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Bui Hieu Hanh


Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................................................ 3

Major Finding..................................................................................................................... 3

Task 1........................................................................................................................................... 3

Task 2........................................................................................................................................... 5

Task 3........................................................................................................................................... 6

Task 4........................................................................................................................................... 9

Task 5........................................................................................................................................ 10

Task 6........................................................................................................................................ 12

Conclusion......................................................................................................................... 14

References......................................................................................................................... 14

In this assignment, I will illustrate the evolving past of the manual
typewriter industry and the distinction between innovations from technology
breakthroughs, major innovations, and small/incremental innovations.
Furthermore, I will show you various innovative practical references for the
early versions of the electric typewriter and their technology drive model
demand-pull. In addition, IBM would analyze the inventions of the firm, as
well as the marketing of electrical typewriters. On the other hand, I am going to
show you how before 1961 IBM's Selectric typewriter was the leading e-
writers and why IBM wasn't moved into the electronic typewriter market,
though IBM is easy to substitute IBM in the typewriter's production. Lastly,
IBM's Selectric typewriters would also feature 4Ps of creativity with great

Major Finding

Task 1
We have an invention and innovation definition, according to Hasa (2016):

- Invention: Innovation is defined as the implementation of newer and

better technologies that fulfill new criteria or current customer demands.
It makes a substantial contribution to anything invented.

- Several specialists in various disciplines have recognized and portrayed

innovation and have opinions on what defines innovation.

- Innovation: A innovation is referred to be a novel technology, feature,

technique, or concept. It involves transforming fresh thoughts or ideas
into concrete things. A game-changer might be an innovation that plays
an entirely new and unique function.

- For innovations, patents are available. An inventor's copyright is a legal

document. A patent an invention can serve a wide range of objectives
and might reduce or improve its value.
- There are numerous differences between innovation and invention as per
Surbhi S (2016):
Invention Innovation
- Conceive a single item, service, - Add more appeals or changes to
activity, or system. existing items.
- Conceives and mostly works the - Make unique ideas a chance.
latest innovations. - We need publicity, planning, and
- A fresh thought strikes a scientist. strategy.
- Specific chemical or process concern - It occurs when a new model,
- There is a restricted research and method, system, or computer is
development staff necessary, or when the development
of the product is necessary.
- Focus on integrating different

commodities or resources.
- The firm is distributed

1.2. Compare and contrast three different ways of invention and innovation.
Invetion of technology Major innovations Minor inventions
- Technological - Increase potential use - Connected to even
breakthroughs or frequency. (Ngoc Q. more basic
deformations are Pham, 2019) (Ngoc Q. technologies
advancements that, in order Pham, 2019) invention and
of magnitude, raise the - All of these events are improvement.
price-performance ratio rare and often the (French President
against existing consequence of recent Ngoc, 2019)
technological achievements significant inventive - It takes occurs
(Anderson and Tushman communication between more or less
1986) organizations, consistently at
- Technological institutions, and different levels of the
breakthroughs as a government laboratories. market and
foundation for further They are scattered in an throughout different
development of the irregular cross pattern periods of time. This
innovation (Ahuja & across sections of the is often the result of
Lampert 2001 and 2001 in room, and they are gone the inventor's
Fleming) after a period. discoveries and
- With these major - Develop circuits that innovations as a
technological advancements increase the result of customer
that are classified as trustworthiness of practices and
progressive or disruptive, the computer elements. proposals and is
reduction of known closely related to the
companies' capacity, ability, item approach.
and popularity depend on
their convergence.

1.3. The difference between radical innovation and minor improvement
- Radical innovation: primarily innovation is responsible for the major
influence on the market. In this perspective, the effect of innovation is
more important than market innovation (O’Connor & McDermott,
2004). Two of the reasons behind this notion are market changes and
structural changes. If all existing items are fully refurbished, they will
become outdated (Schumpeter, 1942).
- Incremental innovation: Incremental improvements are known as the
smallest modification in goods, services, or improvements in process
quality. Due to both the significance of the notion and the prevalence of
this concept, many firms thought it would be an incredible turning point.
 As regards the matter, we can observe the tremendous help in issues like
communication and typing from advances and innovations of the High-
tech inventions of the 19th century. IBM Selectric was launched to the
consumer market in 1961 with significant advancements.
Radical innovation Incremental innovation
New technology-based Based on current technologies
Important changes This has a major influence on the
economic operations of the market

Impacted with pushing technologies Driven by demand-driving

Lead to the change of paradigm Don't lead to the change of paradigm
Discontinuous because it takes time Outsourcing established business areas
to introduce new technology

1.4. Invention
- Italia:
- The scrittura tactile machine for printing parchment letters was created
by Francesco Rampazetto in 1575.

- Agostino Fantoni put forth a typewriter in 1802, which allowed his blind
sister to write.
- Pellegrino Turri developed for his blind buddy the script between 1801
and 1808.
- In 1823, Pietro da Cilavegna, Italy, created a contemporary typewriter
style, the tachygrapher also called tachitipo.
- Ravizza made his debut in 1855 with his scrolls and Glidden.
 America and Europe:
- In 1843 the blind typewriter Thomas X introduced, comparable to the
Chirographer in 1845.
- Francisco Joo de Azevedo, a priest, created his original typewriter using
basic wood and blades in 1861.
- In 1865, the stereotype was constructed by John Jonathon Pratt.
- Peter Mitterhofer created numerous prototypes between 1864 and 1867,
including a fully working typewriter in 1867.
1.5. Innovation:
- A clergyman called Rasmus Malling-Hansen who was living in
Denmark developed Hasen Writing Ball in 1868. The first commercial
machine was sold in 1870 and used most often in the office in London in
1909. In the 10 years between 1870 and 1880, Mr. Malling-hasen
improved his typist over and again but retained its unique qualities. He
took part in world shows in Vienna and Paris in 1873. He earned his
first product award on both occasions.
- Christopher Latham Sholes, Frank Haven Hall, Carlos Glidden, and
Samuel W. Soule, who lived in the US in 1868, were the inventor's
certifications for the first commercial machine to be published in
Wisconsin. Matthias Schwalbach created general role models for the
machine. The patent was sold to Densmore and Yost for 12,000 dollars.
On March 1, 1873, in New York City Remington created the first
typewriter, the Sholes and Glidden Typewriter.

Task 2
 Theories of Von Hippel (1988)
- Functional collaboration between companies and persons is vital to
innovation, but they must be rewarded by-products. Innovative product,
process, or process When people or companies realize that items that
they have can't solve their difficulties any longer, this is the "path to
increase," which enables them to break through.
- Another source of innovation must be an organization or individual that
has a partnership with change and supplies the necessary components or
goods to install or utilize innovation.
- Von Hippel has identified four sorts of sources of innovation: users,
producers, suppliers, and others.
 IBM typewriter source of innovation
- Creative advancements were never believed to be in the
electromechanical area in typewriter performance. The most frequent
and essential materials are ribbons, carbon paper, in typewriters'
manufacturing. The consistency and applicability of the typewriter
increase therefore strong copy paper was created with admiration from
all around the world due to the booming successful development of the
first equipment for the typewriter. The first copy was made by additions
such as lard and black bulb in the early nineteenth century (H. S.
Beattie, R. A. Rahenkamp, 1981).
- Customer: For-profit and business development, customers hold the
bulk of income streams. The Corporation emphasized product growth
and processing because of this acknowledgment. IBM dominates the
computer sector since school views it as a strong environment where the
marketing of its products is based, from an appreciation of the
significance of real practice to feedback. computed during a two-decade
period to realize that the need for authors, staff of the office and teachers
is great. Schools and jobs are two of the top goals of IBM. The purchase
has made consumers happier with IBM goods as it has constantly tried

to alter and enhance the product because it is not sounder some than the
prior kind.
- Manufacturer: In addition to paying attention to consumer retention
codes, IBM continually tries to enhance and renew itself. "Correct
selection" is an incredible invention that reduces the tearing ratio
substantially. Not only that but subsequent IBM II and III models have
considerable variations. What was more surprising after IBM's 1970
pioneering offset printing, was that it left Teletype as the industry leader
in the printing business in a spectacular fashion. This state-of-the-art
technology gives consumers great advantages, including speed, no jams,
no noise, etc.
- The ribbon was the initial material for creating the typewriter for
Selection. For the production of early typewriters, ribbons were utilized.
Cotton has great water-resistant qualities as the thread used to make the
ribbon. Due to the impact of science, the clothing used synthetic
chemicals instead of natural oils in the coloring. This has monitored the
porosity of the product and decreased the temperature sensitivity. IBM
ribbons were further enhanced for improved printing in the mid-1950s.
Before the event, the dealers had sold all typesetters. Because of its
technological breakthroughs and improvements in commodity
availability, IBM can be said to have dominated the typewriter industry
(H. S. Beattie, R. A. Rahenkamp, 1981).
- The ribbon is an endless creative supply of materials for types.
SELECTRIC percussion is a wonderful innovation with several benefits,
including quick and easy printing. At that time, elements employing the
existing approaches could hardly be generated. Stainless printing
components which are stable in every environment are required to
ensure the long-term performance of the printer. These are the two main
aspects of SELECTRIC typewriter development. The IBM spin-off
showed advances in its initial release. In film form, the first carbon
documents were born. A variety of elements, including the shell's

composition, the ink employed, and the weight of the paper, affect the
amount of carbon paper to recover. The IBM ribbon had some
difficulties with the first version because of a plastic coating problem if
it rubbed easily and incorrectly inserted the typeface. In 1964, over the
summer, the notion of tape cartridges with two spools. A variety of
elements, including the shell's composition, the ink employed, and the
weight of the paper, affect the amount of carbon paper to recover. The
IBM ribbon had some difficulties with the first version because of a
plastic coating problem if it rubbed easily and incorrectly inserted the
typeface. In 1964, over the summer, the notion of tape cartridges with
two spools

Task 3
 Definition of technology-push and Demand-pull
- To overcome a technological model, technology pushing, and demand-
pull are two essential components of transforming the industry and
information technology. Consumer demand determines whether
manufacturers and companies produce new items. The outcome of a
technical revolution is the other way around, as science and technology
develop contemporary and less customer-dependent products.
(Macarthur, 2016)
- IBM's Selectric employed push and demand-pull technologies to
flourish and conquer the industry.
 Technology-push and Demand-pull in IBM’s typewriter
- Inflation develops, according to the market pull hypothesis when the
stock of commodities and services is overburdened or inadequate.
According to the demand-pull principle, creativity has a range of
implications. Changes in demand management, the dynamic structure of
the market, innovatory product ratings, and financial corporate goals all
have an impact (Satdler, 2017). Different aspects of bridge pull
technology are technologically different. Demand-pull techniques are a
key factor in encouraging widespread commercial and technical

marketing of items. The greatest method to attract customers is to be
revised and adapted to new conditions on a regular basis. In recent
years, there have been major changes in the industrial industry in terms
of policy and technological integration. As part of the aim to promote
global technological growth, patents are awarded both locally and
internationally (Joern Huenteler, 2016). Depending on the need,
conditions, and instruments used to draw the bridge, the directions in
which creativity is encouraged and the tools utilized are varied.
- To enhance its research and development IBM employed push
technology, which resulted in the typewriter IBM Exec. IBM was
spending one million dollars on upgrading its typewriter. When IBM
entered the computer company, it took a risk. The leading architects
worked together to make the IBM computer more distinctive than
before. IBM focuses on long-term advantages with regard to the
introduction of new technology to the target market.
 IBM is inspired by its developers who realize that a certain piece of
advanced technology is vital.
 Focus on technical development for IBM exec typers
- The electronic printer lines of IBM, such as IBM Selection and IBM
Composter, have been the product of IBM's technical development
during the past 30 years. Over time, competitive rivals were increasingly
involved in the business, forced IBM to adapt and grow continually.
IBM is also competing with its competitors utilizing the technology.
 In developing IBM Selectric, IBM employed demand push.
- Only 10 years old, the IBM Composer is a true electromechanical
computer, a highly costly system with great functionality that now
overshadows IBM's contemporaries, the teletype, etc.
 For its technology and product manufacturing demands, IBM has
decided to employ push technologies. The items offered on the market
are growing more inventive with many remarkable characteristics and
advantages. But in the process of evolving technology and inventing the

typewriter, IBM is more likely to evolve the technology. Although IBM
is gradually evolving to meet customer requirements, the company has
demonstrated a technical push to bring novel technologies and
innovation to encourage consumers to utilize new goods and to boost
their electricity typewriters usage.

Task 4

- IBM came to be the world's leading provider of computers instead of

typing devices because of a constant requirement for computer systems.
 Vision: research technique, logic, and science, in accordance with
the vision of IBM, will improve industry, culture, and the human
condition. The vision of creativity is therefore always IBM's vision
and technical progress is always a key goal. They want to truly
enhance people's lives by "helping customers use technology to solve
their problems." This is the most essential factor for every
technological enterprise. The typewriter was considered in the
nineteenth century to be an important human breakthrough that
helped solve typing issues, such as IBM. (Panmore Institute, 2021
IBM Mission Statement & Vision Statement, An Analysis)
 Culture: For the business community of IBM, THINK is the
acronym. Staff is still invited to think beyond the box. This culture
encourages companies to take creativity seriously and to regularly
generate new breakthroughs. Electronic printers are the clearest
demonstration of their efficiency and design. The document also
includes distribution technologies, which in the second part of the
20th century allowed IBM to become a pioneer in sales.
 Leadership: The top IBM computer firm in business was the largest
internal IBM group decision-making group. IBM's decision-making
was heavily dependent on an internal and dynamic organization,
making the quick transition difficult. In the 1970s, IBM operated a

14-layer chain that needed more time to persuade the parties which
prevented the firm from adapting to new problems.
 Customer Resistance: In the late 19th century, IBM experienced
several hurdles which led to IBM's sale to a modern technology
business in 1991, with the most challenging of technologies, such as
personal computers, desktop computers, and so forth. For firms that
don't match current trends, this is a popular stumbling barrier and
IBM has nothing of this.

Task 5
The S-curve graph above was drawn up with the unit revenue from 1976
to 1991 of the two firms. The IBM Selectric was an excellent commodity, an
automatic computer column, for the first time. Several steps of the IBM
Selectric Typewriter have been completed with important advancements.
Selective typists were prevalent in most areas of employment until the 1980s.
Then robots began to take their place in considerable proportion. Type
machines are still commonly used, important and popular for a few specialized
applications in some social groupings in certain areas of the world. However,
IBM started to develop Selectric when machines were launched.
IBM is outmoded by the creation of a software program. A notable
deviation from the highly sophisticated mechanical design of the typebar was
the IBM Selectric typewriter. It was not the first typewriter, however, to have
only one print function. In order to save various data, some modern computers
employed a single component. IBM allows naivety for the element. The
technological supremacy of IBM helped unify the campaign. The first Selectric
model to affect the worldwide typesetting business provides an innovative
feature that can simply be applied as a timesaving and malfunctional system.

P erfo rm an c e


IBM Selectric typewriter Olivetti Electronic typewriter


 Improvement of performance of IBM’s Selectric:

- When IBM joined the electronic typewriter industry for the first time, it
made a smart move by investing in a part of the future huge company.
That's going to take a while. IBM has become the uncontested monarch
of computer sales within 30 years of service (1960-1990). In 1961, in its
first shipment, the firm sold 80,000 items and the plan only reached
20,000. It also comes as a shock because the quantity of products
surpasses 13 million a year. In 1986. The year. The IBM Selectric was
now like an IBM which had to always be owned. IBM was the first
recorded invention, innovation, and longevity in the past. Machine
selection (IBM100 - 2021)
- With the development and popularity of electronic media, clients will
also modify their products and requirements, particularly in the market,
in which IBM focused: office staff, students. Therefore IBM was later
left behind. In addition, IBM was almost entirely losing its footing in a
fast decliner market. These adverse impacts have led IBM to sell to a
larger firm and expect to achieve another breakthrough.

 The rivals
- The periods T1 (when new rivals come up), and T2 (when existing
competitors disappear) are two different (when the performance between
an established technology and a new competitor is the same). T1 has
two alternatives: a new product does not want a consumer chance, or a
customer wants a new product. T1 has two options. When a prospective
rival arises in T2, certain companies see promise and want to be
involved, while others are not interested because the potential adversary
is too small or because the possibility is not sufficiently attractive.
- In 1982, when Olivetti introduced a computer with many better skills,
the most remarkable of which was fruit substitution, for 4-5 years, the
Selectric typewriter was threatened by an adverse person. Selectric's
lettering throws a shadow on the acrylic metal drum. The OlivettiET101
does not only include this but also features and recordings on its flash
drive for memory storage. According to the present New York Times,
immediately after its entrance (G.E. Completes Olivetti Deal for
Electronic-Processing Unit (Published 1964), 2021), Olivetti was able to
penetrate Italy by 25 percent of its market.
 Typewriter Platform
- The IBM machine was initially produced in 1935 and then IBM
Selection exploded 30 years later. He has been the leader for 2 decades,
at one point owning 94% of the market. IBM has made a breakthrough
with its invention. However, IBM was rattled when Oliveti arrived, lost
its grip, and finally had to sell the firm. (The Remington Rand
Typewriter Wars and the Revival (1979, 2021).
 4Ps
Product Product (goods/systems) upgrades offered to an
organization – In 1935, IBM introduced IBM Electric
Typewriter Model 01 and earned 8 percent of the net
profit of the firm only after it started working in the
typewriter company. IBM developers built a number of

more sophisticated computers according to Model 01.
IBM Composer is the finest computer to remember,
with all the key features at the time.
Process - Changes in the way they are developed and
- IBM designers, after concentrating on the marketing
of new goods, will move their attention from the
sale of current innovations to business analysis and
the development of the product. In order to maintain
a strategic edge and increase consumer service, this
is done. IBM Selectric minimizes noise in context
and removes waits in print.
Position - Changes in the presentation of the components
- After buying Electromatic and investing $ 1 million
on the reinvention of an Electromatic Typewriter,
IBM did not cooperate with any other companies.
IBM tried to win the industry and to lead it. They
had their own ideas to break in and develop an
interest in emerging areas. For example, pupils need
to be encouraged to type Selectric, so that Selectric
was conceived and developed to reduce noise and
paper jams. There is also a composer with more
sophisticated features and more advanced artifacts.
In the last two centuries, they have controlled the
Paradigm - Changes in the conception techniques underpinning
the company's performance
- The Selectric Composer, rather than the typefaces,
was the typeface that led to IBM's shift. The alternative
word processor of the computer is supported by the
instruments of the converter, correct orientation. This

action championed and dominated its opponents and
had a stable market in comparison to other competitors
because of its objectivity, speed, efficiency, and other

Task 6
The electronic typewriter IBM and Remington Rand were somewhat
less than the golf ball until 1961, and reverse marks were created on the upper
lines instead of the flattened section (or texting ball). The electric technique
uses a latch mechanism, stainless cables and bolts to move the ball to the
correct place and push it through the electric motor against a strip and panel.
The created ball shifted horizontally onto the paper instead of a structure
supporting a cart dragging paper. For over twenty years, IBM Selectric
dominated the business typewriter industry. IBM writers were provided to
schools to obtain a competitive edge over Remington. Students who learned
how to type the Selectric would want to have competition on the job market, as
the enterprise removes its conventional paper designs (Anon., 2016).
Accessible pricing competed with geographical areas, product uniformity and
marginal decline at IBM. It was crucial that IBM thrive in sectors with
decreased margins and that services with competitive advantages are quickly
purchased, launched, and expanded. A major component of IBM's approach
was the transfer to technologically advanced goods and services. The creation
of more helpful technologies and competencies is influenced by normal
independent researchers. IBM Research, for example, was responsible for the
expansion of the firm and its products. Innovation is a wonderful example of
the research capacity's involvement in bringing about superior value enterprises
because of its capability to grab a significant competitive market share. IBM
focuses on innovative leadership education in both developing and existing
regions as business trends and growth rates change. Rivals that helped IBM
keep its market dominance later replicated a few of IBM's advances in cheaper
equipment. Frugal design is a process of creation, starting with and ending the

waste layer in the larger market, of contemporary cheap materials, processes,
and systems. (Bhatti Yasser, 2018). The productivity of major companies in
emerging regions and the number of inventions is rising. Fugitive technology
— fine, low-cost commodities tailored to custody demands – aroused huge
demand in emerging nations (Marco Zeschky, 2011). Fertile technology has
swiftly become a leading driver of worldwide growth and has expanded its
ecological impact. There can be no creative commodity creation for consumers.
In emerging countries, technology firms such as IBM want big sums to survive
and thrive but only if they adjust their marketing strategies to target those
customers and take measures to counteract weak businesses. To make IBM
competitive, innovative low-cost goods should be coupled with demand-based
promotional items. Prosperous technology is considerably cheaper than a
current gadget. The idea of searching for new possibilities, studying the actual
needs of consumers at the most fundamental level, organizing their businesses,
and providing large-scale goods or services (Susan Stehli, 2014). It requires a
whole new study method.

I have broadened my knowledge of the history of manual typewriters
and of the biggest firms, which produced such devices since this assignment
was completed. On the other hand, technical progress and breakthroughs, and
significant and minor advancements in technology and commercialization are

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Mary E.Howes3, Technological Forecasting and Social Change Volume 53,

Issue 3, November 1996, Pages 279-292


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