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Saint Charles Faith Journey Sunico 1

Samuel Sunico #21

Mr. Blair

8th Grade Portfolio

1 April 2022

My Faith Journey At Saint Charles

Today in my faith journey I have definitely grown from where I began, but I feel that I

had a higher point in my faith than I do as of now. Right now I do not always think of my

religion when I do things, I don’t tell myself “What would God do.” I’m just doing what I want

to do. In addition, I feel I only pray to God when I want or need something. I still strongly

believe in my faith but I am not as close to it as I was before. I hope that I can reach a higher

point of faith in my life.

Saint Charles has had a massive impact on my faith life, a lot of this impact I credit to

Ms. Islas. At Saint Charles it's never just reading a lesson out of a book then that's religion for

the day. We actually connect with our teachers who come up with clever ways to teach us. Today

my teacher, Mr. Blair, taught a story of a little girl who asked her father how big God was. The

father responded by telling her to look at the sky and say what she saw. By looking at the sky she

saw many things but she also saw an airplane that was so small from her point of view. The next

day however the father took the girl to the airport where she saw how massive the airplanes

were. This showed how God can sometimes be far and sometimes close when you decide on
your relationship with God. Many lessons like these have been taught to me throughout my years

which have shaped me into the person I am today.

I’ve never felt very distant from God, but I have felt like I wasn’t always close to God. I

have never blamed God for bad things that have happened to me, but there are times when God

is not what I think about. While many people have no problem with attending mass, praying

prayers, and doing holy deeds I find them time-consuming, while I do end up enjoying the

experiences I feel bored when I hear I have to do them. But there are also times when I feel very

grateful to God, for example, on the day of the HSPT I had immense anxiety but as I began the

test it suddenly vanished and I gained the confidence to complete the test. I believe this happened

due to my prayers and holding of a rosary during the test. On this day God answered my prayer.

One experience I had to grow closer to God is on the anniversary of my grandma’s death when

the day just felt holier and the presence of my grandmother was felt.

As a catholic currently, my role is to simply praise God and do as many things as I can to

help the faith grow. In the future, I hope I can grow especially after confirmation. I hope I can

learn to actually serve in mass through altar serving. I also hope I can serve those who are not

part of the catholic church to hopefully atleast learn about the faith,

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