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A piece of paper that tells you how much you must pay for something
2. A musical play in which most of the words are sung……………..
3. To use something that belongs to someone else ………………….
4. A part of a piece of clothing that you can put things in ………………
5. To telephone someone ………………….
6. Modern music with a strong beat which is popular with young people
7. Giving a lot of attention to what you are doing so that you don’t have an
accident or make a mistake ……………………
8. A type of music in which the words are spoken and there is a strong
9. A container for storing or protecting something ……………………
10. Loud, modern music with a strong beat often played with electric guitars
and drums ………………………..
11. Traditional in style ……………………….
12. Words that go with a short piece of music ………………….
13. To be very interesting in something ……………………….
14. To use money to buy or pay for something …………………..
15. To repair something ………………………….
16. To use time doing something or being somewhere ………………
17. If a container or a space is full it contains as many things or people as
possible …………………………….
18. A strong person or animal is physically powerful …………………
19. In the place of someone or something else……………………
20. The activity of looking at a lot of different things on the internet
21. Music with a strong beat that people often play without looking at
written music ………………………….
22. Knowledge ,equipment and methods that are used in science and
industry ………………………………..
23. When you travel from one place to another …………………………
24. To send a text message = written message from a mobile phone
25. A set of keys on a computer which you press to make it work or the rows
of keys on a piano …………………………..
26. A bad use of something useful such as time or money ……………………..
27. A small computer that you can carry around with you………………………..
28. A thing that is connected to a computer that you move with your hand
to control what the computer does …………………………
29. To give something to someone for a period of time …………………….
30. A big thin book that you can buy every week or month that has pictures
and writing ……………………………
31. To not be able to find someone or something …………………………..

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