessened, granted the greater radius. On the contrary, as the radius of the field decreases, the
perpendicular pressures significantly increase. B fields directly rely on volume and obtain more
strength given smaller radii.
Opposing B fields form bubbles or buyant pockets within the ether. When the ether is not
stagnant and is fighting itself, there arises the opposite of accelerative inertia that is spatial
movement surrounding a bubble of “space”. Imagine an air bubble in the depths of a pool. The
pressure difference between the inside of the bubble and outside of the bubble is analogous to
the pressure variations of opposing magnets and counterotating etheric radial and axial torques.
As the vectors in each rotational plane cancel eachother out and approach zero velocity, space
is formed. In the radial toroidal plane, the counter rotating fields diverge and terminate their
pressures in perpendicular planes while the counter rotating vortices create a 3D zone of space
rather than joining forces and accelerating towards one another. The deconstructive interference
of rotating eddies collapse the inertia field (the ether) leaving behind the magnetically “buyant”
bubble. As the geometries clash, etheric cavitation is formed.
The Larmor Frequency directly relates to the B field and is the rate of precession of a
proton in the presence of an external magnetic field. By the process of reverse engineering, it is
deduced that the acceleration produced by a magnetic field is in direct correspondence with the
rate of precession. For example, the faster the rate of precession, the stronger the field and vice
versa. The precession of the Larmor Frequency is the equivalent to the toroidal circulation
rotational frequency value labeled “w” within the B field.


Sound holds the key to understanding the universe. Each frequency, unique by its own
means, holds immeasurable power given the appropriate geometry to match the resonance of
said frequency. Additionally, each individual note not only emits a single waveform, it also spans
the spectrum of all frequencies via the natural production of sideband frequencies. Per example,
the octaves that remain above the base note are harmonically fabricated within the ether.
Despite the presupposition that sound identifies locally within a predetermined range, the
contrary of the expanse of all frequencies are actively available and manifested instantaneously
upon the impulse of any frequency. Sound is technically light and light is otavely sound. Given
the electromagnetic nature of light, sound, via the right hand rule, deductively produces
electromagnetic phenomena. In a grand sense, sound, magnetism, electricity and gravity can be
simplistically related and understood. Cymatics is the visual comprehension of such expressions
of the ether. Standing waves formed upon a metal plate were first resonated and discovered via
a violin bow. Various standing wave patterns emerge based on the physical dimensions of the

Above are examples of cymatic expressions.

Granted, if the plate were smaller, then a different harmonic frequency spectrum would
manifest itself. Noticeably, as the frequency induced into said plate raises, the distance between
nodal lines decreases. This implies that the atomic level modulates its precessional frequencies
at near light modulations.

Volume decreases on account of raised frequencies and is clearly displayed upon every
Chladni plate. As the radius between nodes decreases, the perpendicular wave angular
momentum increases. Deterministically, electromotive capacitance increases with a subsequent
decrease in radii within the standing waveforms.
Sound is the primal and fundamental basis of understanding the nature of frequency.
Cymatics can be expressed via audible resonance, magnetic configuration and electrical
stimulation. Cymatic patterns formed via sound are both mimicked by magnetism and electricity.
Atomically speaking, the various hydrogen wave functions conjure 3D cymatic geometries thus

revealing the profound link between resultant plate sound patterns and volumetric expressions
of electron shells surrounding common nuclei.
Cymatics fundamentally reveal more than the eye initially perceives. Each imaged
impression carries wonderful mystery and uniqueness within its boundaries. Unequivocally, AC
3D standing waves are foundational to enlightening one unto the power of cymatics. As
imagined, the ether manifests reflective properties despite its extremely low viscosity. Therefore,
even the slightest resonance of waveforms creates standing waves and thus cymatic formation
within the fluidic expanse. At first glance, cymatics seem to arbitrarily present themselves as
mere nodal patterns, yet those seemingly simplistic patterns are somehow predetermined both
by the surface area of the plate and the select frequency. Universally speaking, all transmission
of frequency finds unique geometry and produces fractals of such.

AC Right-Hand Rule

As current, magnetism and force are always found to be naturally orthogonal towards
one another and expressed in all three cartesian planes, it follows that the entire world operates
on such a founded principle. In all practices of waveforms found in nature, each expression is
emitted in its alternating fashion. By any modern term, Alternating Current (AC) is known and
From a bird’s song, to the rush of a waterfall, all sound, despite its unfathomable array of
timbres, presents itself as alternating pressure within the air and ether. The back and forth
motion of such is found in the heartbeat of the magnetic Earth. With its lightning storms and
magnetic core, the body rings like a bell and in the swayed fashion of alternation. Of the
celestial, radio waves fall from the sun to electrically alternate the ground in the form of light and
EMF radiation.

Of direct importance is that all AC waves travel on the surface of an object. The higher
the frequency, the less the wave can penetrate the depth of the material. Rather, as the
wavelength decreases, the more the expression must travel along the outermost portion of the
body. Antennas are nature's energy receiver and each is based on its proper dimension. The
bumblebee, tree, and cat all have antennas in common with one another. What size, where, and
for what purpose are questions to differ and consider.

In order to form all three cartesian modes of manifestation, every ingredient must be in
place. First the electric AC wave channeled by an antenna. Next, the magnetic wave as copper
is spun into a solenoid. Finally the wave of force-that is the varying pressures of sound. As all
three are inherently AC waves, this implies that all three move about a bodies’ outermost
perimeter. According to the right hand rule, if all three AC waves are in phase and harmonically
coupled to one another, then motion can occur. Consider two parallel transmission lines. As
both are erected and power is fed across the surface of each, the space in between them
experiences a force. This is the right hand rule. A change in amperage and thus a magnetic field
results in a change of force over time (i.e. Alternating Current)
In all three planes, AC expressions are necessary and found in every phenomenon.
Deductively, matter is a layered and concentric-like expression of AC magnetic, electric and
sound waves. The three fields have the amplitude potential to gather strength to infinity or they
can diminish to nothing.
If both the electric and magnetic AC waves cancel one another out; then, according to
the right- hand-rule, the force of acceleration is amended and greatly diminished. According to
the levitation of any object, the figure must be completely surrounded by clashing magnetic,
electric and sound waves in order to free from gravity’s acceleration and persistent force. Two
solenoids can be wound around a ferromagnetic object. These solenoids will face a common
center and are emitting opposing waves (north to north/south to south). In addition the ferrous
body is grounded to an antenna to soak up electrical waves. Lastly, the cavity is resonated
audibly to harmonically match the octave of the incoming waves of radio electrical vibration. In
turn, the audio will amplify the force across the surface of the object. In doing so and according
to the right hand rule, both the electric and thus magnetic (solenoid) waves will be amplified until
Sound acts as force, the antenna acts as current, and the solenoid acts as the magnetic
component according to the right-hand-rule. If all three waveforms are in phase with one
another, then the combined energy manifests itself across the surface of any body is noticed.


PEMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic frequency. All isochronic AC waveforms and all
pulsed DC outputs are examples of this technology. Several magnetic coils are normally placed
upon a mat or within a device to transmit outgoing magnetic waves. A function generator is
utilized to produce various wave functions which penetrate human cells.In music, guitar
amplifiers transform the physical AC input from the strings into a form of PEMF. The driver coils
serve a dual purpose: to produce an oscillating B field and to power the speakers’ diaphragm.
Geometrically speaking, a change in etheric cymatic volume results in a pulsed EMF.
The most classic example of such is an egg-shaped magnetic field moving in and out of a
copper coil (diamagnetic etheric geometry reflector). The compression of the egg as it moves
within the confines of the copper reflector, allows for a temporary constraint of volume thus
amending the etheric rotational component and the radius of the field. The change in rotational
angular momentum is then induced into the copper to bring the localized system to an inert
standstill with no modulation (i.e. no movement between the coil and the magnet).
Biologically, the heart is a natural PEMF generator and induces its pulsed flux into every
cell of the body. Additionally, the EMF pump emits its pulsed field several feet outside of the
body allowing for brain and heart coherence between individuals (e.g. sensing of hate, anger,
love, etc…).
The heartbeat frequency is comparable to a frog’s call. The steady pulsing of such
entrains both the brain and heart. Utilizing technology, the production of trinaural beats
accurately mimics the heartbeats’ rhythm and thus entrains the brain via simulated PEMF
resonance. A chord is a primal example of said entrainment of the heart as the entire wave
varies and pulsates in steady rhythm. If a chord is played that is separated by 1 Hertz (e.g. 70
Hz, 71 Hz, 72 Hz), then a simulated beat frequency arises. Similar to metronomes in mass
eventually synchronizing, the PEMF driver coils within headsets magnetically entrain the brain.
As the brain already receives a pulsed signal from the heart, the reverse is valid: an external
PEMF source can modulate the brain and thus amend the heart’s frequency. This is the
triphasic nature of the wave. Therefore, one can wear a headset with PEMF technology
(headphones) and allow the heartbeat chord to entrain his or her body unto various brainwave
and BPM states.Moreso, the one hertz separation entrains the brain and heart as breathing
naturally slows. This is a technological key to PEMF relaxation as the heart rate is slowed by the
man-made PEMF.
Earth and her iron core radiates natural pulsed EMFs each time its diamagnetic surface
is struck by a pulse of lightning. Eventually, the core entrains itself to the amount of strikes per
second (around 7.83 hertz). This magnetic beat sourced at the core then entrains the brain and
the magnetite stored within. This wave frequency is within Alpha brainwave range.

The Alpha Wave

The most creative state of the human brain is the Alpha wave. The range of frequencies
correspond to the Earth’s Shumman (around 7.83 Hz). Certain beats per minute expressed via
drum sets successfully entrain the brain to said state, especially that of hand drumming. The
brain’s connectome is especially sensitive to isochronic pulsations. The change of sound wave
angular momentum, both amplitude (force) and frequency (radius) modulated, emits a
perpendicular emf spike within the susceptible magnetite of the brain. When externally applied,
the Alpha range beat frequency adheres the connectome to resonance. In order to convert
frequency to BPM, utilize the following:
1.)BPM = Frequency x 60
2.)Divide or multiply by two for acceptable BPM range.
7.83 x 60 = 469.8 BPM
469.8/2 = 234.9/2 = 117.45 BPM
Therefore, the brain entrains towards 7.83 Hz with each timed impulse at 117.45 BPM.

Musically speaking, listening to songs within a relative range of BPM keeps the brain in
its relative state. Runners travel according to specific musical BPM. Each running heel strike is
equivalent to every accent of a hand drummer. Given that the connectodome finds a large
portion of its sensation in the feet along with the hands, it logically follows that each physical
impulse entrains the brain given select BPM over a conditioned period of time.
Most commonly, the Alpha brainwave state is induced by watching Television.
Surprisingly, the brain etrains to Alpha in mere minutes. The creative and relaxed state is Alpha.

Impulse and Overunity
Impulse is the key to obtaining overunity and produces more output than input as
expressed over time. Understanding the gyroscopic precession equation is fundamental
towards uncovering overunity and reveals the mathematical power of impulse. This equation is
highlighted in red in the image below.

Specific Moment of Inertia (Hoop) I = Mr2

Wp= speed of angular precession

M = mass
R = radius
W = angular speed of the gyroscope
G = gravity or acceleration “a”

Using a simplistic rearrangement of algebraic variables, one can deduce the following equation
in reference to gravity from the gyroscopic precession equation:

“wpwr= g”
Not only can this equation be used to erect artificial gravity, it uncovers the nature of
acceleration-based overunity systems. In the derived equation, wp and w are perpendicular.
According to the work equation, no work is technically done if the priming force behind the
rotational frequency is normal to the output (W = Fdcos(90) = 0 Joules). For example, if the
inertia stored within w is kept steady at twenty thousand radians per sec and then forced
processed (wp) via impulse at twenty radians/sec by an orthogonal rotation, then the output of
acceleration, assuming the radius to be one meter, is four hundred thousand. The acceleration
is presented in the third plane and far outweighs the perpendicular input over time as
maintaining the velocity of a flywheel is mechanically mundane. Gyroscopic plane convergence
transmits one rotational component and accelerates said axis towards a perpendicular other.
This is the orthogonal expression of work within an open system. Once the centrifugal and
centripetal forces are stored via inertia within any gyroscope, their combined energy is

immediately tapped via the impulse of forced angular precession as the impulse arises from a
perpendicular plane. Knowing the centrifugal force equation, F = mv2/r, a linear change in
tangential velocity manifests an exponential output of force. This is overunity expressed in a
perpendicular plane.
Upon impulse of rotation, the ether separates radial densities similar to a bag rotating
with with both fluid and air. The air being less dense sucks in towards the middle while the most
dense liquid transports itself to the outermost perimeter of the enclosure Similarly, the ether
separates its densities as the fluid experiences high rotational velocities.The centrifugal force
segregates fluid densities by charging the ether in one radial plane as compared to a merry go
round. Impulse achieves the maximum amendment of the centrifugal force.
Magnets accelerate towards one another as wp and w are present within the ether and
surround the object’s surface. In addition to channeling overunity energy, magnets represent
and produce continual acceleration similar to gravity and is an etheric derivative of such.

The Atom
Each Atom is perceived to be one of the smallest fractal units of the universe. Atomically,
each nucleus is surrounded by a range of 3D electron shells. The electron shells are spaced via
the natural geometric arrangement of 3D electromagnetic cymatics. Comparatively, a Chladni
plate extrapolated into three dimensions and miniaturized is the binding of cymatics at the
atomic level. The rate of frequency within each electron shell is based on the rate of precession
as fundamentally expressed by the larmor frequency. At the center of each atom lies the
nucleus. This part of the atom is a representation of mass and has a total etheric angular
momentum of zero.

Atomic orbitals are the equivalent of magnetic 3D cymatics and each have unique
moments of inertia. Each concentric shell is deductively electric in nature as the magnetic fields
produced within the atom are continually in flux. Any change or impulse of a rotating etheric field
regardless of size, yields a perpendicular, etheric modal output. This was first discovered by
Maxwell and his derived equations. The modulation of the atomic level in creating new alloys,
rendering objects invisible and varying relative atomic angular mass was resurrected by John
Hutchinson though not only by him. Utilizing inductive radio waves in perpendicular planes,
John combined the rotational angular momentums from several waveforms to amend the nature
of the atomic level. The MRI, known by the medical community, has the unique ability to process
protons at specific frequencies. In relation by precessions did Hutchinson use radio waves to
amend the angular components of latticed atoms. Radio waves are three dimensional and
contain both magnetic and electric components in perpendicular planes. When fought to a draw,
the accelerative force approaches zero thus overlaying the surface of each atom (nature of AC
waves) with an external and gravitationally buoyant bubble (wp electric = 0, w magnetic = 0, a
=0, F/m = 0). One could say that atoms themselves are light waves octavely transposed down
to radio waves and formatted unto cancellation within the nucleus and expressed as concentric
orbitals by means of the asymmetric imbalance of space or magnetism. Moreso, the 3D orbital
of a bubble is magnetism expressed by the dielectric inertial plane. The inertial plane being inert
(a= 0 at counter space), expresses magnetism away from the core of each atom, does so in

various 3D geometries as expressed by specific angular frequencies, and electromagnetically
adheres to the expression of cymatics. Green magnetic viewing film reveals halbach inertial
plane patterns. As by comparison, each nucleus is a 3D representation of such halbach
dielectric inertial plane geometry. Importantly, all inertial planes develop “inertial mass” as the
property of gyroscopic inertia is manifested in all three planes electromagnetically. In addition,
all mass is inertial mass as bound by concentric fluctuating magnetic (spatial) rotating shells.
This is the atom and its structure.

Counter Gravity
Gravity is akin to an upside down etheric pool where all buoyant objects float downwards
instead of upwards. Like bubbles, every object is first immersed in the fluid of the ether and then
is accelerated to the “surface” of the Earth in order to resolve the dissonance of etheric pressure
densities. In order to oppose gravity, one must develop a variable density within an object so
that it floats in the opposite direction. Gravity is a mode of the ether and directly involves spin
and rotation. Accelerating against gravity is done by opposing the inductive spin of its
acceleration in all three cartesian planes. Complete electromagnetic destructive interference
cancels the angular momentum of Earth’s natural inertia shells and frees the medium from
induced acceleration.

As visually described, a magnet floating in carved bismuth is an elemental wonder of

mankind. Being the most diamagnetic element, bismuth is the natural replication of counter
gravity. No acceleration can be induced inside its dense medium and therefore implies that this
element produces counter eddies to cancel any external etheric angular momentum from
magnetism. The result: levitation.
Magnets each have a specific high angular frequency of rotation to produce a common,
localized and centered low pressure. The combined perpendicular rotations produce slight
asymmetric geometries (oblong egg and vortex shapes) in order to produce an electric
component by means of fluctuating frequencies (apex versus expanse). The higher the amount
of flux by means of geometry or impulse, the greater the change in electric component.
Therefore, geometrically dynamic bismuth entrained to external magnetic impulse will emit
greater counter fields. On a grand scale, vehicles can repel the Earth and its inductive
acceleration with a counter rotating field. As is apparent, bismuth only counters the acceleration

of magnets and not gravity. Why not oppose the accelerative force of gravity? This is true for
thee reasons: one, because the diamagnetic field is not amplified, because the energy is not in
a high flux state, and because the volume of the field is not large enough to produce
electrohydrodynamic buoyancy as buoyancy is volume based (e.g. repulsive magnetism,

Above is a primal example of a counter gravity device. Both toroidal and cylindrical
solendoids rotate the ether in perpendicular planes and utilize one way low hertz pulsed DC to
do so. The toroidal pulsed DC magnetic current induces wp within the ether and the cylindrical
solenoids induce w. As the two perpendicular rotations are spun up and merged via impulse
(pulsed DC), gyroscopic plane convergence occurs (upward acceleration “a”) as the rotating
donut coverages its inertial energy into the low pressure of the vertical vortex (a = wwr).
As formed by any magnet, the ether is locally shaped into a vortex above the rotating
donut. The two separate low pressure systems are produced orthogonal to one another. If one
low pressure system fluctuates in relation to the other, then one pressure system temporarily
and in a perpendicular plane will be greater than the other. Given that all fluids move from a high
to low pressure just as wind, it is therefore deduced then that the donut will implode itself into
the vortex (granted the vortex has obtained the lower pressure). In relation to said device, the
surrounding air is charged and rotated in perpendicular planes and then pulsed to generate a
change in acceleration (delta “a”). One etheric rotational low pressure, upon impulse, becomes
temporarily lower than the other localized orthogonal pressure system and therefore implodes
the flywheels’ centrifugal inertial energy and not its tangential driving component.

As seen above, the rotating flywheel on the end of the pictured shaft is forced into
precession or pulsed around a perpendicular plane of rotation. The result: a temporary
asymmetric imbalance of forces thus producing an upward acceleration. As this mechanical
analogy is applied to air, water, plasma and the ether, the conclusion is parallel. The seen
rotating shaft and wheel is literally one pole of a magnet as with the counter gravitic device.
Both systems implode upwards and accelerate by perpendicular rotations (a = wwr). Most will
disclaim overunity and counter gravity, yet rotational velocities must become high enough as to
effectively utilize converging and perpendicular low pressure systems thereby exceeding unity
and counter Earth’s acceleration.
Conclusively, there are two known options for counter gravity:
1.) Plasma rotated in perpendicular planes to reverse engineer a pole of a magnet
2.) Atomically cancel the inductive acceleration of gravity via fluctuating magnetic and thus
electric fields (w1 and w2 =0).

Historic Etheric Achievements

Viktor Shaurberger was one of the first men to develop a diamagnetic rotary mechanism
that countered Earth’s gravity. At the base of the image is found half of a magnet geometrically
speaking. The radial conventions of tornado updraft current are considered to be wp

In the acceleration equation (a = wpwr). Gravity is countered via both rotations. As long as the
low pressure developed within each rotating and orthogonal eddies become greater than the
inertial mass of the craft, the vehicle will achieve lift. All credit is due to Viktor Shaurberger and
his work. Without it, man would have never discovered counter gravity and diamagnetic etheric

Viktor Grebennikov notably and accurately scaled the geometric cavities at the surface
of beetles’ wings onto plate metal. Inside of said box is asymmetric geometry. Each scaled
drilled hole produces a different EMF frequency based on its radius. As the box is folded
together, the acceleration within the wooden cavity is canceled out due to both the charging of
the plates and the vibration of such. Akin to the circles on a manetron, each metallic diameter
sings its EMF tune. Each circle produces both transverse radial standing concentric shells and
and longitudinal toroidal currents. Upon interfering, the acceleration vector is amended.

The image above is the etheric visual representation of 3D clashing EMF waves with the box. In
the horizontal plane parallel to the Earth, each EMF wave destructively interferes and finds an
acceleration value of zero meters per second per second. This creates a layer or blanket of
counter acceleration, is the field that surrounds the box and thereby emanates from it.

Henry Moray successfully utilized quartz hollow tubes to channel specific incoming EMF
waves and convert them into usable power. Electric resonance was based on the dimensional
volume of each quartz tube. The resonator below is similar to the geometry of the quartz tubes
used by Moray. From mountain tops to the depth of caves, Moray’s device was able to emit
several watts of energy via the electrical resonance of the tubes.

The E Field

The E field, otherwise known as the electrical field, consists of a double helix geometry.
The positive spin around a center is counterbalanced with the negative spin intertwining around
the common low-pressure center. Pouring water from a glass at the appropriate velocity will
reveal how the ether travels from point A to B. When the E field is rotated around an additional
center, in the form of a solenoid, the B field is created. This is known as etheric forced
gyroscopic precession. As with solenoids, the radial spin of the E field experiences a
perpendicular axial rotation thus forcing one etheric “gyroscope” into the lower of the two
rotationally-formed pressures.

There are two types of electric current and flow: AC and DC. DC current can only travel a limited
distance due to the unidirectional, non-collapsing waveform within the fluid of the ether.
Specifically, direct current only rotates in one direction and has no change in angular momentum
given no abrupt change in geometrical radius. AC, on the other hand, collapses back unto
counter space and arrives at zero point thus conserving energy upon the transmission of the

wave over long distances. The greater the impulse, the more power is conserved as fluctuations
in volume over time results in cymatic work. The E field consists of rotation about only one axis.
Rotational cymatics about one plane of rotation represent concentric rings emanating from the
localized center. Standing waves are naturally formed within the ether at extremely high
rotational velocities. The E field is set to a range of high rotational frequencies in order to
produce low centered pressures for the transmission of power across a conductive line. Similar
to a vortex tube is the E field realizing that the helix of energy is propelled across the ether.
Amperage is in direct correlation to the strength of the B field. The greater the amperage,
the stronger the field. Amperage is also determined by the volume of the field.

The F Field

The F field or “force” field is based off of the toroidal rotational geometry coupled to a
vortex in perpendicular planes. The force is exposed directly in between both rotations as they
are separated by a certain spatial distance. First, in the formation of the F field, the 3D electric
double helix wave is necessitative formed, then the toroidal double helix wave and finally, a
vortex inside of said helical donut.

F Vector


Most conceive frequency and amplitude modulation to be found in the realm of radio.
These types of modulations can also be applied to rotation. Frequency modulation is found
naturally within a vortex. The angular frequency at the apex of a tornado is higher than the
widest portion. Therefore, the angular frequency is modulated from top to apex. The amplitude
modulation of a vortex is determined via the centrifugal forces as a change in amplitude is a
change in volume and thus pressure. Each rotational frequency change with modulate
amplitude in a perpendicular plane. Amplitude modulation, therefore, induces rotation and is
proven via the study of cymatics. Magnetically speaking, a change in a B field, is amplitude
modulation inducing rotating Eddie's inside of conductive medium. A rotational frequency
modulation of a electric field results in a change of B field.
As the radius of a field or solenoid decreases, perpendicular amplitude increases according
to he centrifugal force equation directly applied to the fluid of the ether. On the contrary, as the
size increases, the amplitude of the field decreases. Electrical AM in one rotational plane forms
standing concentric B field shells. Magnetic AM in two rotational planes yields acceleration.
Acceleration (B field) AM in all three planes yields mass formation as rotating rotating fields
produces amendable centrifugal forces.
Rotational frequency modulation, given the same radius will exponentially increase the
perpendicular force output. Radial amplitude modulation will naturally form an increase in
rotational velocity. Again, AM produces rotation and rotational frequency changes yield
perpendicular pressures.


The refractive index equation is as follows:

1.) N = c/v

2.) v= wr
3.) wr =a/w

N = wpc/a

As with black holes, magnets exhibit a property of no refractive index at their centers.
Acceleration values towards the center approach infinity as the refractive index of the medium
approaches zero. Therefore, extreme etheric low pressures wrap and even bend light.

In the Philadelphia experiment, light was bent and wrapped around the surface of the
ship as the refractive index was rotationally modified by the time varying electromagnetic field.
Granted, with every rotation, the refractive index varies as the density of the medium separates
via centrifugal forces. In other words, light entering a rotating frame of localized reference will
experience a different refractive index compared to stagnant mediums regardless of density.


T = 1/f
w = 2p(i)/T
a/wr = 2pi/T
T = 2(pi)a/aw

Time is an acceleration within an acceleration. A change in perpendicular acceleration is

directly correlated to a change in rotational velocity according to the centrifugal force (F = mv2/r).
Imploding with centripetal acceleration within a medium that is already experiencing a
centrifugal acceleration (change in linear velocity) allows for the amendment of time. Time is the

expression of electromagnetic phenomena both relative and localized to a specific reference
frame. Similar to Newton’s bucket, time is constrained within the bucket and relatively different
outside of said boundary.
Time, being first calculated by the sun, then later became a calculation of mechanical
equipment. In the modern age, time is now expressed via the piezoelectric vibration of quartz.
More specifically, the cesium atom has the most accurate measure of a localized specific period
as time is determined by the number of oscillations per a periodic second. Therefore, time is
relative to each field contained within the concentric shells of an atom.
A dynamic capacitor arrangement similar to this ceiling vent allows for an acceleration
within an acceleration. Time is only modified by boundary-forming electromagnetic

Reference Equations
a= wwr

a = yB(x)yB(z)r

F = G(kq1q2)1(kq1q2)2/(wwr)1(wwr)2d2

N = c/v

V = wr

a /w =v




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